Download pdf - Selling With Emotions


  • Learning Objectives

    Understanding emotions and its role in selling

    Empathy as an motional competences for selling

    Better than selling principles

    Leading sales with Cialdinis principles of influence

  • Information



  • Why are emotions vital to selling?

  • People





    Ten Commandments The code

    Edicts of Emperor Ashoka

  • All emotions are impulses to act

    The root word: emotion mowere latinverb to move, prefix e connotes move away

  • Emotional intelligence

    Is the ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions in both ourselves and others

    Emotional Intelligence


    Learning Points from Video

    You cannot give what you dont have

    People will buy much more when they buy you

    You have to be passionate about what you are selling.

  • The greatest customer you will ever sell to is:

  • To love what you do, and feel that it matters how could anything be more fun Katherine Graham

  • You cannot be a powerful Sales person if you are not motivated yourself

    The greatest customer you will ever win is

    People are far more persuaded by the depth of your beliefs and emotion than logic or knowledge when selling

  • Video

  • Emotions are contagious In the same way, positive expectation, enthusiasm, can transfer to potential customers LAW OF ATTRACTION: you attract what you are.


    I am Sold Myself

    Greatest Customer you will ever win is you! Take responsibility for how you are perceived.

  • Activity Think out of the Box

  • Secrets of selling with emotions

  • Every behaviour has consequences

    Future behaviour depends on the consequences of the past and present

    Rewarding consequences will engender repeated behaviour

    Sell, products or services, that creates rewarding consequences

  • Better than selling Principle

  • Case Study

  • The most important job of an employee and sales people is to PRIMARILY CREATE CUSTOMERS and KEEP THEM. Selling creates a sale and earn you short term Naira, creating customers earn you both short and long term Naira

    There is a big difference between selling and helping people buy

    Helping people BUY is the competitive advantage of all sales technocrats

  • People love to buy, they feel good buying but hate to be sold we take all the credit for the purchase we are proudest but are quick to blame the seller when we feel short-changed. Its human nature!

    Better than selling Principle is the focus on what customers want and need,(not what you want to sell) help them to buy whats best for them, and make them feel good about it.

  • Emotionally!

  • Dont sell when your emotions are not involved! - PJ


    Find out what makes them elated, enthusiastic, or glad. Use what you have discovered as a platform or icebreaker before any sales pitch

    Learn the things that they are emotional about e.g. birthdays, wedding anniversary

    Find out about their business and how you can help for free.

  • The only two things you must sell

  • Dont sell me cloths, sell me a sharp appearance, style, and attractiveness

    Dont sell me insurance, sell me peace of mind and a great future for my family and me

    Dont sell me an ticket, sell me a fast safe, on-time arrival at my destination feeling like a million dollar

    Dont sell me food, sell me great taste, and safety from food poisoning

  • Good feeling

    Solution to problems

  • Class Activity

  • Learning Points from activity

    In the overwhelming majority of cases we dont buy what we need, we buy what we want, and what we want are based on our feelings

    we buy emotionally, and then justify with logic customers buy feelings

    We buy solutions to pain, which makes us feel better

  • Video - DHL


  • Keys to help you sell emotionally

    Put yourself in the glad mode - Be the carrier of good emotions not the catcher

    When selling never tell customers your problems problems may create sad emotions in your customers, and sad people buy only at funeral homes

  • Keys to help you sell emotionally

    Remember that customers buy for their reasons, not ours. few customers will admit or even be aware that they are responding to emotional and unconscious reasons for buying. Your basic job is to size up, and respond to each customers need or want in a way that makes them feel glad

  • Keys to help you sell emotionally

    Be the companys Positive image when selling Images communicate with emotions.

    Use logic and emotions When selling emotions keep gets them buying, logic gets them sold and coming back poor logic skill cause post-decision remorse product knowledge is requisite to logic

  • Selling Emotionally with CialdinisSix Principles of Persuasion!

  • he spent three years going "undercover" applying for jobs and training at used car dealerships, fund-raising organizations, and telemarketing firms to observe real-life situations of persuasion and experiments in social psychology.

    Robert Cialdini

  • When selling, persuasion isn't converting customers or potential customers to your way of thinking. It is converting them to your way of feeling and believing Michael Leboeuf PhD







  • Scarcity once your buyers feel the solution to their problem is scarce demand will rise

    Commitment/consistency- People are likely to honor commitment to buy when they put it in writing

    Reciprocity- you always feel indebted to return a favor.

    Cialdinis Six Principles of Persuasion

  • Authority People feel safe and are easily persuaded by anyone who demonstrates personal mastery in product, services, or industry

    Liking We easily persuaded by those we like

    Social Proof people feel safe doing what they see others doing

    Cialdinis Six Principles of Persuasion

  • Thank you