Page 1: Shadow IT - · The hidden dangers of shadow IT When users on your network adopt control, protocols aren’t followed, systems aren’t patched, devices

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Shadow IT:

Ignore At

Your Own


I t’s one of those little secrets that

nobody wants to talk about…

The term “Shadow IT” refers to apps

and devices used at work that

operate outside your company’s

sanctioned policies and protocols.

Shadow IT takes many forms, like

conversations on Facebook

Messenger, Google Hangouts, Gmail

or Skype. It can include software

from Excel macros to cloud-based

data storage apps such as Dropbox,

Google Docs and Evernote. Or

collaboration spaces like Slack,

Asana and Wrike. And then there

are devices: USB sticks,

smartphones, tablets and laptops

within your network that you have

no control over.

Robert J. Moore, CEO of RJMetrics,

relates how companies like Slack

and Dropbox craft their pricing

models to encourage rapid

proliferation. One day, a few of his

engineers were using Slack, then all

the engineers, then the whole rest of

the company was using it. He said,

“We reached a point of no return

and paying for it was pretty much

our only option.”

The hidden dangers of shadow IT

When users on your network adopt

apps and devices outside your

control, protocols aren’t followed,

systems aren’t patched, devices get

infected without people knowing it

and data breaches happen… As a

result, confidential information can

be exposed, accounts taken over,

websites defaced, goods and

services stolen, and precious time

and money lost.

Not only that, you end up with

siloed information in unknown

places, data compliance issues and

missed opportunities for bulk


The obvious solution would be to

crack down and forbid use of all but

company-approved devices and

apps. Unfortunately, that tends to

slow things down, stifling

June 2016

continued on pg2

This monthly publication

provided courtesy of Lance

Reichenberger, President of

Trinity Networx.

Page 2: Shadow IT - · The hidden dangers of shadow IT When users on your network adopt control, protocols aren’t followed, systems aren’t patched, devices

The Technology Times June 2016

You Will Learn: 1) The only way to know for SURE your data can be recovered if lost, corrupted

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4) The #1 cause of data loss that businesses don’t even think about until their

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productivity and innovation.

Bringing your shadow IT out into

the light.


burying your

head in the sand

won’t make the

problem go

away. Here’s

what you can

do to not only

take control of

the situation,

but actually use

it to drive innovation and agility at

your company.

Cut loose the “control”

mentality. It’s no longer feasible

to simply ban certain apps. If you

don’t give employees the

software they prefer, they June

start using their own. They can

easily access a vast and growing

variety of apps, all without your

help – or control.

Recognize the delicate balance

between risk and performance.

Evaluate risk on a case-by-case

basis. Then take control of high-

risk situations and keep an eye on

the rest.

Foster open communication. Get

employees involved in creating

intuitive policies. You can turn

them from your greatest risk to

your greatest asset by

levering their input

and ownership of

protective protocols.

This helps everyone

maintain security

while keeping

practical needs for

performance in mind.

Develop a fully tested

plan. Even if it’s only 70%

complete, a tested plan will be far

more useful when the need

inevitably arises than a 100%

complete plan that’s not fully

tested. Most managers

underestimate the confusion that

occurs in the first few days

following a breach.

Unfortunately, that confusion can

create a defensive rather than

constructive atmosphere centered

on discovering how, when and

where the breach occurred. A

comprehensive incident response

plan can go a long way toward

achieving a speedy resolution,

and keep an otherwise

manageable event from turning

into a full-blown business crisis.

Finding the right balance

Focusing only on security and asset

protection can drag down business

performance quickly. However,

balancing risk with performance

enables you to maximize your

return from investments in

detection and response. It also helps

you become more adept at adjusting

as the security landscape changes.

By developing your organization’s

ability to recognize threats and

respond effectively to incidents, you

can actually take risks more

confidently and drive business

performance to a higher level.

Trinity Networx can help you with

this. Our proprietary Security

Assessment helps you take the

friction out of data protection.

Contact us today at 951.479.1727or

[email protected] to take

advantage of this offer (normally

$297), FREE through the end of

June, and put an end to Shadow IT

in your organization finally and


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“Take control of high-risk situations and keep an eye on

the rest.”

Page 3: Shadow IT - · The hidden dangers of shadow IT When users on your network adopt control, protocols aren’t followed, systems aren’t patched, devices

Shiny New Gadget Of

The Month:

Video streaming from the air is about to get a whole lot more affordable. It just so happens that the brains, gyroscope, GPS and camera aboard all those new drone cameras you may have seen can also be found in your smartphone… Slip your smartphone into a PhoneDrone Ethos, and you have your own flying camera at a fraction of the cost of a fully equipped camera drone. Worried about your smartphone taking a hit in the event of a crash landing? For about $50 you can buy a cheap smartphone with all you need to fly the Ethos. Built-in mirrors enable you to shoot down, forward or to the side. You can preprogram it, or fly it manually from the ground. You can even control it with an Apple Watch. It’s scheduled to start shipping in September 2016, and “early-bird” discounts may be available at

Separating Yourself From The Start-up Pack Many of America’s favorite companies began as a small start-up.

Ben & Jerry’s sold ice cream out of an old gas station when they first opened in 1979. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in his college dorm room. Starbucks started with just one location in Seattle, Washington.

The ability to scale up is a defining trait among businesses that want to move ahead of the start-up pack. To do that, companies must learn how to lose the start-up mentality and focus on a few key areas. Building A Great Team Nancy McCord, chief talent officer at Netflix, said, “The best thing you can do for employees – a perk better than foosball or free sushi – is hire only ‘A’ players to work alongside them.”

Top talent likes to work with other top talent. Create a culture where team members challenge each other, learn together and propel the company forward. If your top talent is too busy managing disengaged, subpar workers, the work will get old very quickly. No one wants to go to work and babysit fellow team members.

To create a team of top-tier talent, focus your energy on engaging current members and improving the hiring process. Create a company scorecard for job candidates. Outline the type of person who excels in the position and the character traits they must possess. If an applicant doesn’t meet the criteria, politely decline to pursue them further. Choosing The Right Strategy Your company’s strategy is the roadmap that tells you how to get from where you are to where you want to be. It’s the defined path that your start-up will take in order to grow and become a leader in your industry. You

should live, breathe and make decisions based on this strategy.

This requires more than just vague goal-setting. What matters most to your organization? What’s your mission? All of these should be taken into consideration before you pick a strategy. Once this strategy is established, your senior leadership should meet weekly to discuss its progress.

Include your entire team in the execution of the strategy and educate them on the “why” behind it. Each employee should have a solid knowledge of the company values, foundation and proposed direction of the company. This transparency will also aid in retaining the top talent you worked hard to recruit. Improving Your Cash Flow Your cash conversion cycle (CCC), or the amount of time it takes for a dollar spent to make its way back into your bank account, is one of the most important metrics to watch while scaling your business up. Growth requires money, and the faster you scale up, the more money you need. Learn how cash flows through your organization.

Scaling up is possible, but it takes focus and dedication to these three areas. Every industry-leading company started somewhere, and there’s no reason why your organization can’t be next.

The Technology Times June 2016

Andy Bailey can cut through organizational BS faster than a hot knife through butter, showing organizations the logjams thwarting their success and coaching them past the excuses. After all, as he tells his clients, 100% annual growth is only 2% growth every week. It’s not easy. But possible.Andy learned how to build great organizations by building a great business, which he started in college then, grew into an Inc. 500 multi-million dollar national company that he successfully sold and exited. He found-ed Petra to pass on to other entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders the principles and practices he used to build his successful enterprise, which are rooted in the Rock-efeller Habits methodology.

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What If Your Smartphone Had


Page 4: Shadow IT - · The hidden dangers of shadow IT When users on your network adopt control, protocols aren’t followed, systems aren’t patched, devices

The Technology Times June 2016

Imagine just taking a pill to

acquire a whole new skill


In The Matrix, Neo opens his eyes

after being programmed and tells

Morpheus, “I know kung fu.”

According to futurist and world-

renowned inventor Ray

Kurzweil, conversations like that

will actually take place within

the next 20 years. By implanting

blood-cell-sized, cloud-connected

nano-robots into the brain,

humans will be able to literally

download any skill set or body of

knowledge from the cloud.

Sound far-fetched? Scientists are

already helping Parkinson’s

patients, using a pea-sized

implant connected wirelessly to

an outside computer. And

Kurzweil has a 30-year track

record of accurate predictions –

including a little thing we now

know as the World

Wide Web.

Hootsuite, Buffer…or both?

Keeping in touch with new and

current customers via social

media can suck up your time.

Social media apps Buffer and

Hootsuite both aim to help you

achieve more impact in less time.

So which one is right for you?

While Hootsuite offers a full-

featured social media dashboard,

Buffer focuses simply on

prescheduling your content.

When it comes to managing

posts and tracking which ones

perform best, Hootsuite is the

way to go. Yet Buffer gives you

more timing flexibility by

allowing you to pick when your

posts get published, regardless of

when you add them to the queue.

Choose either of these apps

based on your posting and

tracking needs – and consider

using them both.

Which app best helps you

take notes on the go –

Google Keep or Evernote?

Google Keep runs faster with a

cleaner mobile interface than

Evernote. It also wins on

consistent quality of search

across devices. Where Evernote

shines is in its ecosystem of third-

party integrations that add cool

features. And its Clipper

extension makes it easy to save

web pages from Android or iOS

directly into Evernote. So which

app is best for you? If you just

want to make quick notes on the

go and share them easily, go with

Google Keep. Plus, it’s free. If

you want a deep database of

notes, lists and web content with

lots of features, even if you have

to pay for it, go with Evernote.


Facebook wants to help you

blow up your business.

The Facebook Ad platform can

work wonders when you apply

these principles: 1) Have a

strategy. Don’t make the mistake

of diving in without knowing

how the money you put in will

actually pay off. 2) Remember “T

-O-M”: TARGET the right

audience with a great OFFER

wrapped in a compelling

MESSAGE. 3) Write great copy.

Start with an engaging headline,

keep your text simple and

straight to the point. Make it easy

to grasp and end with a clear call

to action. Facebook ads give you

access to the world’s largest

audience – over 1.5 billion at last

count… And one good ad could

make a world of difference for

your business.


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