  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    EHP7 for SAP ERP6.0

    April 2014


    Service with Time andMaterial Based Billing(198)

    SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee 16610 !all"orfGerman#

    $%siness Pro&ess Do&%mentation

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD


    / 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate &ompan#. All rights reser'e".

    o part of this p%li&ation ma# e repro"%&e" or transmitte" in an# form or for an# p%rpose (itho%t the

    epress permission of SAP AG. )he information &ontaine" herein ma# e &hange" (itho%t prior noti&e.

    Some soft(are pro"%&ts mar3ete" # SAP AG an" its "istri%tors &ontain proprietar# soft(are &omponentsof other soft(are 'en"ors.

    ational pro"%&t spe&ifi&ations ma# 'ar#.

    )hese materials are pro'i"e" # SAP AG an" its affiliate" &ompanies +SAP Gro%p for informationalp%rposes onl#5 (itho%t representation or (arrant# of an# 3in"5 an" SAP Gro%p shall not e liale for errorsor omissions (ith respe&t to the materials. )he onl# (arranties for SAP Gro%p pro"%&ts an" ser'i&es arethose that are set forth in the epress (arrant# statements a&&ompan#ing s%&h pro"%&ts an" ser'i&es5 ifan#. othing herein sho%l" e &onstr%e" as &onstit%ting an a""itional (arrant#.

    SAP an" other SAP pro"%&ts an" ser'i&es mentione" herein as (ell as their respe&ti'e logos aretra"emar3s or registere" tra"emar3s of SAP AG in German# an" other &o%ntries. Please seehttp(((.sap.&om&orporate-enlegal&op#rightin"e.eptra"emar3 for a""itional tra"emar3 information

    an" noti&es.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD


    Icon Meaning






    Eternal Pro&ess

    $%siness Pro&ess Alternati'eDe&ision 8hoi&e

    Typographic Conventions

    Type Style Description

    Example text !or"s or &hara&ters that appear on the s&reen. )hese in&l%"e fiel"names5 s&reen titles5 p%sh%ttons as (ell as men% names5 paths an"


    8ross-referen&es to other "o&%mentation.

    Example text Emphasi9e" (or"s or phrases in o"# tet5 titles of graphi&s an" tales.

    E:A*P;E )E:) ames of elements in the s#stem. )hese in&l%"e report names5program names5 transa&tion &o"es5 tale names5 an" in"i'i"%al 3e#(or"s of a programming lang%age5 (hen s%rro%n"e" # o"# tet5 foreample5 SE;E8) an"

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD


    1 P%rpose ..................................................................................................................................... @

    2 Prere%isites............................................................................................................................... @

    2.1 *aster Data an" Brgani9ational Data..................................................................................@2.2 $%siness 8on"itions.............................................................................................................,

    2.C Roles.................................................................................................................................... ,

    2.4 Preliminar# Steps.................................................................................................................

    C Pro&ess B'er'ie( )ale..........................................................................................................11

    4 Pro&ess Steps.......................................................................................................................... 12

    4.1 8reating a Ser'i&e otifi&ation...........................................................................................12

    4.2 8hanging the Ser'i&e otifi&ation +Bptional Step.............................................................14

    4.C 8reating the Ser'i&e Br"er.................................................................................................1@

    4.4 8hanging the Ser'i&e Br"er...............................................................................................16

    4.@ )ime Re&or"ing +211.........................................................................................................174.6 8onfirming )ime to the Ser'i&e Br"er +Bptional Step.......................................................1

    4.7 8onfirming the *aterials =se"...........................................................................................1

    4., 8reating Reso%r&e-Relate" $illing Re%est.......................................................................20

    4. 8reating the

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    Service with Time and Material Based Billing

    1 !rpose

    Do&%menting a &%stomer re%est for %otation +RF for ser'i&es5 a notifi&ation is &reate" in thes#stem to "o&%ment an" &lassif# the re%ire" (or3. An optional a&ti'it# lets the ser'i&eresponsile &all the &%stomer again to &omplete the information re%ire" to prepare the%otation.

    )he ser'i&e or"er is &reate" (ith referen&e to the ser'i&e notifi&ation.

    )he ser'i&e or"er &ontains the reso%r&es5 time an" material5 in&l%"e" in the %ote" ser'i&es.

    )he ser'i&e or"er is ille" after the ee&%tion of the ser'i&e. )he amo%nt ille" is "etermine" ona time an" materials asis5 the illing metho" %se" is reso%r&e-relate" illing. )he a&t%alre'en%e is gi'en in this &ase # the (or3 a&t%all# performe" an" &an e "ifferent to the %otation

    estimate.)he spare parts are non-e&isale.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    Master data al!e Master , org$data details


    *aterialSer'i&e D10C )* $illing

    *aterial H100 Pro&%rement-to-Sto&3 +1C0

    Spare Part 1

    Sol"-to part# 100100 8%stomer Ser'i&es

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    Master data al!e Master , org$data details


    !or3 8enter SER?01 Ser'i&es !or3 8enter )e&hni&al Ser'.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    "$" B!siness Conditions)he %siness pro&ess "es&rie" in this Business Process Documentationis part of a igger&hain of integrate" %siness pro&esses or s&ope items. As a &onse%en&e5 #o% m%st ha'e&omplete" the follo(ing pro&esses an" f%lfille" the follo(ing %siness &on"itions efore #o% &anstart going thro%gh this s&ope item

    B!siness condition Scope item

    )o r%n thro%gh this s&ope item5 the materials m%ste a'ailale in sto&3.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    "$-$1 Deining /!eries or ersonal %0ect 2or3list (%24))he follo(ing %eries m%st e "efine" to test this s&ope item in the SAP et!ea'er $%siness8lient +!$8. o% onl# nee" these roles if #o% are %sing the !$8 interfa&e. o% "o not nee"these roles if #o% are %sing the stan"ar" SAP G=

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. *a3e the follo(ing entries on the *

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    - rocess %verview Ta0lerocess step

    Changing theService5otiication


    Create theService %rder


    Changing theService %rder


    *$11 8onfirm the*aterials =se"


    .elated Billing



    DP0 Reso%r&e-Relate" $illing

    Creating theInvoice or theBilling Memo.e#!est


    ?04 )he &%stomerin'oi&e has een&reate" an"transferre" to theA&&o%nting

    Closing theService %rder


    Closing theService %rder



    ')4PeriodEnd!losing!# #rders

    % See ')scope item

    See ')scope item

    See ') scopeitem

    Closing theService Order BusinessView

    ')4PeriodEnd!losing!# #rders

    % See ')scope item

    See ')scope item

    See ') scopeitem

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    6 rocess Steps

    6$1 Creating a Service 5otiication


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    @. 8onfirm #o%r entries (ith Enter.

    6. *a3e the follo(ing entries

    :ield name Description *ser actionand val!es




    Responsile for the %otation

    "e'elopment an" ser'i&e"eli'er#

    999201 Sear&h &an e "one %sing

    the HR organi9ationalstr%&t%re

    7. 8he&3 the follo(ing entries in the ocation data ta

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    .aintPlant *aintenan&e Plant 1000

    Sales #rg* Brgani9ational %nit 1000

    Distri9ution !hannel iel" 2 10

    Di"ision Gro%ping ofser'i&es


    !ompan/ code inan&ialorgani9ation


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    . 8onfirm #o%r entries (ith Enter.

    10. Sa'e #o%r entries.

    11. *a3e a note of the notifi&ation n%mer IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.


    A Ser'i&e otifi&ation is &reate".

    6$" Changing the Service 5otiication (%ptional Step)

    *se)o a"" more spe&ifi& information that might e rele'ant for %oting &omple ser'i&es5 the ser'i&epro'i"er &alls the &%stomer an" a""s information re&ei'e" in the &all. Sim%ltaneo%sl# the agent"es&ries the &%stomerNs epe&tation in more "etail an" &reates a note regar"ing the &%stomer&all.

    )his step is optional an" aime" to sho( the "o&%mentation of &alls (ithin ser'i&e notifi&ations.

    roced!re1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the follo(ing na'igation options

    %ption 17 S' raphical *ser Interace (S' *I)

    S' CC men!ogistics O!ustomer Ser"ice OSer"ice Processing ONoti0icationO!hange

    Transaction code IW52

    %ption "7 S' 5et2eaver B!siness Client (S' 52BC) via B!siness .ole

    B!siness role Ser'i&e Agent +SAPI$PRISER?AGE)IS

    B!siness role men! Ser"ice Processing Noti0ication General !hange Ser"ice


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. Bn the !hange Ser"ice Noti0ications4 Initial Screen5 enter the notifi&ation n%mer from thepre'io%s se&tion an" &hoose Enter

    C. rom the a&tion o on the right5 &hoose og telephone call.


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. Bn the !hange Ser"ice Noti0ications4 Initial Screen5 enter the notifi&ation n%mer from thepre'io%s se&tion. 8onfirm #o%r entr# (ith Enter

    C. 8hoose Ser"* #rder +ao'e the Noti0icationta.


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    7. 8onfirm (ith Enter. 8hoose Back.

    ,. 8hoose 1elease* *' 1ecording Actual $orking &imesan" >*; &ime Sheet4&rans0erring to &arget !omponentsas "es&rie" in the $%siness Pro&essDo&%mentation of the s&ope item Time .ecording ("11).

    )o a&&omplish a&ti'ities of the s&ope item5 &arr# o%t the pro&ess steps in the rele'ant $%sinessPro&ess Do&%mentation %sing the master "ata from the follo(ing tale

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    Data Entr/Pro0ile

    8%stomi9e" timesheet profile

    $8S SP Ser'i&e Br"er

    ?e/ Date Date that "eterminesthe "ate rangea'ailale in the time


    A&&ept "efa%lt of to"a#Ns"ate

    )he first time a time sheetis &alle" %p5 the 3e# "ate isnot 'isile on the initial


    %meri& 3e#i"entif#ing apersonnel re&or"

    201 Demo Emplo#ee-D

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    Act&/p A&ti'it# t#pe ;ea'e empt# )he 'al%e is seta%tomati&all# after allne&essar# fiel"s are fille"

    in an" are &onfirme" (ithEnter*

    1ec*#rder Re&ei'er Br"er )#pe in the ser'i&e or"ern%mer from step 4.@

    Acti"it/ A&ti'it# %mer )#pe in the A&ti'it#%mer 0010

    +ours )ime (or3e" on there&ei'ing oJe&t

    An# s&ope item ho%rs Eample ,

    :or %ption "7 S' 5et2eaver B!siness Client (S' 52BC) via B!siness .ole

    8omplete all prere%isite steps an" the a&ti'ities >*' #ption 3*; 1ecording Actual$orking &imes(or3ing (ith a&&o%nt assignment oJe&t Ser'i&e Br"er an" >*;&ime Sheet4 &rans0erring to &arget !omponentsas "es&rie" in the $%sinessPro&ess Do&%mentation of the s&ope item Time .ecording ("11).

    )o a&&omplish a&ti'ities of the s&ope item5 &arr# o%t the pro&ess steps in the rele'ant BusinessProcess Documentation%sing the master "ata from the follo(ing tale

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment


    %meri& 3e#i"entif#ing apersonnelre&or"

    201 Demo Emplo#ee-D

    Acti"it/ &/pe A&ti'it# t#pe ;ea'e empt# )he 'al%e is set a%tomati&all#after all ne&essar# fiel"s arefille" in an" are &onfirme"(ith Enter*

    1ec*#rder Re&ei'erBr"er

    )#pe in the ser'i&e or"ern%mer from step 4.@

    #per*@Act* A&ti'it#n%mer inSer'i&e Br"er

    for eample5 0010 )#pe in the Ser'i&e Br"er

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    6$? Conirming Time to the Service %rder (%ptionalStep)

    *seAs an alternati'e to 8A)S5 time &an e reporte" %sing the Ser'i&es time &onfirmationtransa&tion. =nli3e 8A)S5 #o% "o not nee" to i"entif# a personnel n%mer to report the (or3ingtime no(.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. Bn theEnterGoods .o"ement4 Initial Screen7&hoose &o #rderan" ma3e the follo(ingentries

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    #rder Num9er o%r ser'i&e or"er

    C. 8onfirm #o%r entries (ith Enter.

    4. Bn the Enter Goods .o"ement4 Select s&reen5sele&t the rele'ant items5 &hooseAdopt Detailsan" &he&3 the entries.

    @. Sa'e the goo"s iss%e "o&%ment.

    .es!lt)he material &ons%mption is poste" an" the sto&3 le'el is re"%&e" in the s#stem.

    6$8 Creating .eso!rce=.elated Billing .e#!est

    *se$illing ta3es pla&e in t(o steps.

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    1. Bn the 1esource-1elated Billing 1e5uest4 initial Screen5 ma3e the follo(ing entries

    :ield name Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    Ser"ice #rder $illale Ser'i&e Br"er Ser'i&e Br"er &reate" in pre'io%s step

    2. )o start &reating the illing re%est5 &hoose Enter.

    C. Bn the Billingre5uest 0or resource-related 9illing document ne=4 Expensess&reen5&hoose Sa"e Billing 1e5uest (Shi0t 8.

    4. 8onfirm the (arning message Do /ou reall/ =ant to create the 9illing re5uestF (ith es*

    @. Bn the Salesta5 in the #rder reasonfiel"5 sele&t No =arrant/.

    6. Bn the !hange De9it .emo 1e5u* ,,,,xxx4 #"er"ie= s&reen7 "elete the illing lo&3 #lea'ing the fiel" lan3.

    7. Sele&t all items an" .enu Goto Item !onditions an" ma3e the follo(ing entries


    Description *ser action and val!es Comment

    !n&/ 8on"ition)#pe

    Sele&t &on"ition t#pe $S1 SP S%r&harge tothe &osts

    Amount )#pe in a per&entage #o% (ant to a"" to the&osts an" &harge to the &%stomer

    ,. 8hoose Nextto go to the net item an" repeat step 7.

    or the ser'i&e material items the stat%s on &on"ition t#pe ?PRS

  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    1C. 8hoose Enter7 an" sele&t .enu Goto +eader Billing*;ea'e the fiel" Billing Block

    lan3 an" sa'e #o%r entries.

    .es!lt)he Reso%r&e-Relate" $illing Re%est is &reate".

    6$9 Creating the Invoice or the Billing Memo .e#!est


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. Bn the Billing s&reen5 &hoose the Billing Due istta or the Billing Due ist%er# +refreshthe &%rrent %er# if ne&essar#.

    C. Enter the rele'ant or"er n%mer an" sele&t the #rder-1elated &he&3o. 8hooseAppl/.

    4. Sele&t the lines (ith the sales "o&%ments to ill an" &hoose Billing in Background.

    @. )he s#stem "ispla#s a list of the &reate" illing "o&%ments.

    .es!lt)he in'oi&e is &reate" an" assigne" to the a&&o%nting.

    6$9$1 %ptional7 rinting a Billing Doc!ment

    *se)his transa&tion is %se" for printing the $illing Do&%ment.

    roced!re1. A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the follo(ing na'igation option

    %ption 17 S' raphical *ser Interace (S' *I)

    S' CC men! ogistics < Sales and Distri9ution < Billing < Billing Document



    %ption "7 S' 5et2eaver B!siness Client (S' 52BC) via B!siness .ole

    B!siness role $illing A"ministrator


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    2. rom the F%er# list5 &hoose the F%er# Ser"ice #rders5 sele&t the line (ith the or"er n%mer&reate" in the pre'io%s step5 an" &hoose !hange #rder*

    C. Bn the !hange Ser"ice #rder >4 !entral +eader s&reen5 &hoose !omplete(technicall/+8trl12 to &ontin%e.

    4. A "ialog o "ispla#s (here a""itional information regar"ing the &ompletion &an e %p"ate".)o &ontin%e5 &hoose Enter.

    .es!lt)he Ser'i&e Br"er is &omplete" te&hni&all#.

    > :ollow=*p rocesseso% ha'e finishe" all a&ti'ities that are part of the %siness pro&ess "es&rie" in this "o&%ment.

    )o a&&omplish s%se%ent a&ti'ities of this %siness pro&ess5 &arr# o%t the pro&ess steps"es&rie" in one or more of the follo(ing s&ope items5 %sing the master "ata from this "o&%ment.

    'cco!nts .eceiva0le (1>@)


  • 8/12/2019 service contracts process flow


    SAP Best Practices Ser'i&e (ith )ime an" *aterial $ase" $illing +1, $PD

    ? 'ppendi
