
Scrum pocket editionVanesa Tejada

The Next Management - CAS2014

Vanesa TejadaProduct Owner Community Facilitator

2 years as Product Owner3 years as Scrum Master


Agile - Visual Management - Productividad Personal

What do I expect you to learn?

- What is Scrum- Who are the Scrum roles- Scrum cycle

- Events (who, when and why)- Artifacts

- What is the value of Scrum

Scrum & Melé

Support and coordination to protect the ball until the goal line

What is Scrum?

Agile Methodology

Simple framework

Founded on empirical process control theory

Co-Created by Jeff Sutherland in 1993

Co-Developed by Ken Schwaber in 1995

Scrum Roles

Stakeholders, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team

Scrum Cycle

Events & Artifacts

Scrum all-in-one

Product BacklogGrooming

Sprint Planning

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

Daily Scrum

Who are the participants in each event?

What is the goal?

Which are the artifacts necessary for each event?

Business Meetings

Product BacklogProduct Backlog Items

Product Backlog

Single source of requirementsProduct VisionProduct Backlog Items (User Stories, Bugs, Technical Tasks…)Product Owner manages the Product BacklogAll the team is responsible for the Product

Backlog Grooming Meeting

Items detailedProduct Backlog Item

Add details, estimate and order to Product Backlog items

Sprint Planning Meeting

Sprint BacklogEstimated

Product BacklogHighest priorities

Plan the work to be performed in the Sprint

The Sprint

Keeps backlog clean & prioritized & understandableStakeholders support to manage requests and report progressTeam support in case of doubts in the current Sprint issues

Creates the IncrementFocus on achieving the Sprint Goal

Daily Stand-Up meetings to review the sprint progress

Servant leader of the Scrum TeamFacilitates events needed

Removes impediments to the Development team’s progress

Daily Scrum Meeting

What did I do yesterday that helped Dev. Team to meet the Sprint Goal?What will I do today to help the Dev. Team to meet the Sprint Goal?

Do I see any impediment that prevent me/Dev. Team to meet the Sprint Goal?

Inspect the progress of the Sprint Backlog - Key “inspect and adapt” meeting

Burn-Down chart

Sprint Review Meeting

Inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if needed

Backlog Items DoneBacklog Items not Done

Demo of the items DonePresent the Increment

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

How was the last Sprint?What went well? What can we do better?

How to implement our potential improvements?

Scrum Team inspects itself to improve people, relationships, process and tools

Scrum all-in-one

Product BacklogGrooming

Sprint Planning

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

Daily Scrum

Product Backlog Product Backlog

Sprint backlog

Sprint Backlog Sprint Backlog


P.B. Items


Define Sprint Goal Inspect Sprint Goal


Increment Demo

Adapt Product Backlog

Inspect and Plan Scrum Team Improvements

What is the value of Scrum?

Effective team collaboration

Complex projects

Iterative, incremental approach

Delivering products of the highest possible value

Transparency, inspection and adaptation


Scrum official guideHere you can find the official guide of Scrum.

The Scrum Master - A funny video about the Power of ScrumWhat the Scrum Master does to serve the team, product, business.

Agile Product Ownership in a nutshellBeautiful video about product ownership involving all Scrum team.


Questions & doubts“Doubts now will confuse you tomorrow”

