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SustainabilityReport 2020SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all ipbofficial


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Learning Programs ipbofficial

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1 7 Tips Merawat Ikan Hias ala Akademisi IPB

Seseorang pasti memiliki hobi yang berbeda-beda. Seperti halnya yang suka memelihara ikan hias. Tujuannya tidak lain tentu sebagai penghilang stres dari rutinitas harian Hanya saja, memelihara ikan hias tidak bisa asal-asalan. Harus ada hubungan yang baik antara manusia dengan ikan hias itu sendiri. Atau seharusnya adalah hubungan simbiosis mutualisme. Tentu agar ikan hias sehat dan indah dipandang, maka pemilik juga harus telaten dalam melakukan perawatan.

Tapi, bagaimana cara merawat ikan hias? Dosen Teknologi Produksi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Dr. Wiyoto memberikan beberapa tips. "Perawatan ikan hias-lakukan mulai dari wadah yang digunakan, proses aklimatisasi, hingga pengamatan kesehatan ikan," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari laman IPB University, Senin (11/1/2021) ipbofficial

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The Department of Trade and Industry Bogor Regency collaborated with IPB University to train PKK members [ibu-ibu PKK] from 20 districts of Bogor Regency in a Smart Consumer Training to Consumer Motivator 2020. The training formed two batches and took place at Gerbera, Puncak, Bogor. The training involves consumers who come from PKK groups, because this activity is in line with the program owned by PKK which is education and skills. The expected result of these activities is for the PKK members to be motivators of smart consumers who will spread the knowledge already received. The mothers will be provided with training to become motivators, and will also improve their skills as smart consumers. In addition, this activity supports one of the Pancakarsa Program of the Bogor Regency Government, namely Karsa Bogor Maju.

On the first day, the activity was presented by speakers from the Ministry of Trade and the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN). For the first night until the third day, the speakers/facilitators are from the Department of Family and Consumer Science, Faculty of Human Ecology. The speakers from the Department of Family and Consumer Science are Dr. Megawati Simanjuntak , SP, MSi, Dr. Irni Rahmayani Johan, SP, MM, Dr. Ir. Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati, MSi and Ir. Retnaningsih, MSi. The prospective consumer motivators are trained in several matters including the Rights and Obligations of Consumers, Needs vs Desires, Labels and Advertising, Love Indonesian Products, Consumer Problems In The Digital Age as well as Counting Income & Expenditure 2020. Participants are also trained in how to write a letter of complaint when they experience disappointment after buying goods/services. Besides that, the participants are also given training in Microteaching with direct practice to equip them with the techniques taught because afterwards the consumer motivators will practice by doing smart consumer education in each of their own many as 10 PKK members from the first batch have been doing education in their own villages with the target of PKK members, Qur’an study group [ibu-ibu pengajian], and village youth group [karang taruna]. In his opening speech the Head of Department of Trade and Industry Bogor Regency stated that there is an increase in the variety of innovations which exist to facilitate the consumers to perform various conveniences in life, making a number of competition between producers in drawing the consumers to buy from them. In buying process we are faced with various selections of goods or services that are offered by producers.

It is necessary then to be observant in ensuring the goods and services have high quality and if possible in low-price. Both aspects are the criterias that must be considered before deciding to purchase the goods or services. We must be smart and careful in choosing the goods or services to be purchased. Because the number of goods or services circulating in the market is increasing, consumers can be easily fooled in determining the goods or services which are needed. Because of that, consumers should be critical and be brave to fight for their rights if they receive goods which do not conform to the standards that are required in the Law on Protection of Consumers No. 8 in 1999.

One of the speakers from the Department of Family and Consumer Science, Megawati Simanjuntak, said that this smart consumer training activity was the first collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry Bogor Regency. Previously corporations have been carried out, but only in the form of socialization which are incidentals. Through this training are born consumer motivators that would be agents in the community helping the government program to increase the empowerment of consumers which still measures on the 41.7 index. This activity was received gladly by the participants, and the Department of Trade and Industry Bogor Regency plan to held the program again in the year 2021 for 20 sub-districts that have not yet joined the training in 2020.

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Islamic Economics Winter Course merupakan program perkuliahan khusus

tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Ekonomi Syariah IPB.

Program ini diselenggarakan pada 14 September hingga 23 September

2020 secara daring. Tema pada tahun ini adalah Islamic Social Finance and

Its Role towards SDGs, dengan tujuan (1) Sosialisasi Departemen IES, (2)

Meningkatkan dan mengembangkan wawasan serta keterampilan praktek

ekonomi syariah, dan (3) Mengembangkan kerjasama.

Kegiatan ini melibatkan delapan pembicara ahli dari luar negeri seperti dari

Inggris, Afrika Selatan, dan Malaysia, serta tiga pembicara ahli dalam

negeri yang rata-rata berafiliasi IPB seperti Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik dan Dr.

Hendri Tanjung. Program ini disetarakan dengan tiga sks karena memiliki

total jam pembelajaran sebanyak 52 jam yang terdiri dari live webinar,

social gathering, cultural activities, quiz, hingga group assignment.

Sebanyak 79 peserta terdaftar resmi pada program ini, meliputi 55 orang

berasal dari dalam negeri, dan 24 orang lainnya berasal dari 10 negara lain

seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Srilanka, India, Perancis, dan Rusia. Peserta

pada program ini tidak hanya terdiri dari civitas akademik saja, melainkan

kalangan profesional dan ibu rumah tangga juga berpartisipasi dalam

program ini.

Link Activity:

Luaran kegiatan ini berupa prosiding, ebook, dan publikasi di

Sharianews. Prosiding berisi paparan materi pembicara serta tiga

essay terbaik dari peserta. Ebook berisi kumpulan jawaban kelompok

pada studi kasus yang diberikan oleh para pembicara dan essay

terpilih, sedangkan publikasi di Sharianews adalah essay yang layak

diterbitkan dari peserta di awal pendaftaran.

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Kegiatan ini merupakan summer course ke-4 dari Departemen Manajemen

IPB University yang dilaksanakan secara online meliputi 16 rangkaian

webinars, project assignment, sesi presentasi, sesi diskusi/ tanya jawab

kuis-kuis (Kahoot). Kurikulum SAMI 2020 dirancang berbasis kompetensi.

Bentuk pembelajaran ditujukan untuk pencapaian Learning Outcome yang

telah ditetapkan setara dengan 3 SKS, dengan kode Mata Kuliah IPB 300

Summer Course.

SAMI 2020 diikuti sebanyak sebanyak 27 mahasiswa asing yang berasal

dari 17 negara yaitu Thailand, Malaysia, Oman, Singapura, India, Myanmar,

Kenya, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Botswana,

Sudan, Spanyol, Polandia, Nepal serta dan 10 mahasiswa Indonesia. Asal

instansi/universitas para mahasiswa tersebut diantaranya adalah ICFAI


Nanyang Technological University, IPB University, Sultan Qaboos

University, Songkhla Rajabhat University, International Youth Centre/ SEGI

University, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, Universidad de

Sevilla, Spain, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW-WULS),

Universitas Airlangga, University of Mandalay, Capital College and research

Link Activity:

center, Nepal, University of Warsaw, Poland , International Youth

Centre/ UPM, Varendra University , Hanoi University of Science and

Technology, KCA University, Katsina State polytechnic, Universitas

Negeri Surabaya, International Youth Centre/ University of Selangor,

Njala University (Sierra Leone), Botho University, dan University of


Dosen/narasumber yang terlibat SAMI 2020 meliputi 7

dosen/narasumber asing dan 11 dosen/narasumber dari Indonesia.

Adapun narasumber berasal kalangan akademisi dari berbagai

universitas seperti University of Hannover Germany, NUS Business

School, Dept. Manajemen- IPB Dept. Kimia - IPB, Dept. Food Safety

and Nutrition IIUM, Malaysia, University of Putra Malaysia, serta

beberapa praktisi dari Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Jakarta,

Regal Spring, - IPB, BLST - IPB, FAO Indonesia, HARA,

TOKOPEDIA, BRI, , PT Unilever indonesia, Tbk, dan United Nations

Industrial Development Organization. Luaran SAMI 2020 juga

menghasilkan Buku: Essay Collection Volume 2, "Creating a Better

World with Sustainable Agrifood Management" yang terdiri dari

kumpulan paper para peserta SAMI 2020. Rangkaian kegiatan SAMI

2020 mendapat dukungan dari beberapa sponsor, yaitu PT PJB,

Bank BNI, dan BLST.

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The program is expected to produce leaders and create a network to

support development in Asia. To this end, through collaborative education

with the PARE consortium, quality assurance for multidisciplinary education,

creation of an educational collaboration model that coordinates between

educational fieldwork and lab work, and establishment of a PARE alumni

network that assembles experts in dissimilar fields and research will be


This program will establish a collaborative educational system involving

HU’s six partner institutions in Indonesia and Thailand for the purpose of

developing personnel to become global leaders that will be active in

resolving challenges related to populations, activities, resources and

environments (PARE) in ASEAN countries, including Bogor Agricultural

University (IPB University)

Link Activity:

PARE Spring School 2020 was held on 17 February – 1 March 2020

in Chulalangkorn University, Thailand, participated by IPB University

students and other students from Japan and Thailand.

Target outcome :Education for sustainable development and global

citizenship (4.7) Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share

knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17)

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6 IPB - Ryudai- IAP Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Seminar

This seminar is a winter event of the International Agricultural Program

(IAP) by the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of the Ryukyus in

collaboration with Ibaraki University, and the partner universities in the

Southeast and South Asia, Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), Khon

Kaen University (Thailand), and Ruhuna University (Sri Lanka),

Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (Bangladesh).


•Food production including crops and livestock,

•Environmental management,

•High technologies used in the agricultural fields,

•Rural landscape and rural development.

Link Activity:

This online seminar invited 15 lecturers from 7 countries, and about

100 students from four countries will participate in the lectures. The

activities was conducted online from 21 November – 19 December


Target outcome : Education for sustainable development and global

citizenship (4.7) Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to

climate-related disasters (13.1) Developing multi-stakeholder

partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial

support (17)

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7 University Consortium Faculty Forum SEARCA

The Faculty Forum is an annual event that aims to provide an opportunity

for faculty members from UC members to develop camaraderie, encourage

transdisciplinary studies, and promote greater integration of research

through strategic partnerships for collaboration. This activity is also a way to

further strengthen the relationship between and among the UC members

which would hopefully lead to collaborative research proposals.

Participated by faculty members from UC members. The 2nd Faculty Forum

was held oline on 9-10 November 2020 with theme : “Agriculture and


Link Activity:

Target outcome : Education for sustainable development and global

citizenship (4.7) Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share

knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17). ipbofficial

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8 University Consortium Graduate Forum SEARCA

The Graduate Forum is an annual event that aims to provide an opportunity

for graduate students from UC members to share new knowledge, research

ideas, and experiences in an open platform. It also encourages

transdisciplinary studies and promotes greater integration of research

through a strategic partnership among the UC members; and strengthens

the relationship between and among the UC members. Participated by

graduate students from UC members.

The 6th University Consortium Graduate Forum – SEARCA “Resilient Food

and Agricultural System for Accelerating Economic Recovery: Strategy and

Implementation” has been conducted online on December 10-11, 2020.

Link Activity:

Target outcome : Education for sustainable development and global

citizenship (4.7) Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share

knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17).. ipbofficial

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This program is a collaboration between IPB University and the Graduate

School of Education Chiba University and other graduate schools of natural

science in ASEAN. By coupling the Graduate School of Education, which

engages in practical education and research, with other graduate schools,

which engage in cutting-edge scientific research, this program is aim to

develop human resources that will serve as a bridge between ASEAN and

Japan in the future.

The TWINCLE Program for 2020 was held 7-19 Februari 2020 in Chiba

University, and partiicapted by 2 IPB students

Link Activity:

Target outcome : Education for sustainable development and global

citizenship (4.7). Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share

knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support (17).. ipbofficial

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10 Workshop on Preparation of the 2020 Curriculum for Primatology Study Program

This workshop was held as a continuation of the Primatology Study

Program workshop in 2019. It was held on March 19th 2020 at Primate

Research Center (PRC) IPB University, attended by the Chair and

Secretary of the Primatology Study Program as well as several senior


Link Activity:

The output of this workshop is the creation of the 2020 curriculum

structure for the Masters and Doctoral Programs.

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11 Penyusunan Kurikulum PSL 2020

Perumusan K2020 S2:Merumuskan K2020 dengan jumlah SKS 36-39 SKS dan 3 konsentrasi atau

peminatan yaitu: Konsentrasi 1: Diplomasi Lingkungan, Konsentrasi 2:

Manajemen Perubahan Lingkungan, Pencemaran, dan Bencana,

Konsentrasi 3: Agro-maritim dan Konsumsi Berkelanjutan.

Perumusan K2020 S3:Merumuskan K2020 dengan total SKS 44-45 SKS dan penetapan 3

konsentrasi atau peminatan , yaitu: Konsentrasi 1: Kebijakan dan Sistem

Manajemen Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan, Konsentrasi 2:

Pengelolaan Dinamika Ekosistem dan Jasa Lingkungan, Konsentrasi 3:

Pengelolaan dan Mitigasi Kerusakan Lingkungan, Kebencanaan dan

Perubahan Lingkungan Global.

Link Activity:

OutputKurikulum 2020

DateMei-Agustus 2020 ipbofficial

Tersusunnya Kurikulum K2020 di PS-PSL IPB

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12 SB-IPB Offers Summer Course

Business Innovation and Management (BIM) 2020 is one of the

internationalization programs in the form of summer course activities

organized by IPB University business school every year. BIM is a

collaboration program between IPB University, Indonesia; University Utara

Malaysia, Putra Business School, Malaysia; Hiroshima University, Japan;

Warsaw University of Life Science, Poland; and Kirirom Institute of

Technology, Cambodia. The participants consisted of 172 students from 11

universities around the world.

BIM’s E-Summer Course program is filled with a combination of lecturers

from IPB University Business School (Prof. Noer Azam Achsani, Dr. Idqan

Fahmi, and Dr. Hartoyo) and foreign universities, such as from North

University Malaysia (Associate Prof. Farizal Rajemi and Dr. Emy Ezura),

Putra Business School, Malaysia (Prof. Sazali Abdul Wahab and Dr. Ahmad

Shaharuddin); Hiroshima University, Japan (Dr. Yusuke Hayashi); Warsaw

University of Life Sciences, Poland (Dr. Rafal Balina); and Kirirom Institute

of Technology, Cambodia (Dr. Masamu Kamaga).

Link Activity:

Lecturers from various universities are able to provide new

perspectives for students so that discussions become more qualified

and evenly distributed. With the virtual implementation of the

summercourse, we are required to build quality technology

infrastructure (internet network, software, and capable hardware).

Partnerships are also established not only at the university level but

also personally (between students) because of the group work

between students. Activities carried out virtually / not face-to-face is

new to us. The activity relies heavily on the internet quality of 2

parties (host/ co-host and also students).

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13 Wealth Management Certification Program

This activity is a moment of signing a memorandum of understanding in the

form of cooperation between Certified Wealth Managers Association

(CWMA) and SB-IPB on education cooperation, research and community

service (27 January 2020). One of the form of cooperation is the

implementation of acceleration training of trainers (TOT) for members of the

Business School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

CWMA will provide a certification program in the field of wealth

management for SB-IPB lecturers and students where in the future the

professional qualification can be used as a standard level of competence in

the field of wealth management.

Link Activity:

The signing was carried out by the Secretary General of CWMA, Desi

Armadiani and Vice Rector for Cooperation and Informatics, Prof. Dr.

Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat with witnessed by the Board of Trustees

and Advisors of the CWMA Association, Maikel Sajangbati; Strategic

Alliance of CWMA Association, Sofi Suryasnia; Dean of SB IPB, Prof.

Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, M.S; Vice Dean of Academic and Student

Affairs, Dr. Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec; and Vice Dean of Resources,

Cooperation and Development of FEM IPB, Dr. Tanti Novianti, S.P,

M.Si.Image / Documentation ipbofficial

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14 SB Visit 2020

SB Visit is an activity that organized by Student Executive Board of Business School IPB in collaboration with the Admissions and Public Relations Department of The Business School by inviting students / high school students who will pursue Further Education at the University. This activity was held on February 9, 2020.

The purpose of this activity is to learn more about how campus life is in detail, interesting, and fun by making students as business school students in a day.

Link Activity:

The activity include traveling around the campus area of the Business School and also a lecture session filled by Business School Lecturers on business sciences that can add insight for the students who attend. Also sharing experience activities by students who have felt the condition of learning in the Business School.

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15 Received a Comparative Study from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS)

Business Undergraduate Study Program is one of the leading

undergraduate programs at IPB University. It is designed to respond to the

nation’s demands and the market for entrepreneurs who can professionally

and sustainably manage the wealth of the agricultural, marine, and tropical

bioscience sectors owned by Indonesia.

With such a broad scope, it is not surprising that the IPB Business School is

used as a destination for comparative studies related to the curriculum by

other universities. One of the universities that conduct a comparative study

of the curriculum is the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).

Link Activity: ipbofficial

In addition to conducting a comparative study on March 5,

2020, the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics

and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS)

also aims to strengthen cooperation between universities and

exchange information to get input from both parties.

The UMS comparative study visit was welcomed by Dr. Ir.

Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec as Deputy Dean for Academics and

Student Affairs, Dr. Ir. Hartoyo, as the Head of the

Undergraduate Study Program, Prof. Ujang Sumarwan, and

Agustina Widi SE, MM, as representatives of IPB Business

School Lecturers (SB-IPB).

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IPB Business School (SB-IPB) has carried out an online peer review visit on

28-29 September 2020 as a stage to achieve ABEST21 international

re-accreditation. The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for

Tomorrow, 21st Century Organization (ABEST21) is an accreditation rating

agency for business schools at universities throughout the Asia Pacific,

based in Tokyo, Japan.

The Peer Review Team (PRT) consists of Dr. Zabeda Bt. Abdul Hamid

(International Islamic University, Malaysia) as chairman; Prof. Dr. Utomo

Sarjono Putro (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia); Dr. Mohamad

Fahmi (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia); Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Kamal Abdul

Rahman (University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and Dr. Lampang Manmart

(Khon Kaen University, Thailand). There are five online interview sessions,

namely Interview with the School management, Faculty members, Staff

members, Students, and Alumni.

16 Surveillance Accreditation ABEST21 ipbofficial

The comprehensive assessment of domestic workers provides constructive

input that expects to strengthen/increase the commitment of SB-IPB to the

quality and capacity of implementing the tri dharma of higher education to

determine the feasibility of programs and educational units that can compete

at the international level.

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Ipb University Business School and THE HR Directorate of IPB University

have held a Training “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” for Ipb University

Education Personnel from September 29, 2020, until October 02, 2020. The

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Training is expected to comprehensively

understand employees and non-managerial staff on how they make the

most of their potential, both for professional and personal benefit.

This training makes participants more provocative, has a vision in their

work, has time management for more effective performance, builds the

spirit of teamwork, is creative and faster in making decisions, and his life is

more balanced than before. In other words, this training will realize the

dream of the organization/institution to have human resources that have a

stronger soul and performance as an essential asset of the organization in

building and reflecting how strong an organization is. Human resource

development owned by IPB University can support the improvement of the

quality of IPB University as an educational institution

17 Habits of Highly Effective People Training ipbofficial

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The Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA) of IPB University in collaboration with the Department of Communication Science and Community Development of IPB University, the Journal of Sodality, and the Association of Rural Sociology Alumni of IPB University held an Eulogy book review for Prof. Sediono MP Tjondronegoro on October 24, 2020.

The late Prof. Dr. Sediono M. P. Tjondronegoro is one of four extraordinary sociologists from Bogor. He spread so many ideas ranging from matters concerning scientific paradigmatic theories and concepts, to crucial social/societal issues, and with an international spectrum to the local level.

Various speakers who attended the discussion including Dr. Melani Abdulkadir Sunito (SKPM) and Dr. Undang Fadjar (PSA Senior Researcher). Apart from being a form of appreciation for Prof. Tjondro's hard work and fighting spirit in dealing with problems in society, this program is also useful especially for academics to be able to documenting Prof. Tjondro's knowledge and thoughts and apply them to developed sociological and agrarian studies. This activity is also the final activity of a series of book review discussions that were previously held in several cities such as Malang, Yogyakarta, Cirebon and Semarang.

18 Eulogy Book Review for Prof Sediono MP Tjondronegoro:Following the intellectual legacy and footsteps of Prof Dr Sediono MP Tjondronegoro tjondronegoro-dalam-reformasi-agraria/e5a967ad5d537fbd43c355f82dc9763b tjondronegoro-dalam-reformasi-agraria-1uTF67tzOZQ ipbofficial

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Fakultas Peternakan IPB University bersama Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi

Peternakan ( dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak ( mengadakan Pelatihan

Character Building and Personal Branding 2020 melalui zoom meeting Sabtu 17 10 Kegiatan untuk

tahun ini mengusung tema Time to Change Your Life Using Your Skills Selain memiliki tema yang bagus

dan sesuai dengan keadaan mahasiswa millenial dalam acara ini juga mengundang pembicara yang

tidak kalah keren dan hebat Yaitu terdapat Nadhifah Alliya Tsana seorang podcaster dan penulis buku

best seller Novel “Geez and Ann” yang lebih kerap disapa dengan RintikSedu Adnan Fatron yang

merupakan seorang trainer dan owner of mudainspiratif co id, serta Bela Arswendita yang merupakan

seorang conten creator sekaligus announcer of Radio Prambors Pada pelatihan ini diikuti 380 peserta

yang dimana peserta ini berasal dari luar dan dalam mahasiswa IPB University

19 Pelatihan Character Building and Personal Branding 2020 ipbofficial

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Pelatihan Motivasi bagi Mahasiswa INTP Angkatan 56 dilaksanakan pada 9 September 2020 dengan

tema “Bangga Menjadi Mahasiswa INTP Fapet IPB” Pelatihan tersebut menghadirkan narasumber H

Aris Ahmad Jaya, DVM, MM dari PT AbCo Sugesti Motivatindo memberikan materi “Motivasi Bangga

Kuliah di INTP Fapet IPB” serta Dr Anuraga Jayanegara, S Pt, M Sc dengan materi “Profil Dosen

Berprestasi Nasional” Pelatihan motivasi diadakan secara daring dan dihadiri oleh mahasiswa INTP

angkatan 56 pada dosen INTP dan perwakilan HIMASITER Pelatihan dibuka oleh Ketua Departemen

INTP Dr Sri Suharti, S Pt, M Si, beliau menuturkan “Tujuan pelatihan motivasi ini agar semakin

menumbuhkan rasa cinta dan bangga terhadap Departemen INTP Fakultas Peternakan IPB. Manfaat

kegiatan ini adalah dapat menumbuhkan motivasi para peserta nahasiswa INTP untuk lebih giat dan

semangat berkuliah di INTP terlebih bagi mereka yang baru menginjak semester 3 dan baru memasuki

kuliah di Departemen

20 Pelatihan MotivasiMahasiswa ipbofficial

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Bekerja sama dengan Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian (BBP2TP), Badan Penelitian dan

Pengembangan Pertanian (BPTP), Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan), Sekolah Vokasi IPB University gelar Sharing Session

"Proses Kreatif Penyusunan E-book Bagi Pemula", (9/6). Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari proses pembelajaran pada

Mata Kuliah Aplikasi Desain Grafis pada Program Studi Manajemen Informatika, Sekolah Vokasi IPB University.

"Kami menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang bersifat "project-based learning" atau "program-based learning Ini merupakan

ciri khas Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi (PTV). Dari kegiatan ini, ada 40 e-book hasil kolaborasi SV IPB University dengan

BBP2TP Mereka yang terlibat dalam pembuatan ebook ini adalah 31 penyuluh, 105 mahasiswa, 16 orang asisten dosen dan

praktisi serta 12 orang dosen yang berasal dari empat Program Studi. Yaitu Manajemen Informatika, Manajemen Industri,

Teknik Komputer dan Ekowisata," ujar Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Dr. Arief Daryanto.

21 Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Ajarkan MahasiswanyaBuat Ebook Kreatif ipbofficial

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20 Desember 2020

Fateta IPB University meraih delapan medali di Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 33

yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Prestasi Nasional (PUSPRESNAS) bekerjasama dengan

Universitas Gadjah Mada secara daring pada tanggal 24-29 November 2020.

Selamat untuk tim PIMNAS 33 Fateta IPB University.

Medali yang diperoleh tersebut adalah dua medali setara emas dan dua medali setara perak dari

kategori presentasi serta tiga medali setara perak dan satu medali setara perunggu dari kategori


22 Fateta IPB University raih 8 medali di Pimnas 33 raih-delapan-medali-di-pimnas-33/ ipbofficial

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Hal yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses upgrade dari D3 ke D4 adalah super link and match. Oleh karenanya Sekolah

Vokasi IPB University sedang berbenah untuk menjalin dan mempererat hubungan kerjasama dengan Dunia Usaha

Dunia Industri (DUDI). Sekolah Vokasi juga sedang menggarap dengan sangat intens keberadaan teaching factories

sehingga Problem Based Learning (PBL) melalui teaching factories sangat memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan.

Hal ini disampaikan Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Dr Arif Daryanto dalam Pelatihan Penyusunan Metode

Pembelajaran PBL (3/4) Dr Arief menambahkan bahwa rencananya pada 10 April 2021, Sekolah Vokasi akan panen

perdana The Most Modern Closed House in Campus, panen perdana ini cukup untuk menambah kesejahteraan

Kegiatan ini menghadirkan ir Lien Herlina, MSC selaku Direktur Pengembangan Program dan Teknologi Pendidikan IPB

University dan Dr Feri Kusnandar selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Fakultas Teknologi

Pertanian IPB University.

23 Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Gelar Pelatihan PenyusunanMetode Pembelajaran PBL ipbofficial

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Sekolah Vokasi (SV) IPB University mengirimkan 10 mahasiswanya untuk mengikuti program student exchange

program ke Tarlac Agricultural University, Philipina Dalam pelaksanaannya, mahasiswa SV tersebut akan mengikuti

kuliah dengan menggunakan virtual platform Tarlac Agriculture University (TAU). Skema perkuliahan bersifat

fleksibel, integrasi online synchronous, modules, dan "self paced TAU Coursera for Campus courses" Selain SV-IPB

University, delegasi mahasiswa juga berasal dari beberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia seperti UPN Yogyakarta,

Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS), UMB dan Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

Dalam pembukaan Virtual Student Exchange Program (2nd semester 2021), (8/3). Dekan Sekolah Vokasi, Dr Arief

Daryanto mengatakan bahwa kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan, khususny pertukaran mahasiswa antara Sekolah

Vokasi IPB University dan TAU sudah berjalan selama lebih dari tiga tahun. Di antaranya SEA TVET (Southeast

Asian Technical and Vocational Education and Training) program, summer course, International Student Competition,

dan pertukaran dosen.

24 Mahasiswa IPB Ikuti Student Exchange Tarlac AgriculturalUniversity, Philipina ipbofficial

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Dirjen Pendidikan Vokasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud), Dr Wikan Sakarinto mengatakan bahwa teaching factory/teaching industry merupakan bagian dari target besar Indonesia untuk menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berdaya saing global, unggul serta produk yang berkualitas.

"Salah satu strategi dari teaching factory/teaching industry adalah SDM tersebut harus memiliki mindset yang berubah, harus kreatif dan inovatif serta mengikuti perkembangan dan perubahan zaman," ujarnya saat menjadi keynote speaker dalam Webinar Seri 1 Teaching Factory Paradigm. Key Success Factors", 03/3.

Pada webinar yang terselenggara berkat kerjasama antara Sekolah Vokasi IPB University dan Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi Indonesia (FPTV) ini. Direktur Mitra Dunia usaha dan dunia Industri (DUDI), Dr Ahmad Saufi mengatakan bahwa kondisi umum urgensi teaching factory yaitu adanya demand (kebutuhan industri) dan supply (pendidikan vokasi). Tentu dengan harapan dapat memperkuat pendidikan vokasi melalui teaching factory," ujarnya.

25 SV IPB University Bahas Kunci Sukses Pendidikan Vokasimelalui Teaching Factory ipbofficial

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Ravica Efendi, Mahasiswa IPB University dari Program Studi Teknologi Produksi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya (IKN), Sekolah Vokasi Kelas Sukabumi, terpilih menjadi 1st Winner pada ESL international Photo Competition yang bertemakan Reducing Carbon Footprint In New Normal Era Lomba ini dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan kegiatan English Second Language (ESL) international Online Summer Course Reducing Carbon Footprints: From Individual to Global Actions yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen (ESL-FEM) IPB University. Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh 149 partisipan dari 14 negara.

"Kompetisi ini merupakan bagian dari program summer course yang saya ikuti Seperti halnya summer course pada umumnya, pihak penyelenggara mengadakan kompetisi internasional. Resolusi foto yang saya- hasilkan mencapai 2160 pixels dan sesuai dengan ketentuan lomba yang minimal harus 1080 pixels. Selain itu pengambilan gambar saya buat portrait sehingga foto fokus pada objek yang menjadi bahan deskripsi, yaitu tanaman. Foto dan deskripsi yang saya sertakan sesuai dengan tema yang tertera," ujar Ravica, dalam rilis dari IPB University kepada, Selasa (5/1/2021)

26 Ini Ravica Efendi, Mahasiswa IPB Juara 1 International Photo Competition ipbofficial

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Menyambut program Sertifikasi dan Profesi yang digelar Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud), Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) Vokasi IPB University mempersiapkan diri dengan melakukan asesmen perpanjangan lisensi (relisensi) kewenangan menyelenggarakan uji kompetensi pada Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP). Relisensi LSP Vokasi IPB University dilakukan akhir pekan lalu di Gedung Cilibende Kampus Sekolah Vokasi IPB University.

Adapun tim asesor BNSP yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini adalah Mulyanto dan Silvia Wanyui Harahap selaku anggota Komisioner BNSP. Asesmen Relisens. dihadiri oleh Ketua LSP Vokasi IPB University yaitu Dr Drs D Iwan Riswandi, SE, MSI bersama jajaran pengurus lengkap LSP Vokasi IPB University.

Dalam sambutannya, Dr Iwan Riswandi menyampaikan harapan dan optimismenya dalam menyongsong program sertifikasi kompetensi bagi para mahasiswa "Harapannya keberadaan LSP vokasi IPB University ini akan semakin maju, akuntabel dan profesional. Bagi mahasiswa, Vokasi IPB University ini merupakan lembaga yang menjamin dan memastikan bahwa lulusan mahasiswa vokasi telah kompeten dan profesional sesuai dengan ketentuan SKEMA pada Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) yang mereka ikuti.

27 LSP Vokasi IPB University Lakukan Relisensi BNSP ipbofficial

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Secara garis besar, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dan Pendidikan Vokasi memiliki maksud dan tujuan yang sama. Tujuan tersebut ialah untuk menyiapkan para peserta didik agar memiliki keahlian dan keterampilan di bidang tertentu yang membuat mereka siap untuk terjun ke dunia kerja. Bahkan, tidak sedikit peserta didik lulusan sekolahkejuruan yang memilih untuk langsung bekerja atau meneruskan pendidikannya ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena kesamaan tujuan itu, antara Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan Pendidikan Vokasi harus terdapat link and match. Dengan demikian dapat terintegrasi hubungan yang sinergis antara pendidikan kejuruan dan pendidikan vokasi.

Dalam rangka mendukung program link and match antara Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan Pendidikan Vokasi. Program Studi Akuntansi Sekolah Vokasi IPB bersama SMK Taruna Terpadu 2 Bogor menyelenggarakan pelatihan penggunaan software MYOB Accounting versi 22 secara daring. Pelatihan digelar selama dua hari pada tanggal 3-4 Mei 2021 bagi guru SMK.

Pelatihan ini sebagai wujud meningkatkan SDM Vokasi SMK merdeka belajar yang dihadiri langsung oleh para guru-guru SMK sebagai peserta dan juga dihadiri oleh Kepala Sekolah Besse Warni, MM dan Wakil Kepala Kurikulum, Suherman, SPd.

28 Dosen SV IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Daring Software MYOBAccounting bagi Guru SMK ipbofficial

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29 Student Competition Opinion ipbofficial

In the series of Events Summer Course Online Faperta 2020, introducing the tropical agricultural environment is essential to be conducted by holding an Undergraduate Student Opinion Competition (SOC). This SOC competition was held to improve understanding of tropical agriculture from environmental and ecological aspects, biodiversity, and production and management aspects. This SOC competition was held at the closing of the Summer Course online on Friday, October 2, 2020.

Undergraduate Student Opinion Competition Award category each get a prize: 1st Winner: Money worth Rp. 1.250.000 and international award charter, 2nd Winner: Money worth Rp. 1.000.000 and international award charter, 3rd Winner: Money worth Rp. 750.000 and international award charter.

Winner of Undergraduate Student Opinion Competition Summer Course Online 2020 – Faculty of Agriculture won by 1st Place Emelly Fitria (Kyoto University, Japan), 2nd Place Yuta Jinzenji (NPUST, Indonesia), and 3rd Place won by Naoya Katsuhama (Kagoshima University, Japan).

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30 Senang Belajar Biologi, IPB Ajak Guru Lakukan Pendalaman dan Inovasi Pembelajaran ipbofficial

7 Juli 2020, Bogor, Jawa Barat DeskripsiSelama masa pandemi, pengajaran di sekolah dilakukan dengan metode Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Metode ini mengedepankan penggunaan teknologi informasi selama masa pembelajaran. Siswa belajar di rumah secara daring menggunakan media sosial, aplikasi seminar daring, video edukasi dan lainya. Melalui sistem PJJ, guru dituntut untuk bisa mengajarkan materi secara kreatif dan inovatif selama pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. “Respon positif selama masa pandemi adalah pembelajaran bisa dilakukan tidak berbatas waktu dan tempat. Departemen Biologi IPB University bekerjasama dengan MGMP Madrasah Aliyah DKI Jakarta berusaha untuk mengoptimakan peran guru dengan memberikan pelatihan dalam bentuk webinar," ungkap Dr Miftahudin, Ketua Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) IPB University, dalam webinar Pendalaman Biologi yang diadakan oleh Departemen Biologi IPB University dengan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Biologi Madrasah Aliyah DKI Jakarta, Selasa (7/7).

Menurutnya, pembelajaran dan materi yang menarik dapat membantu siswa dalam mencintai ilmu biologi. Perlu adanya metode dan penyampaian materi yang menarik dengan berbagai metode penyampaian pesan. Setelah siswa memahami biologi, maka siswa akan belajar untuk menjaga alam supaya tetap lestari dan tidak merusak tumbuhan. Hal ini merupakan nilai yang sangat positif untuk anak di usai pertumbuhan.

ManfaatMemberikan inspirasi kepada para guru, khususnya guru Biologi untukberinovasi dalam penyajian metode dan media pembelajaran Biologi yang menarik, kepada para siswa selama masa pandemi.

TantanganPerlu kesadaran dari setiap individuguru, untuk mau dan bisa merubah kebiasaan pembelajaran lama menjadi sistem pembelajaran baru yang lebih menarik bagi siswa. ipb/senang-belajar-biologi-ipb-ajak- guru-lakukan-pendalama-dan-inovasi-pembelajaran-1tlizftSOzu/full

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31 Learning For Human Development and Natural Resources towardsSustainability: an International Perspective” ipbofficial

The Faculty of Human Ecology have successfully held

Summer Course FEMA on 22nd to 30th November 2020

online. The event dubbed “Learning For Human

Development and Natural Resources towards

Sustainability: an International Perspective” was

participated by 48 students from across Asia and Europe

including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia,

Singapore, India and Netherlands. The main goal of

Summer Course FEMA is to increase students'

awareness of natural resources and environmental


Summer Course is one of international student exchange

events held by IPB University annually. This year (2020)

FEMA was given the chance to host Summer Course via

online. FEMA established the main theme “Human

Development and Natural Resources” which covered all

of the scientific fields in FEMA.

The theme then translated and spelled out into 13

units of lesson. Each lesson was taught by expert

lecturers from IPB University and leading

universities in Asia and America. The classes were

also supported by real cases from Gapoktan

Mandiri Jaya and Ecovillage Baraya, both are

portraits of success in keeping the balance between

nature and human needs. The entire course was

taught on 22nd to 27th November 2020.

Besides lectures, Faculty of Human Ecology also

inserted an international competition in this year’s

Summer Course FEMA.The competition consists of

poster and video competitions in accordance with

the Summer Course main theme. The competition

was held between 28th to 30th November 2020.

The students were divided into 7 groups.

Each group then came up with various

topics for their projects including modern

farming, land grabbing, and many more.

The winners of the competitions were

announced together with the closing

ceremony of the Summer Course event.

Even though it was held online, Summer

Course FEMA was running nice and

smoothly. The participants of Summer

Course FEMA both from domestic and

foreign countries all felt satisfied and happy

with the outlook, material, service, and

layout of Summer Course FEMA. FEMA

hopes that this Summer Course can

support the global citizen’s effort in

accomplishing SDGs.

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32 Understanding Biology Can Be Comprehend by Literature ipbofficial

21 Juli 2020 Bogor, Jawa Barat DescriptionThe Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences(FMIPA) IPB University was held a following national webinar series on understanding biology for teachers in the field of biology and natural science and also accessible for the general public, Tuesday (7/21). On this time, the webinar was presented Dr. Ir Ence Darmo Jaya Supena, MS, lecturer at IPB University in the Division of Physiology and Plant Genetics of the Department of Biology as well as the Chair of the Central Indonesian Biological Association (PBI). According to him, teachers will be more comfortable and confident if they are truly understand and believe the material that was taught. Even, it can be much better if you can prove the case to the students. By taking the topic of cell biology, Prof. Ence was asked the participants in order to deepen the topic, specifically regarding to the plant cell totipotency. In his presentation, Prof. Ence explained deeply about modern cell theory to the characteristics of cells as a living thing, alongside with their relations to the cell totipotence. Cell totipotence itself has its own definition of the ability of cells to differentiate to form all types of cells in an organism or even develop it into a whole organism. In daily life, cell totipotency is often be used for mass production of plants by the cell culture techniques and in-vitro tissue, for example in the banana cultivation. In addition, microspore culture techniques have also been developed for the agribusiness industry. For example, in the field of Brassicaceae groups such as pakcoy and broccoli.

BenefitsTo improve teacher’s performance in delivering Biology to their student,through a better understanding inBiology Theory and Concepts.

ChallengesA variety understanding level ofBiology teachers, so that several of them need a remedial meeting.

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33 Pemikiran Kritis Mahasiswa dalam IPB Mathematics Challenge 2020 ipbofficial

2020 Bogor, Jawa Barat

DeskripsiIPB Mathematics Challenge (IMC) 2020 adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari Challenge dan Seminar

Nasional dengan mengangkat tema "Mathemagic : Understanding the World through the Magic of Mathematics".

Kegiatan ini bertujuan melatih mahasiswa untuk memiliki pemikiran kritis dan kepedulian social yang kemudian

dituangkan dalam tulisan berupa essay yang mengusung solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi di sekitarnya dikaji

dari sudut pandang matematika. Selain menyampaikan pemikiran melalui tulisan berupa essay, peserta juga diberi

kesempatan untuk menyampaikan ide dan gagasannya dalam bentuk poster yang dikemas dalam bentuk yang

menarik dan informatif. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menjangkau lebih banyak lagi masyarakat untuk dapat menyerap

informasi yang disampaikan.

Proses ImplementasiBerbeda dari tahun sebelumnya, IPB Mathematics Challenge 2020 diselenggarakan secara daring melalui Instagram

dan Zoom Cloud Meetings. Challenge tahun ini terdiri dari Essay Competition dan Infographic Competition yang

pendaftarannya dibuka sejak 1 Juni sampai 31 Juli 2020. Pengumuman pemenang Challenge dilaksanakan pada hari

Sabtu, 19 September 2020 dan pengumuman pemenang secara simbolis dilaksanakan di Sesi 2 IPB Mathematics

Challenge 2020. Seminar Nasional tahun ini terbagi menjadi dua sesi. Sesi 1 IPB Mathematics Challenge 2020, yang

dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 19 September 2020, mengangkat tema "The Role of Math in Achieving The

SDGs" dengan Vivi Alatas, Ph.D selaku pembicara dan Barry Mikhael Cavin Sianturi selaku moderator. Acara ini dimulai

pukul 13.00 WIB dan selesai pukul 15.10 WIB. Sesi 2 IPB Mathematics Challenge 2020, yang dilaksanakan

pada hari Minggu tanggal 20 September 2020, mengangkat tema "Professional Footprint : The Map to Math's

Hidden Treasure" dengan Ronald Sajuti, S.T, AAI-K, FSAI, QCRO dan Rudy Hariono, S.Si selaku pembicara serta

Mochamad Gia Priyana Pajar selaku moderator. Acara ini dimulai pukul 13.00 WIB dan selesai pukul 15.13 WIB.

Harapannya terlaksanannya kegiatan ini adalah semoga peran matematika dalam SDGs dan profesi Aktuaris

serta HR lebih dikenal lebih luas.

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33 Pemikiran Kritis Mahasiswa dalam IPB Mathematics Challenge 2020 (Lanjutan) ipbofficial

Hasil dan Dampak Kegiatan Dalam kegiatan ini, mahasiswa dilatih mengasah pemikiran kritisnya yang dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan berupa essay. Rentang tema yang dipilih beragam namun dekat dengan masyarakat. Tulisan-tulisan ini kemudian dijadikan poster untuk kemudian disosialisasikan ke masyarakat melalui media sosial Instagram agar dapat diakses oleh lebih banyak orang. Dari kegiatan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat lebih peka terhadap permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat dan dengan pengetahuan akademiknya mampu menawarkan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Kegiatan ini juga diharapkan dapat lebih memperkenalkan profesi aktuaris kepada masyarakat karena selama ini, profesi sebagai aktuaris masih kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat.

Tantangan dan Lesson

LearnedKondisi pandemi Covid19 yang masih melanda di seluruh negara menyebabkan penyelenggaraan IMC tahun ini menjadi terkendala dari sisi teknis. Namun harapannya kendala tersebut tidak menghambat kreativitas mahasiswa dalam menuangkan ide-ide dan gagasannya. Selanjutnya, IMC perlu diperkuat dengan memilih topik-topik yang sedang hangat dan mendatangkan pembicara yang handal dalam bidang tersebut. ReplicabilityIMC merupakan kegiatan rutin yang diselenggarakan oleh Gugus Mahasiswa Departemen Matematika setiap tahun. Kegiatan ini merupakan ajang bagi mahasiswa untuk melatih kemampuan verbalnya dalam menyampaikan gagasan dengan tema yang dekat dengan permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat. (Penulis: Donny Citra Lesmana, DosenDepartemen Matematika, FMIPA, IPB).

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34 GENERAL LECTURE ipbofficial

Salah satu Guru Besar Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Prof. Henry M. Manik, S.Pi, M.T, Ph.D diundang sebagai

narasumber di Pusat Pendidikan Hidrooseanografi TNI AL dengan tema Implementasi Teknologi Akustik Bawah Air untuk


Hadir dalam kegiatan ini adalah Kepala Program Studi S 1 Hidrografi Letkol Laut Nawanto Budi S, S.T, M.Si dalam acara ini

membahas tentang penerapan teknologi bawah air dalam pertahanan dan lain lain.

One of the Professors of the Department of Marine Science and Technology Prof. Henry M. Manik, S.Pi, M.T, Ph.D was invited

as a resource person at the Hydrooceanography Education Center, TNI AL with the theme Implementation of Underwater

Acoustic Technology for Defense..

Attending this activity was the Head of the Hydrographic S 1 Study Program, Lieutenant Colonel. Laut (KH) Nawanto Budi S,

S.T, M.Si in this event discussed the application of underwater technology in defense and others.

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35 The Ocean Voice through Live Instagram :Building International Quality Marine Education ipbofficial

May 2020

Through this event the ITK Department is expected to be able to establish communication in this digital era with alumni, students,

lecturers and the general public Another routine event to be held by the ITK Department is the ALA ALA Podcast (Anak Laut

Laut) Laut which will present other great guest stars

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In an effort to improve curriculum quality in facing future global education challenges, the PSP

Department, FPIK IPB University conducted a K 2020 curriculum workshop

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9-11 Maret 2020

Pelatihan BIM atau Building Information Modelling merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka penggunaan software

Cubicost untuk pekerjaan konstruksi yang dibeli oleh Departement Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan IPB dari PT Glodon Technical


Pelatihan ini dapat memahami bagaimana cara pengoperasian software BIM, sehingga nantinya bisa diaplikasikan dalam

perkuliahan/praktikum dalam proses pembelajaran di Departemen SIL.

Software Cubicost merupakan perangkat lunak yang sedang marak digunakan pada berbagai kegiatan konstruksi, sehingga akan

sangat berguna jika di masa mendatang, pelatihan tidak hanya dikhususkan pada departemen (dosen dan tendik), tetapi diberikan

pula kepada mahasiswa dan lulusan SIL.

Pada akhirnya, departemen diharapkan dapat mengadopsi BIM pada berbagai perkuliahan dan penelitian yang diusung,

khususnya oleh Divisi Teknik Struktur dan Infrastruktur.

37 Pelatihan BIM atau Building Information Modelling


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38 Partnership FMIPA IPB to Support Education Implementation in FMIPA Military, Indonesia Defense University

Indonesian Defense University (IDU) is a university organized by the government (Kepres No. 5 of 2011) dated February organizes four

undergraduate programs, namely Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. 7, 2011. One of the faculties in IDU is Military Mathematics

and Natural Sciences (FMIPA Military). The faculty organizes four undergraduate programs, namely Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and

Biology. Therefore, the collaboration with FMIPA IPB University is needed to support educational activities at the Military MIPA Faculty of IDU.

Cooperation activities include the development and implementation of educational activities.

This activity is held based on the contract number of TRAK/170/UNHAN-FMIPAIPB/X/2020/UNHAN regarding the Implementation and

Development of Educational Activities for the Undergraduate Program of the Military MIPA Faculty of IDU. This activity is included in the

achievement of SDGs activities for the categories: (4) Quality Education and (17) Partnerships for the Goals. The implementation of this

collaborative activity has resulted in several achievements, including establishing an implementing team (lecturers, technicians, and practicum

assistants) from FMIPA IPB University to organize lectures and practicum activities at the Military FMIPA IDU. In addition, the preparation of

documents for courses and practicum activities, including the implementation both offline and online, is another achievement of these activities. institut-pertanian-bogor-ipb.html ipbofficial

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The 3rd webinar HA-SB IPB invited Dr.Ir. Hamzah Bustomi, MM. to

describe Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) on “Theory and

Application of ISM in Applied Research and Policy Analysis”.

Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) is one of the modeling

techniques developed for strategic policy planning (Eriyatno, 1998).

The purpose of ISM is to develop several types of structures,

namely influence structures, priority structures and idea categories.

The ISM methodology and techniques are divided into two parts,

namely sub-element classification and hierarchical arrangement.

The basic principle is the identification of structures within a system

that provide high value benefits in order to effectively mix the

system and for better decision making.

The Alumni Association of School of Business, IPB University (HA-SB IPB)

invited two speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Syamsul Maarif, M.Eng, Dipl.

Ing, DEA who explained the System Methodology in Management and

Business. The second speaker is Dr. Sekar Prasetyanigtyas, S.Si, M.Pd

explained about Soft System Methodology (SSM) in organic agriculture

research. The 2nd webinar carries the theme of System Dynamics. The

speaker is Dr. Irman Firmansyah, M.Si who is the chairman of System

Dynamic Center and The Chairman of the Indonesian Association of

Dynamic Systems On this occasion, the topic is “The Power of System

Thinking” in business strategy planning and management. The second

speaker is Dr. Casnan, S.Si., M.Sc. which discusses the technique of

prioritizing important factors in business and management.

39 Webinar STARS (Scientific Technology Academic Research Series)

Link Activity: ipbofficial

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The event was opened directly by the chairman of

Agrianita SB-IPB, Dr. Reni Lestari. At the event,

Prof. Joko Santoso and Retna Widyawati, SP, had

the opportunity to share their experiences in

dealing with the direct impact of Covid-19. Both

provide tips in dealing with the pandemic, namely

with an optimistic attitude and keeping the spirit by

building a solid mental and support from the family

and sticking to the health protocol. The webinar

also invites businesses to share tips and

information in the face of pandemics in

entrepreneurship. As a business actor affected by

the pandemic on his business, Rizka W.

Romadhona said that there needs to be adaptation

and transformation in the face of the protesters to

produce innovations to survive. The webinar is

expected to provide helpful information and new

learning to stay optimistic during the pandemic.

Optimism is crucial in the face of the Covid-19

Pandemic in improving mental and physical health.

Agrianita SB-IPB University held a webinar SAPA AGRIANITA

with the theme “Tips to stay Optimistic in the Pandemic Period”

on October 22, 2020. The webinar brought speakers Prof.

Joko Santoso, lecturer of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine

Sciences IPB University who is also a survivor of Covid-19,

Retna Widyawati, SP Chairman of Agrianita IPB University

who has experience accompanying families affected by

Covid-19, and Rizka W. Romadhona, MM business owner

Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang who is also an alumnus of SB-IPB.

40 Hello Agrianita SB: Tips to Stay Optimistic in the Pandemic ipbofficial

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41 GOTA IKA FapertaBeasiswa COVID-19 ipbofficial

Gerakan Orang Tua Asuh Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Pertanian IPB (GOTA IKA Faperta) Beasiswa COVID-19 is an activity to collect and distribute donations by Faperta alumni from May – November 2020. The collected donations amounted to Rp. 533,010,699 which was then distributed to 122 active students of the Faculty of Agriculture with a total expenditure of Rp. 520,755,000

Details of active students from the Faculty of Agriculture who are recipients of the GOTA IKA FAPERTA scholarship, i.e. : 1. Soil Science and Land Resources : 31 people2. Agronomy and Horticulture : 48 people3. Plant Protection : 28 people4. Landscape Architecture : 15 people

Scholarship assistance of Rp. 6,000,000/student with details of living expenses of Rp. 500,000/month for 6 months and additional UKT assistance of Rp. 3,000,000/student.

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42 Pelatihan Uji Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Calon SKA MudaFresh Graduate ipbofficial

16 Maret 2020

Pada pelatihan ini para peserta mendapatkan arahan untuk mengikuti distance learning dengan menggunakan aplikasi SIBIMA Konstruksi yang dipaparkan oleh Bapak Yudi Lukito, selaku Perwakilan Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah III. Aplikasi SIBIMA Konstruksi ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kegiatan sertifikasi SKA Muda, karena melalui aplikasi ini para peserta akan mendapatkan materi sesuai dengan keahlian yang akan dipilih, seperti Bangunan Gedung, Manajemen Proyek, Teknik Jalan, K3 Konstruksi, Teknik Lingkungan, dan Arsitekstur. Selain itu pada aplikasi SIBIMA Konstruksi para peserta juga harus mengikuti assesmen secara online setelah mempelajari materi yang diberikan sebagai syarat untuk mengikuti uji kompetensi SKA Muda Bidang Konstruksi.

Kegiatan ini sangatlah penting untuk kemajuan SDM dalam bidang jasa konstruksi di Indonesia.

Pada akhirnya, para peserta nantinya diharapkan bisa menjadi tenaga ahli yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan di bidang jasa kontruksi Indonesia.

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Student organization ABEST SB IPB conducts Business Class activities in response to students who

are still hesitant to start a business. This activity will expect to improve the insights of SB IPB

students in the business world to become reliable and innovative businessmen and consultants.

Business Class is conducted two times online through Live IG @abestsb and Zoom. Business Class

4.0 with the theme “Thinking like a Millionaire to Complete Career Guide: Discover your Skills,

Knowledge, and Competencies on Quarter Life Crisis Phase held on March 28, 2020, which invited

Patricia Citra (Founder Collage Kit), and Business Class 5.0 carried the theme “Find ‘Dia’ that Helps

Your Business Sustainability’’ on September 3, 2020, which invited Yosef Adji Baskoro (CEO of the

School of Business and Marketing) and Dhika Kurniawan (Head of Digital Marketing Kalbe

Nutritionals). Hopefully, students can manage self-control, face challenges in selfbranding as a

young businessman, and gain new insights and insights into digital marketing..

43 Business Class ABEST

Link Activity: ipbofficial

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Scientific development continues to be carried out by the Bank

Indonesia Institute to carry out existing main tasks, including

managing quality learning programs for internal and external

(national and international) by the vision and mission of the BI

Institute; conduct Partnership activities with leading national

and international institutions of world quality and make the BI

Institute a world-class learning institution, and manage

Knowledge Management System and Learning Management

the integrated system to support the learning program of the

Bank Indonesia Institute.

44 In-House Training (IHT) Panel Data Econometrics Bank Indonesia Institute

Dean of IPB Business School (Prof. Noer Azam Achsani) became an

interviewee/teacher in activities In-HouseTraining (IHT) Panel Data

Econometrics. This activity was organized by the Bank Indonesia

Institute on March 5, 2020. The implementation of In-House Training

aims to develop the competence of Bank Indonesia employees,

especially related to econometrics. The development of this

competence is closely related to the mission of the Bank Indonesia

Institute, namely to create the nation’s economic leaders through

superior learning and infrastructure, the best faculties, leading

partnerships, and leadership with high dignity.

Link Activity: ipbofficial

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Business School of IPB University regularly organizes CEO Talk &

Entrepreneurial Development Forum every month. The activity was

conducted as a part of the compulsory course Kapita Selekta Manajemen

dan Bisnis (KSMB) for students of master’s program in management and

business. The implementation of this activity become a form to improving

the quality of education in the Business School.

During 2020, IPB Business School has held 26 CEO Talk & Entrepreneurial

Development Forum activities by inviting speakers from various

backgrounds, such as from CEOs, company leaders, practitioners, and

experts in their fields. The speaker shares the knowledge and experience

that related to the business which he/she is involved in. Participants can

also discuss directly with the speakers to further explore about the materials

that presented.

Link Activity:

The topics which raised in the CEO Forum activities are closely

related to the aspects of management and business covering the

scientific fields of the Master of Management and Business Studies

Program of the School of Business IPB, such as bio-business,

sustainable business, strategic management, resource performance

management, marketing management, and financial management.

The purpose of organizing this activity is to enrich students’ insights

in the business world and know the picture of real conditions in the

field. In addition, this activity can also build and expand the network /

networking between students and practitioners in the business world.

Image / Documentation ipbofficial

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46 Summer Course Teknologi Industri 2020

5-14 November 2020

Program didesain untuk memberikan mahasiswa pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk mendesain komponen dari

agroindustri pedesaan berkelanjutan. Mahasiswa mempelajari pengembangan produk dan proses agroindustri

berkelanjutan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai tambah pada komoditas lokal dan menjadikannya menjadi

praktek/bisnis untuk mendukung agroindustri lokal.


Mahasiswa memahami pengembangan produk dan proses agroindustry pada agroindustri pedesaan.


Summer course merupakan event tahunan, namun dalam masa pandemi ini semua kegiatan dilakukan secara daring.


Hasil ide bisnis atau rancangan bisnis di-kompetisikan.


adalah terbentuknya jaringan global untuk agroindustri. ipbofficial

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47 BEASISWA IKA FAPERTABatch 4 ipbofficial

IKA Faperta Scholarship is a scholarship initiated by the Alumni Family Association of the Faculty of Agriculture (IKA FAPERTA). This scholarship is managed by the IKA Faperta Scholarship and Development Division which started in 2017. The scholarships are divided into 2, namely Faperta Scholarships per batch and Emergency Scholarships.

Scholarships are given with priority to students who experience financial constraints. This is expected to help with the cost of education and living expenses during the study period. In addition, it is hoped that students can be independent and graduate on time.

Not only providing tuition and living expenses assistance, scholarship activities also provide training to increase students' soft skills capacity. The training provided is in the form of theory and direct field practice.

The total scholarship received by students is Rp. 12,000,000/year/student. A total of 5 students on March 2, 2020 are eligible to receive this scholarship assistance. The students who received came from the departments in Faculty of Agriculture, namely 2 students of Land Resources Management, 1 student of Agronomy and Horticulture, 1 student of Plant Protection, and 1 student of Landscape Architecture.


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Business School of IPB University regularly organizes CEO Talk &

Entrepreneurial Development Forum every month. The activity was

conducted as a part of the compulsory course Kapita Selekta Manajemen

dan Bisnis (KSMB) for students of master’s program in management and

business. The implementation of this activity become a form to improving

the quality of education in the Business School.

During 2020, IPB Business School has held 26 CEO Talk & Entrepreneurial

Development Forum activities by inviting speakers from various

backgrounds, such as from CEOs, company leaders, practitioners, and

experts in their fields. The speaker shares the knowledge and experience

that related to the business which he/she is involved in. Participants can

also discuss directly with the speakers to further explore about the materials

that presented.

Link Activity:

The topics which raised in the CEO Forum activities are closely

related to the aspects of management and business covering the

scientific fields of the Master of Management and Business Studies

Program of the School of Business IPB, such as bio-business,

sustainable business, strategic management, resource performance

management, marketing management, and financial management.

The purpose of organizing this activity is to enrich students’ insights

in the business world and know the picture of real conditions in the

field. In addition, this activity can also build and expand the network /

networking between students and practitioners in the business world.

Image / Documentation ipbofficial

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56 Dosen Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Kenalkan Web-Programming pada Acara Training Himateta ipbofficial

Minggu, 5 Juli 2020 | Online melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting

DeskripsiPelatihan ini dilaksanakan secara daring dengan menggunakan perangkat zoom. Sebanyak 32 mahasiswa dari Departemen TMB, IPB, mahasiswa IPB lainnya, dan mahasiswa dari luar IPB ikut serta dalam kegiatan tersebut. Materi disampaikan oleh Dr. Supriyanto,S.TP, M.Kom dibantu oleh Bobin Sebayang, mahasiswa Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem IPB. Kegiatan pelatihan ini merupakan rangkaian dari kegiatan Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem (HIMATETA)

ManfaatKegiatan ini memperkenalkan dasar-dasar pemrograman web. Peserta dipandu untuk melakukan instalasi web-server. Selanjutnya, dijelaskan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan pemula untuk membuat web statik dengan menggunakan HTML.

Kendala dan tantangan pelaksanaanPelatihan dilaksanakan secara online, peserta terkendala harus membagi monitor mereka menjadi dua: pertama untuk menyimak penjelasan, kedua untuk melakukan ujicoba koding yang telah diajarkan.

Luaran/CapaianMahasiswa dan peserta untuk memahami konsep dan penerapan pemrograman.

Capaian SDGsMemastikan pendidikan yang inklusif dan berkualitas setara bagi para mahasiswa

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Student Activities ipbofficial

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Webinar Fotografi Houlva 2021 mengenai "Landscape dan Seascape" sukses hadirkan Traveler,

Landscape dan Seascape Photographer sukses, Nur Kholis. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh

Mahasiswa Program Studi Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi IPB University (26/6) ini dihadiri Dekan Sekolah

Vokasi, Dr IArief Daryanto, Ketua Program Studi Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi, Dr Wahyu Budi Priatna

dan Dosen Fotografi Program Studi Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi.

Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Dr Arief Daryanto, mengatakan bahwa webinar ini sangat menarik

karena membahas landscape dan seascape fotografi alam Indonesia. Dengan adanya webinar fotografi

ini mengingatkan kita untuk lebih dapat mengungkapkan keindahan alam Indonesia yang tidak akan ada

habis habisnya yang diabadikan melalui fotografi.

Sebagai traveler yang inspiratif dan luar biasa. Nur Kholis menjelaskan terkait teknik pengambilan

gambar dalam jenis fotografi landscape dan seascape. la juga menerangkan tentang faktor pendukung

dari peralatan dan tools yang diperlukan dalam memotret landscape dan seascape ini.

49 Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Gelar Webinar FotografiHoulva 2021 ipbofficial

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Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (DPM) Sekolah Vokasi IPB University menggelar Festival Legislasi

secara daring. Hadir dalam festival ini, Evi Zainal Abidin, B.Comm anggota aktif DPD RI Dapil Jawa

Timur dan Dr Dede Yusuf, ME, ST, MIPol, Wakil Ketua Komisi X DPR RI.

Dalam kesempatan ini, Eva membahas tentang Legislator Muda. Menurutnya, mahasiswa sebagai

generasi Z harus mampu membuka ruang partisipasi. Para legislator muda harus belajar dan bersiap

dalam mengambil alih estafet kepemimpinan untuk mewujudkan Indonesia Emas 2045. Sementara itu,

Dr Dede Yusuf mengatakan bahwa pemuda yang bisa bertahan adalah pemuda yang menguasai

digital, multitasking, kolaborasi dan adaptasi agar mampu bertahan menuju Indonesia emas di tahun


50 Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University BelajarJadi Legislator ipbofficial

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51 Fieldtrip Mahasiswa PSL

Kunjungan dan studi lapangan ke obyek terkait dengan lingkup program

studi Ilmu Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan: Waduk Jati

Gede Sumedang; Lanskap pertanian Panyaweuan; Pemda Kab

Majalengka; Lanskap Budaya Kampung Batik dan Keraton Kasepuhan


Link Activity:

OutputPengetahuan dan pengalaman lapang dari Civitas Akademika PSL SPS


Date26-27 Februari 2020 ipbofficial

Keterlibatan civitas akademika PSL (dosen, mahasiswa S2 dan S3) dalam dukungan pada Goals: 6-7-9-13-15-17

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Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen informatika, Sekolah Vokasi (SV) IPB University berhasil

menyelesaikan proyek kerjasama dengan Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP), Kementerian Pertanian

(Kementan). Kali ini mereka membuat motion graphic terkait ketahanan pangan. Hasil karya

mahasiswa SV IPB University ini disebarluaskan secara serentak dan berhasil meraih peringkat No 5

di Twitter sebagai tren nasional (15/6).

"Motion graphic yang mereka buat berjudul Porsi Jagung, Kentang atau Tepung Sagu untuk

Menggantikan 1 Porsi Nasi, Keamanan Pangan untuk Hidup Sehat, Talas, sumber Karbohidrat

Kompleks yang Kaya Antioksidan. Tema dan kontennya diberikan oleh tim dari pihak BKP," ujar Amata

Fami, MDs, dosen SV IPB University yang menjadi penanggung jawab kegiatan ini.

52 Motion Graphic Karya Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB Berhasil Trending di Twitter ipbofficial

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Belajar Trik Memotret Hewan, Mahasiswa Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Hadirkan Creative

Manager Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Kegiatan itu digelar dalam Webinar Zoo Say Cheese "Animal in the

Eye of Photography", mahasiswa Komunikasi Sekolah Vokasi IPB University. Webinar ini menghadirkan

Abi Febrian, Creative Manager Taman Safari Indonesia sebagai narasumber.

Dalam kesempatan ini Abi Febrian menjelaskan tentang teknik untuk memotret hewan dengan baik dan

hasil yang baik. "Hewan tidak seperti manusia yang bisa diatur. Oleh karena itu, kita sebagai seorang

fotografer yang harus menyesuaikan. Maka perlu teknik-teknik dalam memotret hewan agar hasilnya

menjadi bagus," ucap Abi Febrian yang merupakan alumni Sekolah Vokasi IPB University.

53 Trik Jitu Memotret Hewan, SV IPB University HadirkanCreative Manager Taman Safari Indonesia ipbofficial

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54 BEM Faperta : Teaching Movement in Sukaluyu Village ipbofficial

SENTANI is an abbreviation of the National Seminar on Agriculture which is a work program from the Department of Human Resources Development, BEM, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB which then collaborates with BRM, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. This activity is on a national scale which can be followed by all walks of life. This activity carries the theme Indonesia's 2045 agricultural vision: Making Indonesia the World's Food Barn. The purpose of this activity is to provide insight to students in particular and the public in general regarding the vision of Indonesian agriculture as the world's food barn.

SENTANI as an activity that was carried out for the first time in 2020 as a fruit of thought to present positive activities in the midst of a pandemic like now. This activity was held on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 09.00 – 12.50 WIB through the Zoom Meeting media and was attended by around 280 participants from various institutions.

This activity was attended by Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, S.P., M.Sc. (Rector of IPB University) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., M.S. (Rector of Universitas Brawijaya) as the Speech Giver, Dr. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M.ENG (Head of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture's Food Security Agency) as the keynote speaker, Dr. Idha Widi Arsanti, S.P., M.P. (Head of BPPSDMP Education Center) as the Keynote Speaker, Dr. Ir. Sugiyanta M.Si. (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB University) as speaker 1, and Shofyan Adi Cahyono S.P. (Ambassadors of Millennial Farmers, Ministry of Agriculture, RI) as speaker 2, guided by Ahsan Wildan (Head of the Department of Kastrad BEM FAPERTA IPB) as MC and Maulana Nasution (DPM Universitas Brawijaya) as moderator.

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Research, Innovation, and Business ipbofficial

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Dr Dahri Tanjung, dosen Sekolah Vokasi IPB University mengatakan bahwa IPB University menyiapkan

dana satu milyar rupiah untuk kegiatan penelitian hibah Sekolah Vokasi tahun 2020. "Dana ini dibagi ke

dalam 48 penelitian," ungkapnya. "Dari hasil riset ini, sebagian besar sudah menghasilkan publikasi di

jurnal SINTA, internasional non Scopus dan juga Scopus serta ada juga di HAKI," ujar Dosen IPB

University ini di hadapan 48 presenter/peneliti dari Sekolah Vokas: IPB University.

Kegiatan ini dihadiri Dr Ernan Rustiadi, Kepala Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

(LPPM) IPB University dan Dr Arief Darjanto, Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University. Ada enam reviewer

yang hadir dan memberikan ulasan terhadap masing-masing paper penelitian yang ada. Sementara itu,

Prof Sugeng Heri Suseno, Wakil Kepala LPPM Bidang Penelitian IPB University memberikan materi

dengan topik, "Seminar Penelitian Sekolah Vokasi: Program Riset Hibah dalam Peningkatan SDM Dosen

Vokasi menuju Peningkatan Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) IPB University.

55 IPB University Alokasikan 1 Milyar Rupiah untuk Dana Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif Dosen Sekolah Vokasi ipbofficial

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57 Dr-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang, Peneliti Muda IPB Boyong Penghargaan “The Best Research Presenter” ipbofficial

21 November 2020

Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang berhasil menjadi The Best Research Presenter pada 24th ITSF Research Grant Seminar, di Gedung Balai Kartini,

Jakarta (5/3/2019). Indonesia Toray Science Foundation (ITSF) merupakan sebuah lembaga yang bertujuan memberikan kontribusi kemajuan

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi di Indonesia. ITSF membantu para peneliti dalam bentuk dana penelitian serta menganugerahkan hadiah

kepada mereka yang mampu berkontribusi dalam kemajuan sains dan teknologi. Setiap tahunnya ITSF memberikan tiga program yakni Science

Education Award (SEA) untuk guru sains tingkat SMA, Science and Technology Award (STA) bagi seorang peneliti yang mumpuni serta Science

and Technology Research Grant (STRG) yakni pemberian bantuan penelitian kepada para peneliti di bawah usia 45 tahun.

Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang merupakan dosen dari Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Dr. Azis

merupakan salah satu penerima STRG dengan judul penelitian “Enzymatic membrane reactor (EMR): On the investigation of (electrostatic-)

interactions between membrane surface and enzyme to circumvent fouling”. Pada penelitian tersebut, Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang meneliti

interaksi elektrosatik antara permukaan membran polimerik dengan molekul enzim pada berbagai nilai pH dari medium reaksi. Kuantifikasi

interaksi elektrostatik ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan atomic force microscopy (AFM) dengan nilai parameter yang diukur adalah gaya adesif

(adesive force).

“Prosedur yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini sangat berguna bagi dunia industri, karena waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memilih membran

polimerik yang cocok untuk berbagai jenis reaksi enzimatis dapat dipersingkat,” tutur Azis. Dosen yang menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya pada

Technische Universitaet Berlin, Jerman ini menambahkan bahwa fungsi membran polimerik umumnya sebagai media pemisah (separasi) seperti

pada purifikasi protein, campuran gas ataupun pemisahan senyawa lainnya dengan berat molekul yang berbeda. Terkhusus, dalam Reaktor

Membran Enzimatis (RME) dimana reaksi berlangsung secara kontinyu, membran polimerik berfungsi menahan molekul enzim agar tetap berada

dalam reaktor, sehingga mampu untuk mengkatalisis reaksi. Industri pengolahan susu cair “tanpa laktosa” atau “rendah laktosa” umumnya

menggunakan konsep ini, dimana laktosa dihidrolisis menggunakan enzim beta-galaktosidase.

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DescriptionDr. Ir. Iman Rusmana (Division of Microbiology), has been invited by Biology Study Program, University of Bengkulu to share his experience and knowledge in academic and research field through guest lecture and workshop. In a guest lecture, he talked about Microbes: Development and its application on food, health aspect and conservation of tropical biodiversity. The students were enthusiastic following his material. “We hope the information obtained will provide many benefits for us, specially for our students to motivate them and give many information about microbiology and their roles in our life’’ Rizki said, one of the guest lecture committee.

In a workshop, Dr. Iman Rusmana has also been invited as a reviewer to share about KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) and KOBI (Konsorsium Biologi Indonesia)-based curriculum in biology study program which are important to provide the scheme and strategy to integrate the academic courses and job needs.

BenefitsTo motivate host students and give information about microbiology and its role in human life.

ChallengesLevel of microbiology knowledge of the participants was varied.

58 Dr. Iman Rusmana Introduced Microbial Prospects, KKNI and KOBI to University of Bengkulu and-kobi-to-university-of-bengkulu ipbofficial

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Community Development ipbofficial

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August 12 14 th 2020

The training is one of the collaborative activities between the teaching staff of the Department of Marine Science and Technology

through the Serving Lecturer Program and the IPB University Thematic Work Lecture ( student program The goal of this training

was that village and sub district officials in Bantarjaya Village are able to map the condition of the population and the potential of

the area so that they can give consideration in developing villages both in terms of the economy and the use of resources.

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Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu program pengabdian dosen Departemen ITK, FPIK IPB

University kepada masyarakat di Bogor. Kegiatan ini sebagai salah satu rangkaian pada kegiatan

Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT) mahasiswa IPB University tahun 2020.

Dosen yang menjadi narasumber sekaligus sebagai Dosen Pembimbing Lapang (DPL) adalah Riza

Aitiando Pasaribu S Pi M Si dibantu oleh tim KKNT yang dibimbing olehnya Diikuti oleh unsur

pemerintah dan masyarakat umum yang terdiri dari pemuda pemudi Desa Bantarjaya

This training was carried out as one of the lecturer service programs of the Department of ITK, FPIK

IPB University to the community in Bogor. This activity is part of a series of Thematic Real Work Lecture

(KKNT) activities for IPB University students in 2020.

The lecturer who was the resource person as well as the Field Advisory Lecturer (DPL) was Riza

Aitiando Pasaribu S Pi M Si assisted by the KKNT team that was mentored by him Followed by

elements of the government and the general public consisting of young people from Bantarjaya Village.


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61 Pembiakan Sapi di Komunitas Peternakan Rakyat

Kegiatan Webinar ini mengangkat tema tentang Ternak Lokal Untuk Ketahanan

Pangan Dan Ekonomi Rakyat di Masa New Normal yang dilaksanakan dengan

menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Pemateri dalam kegiatan ini, panitia mengundang

tiga pemateri sesuai kepakarannya. Pemateri pertama yakni Ir Sugiono, MP yang

merupakan Direktur Perbibitan dan Produksi Ternak, Kementerian Pertanian RI

Pemateri pertama membahas tentang “Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Rangka

Mendorong Ternak Lokal Sebagai Basis Ekonomi Rakyat Di Masa Pandemik dan

Pasca Covid 19 Pemateri kedua yakni Prof Dr Ir Cece Sumantri, M Agr Sc yang

merupakan Guru Besar dan staf pengajar Fakultas Peternakan IPB University

Pemateri kedua membahas tentang “Pelestarian Sumberdaya ternak lokal

Indonesia” Pemateri ketiga yakni Ir Ruri Sarasono Suharsojo yang merupakan

praktisi ternak lokal Pemateri ketiga membahas tentang “Prospek Usaha Ternak

Lokal Di Masa Krisis dan Pasca Covid 19 Kegiatan online training ini dimoderatori

oleh Dr Jakaria, S Pt M Si ipbofficial

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62 Pembiakan Sapi di Komunitas Peternakan Rakyat

Pada 7 Desember 2020 Fakultas Peternakan Fapet IPB University bersama Asosiasi Profesor Indonesia ( menggelar

webinar bertajuk Pengembangan Industri Pembiakan Sapi di Komunitas Peternakan Rakyat Kegiatan ini merupakan seri

perdana dari program Guru Besar IPB University Mengabdi, Nantinya para Guru Besar akan turun ke desa untuk

mentransfer ilmunya kepada masyarakat dan memberikan solusi terhadap pemecahan masalah bangsa Manfaat dari

Webinar ini adalah peserta turut mampu memberikan arah pembangunan terhadap swasembada daging swasembada

pangan di Indonesia 06 08 01 4333/berita/1205 para profesor bahas pembiakan sapi dikomunitas peternakan rakyat ipbofficial

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Formation of quality human resource is highly determined by the smallest institution in a society that is family.

The family environment is the initial place for kids to gain experience and learning which will be used as the

provision for life. Family holds an important role in shaping and delivering children to become a successor


Families who are resilient and high-quality are capable of printing better and well characterized successor

generations. To support the realization of family resiliency in the Bekasi Regency, the Office of Women

Empowerment and Children Protection, Bekasi Regency send the facilitator of family resiliency to follow family

resiliency training in the Department of Family and Consumer Science (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA)

IPB University. Family resiliency training is followed by 53 family resiliency facilitators and implemented in two

places, namely in the Bekasi Regency and IPB University, on 18th and 19th February 2020 respectively.

In addition to the classroom face-to-face activities, the facilitators are also given the opportunity to practice family

resilience education to families around the IPB University campus. Hopefully, the facilitators can become an

agent and an extension of the government to disseminate the knowledge of family resiliency. So that many more

families can have the capacity to build a family that is resilient and high-quality.


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Campus Operation ipbofficial

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64 Socialization on Academic Ethics and Public Life for SB IPB Academic Community

Socialization of Academic Senate Regulation on Academic Ethics and Public Life for Academic Community and IPB Education Personnel at Business School took place on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 in Jati Room building A campus of IPB Business School. This activity was opened directly by Prof.

Dr. Noer Azam Achsani (Dean of SB-IPB) and socialization was directly delivered by the Chairman of the Board of Professors of IPB Prof. Muh. Yusram Massijaya and his team. IPB Academic Senate Regulation No. 33/ SA-IPB/P/2019 on Academic Ethics and Public Life for Academic Community and Ipb Education Personnel has 7 chapters that explain how to be a good society without leaving academic values.

Link Activity: ipbofficial

This socialization aims to provide guidance on behaving for the community and educators of IPB in implementing Tridharma of universities, creating an academic atmosphere and corporate culture conducive to the development of IPB, providing guidelines for behavior for academic community, educators of IPB, and other related parties in public life and making guidelines for IPB to regulate the implementation of academic and public life.

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Fakultas Peternakan IPB University bekerjasama dengan BEM Fakultas Peternakan IPB

menyelenggarakan kegiatan Webinar Green Campus Movement pada Minggu 11 Oktober 2020 via

Zoom Meeting Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman dan kesadaran

kepada mahasiswa tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan terutama kawasan kampus hijau

memberikan kesadaran dalam penerapan kebiasaan kebiasaan baik yang ramah lingkungan dan

meningkatkan peran aktif mahasiswa dalam mempromosikan dan mengedukasi masyarakat sekitar

dalam pengelolaan lingkungan yang lebih baik

65 Webinar Green Campus Movement ipbofficial

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2 November 2020. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (Fateta) kembali menorehkan prestasi gemilang dalam ajang IPB Awarding Day 2020

(31/10) sebagai The Most Productive Faculty 2020. Acara ini diselenggarakan bertepatan dengan momen peringatan Dies Natalis IPB

ke-57 sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada berbagai pihak yang telah turut membesarkan institusi IPB University. Pencapaian ini tidak lepas

dari peran para dosen Fateta yang terus aktif berkarya dan berinovasi. Berikut ini adalah dosen Fateta yang berhasil meraih penghargaan

dari berbagai subkategori: Prof Dr Ir Made Astawan, MS, IPU (Peneliti Terbaik Bidang Sains) – Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Dr Tjahja Muhandri, STP, MT (Inventor Penghasil Kekayaan Intelektual Terproduktif Tahun 2019) – Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan

Prof Dr Ir Marimin, MSc (Peringkat 1 The Most Productive Author 2020 Bidang Mathematic and Engineering Sciences) – Departemen

Teknologi Industri Pertanian

66 FATETA Raih Juara Umum IPB Awarding Day 2020 umum-ipb-awarding-day-2020/ ipbofficial

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Drh Henny Anggraeni MSC selaku ketua Komisi Bimbingan dan Konseling Sekolah Vokasi (SV) IPB University memaparkan bahwa

sebagai upaya mencapai pendidikan tinggi yang menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas maka diperlukan aturan dan etika akademik.

"Dengan etika, mahasiswa dapat berperilaku sopan, santun dan bertanggung jawab. Sangat penting bagi para mahasiswa untuk

betul-betul memahami dan menaati aturan yang berlaku di IPB University secara umum yang tertuang dalam peraturan Senat

Akademik No 33/SA-IPB/P/2019 tentang Etika Akademik dan Kehidupan Bermasyarakat untuk Civitas Akademika dan Tenaga

Kependidikan." ujarnya. Dia mengemukakan hal tersebut dalam webinar Etika Kehidupan Kampus untuk Mahasiswa yang

diselenggarakan pada Kamis (11/3). Webinar ini digelar atas kerja sama Komisi Bimbingan dan Konseling Sekolah Vokasi dengan

Komisi Humas, Media sosial dan Alumni Sekolah Vokasi IPB University.

Materi tentang penanaman nilai-nilai etika yang disampaikan dalam webinar ini dapat menjadi pedoman bagi mahasiswa dalam

beraktivitas sehari hari. Sehingga diharapkan mahasiswa menjadi insan terdidik, tangguh, terampil, berkualitas serta menjunjung

tinggi nilai moral, norma dan etika.

67 Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Bahas Etika Kehidupan Kampus ipbofficial

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