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  • 1.SEQUENTIAL RADAR TRACKING (SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT) Our online Tutors are available 24*7 to provide Help with Help with Sequential Radar Tracking Homework/Assignment or a long term Graduate/Undergraduate Help with Sequential Radar Tracking . Our Tutors being experienced and proficient in Help with Sequential Radar Tracking ensure to provide high quality Help with Sequential Radar Tracking Homework Help. Upload your Help with Sequential Radar Tracking Assignment at Submit Your Assignment button or email it to . You can use our Live Chat option to schedule an Online Tutoring session with our Help with Sequential Radar Tracking Tutors. Designing And Analyzing Radar Systems This sample assignment shows techniques for designing and analyzing radar systems and how you can perform radar system design and analysis tasks such as waveform design, target detection, beamforming, and space-time adaptive processing. file and execute the following examples: 1) ex1.m 2) ex2.m 3) ex3.m ex1.m %Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc clear all;close all;clc;sAnt = lowProfileArray('FrequencyRange',[2e9 ex2.m %Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc clear all;close all;clc;beamformingExample ex3.m %Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc clear all;close all;clc;rangeDopplerStreamExample plotBeam.m %Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc [email protected]

2. if ii==1, %% Array Response figure('WindowStyle','docked'); polar(deg2rad(scanAz(:)),abs(resp)); ax = gca; else polar(ax,deg2rad(scanAz(:)),abs(resp)); end viewSignals.m % Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc %% Setup Visuals if m == 1 sScope = dsp.TimeScope('SampleRate',fs,... 'TimeSpan',10/prf,'Grid',true,... 'LayoutDimensions',[1 2],'MaximizeAxes','off', ... 'Position',[371 646 1000 409],'NumInputPorts',2); set(sScope,'ActiveDisplay',2,'YLabel','Magnitude','Title','Collected Signal') set(sScope,'ActiveDisplay',1,'YLabel','Magnitude','Title','Transmitted Signal') show(sScope); %% Range Doppler Map figure('WindowStyle','docked') hrdmap = imagesc(sgrid,rgrid,abs(rdmap)); xlabel('Speed (m/s)'); ylabel('Range (m)'); title('Range Doppler Map'); %% Detection and Range Estimation figure('WindowStyle','docked') tgtrange = [NaN NaN NaN]; pmax = tgtrange; hold on for n=1:3, plot(sTgtMotion{n}.InitialPosition(1)*ones(2,1),[0 7e-5],'r:') htext(n) = text(tgtrange(n),1.05*pmax(n),int2str(tgtrange(n))); %#ok end legend('Initial Range') xlabel('Range (m)'); ylabel('Magnitude'); title ('Estimated Range') hbar = sqrt(threshold)*ones(numel(fast_time),1); hline = plot(range_gates,[hbar hbar]); % Threshold offset = numel(sMFilt.Coefficients)-1; end %% Stream Signals step(sScope,abs(s),abs(rsig)); % Ctrl + A to scale axis limits set(hrdmap,'CData',abs(fliplr(rdmap))) drawnow 3. set(hline(2),'YData',[intpulses(offset:numel(fast_time)); NaN*ones(offset-1,1)]) for n=1:3, set(htext(n),'String',int2str(tgtrange(n)),'Position',[tgtrange(n) 1.05*pmax(n)]); end viewTrajectories.m %Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc if ii==1, %% Global Coordinate System figure('WindowStyle','docked'); hold on; grid on antT = nan(3,N); % Array trajectory tgtT = nan(3,N); % Target trajectory antT = [antT(:,2:end) antpos/1e3]; tgtT = [tgtT(:,2:end) tgtpos/1e3]; hant = plot3(antT(1,:),antT(2,:),antT(3,:),'LineWidth',2); htgt = plot3(tgtT(1,:),tgtT(2,:),tgtT(3,:),'LineWidth',2,'Color','red'); axis([-100 100 -100 50 0 50]) xlabel('X'), ylabel('Y'), zlabel('Z') title('Global Coordinate System','FontWeight','bold') view(40,48) legend('Antenna','Target') %% Target Trajectory in Local Coordinate System (from antenna perspective) h2 = figure('WindowStyle','docked'); hold on; grid on axis([-130 0 6 13 0 50]) xlabel('Azimuth'), ylabel('Range'), zlabel('Elevation') title('Local Coordinate System','FontWeight','bold') view(-40,48) %% Array visualization figure('WindowStyle','docked'); viewArray(sAnt,'ShowSubarray','None') bx = get(gca,'Children'); hdots = bx(8); ndots = numel(get(hdots,'XData')); green = ones(ndots,1)*[0 1 0]; view(40,48) else %% Highlight active arrays mn=face(:)*ones(1,ndots); hlgt=repmat([mn(1,1:16) mn(2,17:32) mn(3,33:48) mn(4,49:64)],3,1); set(hdots,'CData',green.*hlgt'); %% Update global trajectories antT = [antT(:,2:end) antpos/1e3]; 4. tgtT = [tgtT(:,2:end) tgtpos/1e3]; set(hant,'XData',antT(1,:),'YData',antT(2,:),'ZData',antT(3,:)) set(htgt,'XData',tgtT(1,:),'YData',tgtT(2,:),'ZData',tgtT(3,:)) end %% Update local trajectory figure(h2) plot3(AzEl(1),range/1e4,AzEl(2),'ro','MarkerSize',20-round(range/1e4)) visit us at or email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 520 8371215
