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Self Presentation• Etiquette, nonverbal communication, and power

dressing will give you edge over others.• Proper introductions: teacher, parent, friend• School etiquette: raising hand, eye contact, listening

skills• Gossiping, bullying, being a good sport• Cheating, sharing, littering,• respect Uniform• Road crossing & driving• telephone manners• Proper table etiquette

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• First impressions crucial• Business etiquette is made up of

significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Unfortunately, in the perception of others, the devil is in the details. People may feel that if you can't be trusted not to embarrass yourself in business and social situations, you may lack the self-control necessary to be good at what you do. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people (and making them comfortable around you!)

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Nonverbal communication

• Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, body movements, and gestures. 

• Remember the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”• Body language is body movements that depend on a person’s

attitude or feelings. Body language includes the way people walk, how they stand, and their facial features. In other words, any kind of meaning that is shown by a person's body attitude or movements. For example, when a boy is sad he may droop his head and walk slowly. Or, if a girl is happy, she might run and jump or stand up straight and put her hands in the air

• Gestures are communications like facial expressions, hand signals, eye gazing, and body postures. Examples include smiles, handshakes, waving, and raising certain fingers to say something. For instance, if you saw a friend at a noisy carnival, you might smile and wave at your friend.  You might also point at the Ferris wheel if you wanted to meet your friend there.

• These are movements and attitudes that show how people feel.  Most times, people don't even know they're communicating when they make these actions, because these actions are automatic.  For example, a slumped posture may mean that the person is sad. A stern look may show that the person is in a serious mood. When people rub their eyes, it can show they are tired. All of these examples show how people feel.

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Power Dressing

• Sometimes Your Clothing Says More than You Do• Dress’ Speak n., often cap [United States, colloquial] (1978):

a phrase used to express how clothing and the way it is tailored and worn translates into a personal statement

• The way you dress speaks volumes about who you are as a person and as a business communicator. Let's face it, clothes talk. Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you've never met to form perceptions about you and your abilities. You don't have to utter a word; people peg you one way if you're dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, slacks and a sports coat, and yet another if you're wearing a bow tie and seersucker suit. Regardless of who you really are, your clothes and body language always speak first.

• Always look professional • Dress for the audience, the circumstance, the corporate culture, and

yourself • Wear clothes that fit • Make sure your clothes are pressed • Keep jackets buttoned (formal) • Keep your hair neat and trimmed • Use mild (or no) fragrances • Wear conservative ties to reach the middle of your belt buckle • Wear lace-up shoes (usually black) with a suit • Wear a traditional starched business shirt, preferably white cotton with a

suit • Wear shirts with a simple collar and cuffs • Use a formal, but simple watch • Have your hair parted to one side, not reaching the top of your shirt collar

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Proper introductions:

teacher, parent, Friend,Stranger

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School etiquette:

• raising hand,

• eye contact,

• listening skills

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Gossiping, bullying, being a good sport

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Cheating, sharing, littering

• Do not be a cheat

• Develop habits of sharing

• Do not litter waste here there. Use dustbins

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respect Uniform • Uniform represent not you but the

organisation you belongs• Your behavior has a great impact on

the organisation while in uniform• Do not use vulgar language at any

point of time• Do not walk recklessly in uniform• Walk smartly in uniform• Behave the best in uniform• Wear uniform neat and clean• Wear complete uniform• Other accessories along with uniform

should be worn correctly• It is the organisation which suffers due

to your negligence

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Road crossing & driving

• Cross roads properly• Save yourself and others from getting hurt• Don’t drive dangerously• Keep to your lane• Look left and then right while crossing the road. • It is better to be slightly late then never• Keep speed within limit – speed thrills but kills• Walk on footpath• Obey traffic lights• Use dipper at night• Give pass to vehicle to cross over• Slow down at crossing look left – right then cross over• Don’t talk while driving to any one or on phone• Help elders to cross over• Don’t push others while walking• Walk properly on the road• Use zebra crossing or foot bridge for crossing over• Don’t run through the traffic• Slow down at turnings• Give signal for stopping down• Park your vehicle properly

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telephone manners

• Good Telephone Habits for Everyone• Whether answering the phone or making phone calls, using the

proper etiquette is a must in order to maintain a certain level of professionalism. Proper etiquette leaves callers with a favorable impression of you, your department, and Cal State Fullerton in general. You'll also find that others treat you with more respect and are willing to go out of their way to assist you if you use the proper etiquette.

•Answering Your Phone

• Answer your calls within three rings (if possible). • Always identify yourself when you answer the phone: "This is

______." • Speak in a pleasant tone of voice - the caller will appreciate it. • Learn to listen actively and listen others without interrupting. • When you are out of the office or away from your desk for more

than a few minutes, forward your phone to voicemail. • Use the hold button when leaving a line so that the caller does

not accidentally overhear conversations being held nearby. • If the caller has reached a wrong number, be courteous.

Sometimes a caller is transferred all over campus with a simple question and the caller gets frustrated. If possible, take the time to find out where they should be calling/to whom they should be speaking.

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Making Calls

When you call someone and they answer the phone, do not say "Who am I speaking with?" without first identifying yourself: "This is _______. To whom am I speaking?" Always know and state the purpose of the communication. When you reach a wrong number, don't argue with the person who answered the call or keep them on the line. Say: "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number. Please excuse the interruption." And then hang up. If you told a person you would call at a certain time, call them as you promised. If you need to delay the conversation, call to postpone it, but do not make the other person wait around for your call. If you don't leave a number/message for someone to call you back, don't become angry if they are not available when you call again. Keep in mind the Golden Rule when it comes to phone etiquette. Don't make people dread having to answer their phone or call your department.

How to End Conversations Gracefully

There are several ways that you can end a long phone call without making up a story or sounding rude:Leave the conversation open. Promise to finish your discussion at another time. End on an "up" note. Tell the person how much you've enjoyed speaking with him/her. As long as you are honest and polite with the other person, you shouldn't have any problems getting off the phone and onto something else.

telephone manners

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Proper table etiquette

• The fork goes on the left. The spoon and knife go on the right. Food items go on the left, so your bread plate is on your left. Drinks, including coffee cups, should be on the right. When sitting at a banquet table, you may begin eating when two people to your left and right are served. If you haven't been served, but most of your table has, encourage others to start. Reach only for items in front of you, ask that other items be passed by a neighbor. Offer to the left; pass to the right, although once things start being passed, go with the flow.

• This is a lot to consider, and there’s a lot more out there. Volumes of information have been written on what is right and correct in business etiquette. It’s enough to make veterans and newcomers too insecure to deal with people.

• Since you're human, (we're assuming!) there will be times when you step on toes, forget an important name, pop off with a harsh comment, or (heaven forbid!) use the wrong fork. We all do. Think about the "outtakes" scenes at the end of some movies where we see how many times it took to get things perfect, even when everyone was performing to a script! This is real life, there are no scripts, and we're all making it up as we go along.

• The important thing to remember is that if you strive to make the people around you feel comfortable and valued, you have succeeded whether you're perfectly in compliance with these or any rules you've read.

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