Page 1: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich
Page 2: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLA

This select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich Memorial Library and Archive in Armagh. It is intended to provide a useful guide to the wide range

of publications of historical relevance to the GAA that are available at the library for consultation or

research. The lisr does not include the full extent of the libraryt Gaelic games collection; items such as

biographies of current or recent players and managers are generally omitted due to considerations of space.

In keeping with the theme of this collection, and to aid research, the bibliography is divided into the

different layers of the GAA - national, provincial, county and club - as they feature in published histories,

and then individual secrions are devoted to each Gaelic game and different rypes of source for further


The library has an acrive acquisitions policy in respect of Gaelic games manuscripts, publications and

ephemera, and this extends to all material relating to the GAA and Gaelic culture in general. The majority

of the items listed in this select bibliography have been received through kind donation and the library

would like to acknowledge and thank these benefactors for their continuing generosity.

1. NAIIONAIAND INTERNATIONAL HISTORYBairnet Alan (ed.), Sport and the lrish: histories, identities, issues. Drtblin, 2005 '

Bradley, Joseph M., The Gaelic Athletic Association and lrishness in Scotland. Glendaruel, 2007.

'Carbery' [Mehigan, P. D.), Hurling: Irelandi national game. Dublin, 1 940.

Carey, Tim, Croke Parh: a history - updated edition. Cork,2007.

Corry, Eoghan, Catch and kick: great wotnents of Gaelicfootball 1BB0-1990. Dublin' 1989'

-, An illustrated history of the GAA. Dublin,2005.Cronin, Mlke, Sport and nationalism in lreland: Gaelic games, soccer and Irish identity since I BB4. Dublin, 7999.

-, Murphy, \7i11iam, Rouse, Paul (eds), The Gaelic Athletic Association 1BB4-2009. Dublin, 2009.

-, Duncan, Mark and Rouse, Paul, The GAA: A Peoplei History. Dublin, 2009.

Cumann Lrithchleas Gael' A century of seruice. Dublin, I 984.

Darby, Paul, Gaelic Games, Nationalism and the lrish Diaspora in the United Staras. Dublin, 2009.

-, and Hassan, David (eds), Emigrant players: sPort dnd the lrish diaspora' London, 2008'

De Brirca, Marcus, The GAA: a history. Dublin, 1980.

-, The GAA: a historl (2nd ed.). Dublin, 1999.

-, Clad bliain agfds: Cumann Lilthchleas Gael, 1BB4-1984'

Devlin, P J., Our Natiue Games. Dublin, 119351.

Holt, Richard, Sport and the British: a modern historl. Oxford,

King, Seamus J ., A History of Hurling (2nd ed.) Dublin,2005.

King, Seamus J., The clash of the ash inforeignfields: hurlingabroad. Cashel' 1998'

Mac Lua, Brendan, The steadfast rule: a history of the G.A.A' ban. Dublin, 1967.

Mahon, Jack, A history of Gaelic footbal/. Dublin, 2000.

Mandle, W. F., The Gaelic Athletic Association & Irish nationalist politics lBB4-19246 C"ithnia, Liam P., Bdiri cos in Eirinn. Baile Atha Cliath, i984.

-, Scy'al na hlomtlna: ti thosach ama go 1884. Baile Atha Cliath, 1980.

O Ceallaigh, Sdamus, The story of the G.A.A.: a book of referencefor Gaeh. Limerich

6 Maolfabhail , An, Camdn: 2,000 Years of Hurling. Dundalk, 1973.

O'Sullivan, Thomas F., Story of the GAA. Dublin, 19i6.O'Toole, P:idraig, The glory and the anguish. Loughrea,

Puirsedl, Pddraig, The G.A.A. in its time. Dublin, 1982.

Sugden, John and Bairnet Nan, Spot, sectarianism and society in a diuided lreland. Leicesrer, 1995.

2. PROVINCIALCronin, Jtm, Munster G.A.A. story. Ennis, 1985.

-, Munster G.A.A. story. Wl. II: I 985-2001 . Cork, 2001..

Cullen, Tom (ed.), Beart de ry'ir rir mbriathair: a history of the GAA in Ulster. Armagh, 2003'


Baile Atha Cliath,

London, 1987

Page 3: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


DeBlrrca,Marcus,ComhairleLaigheanl900-1984:forbairtdgusfds'Dublin'1984'6 M6.,iin, Tom:is (eag.), Sta;r CfG Chonnacht: hivorl of Coniacht GAA 1902-2002' Carrick-on-Shannon' 2002'

Short, Con, The Lllster GAA Storry. Mor.raghan, 1984'


Criige Uladh / UlsterBrolk, G"bri.l M., The Gaelic Athletic Association in Countl Fermat'tagh. Enniskillen, f 19B4l'

Corry, Eogharr , Oahbo4s: Derrq\ football dredm clme^tue' Dublin' 1993'

C.r11.,.,, T.i- (cd.),,4 Gorli, iro,t otion: a histor1 of the G A'A' ht Fermanagh Enniskillen' 2004'

Davies, Anthony, Iubhaile 6rga: stair Coiste Deisceart att Dilin' Newry' i981'

Deery,, Leo and O,Kar-re, D"rr-.ry (edr), Doite: a historl of the G.A.A. in Derr.. Detty, 1984.

Gallogl,v, Daniel Cattan! Football Stttry' Cavar-r, I979'-

Nic A",],Ult"igl1' Sighle. o Shiol go Bltith: An Dlin - the G.A.A' stor\. Newry' 1990.

Graham, lohi n, it , c,l,a i, Moroghnr, 1BB7-tggg: sowe account of its progress. Monaghan, 1999.

McBride, Mjire, ,'fhe G.A.A. in Beflast lgB5-l921'. Ur.rpublish.d iisseitation, Queens University Belfast' 1976'

Short, corl, Murray, I'.te, "nd

Sr-,-ryth, JirTImy, Attl Mhacia 1BB4-1984: /1 centur! of GAA progress' Armagh' 1985'

M.c,.,gh.nMichael'TheWestT1roneBoardoJ.theG'A.A.(1931t01974).ona€h'1998.M.Cl.tri.y, S. a,.'.,s, The Monog'ho' Gael: eigitl yars a growing' I BB7 to 1967' Emyvale' 1967 '

-, The i.'q.'4. ;" Co. Mot'taghan: a histoty' Monaghan' i984'

Martit.r, Joseph, The GAA in Tyrorrc 1BB4-1984' Omagh' 1984'

-, fttiCAA in Tyrone: the long road to glory (2nd ed')' Omagh' 2003'

-, The GAA in T1rone: the road to grearzess Omagh' 2005'

O Gallchdir, Se.^n. The 'Donegal Dimrrrat'Book oJ'Dorrgnl G.A.A. Facts (2'd ed')' Ballyshannon' 1989'

-, The Rairliti na Gaeltachta Book of Donegal GAA Facts (4th ed')' 2000'

Cfige Chonnacht / Connachtconbo1,, Tony, Ros Comdin: 101 Tedrs oJ-Gaelic games in county Roscotnmon 1BB9-1990' Roscommon' 1990'

Crr^.k, 1. l. ied.), Galutal's hu,ting gto'y' a pictorlal recortl 1923-2000' Galway' 2000'

Mcl'.,.t"n, John C. Gd,.)', Stigo G A'A': a centenar! history' Sligo' 1984'

Mahon, Jack, Galwa1 GAA in old photographs' Dublirr' 2002'

6 Laoi,, Annals ttf the C.A'q. i" Galwal'Vol l: 1BB4-i90l' Galway' 1983'

-, Annals of the G.A.A. in Galu'a4' Vol 2: 1902-1934' Galwap 1992'

Reilly, Terry and Neill, Iuan, Thr'Green aboue the Red: d cumPiiaion of Ma\o's Alt-hrland triumphs dt all leuels' Ballina'

1 981.

Criige Laighean / Leinstergo.irk., M"artir.r, Mi; Tipperar. G,4,1 1BB4_2007: a photographic History. Q007) .

Brophv, Jim, The Leather! Erio' o ,rory of hurling, footbati, h)r,tbatt and caruogie in Co ril/ichlou f'om 1BB4 to 198'l'

Vicldow, 1984.

Corry, Eoghar-r, Kild'are G.A.A: a centenat! histor4'Newbridge' 1984'

Courtney, Seu'r. Ten rlecarlu of glor,: apictoria/ histor. of Kilie'try in Senior chatnpionship hurling' Graiguenamat.ragh'


Fennelly, Teddy, 100 yars o.f G.A'A' in Laois: centen.dryl )/elff boak Portlaoise' 1984'

H.t,t,, Tor-,-,, Sport and socie:4' in Victorian lreland: the case ofWestmeath' Co.rk' 2007 '

Mulligafr, Joir', Tlt, G A.A. in Louth : an Historical Recrtrcl' Dundalk' 1 984'

_, rt, c.a.,q. ;r, Louth: an Historical Recotl, The Centurl-The Millenniu;'2. Dundalk, 2000.

Murphl Phil (ed.), Cetttenar1 tribute to G'AA inWexford' \Texford' I9P!- .

Nol",,, \rilli"n.r (ed.), The iaeLic Athletic Association in Dublin tBB4-2000 (3 vols)' Dublin' 2005'

O'Neill, Gerry The Kilkenny GAA Bibk (2nd ed )' Kilkenny' 2005'

Ryall, Tom, Kilkrrn1' the GAA story 1BB1-1981.' Kilkenny' 1984'

\ii.klo* Millennium Committee' Moments of histor\' \Wicklow 2000'

rwilliarns, l)ominic, fUirr?rra t "rling

d,footballi;t t, ISSZ-ZOOB: a complete stattstical historl ofWexford GAA'

\Wexford, 2008.

Criige Mumhan / MunsterByries, Ollie, Agaittst the \Yind: memories of Clare hurling Cork' 1996'

i.o,-tin, Jin, Making connections: a Cork G A'A' miscellany' Cork' 2005'


Page 4: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Fogarry, Philip, Tipperary\ G.A.A. story.Thvles, 1960.Honohan, Bob, Rebels with a cause: 120 Tears of Cork football. Dublin, 2007.

Horgan, Tim, Corki Hurling Story. DrbIin, 1977.

King, Seamus J., A history of the GAA in the North Tipperary Diuision. fNenagh], 200i.6 C.dHgtr, Seamus and Murphy, Sean, One hundred yars ofghry: a history ofLimerick G.A.A. IBB+1984. Limerick, 1987.

-, Tipperary's G.A.A. story 1935-84. Thurles, 1988.

-, Tipperarls G.A.A. story 1985-2004. Thurles, 2005.

O'Meara, Michedl, South Tipperary G.A.A, 1907-2007. Kilkenny, 2007 .

4. CLUB HISTORIESAontroim / AntrimAnon., Ar Mhaithe Leis An Sptirt: Scdal Cumainn Tir-na-nOg CLG Baile F.aghnaill Chontae AontromA l9l9-1985.

lRandalstown, 1986].

Anon. fMacaulay, Ambrose], Queeni GFC: A Souuenir History. Belfast, 1982.

Anon., Stair Cumainn na Seamnig 1915*1980. Loughgiel, 1980.

Campbell, Marty, The Pearse's Story. Belfast, 1997.

Lav ery, J oe, Ard- Eo in C lu b Hi s to ry 1 9 0 7- I 9 8 5. Belfast, 1 9 B 5.

McKillop, Felk, StJosephi Glenarm. Ballycastle, [1984].Ritchie, Paddy and Lamb, Tommy (eds),,4 History of the GAA in Glenaay 1910*1984. Glenaty, 1987 '

Ground opening programmes: Aghagallon (1947), Cxement Park (1953 and 1999 reopening), Con Mageet, Glenravel

(1977), Cushendall (1980), Ldmh Dhearg, Hannahstown (1984), St Endat, Glengormley (1998), Glenary (i990),

Rasharkin (1983) and St Paul's, Belfast (1979).

Corrigan Park GAA'Week Programme: 1946 and 1947.

Ard Mhacha / ArmaghAnon., Sr Oliuer Plunket Park Crossrnaglen: saga of a sportsfeld. 1977.

Boyle, B. et al, The Village Story: A History of Forhhill G.F.C. 1888-1985. Forkhilf i985'Donegan, Michael, Life on the Ridge: Gaelic Games and Cuhure of Dromintee, Co. Armagh. fDromintee, 1993].

McCann, Sean,,4 Local History of the GAA. Mullaghbawn, 1978.

McCorry Francis, St Pauh GFC Lurgan 1971-1996. lc. 19961.

McDonald, Stephen, Middletown GAA: A History. Middletown, 1994'

McGinn, Phil, Arrtagh Harps GFC lBBB-2008: Celebrating 120 Years. Armagh, 2008.

Mackle, Colin, An Port Mdr O'Neill's GFC 1934-1994. 1994.Murphy, Loris, St Killiani G.A.C. Whitecross: A History. V4ritecross, 1996.

Murtagh, Olivel Th e His tory of Lissummon. Lissrmmon, 7992.

O'Callaghan, Michael, The Cullouille GAA Story LBBB-|992. Cuiloville, 1994.

Short, Con, The Crossmaglen GAA Story 1887-1 987. Crossmaglen, 1987.

Ground opening programmes: Annaghmore (199S), Armagh Athletic Grounds (1984), Ballymacnab (1981),

Carrickcruppen (2003), Clady (1989), Clann, Lurgan (1990 and 2008), Collegeland (1998), Crossmaglen

(i959), Culloville (1992), Cullyhanna (1988), Davitt Park, Lurgan (1947),Derrytrasna(1962), Derrynoose (1983

and 2001), Fr. Dan McGeown Park (1996), Granemore (1984), Grange (1980), Keady (t977), Middletown(1992), Mullaghbawn (1978), An Port M6r (1978), Tullysaran (1997), Grange (1980), Belleek (2002), St

Patrickt, Cullyhanna (2008), St Peter's, Lurgan (1990), Silverbridge (1980, 1995 and2007),Tir na "69,Portadown (1986), \(hitecross (1978) and'Wolfe Tone's, Derrymacash (1977).

An Cabhzin / CavanMcKeown, Noel (ed.), Lurgan Hearts of Erin: Gaelic Games in Lurgan Parish 1BB4-2005. Lurgan (Cavan), 2005.

O'Brien, Hugh, The Celtics IB94*1994: A Centenary History of the GAA in Cootehill. Cavan, 1994.

Reilly, J. J. (.d.), Come on the Gaek! 1957-2007. Cavan,2007.

Ground opening programmes: Brdifne Park, Cavan (1952 and 1979), and Cavan Gaels (1970).

Doire / DerryAnon., Mitchel's GFC 19751.


Page 5: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Anon., St Matthetai GAC. [Drumsurn], 1988.

Anon., The Shores ofTiarid. fBallymaguigan]' 198i'Anon., Watty Grahami Gaelic Athletic Club Glen, Maghera 19i3-1954. Maghera, l9B4'

Mclaughlin, Jirr., O'Donouan Rossa Gaelic Football Club Magherafelt: The First Fifry Wars. Magherafelt, 1998.

Mullan, Colum and Mu|lan, Bernie (eds), Ballerin GAC 1944-54 Centenary Mentento. 1984.

O'Kane, Sein, O'Connor's Glack Co. Derry Gaelic Athletic Club. 7987 '

\(aish, Rev. J. R., Bradley, P, O'Kane, L. and O'Kane, Danny, GlenullinJohn Mitchel\ 1975).

Ground opening programmes: Ballinascreen (1974),BalIinderry (1979), Ballerin (1997), Claudy (1973), Desertmartin

Og-aq ""aiSiZ), Glenullin (t978, 1987 and 1991), Glack (1994), Kilrea (1979), Lavey (1979), Loup (1981),

Magherafelt (1960). 6gra Colmcille, Littlebridge (2000) and Swatragh (1988)'

An DdLrr / DownAnon' Fiile 50 Cloch Fhada CLG 1945-1995. [1995]'Anon., G lenn Jo hn Martin Go lden Ju b i lee I 93 1 - I 98 I. ll9 81)'

Anon., Netury Shamrocks 1 93 1 -2 006. 120061'

Conlan, Aidan (ed.), Celebrating 75 Years of Gaelic Games and Culture in Glenn

Gilmore, Tetesa, StJosephi Ballycran GAC 1939-1989' 1991.The Parish of Kilmegan and 100 Years ofDougherry Gerry and Crilly, Ciaran, 'The Tbwn': A History of Ca*letuellan Town,

the Castlewellan GAA Club 1905-2005' Castlewellan, 2006.

Gordon, Donal, Madine, Michael and Mcleigh, Tommy, Ar Scial Fiin: Stair CLG Loch An Oiletiin / Our Stotv: The

Historry of Loughinisland GAC. 12007)'

Kearns, P D., Sc6al Chluain Dlimh: The ClonduffStory 1BB7-1984' Newry, 1984'

Leitrim Fontenoys, Fontanrligheannai Liatroma - Ciad Blain DJhris agus Dfhobairt na gCluichi Gaelacha 1BB8-1988.

Newry, 1988.

McAteer, Sedn 69 (ed.) , John Mitchel GFC 1956/ I 98 I .

McCarthy, Gerard, Saual\ GaeliclTadition. Newry, 1986.

McEvoy, Paddy, The Russell Chronicles: A Historry of Gaelic games in Downpa*ick. Downpatrick, 1984.

Magee, S., Murray, M., Tieacy, E. and McNabb,N., carr\duffGAc 1972-1982. lcatrydrtffl,I9B2.O'ieill, Gerard, L..k.y, B.rii. and Stewart, Jimmy, The Aghaderg Story: A Historl of Gaelic Games and Cuhure in the

Parish of Aghaderg I 903- I 984. 1984.

Travers, e., Giibb".r, D., \ralls, M. and McGilligan, G., Scdal Chluain Daimh: The Clonduffstory 1985-2007. 12007).

Ground opening programmes: Aghaderg GFC and Balllvarley Hurling Club (1984), An Riocht (1993), Attical (1975)'

e"ti.t" (z-002), Ballycran (iS66),-Ballyholland (1984), Ballymartin (1995), Burren (1968 and 1975), Carryduff

(1997), Castlewellan (1978), Clonduff (1968 and 1998), Dromara (1995), Drumaness (1981 and 1987),

Drumgath (i994), St Johns, Drumnaquoile (1990), Killyleagh (1970), Mayobridge (1978), Saul (1997).

Drin na nGall / DonegalAnon., Club na gCeithre Mtiistir CLG 1932-2007. 1c.2007).

Campbell, D., Dowd., D. and Mullan,D., Against the Grain: a Historl of Burt, its people and the GAA.B:ut,2000.

Mac Conaill, Sein (ed.), Peil agus Pobal: History of the GAA in the Parish ofArdara 1921-2003' Atdan' 2004'

Ground opening programmes: Killygordon (1996), Four Masters, Donegal (1992), Naomh Brid, Ballintra (1992) and

St Michael's, Dunfanaghy (1984).

Fear Manach / FermanaghCorrigan, Pzul, Belnaleck Art Mac Murrough's GFC: A History' 1985.

Co.J"y, Mark and Cauldwell, Gareth, GIory days: the story of Fermanagh GAA\ journey 2004. Enniskillen,2004.

Mulligan, Marius, Roslea Shamrochs GFC 1954-1958: The Glorious Fifiies' 1998'

G.o.,nd opening programmes: Derrygonnelly (1962), Enniskillen Gaels (1982), Roslea (1996) and St Joseph's, Ederney


Muineachein / MonaghanAnon., 1905-2005 Centenary Year ofCastleblayney Faughs GFC. Ic.20051.Anon., Clontibret O'Neills 1949-1952: The Glotious Years.l799ll.

Gilsenan, Michael, The Hills of Magheracloone 1BB4-1984. Magheracloone, 1985'

McKenna, Peter, A Historl of Rockcorrl in The Emetresse. 11991).



Page 6: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Meegan, Larry, The Inniskeen Stor4: A Histzry LBBB-198B' Inniskeen, 1988'

O M6rdha, Pilib, Cumann Peile Thiarnaigh Naofa Cluain Eois 188G1993' 119941'

Ground opening programmes: Aghabog, Monaghan (1996), Aughnamullen (1980), Carrickmacross (1953 and 1989),

Clo.rtibr.t (tSZ3), Cremaitin (1987), Currin (2002), Gavan Duffy Park, Monaghan (1958), Inniskeen (1960),

Killanny (1994),Latton (1992), Magheracloone (1997), Ballybay (1951), Oram (1983) and Sedn McDermott's,

Threemilehouse ( 1 96 1 and 1979) and Toome (1 996).

Tir Eoghain / TyroneAnon.,,4 History of the GAA in Ard Bd [r. 19BB].

Anon., Cora Criche Fr. Rocki GAA 1BB9-1989: Centena\/ Souaenir Booblet' I9B9'

Anon., Na Fianna 1904-1984: A History of Coalisland Fianna GFC. l1995l'Clancy, Leo and Keogh, Michael (eds),'Glorious Clonoe': the story 0f O'Rahilb GFC (191Gl986). Clonoe,7986.

Connolly, Torn, Eochair Naomh Macartdin: A Club History 1908-2000. [c' 2000]'

Fintona Pearse's, Ceiliriradh Ciad Bliain: A Century of Gaelic Gatnes in the Donacauelt parish. Fintona, 2007 .

Fitzgerald, Malachy, Derrytresk Fir an Chnoic 1903-2003: The Little Club with the Big Heart. Derrytresk, 2006.

H"rki.r, Brendan, Yrarc ti Rr*r*ber: An outline of the d.euelopment of the GAA in the parish of Cappagh 1904-1979.

Omagh, 1980.

Healy, Seanled .), Ffu Years Onward 1932-1982: A History of Omagh St Enda's Gaelic Athletic Club. Omagh' 7982.

McCann, Dermot and Tiaynor, Tommy, The Gaelic Fields of Errigal Kerrogue' 2006'

McCaughey, Michael, The Spirit ofThe Reds: Trillich St Macartan's, Co. Tyrone. Tiillick, 1985'

Mclernon, Brian, A Kick on the Shore. [Derrylaughan, 2005J.

Mooney, Francis (ed.), The First Ffu Years: A History of St Makchy's Gaelic football club 1932-1982 lEdendork, c. I9B2].

Quinn, Paul (ed".), A Ctub for all Ages: I 00 Years of Gaetic Games and Culture in Donaghmore I 903-2003. Donaghmore,


Rodgers, Nan, Foreuer Young on the Fields of Mory. A 100 Year Historl ofAn Mhaigh. Moy, 2008.

-, Down fom the 'Cross: A GAA Journey. Beragh, 2006.

St Colmcille's GAC, Carrickmore, The Carrickmore Tiadition 1932-1982. lCarrickmore, 1982].

Various authors, The Carrickmore Tiadition I 982-2002. Carrickmore, 2003'

Ground opening programmes: An Charraig Mhdr (1982 and 2000), Clogher (1987), Coalisland (1949 and 1988)'

Cook to*r' (t972),De"ytresk (1997), Edendork (2002), Eskra (1992), Fintona (2007), Kildress (1984),

Loughmacrory (2006), Moortown (1972), Moy (1998), Naomh Colum Cille [Coalisland/Clonoe] (2006), O'Neill

Park, Dungannon (1947), Pomeroy (1948 and 1998) and Rock (1998)'

Gaillimh / GalwayConwell, John Joe, Hearts of Oak: The Rise of Portumnd GAA Club. Portumna, 2008'

Cloherry Gerry, The Story of Rahoon Hurling 1BB9-2002. lGalway),2004'Fahy, Michr.l (ed.), A History of Kihonieron GAA Ctub I BB5-2005: Rich in Hurling Tradition. Kilconieron, 2006.

McGann, D. (ed.), For the Pride of the Parish: a History of Gaelic Gatnes in Netu Inn and Bullaun.2003.

Ground opening programmes: Pearse Stadium, Galway (2003) and St Brendan's, Loughrea' (1977).

Liatroim / LeitrimKelly, Liam, Kibubrid. Carrick-on Shannon, 1984.

Ground opening programmes: Cloone (1980), Melvin Gaels, Kinlough (1995), Sean MacDermott Park (1964).

Maigh Eo lMaryoAnon., Ballryhaunis GAA Past (r Present. ll997l.Reilly, Terry, The Goal ofVictory: History of Ballina Stephenites ISS6-1986. Ballina, i986'

Ros Comdin / RoscommonAnon., Michael Glauey's: The First Roscortmon Intermediate Champions'

Anon., Cripla Focail: 50 Years of Michael Glaue4zs GAA Club 1956-2006' 12007)'

Mullaney, Tho mas, Shannon Gaels GAA Club Croghan/Drumlion 1BB4-1984: A History. [r' 1985].

Ground opening programmes: Clann na nGael (1994), Fuerry (2006), Kilmore (t9BZ), Michael Glaveyt (1986)'

St Faithleacht (19S1), St Michaelt (1996) and Shannon Gaels (2002)'

Sligeach / SligoGround opening programmes: Enniscrone / Kilglass (1989).


Page 7: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Baile Atha Cliath / DublinAnon., Cumann lomdnaiochta agus Peile Naomh Uinsinn: A record of StVincenti Hurling and Football Club 1931-1953.

Dublin, 1953.Campbell, John & Casey, Liam, I History of Erini Isle GAA Club Finglas. Dublin, 2000.Vaughan, D.1., Ltffl Gaels: A Century of Gaelic Games. 1984.\fren, Jimmy, Saint Laurence O'Tbole GAA Club Dublin 75th Anniuersary Recorul 1901 76. Dublin, 11,9761.Ground opening programmes: Hogan Stand (1959), Aras Daimhin, Piiirc an Chr6caigh (1984), St Brigid's,

Blanchardstown (197 9).

Cill Chainnigh / KilkennyGround opening programmes: Glenmore (1981).

Cill Dara / KildareAnon., Mdgh Niladhat. fMaynooth], 1966.

Ground opening programmes: Athy, 1984.

An Iarmhi /'WestmeathFarrell, E., Seery, O., Ryan, J., 6 hAnluain, E. and Jordan, K., Southern Gaels Hurling Ctub 1973-1998. t199Bl.Ground opening programmes: Ballinagore (1993), Maryland (1993).

Longfort / LongfordGround opening programmes : Dromard (I 97 6), Kenagh (197 8) .

Lf / LouthBoyle, Sean, Cooley Kickhams GFC 1BB7-1987 (1987).Mulligan, John, Dunrlalk Young lrelands GFC: An Historical Record of the Green and Blacks. Dundalk, 2004.Powderiy, T., Brennan, B., Bellew P and Mackin, N., A History of St Keuin's GFC Philipstown 1949-99. [c. 2000].Ground opening programmes: Naomh Fionnbarra (1984), Cooley (1969), Dowdallshill (1959), Hunrersrown Rovers

(1984), St Patrickt, Lordship (1976) and Naomh Malachi (2000) and Stabannon (1989).

An Mhi / MeathGround opening programmes: Drumconrath (1991), St Petert, Dunboyne (1993), Ratoath (2004).

Uibh Fhaili I OffalyGround opening programmes: Ballinamere (1980), Clara (1980), St Carthage's (1993).

Ciaruai lKerryAnon.,l Legion of Memories 1929-1979. fKillarney Legion GAA].Ground opening programmes: Kilcummin (1985), Rathmore (1984), trbert (1983).

An CLir / ClareAnon.,,4 Proud, Past: Highlights of the Newmarhet-on-Fergus Hurling and. Football Story 1885-1973. Newmarket-on-

Fergus,1974.Ground opening programmes: Crusheen (1984), Cusack Park, Ennis (1980), Gach Mhichil Chios6g, Carn (1986).

Corcaigh / CorkArnold, John, Bride Rouers Abti: The Story of Gaelic Games in Rathcormac Parish. Bartlemy, 1999.Cronin, Jim, Millstreeti Green and Gold. lTralee, c. 1977).Lyons, Tom, Clonakihy GAA 1BB7-1982. lClonakilty], [1987].O'Connot Michael, Ballinora GAA []nder the Dropping Ball: How the GAA creates belonging in Ballinora. Ballinora, 2006.Ring, \(1 J., History of Cloyne GAA fMidleton, c. 19771.Ground opening programmes: St Finbarrt (1970),Piirc Ui Chaoimh (1976), Russell Rovers (1980) and Sam Maguire

Memorial, Maulabracka, Dunmanway (1984).

Luimneach / LimerickHarrold, John, The Contests ofAthktic Youth: A History of Gaelic Games in Bruree and Rockhill. Bruree,2003.Various authors, Ballinacurra Gaels / Gael Baile Na Corra CLG 1979-2004. Ic.2005).Ground opening programmes: Galtee Gaels (1981) and Gerald Griffint (1985).


Page 8: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Port Lriirge / WaterfordVarious authors, Diln na Mainisneach / Baile na Ctiirte: The Growth antl Deuelopment of a GAA Club. 7980.Ground opening programmes: Tiamore (1980).

Tiobraid drann / TipperaryAnon., Moycarhey-Borris GAA Story. 1984.Hannon, Jackie, A History of Gaelic Games in Lattin and Cullen 18S6-2000. l200ll.King, Seamus J., Cashel King Cormaci GAA History 1985-2005.2006.

-, Lothra agrs Doire 1884-1984 lomdint agus Pei|.7984.

Molloy, Dick, Ballingarry 100 Tears of Gaelic Games 1887-1987. [c. 1987).O'Dwyer, Michael (ed.), The Parish of Emly: History of Gaelic Games andAthletics.Emly,2000.Ground opening programmes: Alerlow (1979) and Glen Rovers (1998).

Loch Garman / W'exfordCulleton, Edward, St Martini GAA Club 1932-1982. \Wexford, 1982.

Thar Saile / OverseasBeatry Tom (ed.), Brian Boril GAA Club (London) Centenary Story. lc. 2000).

John Mitchelt GFC, The Story of the GAA in Liueryool. [1984).Various authors, Clan na Gael London 1951-1998. ll999).Ground openings: Gaelic Park, Melbourne (1985).

5. REFERENCEBOOKSBuckley, Gerry, Fifu Jiue l,ears of the Croke Cup: All-Ireland Collega A' hurling competition, 1944-1948 and 1957-2006.

Naas, 2007.Breheny, Martin and Keenan, Donal The ubimate encyclopedia offootball antl hurling. Dublin, 2001.Carthy,Brian, TheChampionship.Dublin.Editions:1995,1995,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,

2005,2005,2007.Corry, Eoghan . Kelloggi book of G.A.A. facts: lt Jlzung personls guide. Dublin, 1985.Donegan,Des(ed.), ThecompletehandbookofGaelicgaTnes:acomprehensiuerecordofresuhsandteams(1557-2005).

Dublin, 2005.Guiney, David and Puirsdal, P:idraig, Guinness book of hurling recoruls. lc. 19671Lennon, Joe, The playing rules offootball and hurling 1602-2010. Gormanstown, 2001.

-, A comparatiue analysis of the pla/ng rules offootball and hurling 1SS4-l 999. Gormanstown, 1999.

McCann, Owen, Greats of Gaelic Games.Yols I (1977),2 (1980), 3 (1982),4 - centenary edition (1984), 5 (1985).

-, Recordmakers of Gaelic games (1996).

-, The Shell book of the McCarthl, Cup: All-Ireland hurling championship finals down the years. Dublin, 1993.

McManus, Darragh, GAA confdential: euerything you neuer kneu you taanted to hnow about Gaelic garnes. Dublin, 2007.Morrison, Tom. For t/te record: a historyt of the National Football and Hurling League finak. Cork, 2002.6 Droighnedin, Mliris, An Sloinnteoir Gaeilge agus An tAinmneoir. Beifast and Dublin, n.d.Smith, Raymond, A century of Gaelic games: a comprehensiue record of results and teams. Dublin, 1987.

-, The Sunday Independent / ACC Bank complete handbook of Gaelic games: a comprehensiue recorcl of resuhs and teams

( t BB7-t 993). Dublin, 1993.

-, (.d.), The Sunday Independent / ACC Bank complete handbook of Gaelic games: rt comprehensiue record of teams and

resuhs ( I BB 7- 1 999). Naas, 1999.Sportsfile, ASeason of Sundays. Dublin. 1998,2000, 2004,2005,2007 editions.

6. HURLINGDowney, Paddy, Hurling at the Crossroat/s: a silruEr. Dublin, 1965.Freeman, Norman, C lassic Hurling Matches I 976-9 I . Dublin, 1 993.Fullam, Brendan, TheWolJhound Guide to Hurling. Dublin, 1999.

Furlong, Nicholas, The Greatest Hurling Decade: Wexford and the el)ic teams of the '50s. Dublin, 1993.Hutchinson, Roger. Camanachd!: the story of shinty. Edinburgh, 2004.Morrison, Tom, Cork's glorious 1ears. Cork, 1975.King, Seamus, Classic Munster Hurling Finals. Dublin, 2007.Maclennan, Hugh Dan. Shin4t!Nairn, 1993.


Page 9: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


-, Not an Orchid .... Inverness, 1995.

Riegel, Ralph, Three kings: Cork, Kilkenny, Tipperary: the battle for hurling supremary. Dublin, 2008.

Ryan, Martin, 3 b7 the Lee: the making of the Cork hurleri 3-in-a-row 1975-78. Cork, 2006.

Smith, Raymon d, Decades of Glory: a comprehensiue history of the national gdme. Dublin, 1 966.

-, Player's no. 6 Book of Hurling: a popular history of the national game (1884-1974). Dublin, 1974.

-, The Clash of the Ash: a popular hbtory of the ndtilndl gdme lBB4-1981 (2nd ed.). Dublin, 1981.

-, The Hurling Immortals: a popular hbtory of the national game 1BB4-1984. Dublin, 1984.

\7a1sh, Denis. Hurling: the reuolution years. Dublin, 2005.

7. FOOTBALLAnon., The Derry Heirs: 1993 All-Ireland Champions. Derry,2004.Barrett, J. J., In the name of the game. Bray, 1997.

Barry, John and Horan, Eamon, Years of Glory: the Story of Kerry's All-Ireland Senior Victories. Tralee, 1977 .

Campbell, D6na1 and Dowds, Damian, Sami for the Hills: Donegal\ All-Ireland Odyssel. Burt, 2003.

Canny, Richard and Heagney, Liam, Into the Vest '98: Galway's Road to Success. Roscommon, 1998.

Corry, Eoghan. Kingdom Come. D:rblin, 1989.Duggan, Keith, House of pain: through the rooms of Mayo football. Edinburgh, 2007.

Dunne, Mick, The Star Spangled Final: the story of the I 947 All-Ireland football fnal in Netu York. Dublin, 1997 .

Fitzgerald, Dick, How to Plal Gaelic Foorball. Cork, 1914.Foley, Michael, King of September: the dq Offifu denied Kerry fue in a row. Dublin,2007.Guine,v, D avid, G a e li c Fo o t b a I l. D ublin, 1 97 6.

Lennon, Joe, Coaching Gaelic Footballfor Champions. Poyntzpass, 1964.

, Fitnessfor Gaelic Football. Alba House, 1969.McDermott, Peter, Gaek in the Sun: a detailed account of Meath's historic trip to Australia, March 1968. Drogheda, 1968.

McGee, Eugene, Classic Football Matches. Dublin, 1 993.Mahon, Jack, Twelue Glorious Years. Galway, 1,965.

-, Three in a rou.,: Galwal 1964-65-66. Galway, 1966.

Maloney, Seamus. The Sons of Sam: Ulster\ Gaelic Football Greats. Belftst,2004.Mooney, Francis, Sam: tlte story of Tyrone's Jirst All-Irelanrl. Monaghan, 2003.

O'Grady, Seamus (ed.), Coiste Peil na nOg [Gaillimh|, 197G2006. Galway,2006.O'Sullivan, E. N. M., The Art and Science of Gaelic Football.Tralee, 1958.

Quinn, Jerome, Sam Comes Home. Belfast,2003.Smith, Raymor.rd, The Football Immortah: a popular history of Gaelicfootball (1884-1984). Dublin, 1983.

Tighe, Anton, The American All-Ireland: a GAA classic. Newry, I997.Tormey, Roland, Summertime Blues: Dublini e?ic jlurnqt to a historic All-Ireland. Edinburgh,2007.'\(lhelan,

Da,ire, AWar tuith the Dubs. Dublin, 2008.

'Whyte, Eunan , Heroes of '57: the clmplete stlryl of Louthi All-Ireland uictory. Dublin, 1997.

8. CAMOGIECumann Camoguidheachta na nGaedheal, Tieorai OiJ)giilil.

Conway, Marion, A history of camogie in Roscommon. Boyle, [2004].Moran, Mary, Camogie champions: (1 complete handbooh of camogie. Cork, 11998].

-, A resounding success: thirryt )tears of All-Ireland colleges camogie. Cork, [1998] .

-, Munster's camogie story 1904-2004. Cork, [2004].

-, Cork's camogie storl 1904-2000. Cork, [2000] .

-, Gymjiochs to Headbands: Thirty Wars of Munster Colleges Camogie. fn.d.lAnon., Scial na Camtigaiochta. Kilkenny, 1984.

lToner, P J.], The Armagh camogie storl:fifty yars of earnest endeauour. Armagh, [1978].

9. }IANDBALLANDAIHLETICSDoherty, Ray, Handball, Dublin, 1970.

Griffin, Pddraig, Thepolitics of lrish athletics 1850-1990. Ballinamore, 1990.

McF,lligott, Tom, The Storl of Handball: the Game, the Players, the History. Dublin, 1984.

O Loinsigh, Seosamh, Handball: fts agus forbairt. Dublin, I 984.


Page 10: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Vallely, Brian, There Are No Boundaries in Sport: The story of 92 Years of Strugh by the GAA and NACAI to Represent

Ireland in International Competition. Lurgan, 7975.

10. GAELIC GANIES GENERALAnon., Dublin Primarl Schools League: golden jubilee commemoratiue boob. Dublin, 1978.

Bellew, Ronnie , GAA: the glory years of hurling and football. Dublin, 2005.

Breheny, Martin and Keys, Colm, The Chosen Ones: celebrating 1000 GAA All Stars. Dublin, 2004.

Burke, Frank, All-Ireland Glory: a Pictorial History of the Senior Football Championship 1887-2005. Galway,2005.

-, All-Ireland Glory: a Pictorial Historl of the Senior Hurling Championship 1BB7-2004. Dublin, 2004.

Coiste na nOg, Highlights of the GAA Story. Dtrblin, 1984.Duggan, Keith, The Lifehng Season: at the heart of Gaelic games. Dublin, 2004.

Dunne, Aaron, Around the World in GAA Days. Edinburgh, 2009.

Fahy, Desmond , How the GAA suruiued the troubles. Dublin, 2001 .

Fullam, Brendan, The Throw-in: the GAA and the men who made it. Dublin,2004.Humphries, Tom, Green Fields: Gaelic sport in lreland. London, 1996.

King, Seamus, Tipperaryi Bord na ,69 ttor1,. Thurles, 1 991 .

King, Seamus, 6 Donnchd, Liam and Sm1th, Jimmy, Tipperaryi GAA Ballads. Thurles, 2000.

Lennon, Joe, Tou,ards a philosophy for legislation in Gaelic games. Gormanstown, 2000.

McGahon, Arth:ur, Hours of Glorl: Recalling great moments in the story of the GAA. Dublin, lc. 19541.

Mahon, Jack, Action Repky. GaJway, 1984.

-, For loue of toun and uillage. Dubiin, 1997.

Mehigan, P. D., Vintage Carbery, Dublin, 1984.

Mendlowitz, Andy, Ireland's Professional Amdteurs: d sports season at its Puresr. Lincoln (USA), 2007.

6 Ceallachziin, Sein 69, The Dubs: Dublin GAA since the 1940s. Dublin,2007.6 Coigligh, Pidraig, Gaelic Games. Du,blin,7977.O'Connor, Gerard, Read1, to Play: a GAA guide to coaching and planning nurseryt Prlgrammes. Dublin, 2007.

O Faoldin, D6mhnall, 6 Bruain, Aodh agus 6 Ri"it.t, Micheil, Cumann Ltithchleas Gael na nGainn Scol 1960-1985.

Baile Atha Cliath, 1985.

O'Hehir, Michael, The GAA 100 years. Dublin, 1984.

6 ttEitlrir, Breand:in, Oaer the Bar: a personal relationship with The GAA. Dublin, 1984.

Smy'th, Jimmy, In Praise of Heroes: ballads and poerns of the GAA. Dubhn,2007.Sweeney, Eamonn, The Road to Croker: a GAA fanatic on the Championship trail. Dublin, 2004.

-, O'Brien pocket history of Gaelic sports. Dublin, 2004.

Quinn, Jerome, Ul"sterfootball and hurling: the path of champions. Dublin, 1993.

-, Ulster sports 1995. Belfast, 1995.

-, The Mirror booh of Ulster Gaelic games.Belfast,

-, Jerome Quinni Championship. Belfast,2000.Smyth, Jimmy, Ballads of the Banner.7998.

11. BIOGRAPHIES.Anon., Eamon Coleman menrorial, 1947-2007. Magherafelt, [2008].Anon., Mattie McDonagh: fathach i measc na bhfear' / a giant among nten. Ballygar,2007.'Carbery', Famous Captains: Pen Pictures of Eight Gaelic Football Leaders. Drtblin lc. 1947).

Carthy, Brian, Football Captains: The All-Ireland winners. Dublin, 1993.

Clan na Gael, Lurgan, 6mtjs do Aonrai Mac Garaidh. Lrrgan, 7993.

Codd, Martin, The way I satt, it: Nickey Rachard leads Vr'exford to hurling Glory. F.nnrscorrhy,2005

De Brirca, Marcus, Michael Cusack and the GAA. Dr.tblin, 1989.De Paor, Sedn 69 agus de Paor, Aoife, Ld an Phaoraigh.Indreabhrin, 2007.

Dorgan, YaL Christy Ring: a personal portrait. Dublin, 1980.

Doyle, Tommy, A lifetime in hurling as told to Raymond Smith.London, 1955.Fogarry \7eeshie, Dr Eamonn O'Sulliuan: a rnan before his time. Dublin, 2007.

Fullam, Brendan, Hurling Giants. Dublin, 1998.

-, Legends of the Ash. Dublin, 1998.

-, Captains of the Ash. Dublin, 2002.

Grimes, Pat (ed.), Patrick Tbbin: Euerything Bright and Fair. Cookstown, 2007.

Guckian, Del The life and times of Fr. Sean Manning (a Gaelic leader). Longford, 7979.

Page 11: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Horgan, Trm, Christy Ring: hurlingi greatest. Cork,2007.Kavanagh, Dermot, Ollie: the hurling life and times of Ollie Walsh. Dublin, 2006.Keane, Co1m. Hurling's top 20. Edinburgh, 2002.Keher, Eddie. Hurling heroes. Dublin, 2000.Looney, Tom, Dick Fitzgerald: king in a kingrlom of kings. Dublin, 2008McAlinden, Eithne, A('O Muiri 1914-1999. Lurgan, 2009.McGarry, Fearghal, Eoin O'Dffi: A Self-Made Hero. Oxford, 2005.McNamara, Sein, The man fom Carron. Ennis, 2005.McRory, Seamus, The uoice Jlom the sideline: famous GAA mdndgers. Dublin, 1992.

-, The Road to Croke Parh. great GAA personalirzsj. Dublin, 1999.

-, The All-Ireland dream: ouer 25 interuiews with GAA greats. Dublin, 2005.

Mahon, Jack, Memoriet Galway, 2004.

-, The game of ry life: Jack Mahon in conuersation with the giants of the GAA past and present. Dublin, I 993.

Meaney, Sean, Our name is on the cup: the stories of Lian MacCarthy and Sam Maguire. London, 2008.Morrissey, Mick, Hurling and my hurling stars past and presezr. [\Taterford, 1977].Murphy, Sein, The /ife and times ofJachie Power '\he prince of hurlers". Limerick, 1996.O Baoighill, P:idraig, Nally as Maigh Eo. Baile Atha Cliath, 1998.6 Caithnir, Liam P, Michent Ciosdg. Balle Atha Cliath, 1982.O'Ceallaigh, Seamus and Murphy, Sean, The Mackey Stor1. Limerick, 1982.O'Connell, Mick, I Kerry Footballer. Cork,7975.O'Connor, Christy, Last man standing; hurling goalkeepai"s. Dublin, 2006.6 Muircheartaigh, Joe and Flynn, T.J., Princes of the Pigskin: a Centurl of KerryJootbalhrs. Cork,2007.6 Muircheartaigh, Michedl, From Borroloola t0 Mangertln Mountain: *aiue/s antl stories fom lre/anr/'s most belouet/

broadcaster. Dublin, 2006.O'Neill, Dan, with Horan, Liam, Diuided Loyahies; The life and times of a MaTo man taho won an All-Ireland title with

Louth in 1957. Galway,2008.6 zuritr, Sdamus, Maurice Dauin (1842-1927): frst president 0f the GAA. Dubltn, ll995l.O'Sullivan, Jim, Men in Black. Dublin, 2002.6 T.r"-"' Liam, rvhere tae sporred and played: Jack Lynch: a sporting celebration. Dublin, 2000.Rafferry Eamonn, Thlking Gaellc: leading personalities on the GAA. Dublin, 1997.Scally, John, Al l- I re I an d Am b i ti o ns. D ublin, 20 0 7.

-, The Best of the \Yest: GAA greats of Connacht. Cork, 2008.

-, The Earle1 Years: fficial bilgturybt Dublin, 1992.Sweeney, Eamonn, Munster Hur/ing Legends: seuen decades of the greatest terzms, p/ayrs and games. Dublin, 2003.Tierr.rey, Mark, Croke of Cashel: the Qi of Archbishop Thomas \Y/illiam Croke, 1823-1902. Dublin, 1976.rValsh, Margaret, Sam Maguire: the enigmatic man behind lreland! most prestigious *ophry. Cork, 2003.\X/illiams, Tom, Cilchulainn's Son: the story of Mckey Rackard. Dublin, 2006.

12. OFFICIAL GAA PUBLICATIONSAr-relius, Josephus, National Action: A Plan for the National Recouery of lreland. Dublin, 1942Gaelic Athletic Annual: 1932-33, f %6,1937 . 1951.

Cumann Lrithchleas Gael, An Tieorai Oifigiil I Oficial guide frulebook,Editions: 1934, t 938, I939 (abridged), 1943, 1950, 1956, 1961, t966,

1997 , 1998, 200 1 and 2007.Pla/ng Rule Boa[s (otherwise Part 2): 1992,2003 and 2008.

Ltimhleabhar do Ry'iteoiri agus Imreoiri. Dublin, 1966.Rules of Gaelic football and hurling. 1.976.

Refereei guide to the playing rules of hurling and football. 1 9BB & 1 99 1 editions.Ruks offootball.1991.Rules ofhu,ling. I qB9. I qq l.Refereeing Matters. fDublin], 2006.Notes for hnrling Coaches. Dublin, 1962.

An Action Plan for GAA Coaching. Dublin, 1979.Best Practice guidelines to GAA Clubs.Ceim sa Tiangn

after 19BB divided imc> Part 1 md Part 2.1

r973, \978,1988 (2 eds), 1991, 1994,1995,


Page 12: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


Dressing Rooms & Social Centres for GAA Clubs. Dublin, 1975.

Handbooh on Club Management. lD:ublinl.6 Cochldin, P.5., Knou., Your Rules: Hurling. lDublin].Wanted: More men for the whistle!Dublin, 1987.

Commission on the GAA, Report of the Commission on the GAA. Dublin, 1971.

Strategic Review Comm ittee, En h a n c i ng C o m mun i ty I de nti 4,. lDtblin, 2002).

Commission on the G.A.A. in Galway, Report of the Corumission. Galway, 1974.

O'Hara, Patricia and Kelleher, Carmel, The GAA in County Wexford: d rePolt 0n organisational structure. Dublin, i 980

13. MANUSCRJPT SOURCESArrnualCongressbooklets:1943,1947-1949,1952,1955-1959,1961,1962,1964-1967,1969-2003,2005,2006.Annual Congress minutes: 1943, 1947 , 1948, 1969, 1971, 1979-1982, 1984-1992, 1994-1996, 1 998-2002. Special

Congress minutes: 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002.

Ulster Council minute books: 19 17 -39, 1950-7 2.


Armagh County Board minute books:7933-79.Armagh Hurling Board papers: 1945-64, 197 1-77 and 199 4*94.Armagh Athletic Grounds minute book: 1936-84.Miscellaneous minutes, correspondence and documentation relating to Cavan County Board: c. 1933-c. 1962.Miscellaneous minutes, convention papers, correspondence and documentation relating to Down Counry Board:

c. 1940-c.1966.Monaghan County Board annual accounts: 1945-72.Tyrone Counry Board accounts book: 1926-32.

Con Short collection: research files on Ulster GAA history, LBB4-I984.Sighle Nic An Ultaigh collection: research files on Ulster GAA history, c. 1887-c. 1990.P:idraig Mac Floinn collection: GAA related correspondence and documents, c. 1942-2005.

Clann na nGael GAC, Lurgan, minute book: 194448.Armagh Harps GAC minute book: 1903-05.St Patrickt College, Armagh students' football diary, 1903-19.

Youth and Sports Council for Northern Ireland minutes.1962-77.

O Beol:iin, Caoimhghin, 'James Boland 1857-I895'. Unpublished manuscript.

Canning, Joseph, Armagh Counry Teams, 197 4-1988. Unpublished manuscript.

14. NEWSPA?ERS & PERIODICALSIrish Independent GAA Golden Jubilee Congress Record. 12 Aprll 1932.

Irish Press GAA Golden Jubilee supplement, 1934.Cehic Times: fulichael Cusack's Gaelic Games Netospltper. Dublin, 2003.

Book of Gaelic Games (7 magazine issues, r. 1984).

Breaking Ball (various issues, 2001-03).An Camrin (various issues, I 93 1-34).Cro k e Park Annua l (2003 1 04, 2006 1 07, 2007 1 08, 2008/09).Cuchulainn Annual (1956, 1960, 1963, 1954, 1968, 1.969).

An Cill (vario:rs issues, 1970-78).Eadrainn Fdin: information bulletin for G.A.A. oficials (various issues, 1981-2006).Flas (various issres, 197 4-77).GAA in the Orchard Coun4, Qll 24 issues, 1990-94).


Page 13: SELECT - O'FiaichSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYfrom the Gaelic Games Collection at C6FLAThis select bibliography has been compiled from the Gaelic games collection of the Cardinal Tom:is 6Fiaich


The Game (various issues, 2004-05)Gaelic Lfe (various issues, 2007-09).Gaelic Games (various issues, 1979, 1980,2004,2005).Gaelic Reuieu, (various issues, 1987-88).Gaelit Sport (various issues, 1960 2002).

Gaelic Stars (various issues, I 967-1989).Gaelic World (various issues, 197 9-2004).Gaekporr annual (al1 issues, 1981-1998).Gae lsp o rt magazin e (various issues, 1 99 1 -98).High Ball (various issues, 1998 2005).

Hogan Stand (various issues, 1991-2009).Hurling and Football Annual (all issues, 1992-98).Hurling\Y/orld (2 issues, 2008).Our Games (all issucs, 1958-1979).An Rditheachtin: the Gaelic qltdrterl! reuien (all 5 issues, 1936 37).

Salo (various issues, 1973).

Lilster Games Annual: ftaiows issues, 1981-1998).World of Gaelic Games: 776, 1977, 1979.

15. COUNTYI'EARBOOKSCriige ChonnachtGaillimh: 1984, i 990, 1992, 1 993, 1997 -1999, 2002, 2003. Leitrim: 1975.

Maigh Eo: 1979-80, 1989.

RosComdin:1972173,1978, i983,1985,1936,1988,1991,1993,1995,1997'1998,200I'2006107.Sligeach: 1969.

Criige LaigheanBAC: 1975, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, t992-94, 1999, 2000'

Cill Dara: 1974. Ctll Chainnigh: 1973, 1982, I984, 1991, 1992, 1998' 2008.

Cill Mhantdin: 1996,2002. An Iarmhi: 1974175, 1977. Laois: 1987 '

Longfort: 19901199r. L(: 1988/89, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2008.

Loch Garrnan: 1982, 1983. An Mhi: 1974, \976,1979. Uibh Fhaili: 1971, 2001.

Criige MumhanCiarral: 197511976, 1977, r978, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988.

An Cldr: 1977,1982,1985, 1990. Cork:1972, I985, 1987, 1993,1997'2000.Luimneach: 1972, 1975-77, 1979-85, 1998. Port Ldirge: 1984, 1986.

Tiobraid Arann : 197 3, I97 5.

Cdige UladhAontroim: 2006,2007. Ard Mhacha: 1968, 2002, 2008. An Cabhdn: 1994' 2007.

Doire: 1979, 1986, 2006. An Drin: 1981-89, 1991, 1994-2005,2007,2008.Drin na nGall: 1992, I999, 2008. Fear Manach: 1979, 1986, \987,1989' 1992.

Muineachdn: 1978-80, 1986-93, 1998, 2004.

Tyrone, 1974,1.975,1978, 1981, 1983*88, \992 2002,2007.

16. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSThe library collection contains many additional items of historical interest. There is a wide range of match programmes

from the 1940s to the 2000s, from All-Ireland SHC & SFC finals, semi-finals and quarter-finals, provincial finals and

ordinary championship games, Railwal, Cup finals, National Hurling and Football Leagues, All-Ireland under-21 finals,

counry championship finals and tournatncnts.

There are also numerous county convention booklets, fixture booklets, club newsletters and special publications;

reports and strategic plans ofthe association at national, provincial and county levels; and various additional items such as

photographs, video ar-rd audio recordings, scrapbooks, newspaper supplements and cuttings, Posters' tickets and other


