Page 1: Sequential Digital Design Laboratory Manual … Digital Design Laboratory Manual Experiment #7 Counters 2 Objectives

The Islamic University of Gaza

Engineering Faculty

Department of Computer Engineering

Spring 2018

ECOM 2022

Khaleel I. Shaheen

Sequential Digital Design

Laboratory Manual

Experiment #7


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• To be familiar with different types of counters, and their design and applications.

Theoretical Background


A counter is a sequential circuit that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the

application of input pulses. The input pulses (count pulses) of the counter is clock pulses, or

from some external source, and may occur at prescribed intervals of time or at random.

Counters can be classified into two broad categories according to the way they are clocked:

1. Asynchronous (ripple) counters: the first FF is clocked by the external clock pulse, and

then each successive FF is clocked by the Q or Q’ output of the previous FF.

2. Synchronous counters – all FFs are simultaneously triggered by the same clock.

The counter follows the binary number sequence or other sequence of states. A counter that

follows the binary sequence is called a binary counter. An n-bit binary counter consists of n flip-

flops and can count in binary from 0 to 2n-1.

First: Synchronous counters

If the "clock" pulses are applied to all the flip-flops in a counter simultaneously, then such a

counter is called as synchronous counter.

Binary Up Counter

It can be seen above, that the external clock pulses (pulses to be counted) are fed directly to

each of the J-K flip-flops in the counter chain and that both the J and K inputs are all tied

together in toggle mode, but only in the first flip-flop, flip-flop FFA (LSB) are they connected

HIGH, logic “1” allowing the flip-flop to toggle on every clock pulse. Then the synchronous

counter follows a predetermined sequence of states in response to the common clock signal,

advancing one state for each pulse.

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The J and K inputs of flip-flop FFB are connected directly to the output QA of flip-flop FFA, but

the J and K inputs of flip-flops FFC and FFD are driven from separate AND gates which are

also supplied with signals from the input and output of the previous stage. These additional

AND gates generate the required logic for the JK inputs of the next stage.

Binary Down Counter

As well as counting “up” from zero and increasing or incrementing to some preset value, it is

sometimes necessary to count “down” from a predetermined value to zero allowing us to

produce an output that activates when the zero count or some other pre-set value is reached.

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Bidirectional Counters

Bidirectional counters are capable of counting in either the up direction or the down direction

through any given count sequence

Bidirectional counters, also known as Up/Down counters, are capable of counting in either

direction through any given count sequence and they can be reversed at any point within their

count sequence by using an additional control input as shown below.

Generally, most bidirectional counter chips can be made to change their count direction either

up or down at any point within their counting sequence. This is achieved by using an additional

input pin which determines the direction of the count, either Up or Down and the timing diagram

gives an example of the counters operation as this Up/Down input changes state.

BCD Counters

A 4-bit decade synchronous counter can also be built using synchronous binary counters to

produce a count sequence from 0 to 9. A standard binary counter can be converted to a

decade (decimal 10) counter with the aid of some additional logic to implement the desired

state sequence. After reaching the count of “1001”, the counter recycles back to “0000”. We

now have a decade or Modulo-10 counter.

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The additional AND gates detect when the counting sequence reaches “1001”, (Binary 10) and

causes flip-flop FFD to toggle on the next clock pulse. Flip-flop FFA toggles on every clock pulse.

Thus, the count is reset and starts over again at “0000” producing a synchronous decade


We could quite easily re-arrange the additional AND gates in the above counter circuit to

produce other count numbers such as a Mod-12 counter which counts 12 states from ”0000″

to “1011” (0 to 11) and then repeats making them suitable for clocks, etc.

Ring counter

A ring counter is a type of counter composed of a circular shift register. The output of the last

shift register is fed to the input of the first register.

Johnson counter

Synchronous counter where the complement of the output of the last shift register is connected

to the input of the first register and circulates a stream of ones followed by zeros around the

ring as shown in the figure below.

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Second: Asynchronous (ripple) counters

Asynchronous Counters use flip-flops that are serially connected together so that the input

clock pulse ripples through the counter giving them the name of ripple counter.

Binary Ripple Counter

A binary ripple counter consists of a series connection of complementing flip flops, with the

output of each flip flop connected to the CLK input of the next higher order flip-flop. The flip

flop holding the least significant bit receives the incoming count pulses.

The logic diagram of a 3-bit ripple up counter is shown in figure. The toggle (T) flip-flop are

being used. But we can use the JK flip-flop also with J and K connected permanently to logic 1

or using D flip-flop with input is connected to the complemented output. External clock is applied

to the clock input of flip-flop A and QA output is applied to the clock input of the next flip-flop.

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Condition Operation

Initially all the FFs are in the reset state Q2Q1Q0 = 000 initially

After 1st negative clock edge As soon as the first negative clock edge is

applied, FF-0 will toggle and Q0 will be equal

to 1.

Q0 is connected to clock input of FF-1. Since

Q0 has changed from 0 to 1, it is treated as

the positive clock edge by FF-1. There is no

change in Q1 because FF-1 is a negative

edge triggered FF.

Q2Q1Q0 = 001 after the first clock pulse.

After 2nd negative clock edge On the arrival of second negative clock

edge, FF-0 toggles again and Q0 = 0.

The change in Q0 acts as a negative clock

edge for FF-1. So, it will also toggle, and Q1

will be 1.

Q2Q1Q0 = 010 after the second clock pulse.

After 3rd negative clock edge On the arrival of 3rd negative clock edge,

FF-A toggles again and Q0 become 1 from 0.

Since this is a positive going change, FF-1

does not respond to it and remains inactive.

So Q1 does not change and continues to be

equal to 1.

Q2Q1Q0 = 011 after the third clock pulse.

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BCD Ripple Counter (غير مطلوب)

A decimal counter follows a sequence of ten states and returns to 0 after the count of 9. Such

counter must have at least four flip-flops to represent each decimal digit, since a decimal digit

is represented by a binary code with at least four bits. The sequence of states in a decimal

counter is indicated by the binary code used to represent a decimal digit. If BCD is used, the

sequence of states is as shown in the state diagram in the figure. This is similar to a binary

counter, except that the state after 1001 (code for decimal 9) is 0000 (code for decimal 0).

The logic diagram of a BCD ripple counter is shown in figure 9.5. The four outputs are designed

by the letter symbol Q with a numeric subscript equal to the binary weight of the corresponding

bit in the BCD code. The flip-flops trigger on the negative edge. Note that the output Q1 is

applied to the Clk inputs of both Q2 and Q8 and the output of Q2 is applied to the Clk input of

Q4. The J and K inputs are connected either to a permanent 1 signal or to outputs of flip-flops,

as shown in the diagram.

The following are the conditions for each flip-flop state transition:

1. Q1 is complemented on the negative edge of every count pulse.

2. Q2 is complemented if Q8 = 0 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0.

Q2 is cleared if Q8 = 1 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0.

3. Q4 is complemented when Q2 goes from 1 to 0.

4. Q8 is complemented when Q4Q2 = 11 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0.

Q8 is cleared if either Q4 or Q2 is 0 and Q1 goes from 1 to 0.

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Other presentation of BCD ripple counter will be as follows:

1. We need four flip-flops, for example JK flip flops where J and K are high.

2. Count from 0-9, so when counter reaches 9 it will make the 10 to be 0.

3. Decimal 10 = (1010)2, clear = D C' B A'

4. Take ones as inputs of NAND and take output of NAND to CLR.

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Counter ICs

Synchronous Binary counter (74LS93)

Synchronous BCD counter with parallel load (74LS160)

Synchronous UP/Down BCD counter with parallel load (74LS190)

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Lab Work

Equipments required

• Circuit Wizard Simulation Software.

• KL-31001 trainer kit.

• IC 7404(NOT), IC 7408(AND), IC 7432(OR), IC 7400(NAND), IC 7402(NOR).

• Connecting wires and Breadboard.

• The Datasheets of the IC’s.


Use Circuit Wizard to design, test and simulate the circuits in the examples above, then

implement the circuits practically in the laboratory.


1. Implement a ripple down counter from 15 to 0 using JK flip flops with negative edge


2. Design the 74LS160 to count in the sequence (4,5,6,7,8).

Good Luck

