Page 1: SEMrush Webinar: How to audit and fix thin content with no value - Stephen Kenwright

How to audit and fix thin content with no value

Stephen Kenwright, Senior Search Strategist@stekenwright

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Time to long click

Time to long click by AJ Kohn:


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Google thinks these aren’t the pages they’re looking for


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Content Inventory

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#1 Take a sample of pages on your site and add them to a spread sheet

#1 Add all the pages on your site to a spreadsheet


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Use a crawler…

Try this:

…and export to .csvStatus Code Title 1 Title 1 Length Meta Description 1 Meta Description Length1 H1-1 Meta Data 1 Canonical Link Element 1 Word Count

404 0 0 0


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Export from Analytics

#1 Behavior > Site Content > All Pages(Remember to change date range!)

#2 Export to .csv and copy into workbook (new sheet)



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Bounce Rate


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Page Views


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Bounce rate improved by 31%Average Time on Site


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Bounce rate improved by 31%Conversions



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Audit Content

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Add columns to ExcelKeep Needs Rewrite Issues Actions

Y Y Poor copy Rewrite copy

Y Y Poor copy under tabs Rewrite copy under tabs


Y N No quotes from senior team Add 2 quotes




Y Y Copy is shorter than other pages / no quotes from senior team Extend copy / Add 2 quotes



N N Add paragraph breaks

N N Similar page already exists 301


Y Y Language too colloquial Formalise copy



Y Y Thin content Provide additional information about the link

Y Y Irrelevant copy Move copy to relevant page / create new copy

Y N Copy is too dense Create additional paragraph breaks

N N Weak introductory copy

N N Similar page already exists 301

N N Doorway page 301


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ColumnsMust have:• Title 1 (Title tag) Screaming Frog

• URL Screaming Frog

• Status Code Screaming Frog

• Canonical Link Element 1 Screaming Frog

• Pageviews Analytics

• Avg. Time on Page Analytics

• Bounce Rate Analytics

Nice to have:• Title 1 Length Screaming Frog

• Title 1 Pixel Width Screaming Frog

• Meta Description Screaming Frog

• Meta Robots Screaming Frog

• Word Count Screaming Frog

• Social shares

• Backlinks Open Site Explorer / Ahrefs / Webmaster Tools


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What is the most important factor in the design of a website?

The website makes it easy for me to find what I want

The website offers a cutting edge interactive experience

The website has a beautiful appearance



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How long do you have to engage a user?

3.8 secondsJacob Nielson –


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Your content has 3.8 seconds to establish…

Relevance• Are you right for me?• Have you answered my


Trust• Do you look credible?• Can I trust you with my



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Inverted triangle


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Most web content…


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This is how users read web content


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What you should look for

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How to find out:site:search


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DuplicationAlso watch out for:• Duplicate titles and meta descriptions

• Aggregation pages e.g., tags, categories

• Content that has to be duplicated across pages e.g., disclaimers, “the small print” –make sure it’s up to date!


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Top heavy


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Cite your sources


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Trust signals

#1 Contact information / address clearly displayed on the page

#2 About Us (not just for conversions – Panda too)

#3 Author name / photo


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When was this fresh?


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High quality images =

Higher CTR, more salesEconsultancy


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+5-7%Increase in conversions on pages with user

generated contentSource:


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You’re not going to like this…

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Exact Match Domains


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Highly regulated sectors


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Doorway Pages ≠

search traffic


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Thank you!Please email any questions to [email protected] or get in touch on Twitter: @stekenwright
