Page 1: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide


6 Ways Your ChurchCAN HELP

Page 10

Revival Through PrayerCHINAPage 3


Dmitri’s Story of RevivalRUSSIAPage 6

Revival With Muslim RefugeesSYRIAPage 8

Page 2: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Revival. It has to be one of the most exciting words in the “Christian” vocabulary.

A quick look at the book of Acts gives insight into a revival like the world had never seen. I often read it looking for the secret to the early church’s growth, but the book of Acts is not an exact formula for explosive church growth. However it does tell us how a group of fisherman and dropouts were part of one of the largest scale revivals ever.

But where do these revivals start? And how can we see revival in our country?

“And the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved.” - Acts 2:47


God is the one who brings revival, not us.

Take China for example, one of my favourite stories of revival. In 1949, there were 1 million Christians in China (a total population of 541 million) and they faced severe persecution. Believers and pastors were imprisoned and Bibles were burnt in their thousands. By 1979 China’s population was 969 million and the number of Christians was estimated to be over 10 million. That number soon doubled to 20 million.

How did this great revival take place under such severe persecution?

At the time, reports from China said that there was one thing that stood out - the amount of time Chinese believers would spend in prayer. But they weren’t praying that their persecution would end. They were praying for their country. They were praying that revival would come to China.

This is how one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world began - with prayer.

International Day Of Prayer - 2016 On 6 November churches around the world are gathering to pray for the persecuted church.

You can join us by registering on our website at

Our dream is to see every church in New Zealand pray for revival in the persecuted church. To commit at least 5 minutes of prayer for the persecuted church on Sunday 6 November.

What if we were bold enough to ask the Lord to bring revival like in China to other countries? For revival in our country?

Today there is a conservative estimate of over 80 million Christians in China.

I remember sitting with a Chinese believer and asking if I could pray for him and he said “We look at the church as a prophetic example of what happens when faith becomes free: the value of Jesus drops. I want you to pray that persecution never leaves China!” I then asked him to pray for me and he simply said, “I pray that you’d be persecuted!”

Revival is exciting but it often comes with a cost, as a good friend once said to me “For every resurrection there must be a crucifixion.” Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide body of Christ.

We are incredibly thankful for all that God is doing through His church and through the ministry of Open Doors. Thank you for your faithful prayer and your sacrifice for the persecuted church.

Mike GoreCEO Open Doors New Zealand [email protected]



Watch the video at

2 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

Page 3: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Revival. It has to be one of the most exciting words in the “Christian” vocabulary.

A quick look at the book of Acts gives insight into a revival like the world had never seen. I often read it looking for the secret to the early church’s growth, but the book of Acts is not an exact formula for explosive church growth. However it does tell us how a group of fisherman and dropouts were part of one of the largest scale revivals ever.

But where do these revivals start? And how can we see revival in our country?

“And the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved.” - Acts 2:47


God is the one who brings revival, not us.

Take China for example, one of my favourite stories of revival. In 1949, there were 1 million Christians in China (a total population of 541 million) and they faced severe persecution. Believers and pastors were imprisoned and Bibles were burnt in their thousands. By 1979 China’s population was 969 million and the number of Christians was estimated to be over 10 million. That number soon doubled to 20 million.

How did this great revival take place under such severe persecution?

At the time, reports from China said that there was one thing that stood out - the amount of time Chinese believers would spend in prayer. But they weren’t praying that their persecution would end. They were praying for their country. They were praying that revival would come to China.

This is how one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world began - with prayer.

International Day Of Prayer - 2016 On 6 November churches around the world are gathering to pray for the persecuted church.

You can join us by registering on our website at

Our dream is to see every church in New Zealand pray for revival in the persecuted church. To commit at least 5 minutes of prayer for the persecuted church on Sunday 6 November.

What if we were bold enough to ask the Lord to bring revival like in China to other countries? For revival in our country?

Today there is a conservative estimate of over 80 million Christians in China.

I remember sitting with a Chinese believer and asking if I could pray for him and he said “We look at the church as a prophetic example of what happens when faith becomes free: the value of Jesus drops. I want you to pray that persecution never leaves China!” I then asked him to pray for me and he simply said, “I pray that you’d be persecuted!”

Revival is exciting but it often comes with a cost, as a good friend once said to me “For every resurrection there must be a crucifixion.” Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide body of Christ.

We are incredibly thankful for all that God is doing through His church and through the ministry of Open Doors. Thank you for your faithful prayer and your sacrifice for the persecuted church.

Mike GoreCEO Open Doors New Zealand [email protected]



Watch the video at

2 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

When Chairman Mao died in 1976, other Communist leaders were arrested and China’s extreme persecution of Christians eased. Finally, the door to China began to open.In 1979 a Chinese Christian, Mama Kwang, approached Open Doors with a daunting request. “We need 35,000 New Testaments. Can you bring them to us?” The Open Doors team didn’t think it was possible. “You pray and we will pray,” Mama Kwang told them. “God will make it happen.”A team of 30 volunteers managed to get 30,000 pocket-sized New Testaments into 60 suitcases. “We called it Project Rainbow, but our volunteers dubbed it Project Hernia,” joked the project manager. “A few volunteers were caught at the...

When Open Doors’ founder, Brother Andrew, returned from his first trip to China in 1965, he felt extremely discouraged. It was a miracle that he had even received a visa and could take along a stack of Bibles. On his first trip, he didn’t meet one dedicated Christian. Today, over 50 years later, Open Doors has delivered millions of Bibles and Christian literature into China and trained hundreds of thousands of Christians in the Bible. In 1966, a year after Andrew’s first visit, Chairman Mao Zedong began his brutal Cultural Revolution. House churches became illegal and were fiercely persecuted. Many Christians suffered in jails and labor camps, facing torture and even murder.

Image: Russia, an illegal Christian gathering in the forest - 1979CHINA‘YOU PRAY AND WE WILL PRAY.


Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand |

Image: Statue of Chairman Mao

Page 4: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Not long after Project Pearl, China started its own Bible printing press. In the past 30 years around 80 million Bibles have been printed.“China has changed considerably since my first visit in 1965,” Brother Andrew observed. “The country was as closed as an oyster. Now the doors are wide open for the Gospel. God has used our work to fuel one of the greatest revivals in human history. Searching for the most persecuted and helping them is not easy. There will be resistance. But you pray in China and we will pray in our countries. God will make it happen.”Persecution In 2016 In 2016, the government has a new attack to stop the rapid increase of Christianity. The Communist Party has recently created much tougher laws that criminalise Christians if they do not pledge loyalty to the state.

...border over the ten days, but nobody was arrested and the New Testaments were retrieved with a volunteer taking them to China.”God’s providence boosted the confidence of the Chinese Christians. Mama Kwang returned and this time asked for a million Bibles. “Impossible,” was the response. The forceful Chinese lady folded her hands. “You pray and we will pray. God will make it happen.”In 1981, the million Bibles were successfully delivered. You might have heard of this project, Project Pearl, but you might not have heard that it started with one Chinese woman and prayer. Pastor Zhang describes the state of the church during the Cultural Revolution, “Not even pastors had Bibles, only top leaders possessed a Bible. Some pastors hand-copied the Bible. Most leaders preached by singing hymns. This changed in the early 80’s when overseas Christians on behalf of Open Doors started to bring us large quantities of printed Bibles. We carried the Bibles on our back and distributed them from town to town.”Pastor Zhang was imprisoned several times for his faith, but he did not lose faith. In fact, he kept evangelising in prison. Pastor Zhang is grateful to Open Doors and the thousands of foreign brothers and sisters who supported the Chinese church. “You helped to lay a solid foundation for a large and strong church today in China. Thank you so much for what you have done.”

4 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

Images: (top left) A Chinese house church in the late 1980’s. (bottom left) Mama Kwang and Brother Andrew. (middle) Temple Of Heaven, Beijing.

Image: Over 1,500 crosses have been removed from churches in China over the last year. Some have been burnt or demolished. (Image: ABC News, Wayne Mcallister)

Page 5: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Not long after Project Pearl, China started its own Bible printing press. In the past 30 years around 80 million Bibles have been printed.“China has changed considerably since my first visit in 1965,” Brother Andrew observed. “The country was as closed as an oyster. Now the doors are wide open for the Gospel. God has used our work to fuel one of the greatest revivals in human history. Searching for the most persecuted and helping them is not easy. There will be resistance. But you pray in China and we will pray in our countries. God will make it happen.”Persecution In 2016 In 2016, the government has a new attack to stop the rapid increase of Christianity. The Communist Party has recently created much tougher laws that criminalise Christians if they do not pledge loyalty to the state.

...border over the ten days, but nobody was arrested and the New Testaments were retrieved with a volunteer taking them to China.”God’s providence boosted the confidence of the Chinese Christians. Mama Kwang returned and this time asked for a million Bibles. “Impossible,” was the response. The forceful Chinese lady folded her hands. “You pray and we will pray. God will make it happen.”In 1981, the million Bibles were successfully delivered. You might have heard of this project, Project Pearl, but you might not have heard that it started with one Chinese woman and prayer. Pastor Zhang describes the state of the church during the Cultural Revolution, “Not even pastors had Bibles, only top leaders possessed a Bible. Some pastors hand-copied the Bible. Most leaders preached by singing hymns. This changed in the early 80’s when overseas Christians on behalf of Open Doors started to bring us large quantities of printed Bibles. We carried the Bibles on our back and distributed them from town to town.”Pastor Zhang was imprisoned several times for his faith, but he did not lose faith. In fact, he kept evangelising in prison. Pastor Zhang is grateful to Open Doors and the thousands of foreign brothers and sisters who supported the Chinese church. “You helped to lay a solid foundation for a large and strong church today in China. Thank you so much for what you have done.”

4 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

Images: (top left) A Chinese house church in the late 1980’s. (bottom left) Mama Kwang and Brother Andrew. (middle) Temple Of Heaven, Beijing.

Image: Over 1,500 crosses have been removed from churches in China over the last year. Some have been burnt or demolished. (Image: ABC News, Wayne Mcallister)

Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand | 5

Mei’s Story

Mei* heard about Jesus for the first time in 1970 from her Christian mother, but her strongest early memory came a year later. “We were in the midst of the Cultural Revolution. The Communist Party forced people to confess their crimes publicly. This man did just that. He said, ‘Do not follow me as I am a sinner. I believe in Jesus. He forgives my sins and heals me from sickness.’ I was so moved by what he said, even though I was just 10 years old.”Mei became a Christian in 1972. “I had visited an old Christian lady with my mother. That lady told me, ‘We will go to heaven if we believe in God; but we will go down to hell if we don’t believe Him.’ This message was so shocking! I decided to follow him.” A classmate encouraged her to share the gospel and she distributed hand-copied scriptures in nearby villages. “Many sick people got healed when we prayed for them. It encouraged me to further share the gospel with others.” Mei vividly remembers how she started to distribute Chinese Bibles from Project Pearl. “It was in October 1981. The delivery was prepared by Open Doors and we received them through the hands of overseas believers.”The Bibles were, and still are, seen as treasures. “We cherished God’s Word and tried to memorise as many verses as we could. We were always afraid that we would lose our Bible because of the persecution. The preachers could read it, study it and then preach… The church grew because of your support.”Revival came at a price. “God would take me to a place where I did not want to go. In 1989, I was caught when I was waiting at the train station. The authorities found Bibles in my bag and sent me to a labor camp for three years. I had to do tough work there, and the food was not good. I was in prison between 1997 and 2000 too. My daughter was only one year old.” After her release Mei received new direction from the Lord. “I had the vision to raise an army for God and I prayed for His provision - people and money.” Open Doors supported Mei to establish a mission and prayer school to keep God’s fire of revival burning bright in China.*Name and image changed for security reasons


The new laws give the Communist Party the ability to employ and fire church leaders at will. It will also give them the power to control religious doctrine to make it more ‘Chinese’.According to an interview with ABC News1, one church pastor says, “Jesus Christ is my only belief, my only loyalty is to Jesus Christ. God says you should love your enemies, if they are hungry give them food to eat, if they are thirsty give them water to drink, so we will pray for the non-believers.”The government has torn down over 1,500 crosses from church buildings over the last year. Our Open Doors’ Asia analyst calls it, “The most blatant attack on the Church since the Cultural Revolution – under the guise of enforcing building-code regulations.” Despite attack on official church buildings, there are still millions of believers still meeting house churches.Some estimates say that by 2030, China will have the world’s largest Christian population.The Communist Party has tried to destroy the church before and failed. In the past, persecution has brought church growth. We will continue to pray for revival in China.

1. Matthew Carney, “Chinese Communist Party readies crackdown on Christianity” ABC News. Article updated October 8 2016, accessed October 13 2016

Page 6: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

We finally arrived at a small Russian village and stopped in front of a tiny dwelling. Dmitri opened the door and graciously welcomed us into his tiny home.“I want you to sit here,” he instructed me. “This was where I was sitting when the authorities came to arrest me and send me to prison for seventeen years.”I settled in and listened with rapt attention as Dmitri related his unforgettable personal story over the next few hours. Dmitri told me that he had been born and raised in a believing family, his parents had taken him to church as a child. Over the decades, he explained, communism slowly destroyed most of the churches and places of worship. Many pastors were imprisoned or killed.By the time he was grown, Dmitri told me, the nearest remaining church building was a three-day-walk away. It was impossible for his family to attend church more than once or twice a year. “One day,” Dmitri told me, “I said to my wife: ‘You’ll probably think that I am insane…”“I know that I have no religious training whatsoever, but I am concerned that our sons are growing up without learning about Jesus. This may sound like a crazy idea…but what would you think if just one night a week we gathered the boys together so I could read them a Bible story and try to give them a little of the training they are missing because we no longer have a real church.’”What Dmitri didn’t know what that his wife had been praying for year that her husband would do something like that. She readily embraced his idea. He started teaching his family one night a week. Dmitri would read from the old family Bible. Then he would try to explain what he had just read so that his children could understand. As he relearned and retold the Bible stories, his sons soon began helping with the task. The more they learned, the more the children seemed to enjoy their family worship time. Eventually the boys started asking for more: “Papa, can we sing those songs that they sing when we go

to the real church?” So Dmitri and his wife taught them the traditional songs of their faith. It seemed a natural progression for the family no only to read the Bible and sing, but also to take time together to pray. And they began to do that. Nothing could be hidden for long in small villages. Houses were close together and windows were often open. Neighbours began noticing what was going on with Dmitri’s family. Some of them asked if they could come and listen to the Bible stories and sing the familiar songs. Dmitri protested that he was not trained to do this; he wasn’t a minister. His excuse didn’t seem to dissuade his neighbours, and a small group began gathering. By the time the little group grew to twenty-five people, the authorities had noticed. Local party officials had came to see Dmitri. They threatened him physically, which was to be expected. What upset Dmitri much more was their accusation: “You have started an illegal church!”“How can you say that?” he argued. “I have no religious training. I am not a pastor. This is not a church building. We are just a group of family and friends getting together. All we are doing is reading and talking about the Bible, singing, praying, and sometimes sharing what money we have to help out a poor neighbour. How can you call that a church?”(I almost laughed at the irony of his claim. Looking back now, I understand that one of the most accurate ways to detect and measure the activity of God is to note the amount of opposition that is present. The stronger the persecution, the more significant the spiritual vitality of the believers. Surprisingly, all too often, persecutors sense the activity of God before the believing participants even realise the significant of what is happening! In the case of Dimitri, the officials could send the threat of what he was doing long before it even crossed his mind.)The communist official told Dmitri: “We don’t care what you call it, but this looks like church to us.


RussiaDmitri’s Story

6 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

Page 7: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

We finally arrived at a small Russian village and stopped in front of a tiny dwelling. Dmitri opened the door and graciously welcomed us into his tiny home.“I want you to sit here,” he instructed me. “This was where I was sitting when the authorities came to arrest me and send me to prison for seventeen years.”I settled in and listened with rapt attention as Dmitri related his unforgettable personal story over the next few hours. Dmitri told me that he had been born and raised in a believing family, his parents had taken him to church as a child. Over the decades, he explained, communism slowly destroyed most of the churches and places of worship. Many pastors were imprisoned or killed.By the time he was grown, Dmitri told me, the nearest remaining church building was a three-day-walk away. It was impossible for his family to attend church more than once or twice a year. “One day,” Dmitri told me, “I said to my wife: ‘You’ll probably think that I am insane…”“I know that I have no religious training whatsoever, but I am concerned that our sons are growing up without learning about Jesus. This may sound like a crazy idea…but what would you think if just one night a week we gathered the boys together so I could read them a Bible story and try to give them a little of the training they are missing because we no longer have a real church.’”What Dmitri didn’t know what that his wife had been praying for year that her husband would do something like that. She readily embraced his idea. He started teaching his family one night a week. Dmitri would read from the old family Bible. Then he would try to explain what he had just read so that his children could understand. As he relearned and retold the Bible stories, his sons soon began helping with the task. The more they learned, the more the children seemed to enjoy their family worship time. Eventually the boys started asking for more: “Papa, can we sing those songs that they sing when we go

to the real church?” So Dmitri and his wife taught them the traditional songs of their faith. It seemed a natural progression for the family no only to read the Bible and sing, but also to take time together to pray. And they began to do that. Nothing could be hidden for long in small villages. Houses were close together and windows were often open. Neighbours began noticing what was going on with Dmitri’s family. Some of them asked if they could come and listen to the Bible stories and sing the familiar songs. Dmitri protested that he was not trained to do this; he wasn’t a minister. His excuse didn’t seem to dissuade his neighbours, and a small group began gathering. By the time the little group grew to twenty-five people, the authorities had noticed. Local party officials had came to see Dmitri. They threatened him physically, which was to be expected. What upset Dmitri much more was their accusation: “You have started an illegal church!”“How can you say that?” he argued. “I have no religious training. I am not a pastor. This is not a church building. We are just a group of family and friends getting together. All we are doing is reading and talking about the Bible, singing, praying, and sometimes sharing what money we have to help out a poor neighbour. How can you call that a church?”(I almost laughed at the irony of his claim. Looking back now, I understand that one of the most accurate ways to detect and measure the activity of God is to note the amount of opposition that is present. The stronger the persecution, the more significant the spiritual vitality of the believers. Surprisingly, all too often, persecutors sense the activity of God before the believing participants even realise the significant of what is happening! In the case of Dimitri, the officials could send the threat of what he was doing long before it even crossed his mind.)The communist official told Dmitri: “We don’t care what you call it, but this looks like church to us.


RussiaDmitri’s Story

6 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

And if you don’t stop it, bad things are going to happen.”When the group grew to fifty people, the authorities made good on their threats. “I got fired from my factory job,” Dmitri recounted. “My wife lost her teaching position. My boys were expelled from school.”“And,” he added, “little things like that.”When the number of people grew to seventy-five, there was no place for everyone to sit. Villagers stood shoulder-to-shoulder, cheek-to-cheek inside the house. Then one night as Dmitri spoke (sitting in the chair where I was now seated), the door to his house suddenly, violently burst open. An officer and soldiers pushed through the crowd. The officer grabbed Dmitri by the shirt, slapped him rhythmically back and forth across the face, slammed him against the wall, and said in a cold voice: “We have warned you, and warned you, and warned you. I will not warn you again! If you do not stop this nonsense, this is the last that is going to happen to you.”As the officer pushed his way back toward the door, a small grandmother took her life in her hands,

stepped out of the anonymity of that worshiping community, and waved a finger in the officer’s face. Sounding like an Old Testament prophet, she declared, “You have laid hands on a man of God and you will NOT survive!”That happened on a Tuesday evening - and on Thursday night the officer dropped dead of a heart attack. The fear of God swept through the community. At the next house church service, more than one hundred and fifty people showed up. The authorities couldn’t let this continue, so Dmitri went to jail for seventeen years…The rest of Dmitri’s story would be one of the most remarkable and life-changing testimonies I have ever heard…”You can buy the book The Insanity Of God on our website.

Excerpt page 151-154 The Insanity Of God by Nik Ripken. Used with permission B&H Publishing Group.



RussiaDmitri’s Story

TOUR DATES - Speakers Nik & Ruth Ripken

Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand |

AUCKLAND-Mount Albert Friday 2 December, 7pm Mt Albert Baptist Church, 732 New North Road, Mount Albert, Auckland

WELLINGTON-Stokes Valley Saturday 3 December, 6:30pm Risk Church, 23 Evans St, Stokes Valley

WELLINGTON-Thorndon Quay Tuesday 6 December, 7pm Capital Vineyard Church, Level 2, 147 Thorndon Quay, Wellington

CHRISTCHURCH- St Albans Sunday 4 December, 10:30am Beulah Church, 140 Springfield Road, St Albans, Christchurch

CHRISTCHURCH- Riccarton Sunday 4 December, 3pm Riccarton Community Church, 44 Elizabeth Street, Riccarton


For more details call our office on (04) 232 7055 or visit

Page 8: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide


Over four million Syrians are living as refugees in countries neighbouring Syria. The biggest group fled to Lebanon. We recently met with Pastor Jamal*, a pastor of a small church in Lebanon currently giving shelter to thousands of Syrians

Could you describe what you see in your country? “Over one-and-a-half [million] Syrians came to our country—a country with just over four million inhabitants… They create a very big burden for our economy. They are seen as taking our jobs, that is why the people don’t want them. I see that many Lebanese are not helping them. That means they end up living in tents in the camps, in garage boxes, or three or four families together in a small apartment. Many knock at our door for help, begging for whatever help we can give in their difficult situation.”

You act different, can you say why? “We have a different perspective on refugees. Where everyone sees a problem, we see the big opportunity.

We see they are needy, they need to see the love of Christ; many of them never had the chance to hear the gospel. We step in with the message of hope, the message of love, the message of Christ with both hands—spiritually and physically. This has a big impact on them; many are coming to Christ. Often they had a wrong idea of Christians. They are deeply touched by the love of Christ.”

What drives you? “We as Christians are the ambassadors of Christ. Our message for us as believers is to reconcile with God. We see the open door we have at this moment. We should put them in relationship with God. Then all will be turned into good after all the evil they have seen. Before we didn’t have this attitude as Lebanese. We have a history with Syria—they occupied our land and destroyed everything, creating a hatred in our hearts towards Muslims and towards Syrians. The love of Christ has changed this attitude. We are now trying to approach these people.”

You are a small church, how do you do it? “We believe that the smallest light can penetrate the greatest darkness. We believe we are here with a specific purpose in this area. We’re at the right place at the right moment. Every one in our church now is at work. This changed everything in the church. We started with our own members. We saw many of the refugees coming to Christ. Now 70% of our workers are Syrian refugees themselves.”

How many families do you serve? “The number always changes, but it is between 2,500 and 3,000 families.”Image:.The famous image of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh in an

ambulance, in Aleppo after an air strike. Violence in Syria has seen millions flee the country.

Images: Syrian girls in a refugee camp in Lebanon.

8 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

Page 9: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide


Over four million Syrians are living as refugees in countries neighbouring Syria. The biggest group fled to Lebanon. We recently met with Pastor Jamal*, a pastor of a small church in Lebanon currently giving shelter to thousands of Syrians

Could you describe what you see in your country? “Over one-and-a-half [million] Syrians came to our country—a country with just over four million inhabitants… They create a very big burden for our economy. They are seen as taking our jobs, that is why the people don’t want them. I see that many Lebanese are not helping them. That means they end up living in tents in the camps, in garage boxes, or three or four families together in a small apartment. Many knock at our door for help, begging for whatever help we can give in their difficult situation.”

You act different, can you say why? “We have a different perspective on refugees. Where everyone sees a problem, we see the big opportunity.

We see they are needy, they need to see the love of Christ; many of them never had the chance to hear the gospel. We step in with the message of hope, the message of love, the message of Christ with both hands—spiritually and physically. This has a big impact on them; many are coming to Christ. Often they had a wrong idea of Christians. They are deeply touched by the love of Christ.”

What drives you? “We as Christians are the ambassadors of Christ. Our message for us as believers is to reconcile with God. We see the open door we have at this moment. We should put them in relationship with God. Then all will be turned into good after all the evil they have seen. Before we didn’t have this attitude as Lebanese. We have a history with Syria—they occupied our land and destroyed everything, creating a hatred in our hearts towards Muslims and towards Syrians. The love of Christ has changed this attitude. We are now trying to approach these people.”

You are a small church, how do you do it? “We believe that the smallest light can penetrate the greatest darkness. We believe we are here with a specific purpose in this area. We’re at the right place at the right moment. Every one in our church now is at work. This changed everything in the church. We started with our own members. We saw many of the refugees coming to Christ. Now 70% of our workers are Syrian refugees themselves.”

How many families do you serve? “The number always changes, but it is between 2,500 and 3,000 families.”Image:.The famous image of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh in an

ambulance, in Aleppo after an air strike. Violence in Syria has seen millions flee the country.

Images: Syrian girls in a refugee camp in Lebanon.

8 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

What does this emotionally do to you all? “We hear heartbreaking stories, every one has such a story. But we know that we have a Healer, the Lord’s Spirit, encouraging us. Yes, many of my team sometimes cry when they share what they saw or what they heard of the refugees. I keep encouraging them, praying with them. We sometimes have counselling seminars.”

What kind of awareness you want to raise? “I would like to try to open the eyes of the brothers and sisters in the rest of the world, to show them we are living in a very special time. We see broken people running away from Islamic extremists. They seek help. This is the time to show them the real love of Christ. Many have never had the chance to hear the gospel.

We as Christians in the Middle East don’t want the world to evacuate the Christians from the Middle East. We need everyone here to testify. Don’t be afraid for Islam. We see miracles happen every week, every week people are coming to Christ.”

What would you say to the people who pray for you, who support this kind of work? “Thank you. Without your support we could do nothing. I think the money is going to the right persons, to the right places. We can’t save the whole world, but every dollar makes a great difference. I thank them, their reward will be big in heaven. Abundant blessings. It’s making a big difference.”

*Names changed for security reasons

Could you list for me what you and your people are doing? “Every time I try that, I risk forgetting something:

• We have the Educational ministry. We have a school with 300 children and are now starting two new schools for another 300 children.

• We have a sewing class, we offer English lessons, and we teach some carpentry and offer training in cosmetics and training for nurses.

• We have a distribution team—they do the food distribution but also distribute the other items like led-lights, milk, diapers, winterisation material like mattresses, blankets, stoves and fuel.

• Teams of medical doctors come to visit the camps to check the health of the people.

• Sports ministry. They go to the camps and the schools to gather children for sports activities.

• The Bible clubs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Syrians divided over different groups. A total of 3,000 children attend.

• Bible Discovery groups. We now have up to forty groups among the refugees. Discipleship groups follow the Bible Discovery groups. We have them every Sunday in different levels.

• We are now trying to start a charity shop and we would like to start some laundry projects where the Syrians from the camps can wash their clothes. We have so many ideas.”

Images: (top left ) Families receiving food delivery packs from an Open Doors partner. (bottom left) Community centre being built by an Open Doors partner in a refugee camp. This building holds a temporary school that can teach 150 children. It is also used for sewing classes. (right) Syrian mother living in a tent in a refugee camp.

You can give emergency relief for Syria by calling our office on (04) 232 7055

Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand |

Page 10: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

10 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

We believe that prayer is powerful. We hear countless testimonies of life changing answers to prayer. To keep up to date with prayer requests from the persecuted church, you can sign up to receive our weekly prayer email.


You can make a difference to people who face persecution for their faith in Jesus. Each year, Open Doors has several projects your church can choose to fund. To explore the type of projects your church could fund contact:


Open Doors has speakers in New Zealand that would love to come and share the message of the persecuted church with your church. To enquire about booking a speaker, contact us on:



[email protected](04) 232 7055 232 7055

[email protected](04) 232 7055

Page 11: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

10 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

We believe that prayer is powerful. We hear countless testimonies of life changing answers to prayer. To keep up to date with prayer requests from the persecuted church, you can sign up to receive our weekly prayer email.


You can make a difference to people who face persecution for their faith in Jesus. Each year, Open Doors has several projects your church can choose to fund. To explore the type of projects your church could fund contact:


Open Doors has speakers in New Zealand that would love to come and share the message of the persecuted church with your church. To enquire about booking a speaker, contact us on:



[email protected](04) 232 7055 232 7055

[email protected](04) 232 7055

Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand |

You’re invited to travel with us! Open Doors has countless mission trips in many nations to share the love of Christ with our persecuted brothers and sisters. We send teams on mission to help support, strengthen and encourage the persecuted church.


We like to gather pastors together for special intelligence briefings on up-to-date news from the persecuted church. At these meetings, we share exclusive information with pastors that we are unable to release publicly. To find out more email:


It is our dream to see every Christian in New Zealand care for the persecuted church. Who in your church would enjoy receiving a Frontline Faith and Prayer guide? For a free subscription visit:


[email protected](04) 232 7055

[email protected](04) 232 7055 232 7055

Page 12: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Sixty Second Stories

“Your name is on a list of people who should be killed. If you want

to be taken off this list, I can make you an offer. I can marry you. I have three wives, you

can be the fourth.”

The threat made to Maizah, Libya

Read full story at

Maizah* grew up as a Muslim, but one day she had a vision of a man, “shining like light... ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,’ he said. Then he was gone.” When Maizah’s family fled to Egypt because of the civil war in Libya, her new Christian neighbour told her the man she saw was Jesus.“I believed her, I felt it was true. I was impressed. I asked her to show me a Bible — it was the first time I saw one. I was scared of it.”Maizah became a Christian. Her family called her home one day and she was confronted by a room full of men who she did not know. They beat her and questioned her. She was told the only way she would survive was to marry one of the men. Maizah managed to escape and is now living in a safe location. * Name and photo changed for security reasons.

Mehdi Dibaj from Iran is for the history books of martyrs. Mehdi was arrested in 1983 for converting to Christianity 40 years earlier. During his 9 years in an Iranian prison he wrote to his son:“I am prepared for the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, not only to remain in prison but to give my life in His service as well.”In 1994 Mehdi was sentenced to execution. There was a great international outcry and prayer led by fellow Iranian pastor Haik Hovsepian. Suddenly on 16 January, 1995, the Teheran government released Mehdi from prison and denied sentencing him to death. Even TIME magazine reported the release under the title “Answered Prayer”.But six months after he was set free, Mehdi was discovered martyred by a group vigilantes.Today, the Iranian church is one of the fastest growing churches in the world.

Image: Mehdi Dibaj

“I am quite ready for execution. This

is my privilege that no one has the right to take away

from me.”

- Mehdi Dibaj Iran


Lalith is a passionate Pastor in Sri Lanka. Local Buddhist Monks repeatedly threatened him and his church. At one point a mob turned up and threatened to burn his church with him and his family inside it. Thankfully they did not carry out this threat, but instead they registered a complaint against him. Lalith was summoned to court to face the charges.The very same week he appeared in court, a prayer was answered. The government passed a law that gives people of all religions the freedom to worship everywhere in the country. Lalith praised God that he was acquitted of all charges! Lalith says, “It’s our mission to lead people into the kingdom... After everything we’ve been through, there is nothing we fear anymore. God’s almighty presence is always with us.”Image: Pastor Lalith

“Extremists want me gone. But the same

persecution will wait for me wherever I go, because I will preach the same


- Pastor Lalith Sri Lanka

12 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition


see spiritual revival in communist countries,and every person own their own Bible.

Page 13: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Sixty Second Stories

“Your name is on a list of people who should be killed. If you want

to be taken off this list, I can make you an offer. I can marry you. I have three wives, you

can be the fourth.”

The threat made to Maizah, Libya

Read full story at

Maizah* grew up as a Muslim, but one day she had a vision of a man, “shining like light... ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,’ he said. Then he was gone.” When Maizah’s family fled to Egypt because of the civil war in Libya, her new Christian neighbour told her the man she saw was Jesus.“I believed her, I felt it was true. I was impressed. I asked her to show me a Bible — it was the first time I saw one. I was scared of it.”Maizah became a Christian. Her family called her home one day and she was confronted by a room full of men who she did not know. They beat her and questioned her. She was told the only way she would survive was to marry one of the men. Maizah managed to escape and is now living in a safe location. * Name and photo changed for security reasons.

Mehdi Dibaj from Iran is for the history books of martyrs. Mehdi was arrested in 1983 for converting to Christianity 40 years earlier. During his 9 years in an Iranian prison he wrote to his son:“I am prepared for the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, not only to remain in prison but to give my life in His service as well.”In 1994 Mehdi was sentenced to execution. There was a great international outcry and prayer led by fellow Iranian pastor Haik Hovsepian. Suddenly on 16 January, 1995, the Teheran government released Mehdi from prison and denied sentencing him to death. Even TIME magazine reported the release under the title “Answered Prayer”.But six months after he was set free, Mehdi was discovered martyred by a group vigilantes.Today, the Iranian church is one of the fastest growing churches in the world.

Image: Mehdi Dibaj

“I am quite ready for execution. This

is my privilege that no one has the right to take away

from me.”

- Mehdi Dibaj Iran


Lalith is a passionate Pastor in Sri Lanka. Local Buddhist Monks repeatedly threatened him and his church. At one point a mob turned up and threatened to burn his church with him and his family inside it. Thankfully they did not carry out this threat, but instead they registered a complaint against him. Lalith was summoned to court to face the charges.The very same week he appeared in court, a prayer was answered. The government passed a law that gives people of all religions the freedom to worship everywhere in the country. Lalith praised God that he was acquitted of all charges! Lalith says, “It’s our mission to lead people into the kingdom... After everything we’ve been through, there is nothing we fear anymore. God’s almighty presence is always with us.”Image: Pastor Lalith

“Extremists want me gone. But the same

persecution will wait for me wherever I go, because I will preach the same


- Pastor Lalith Sri Lanka

12 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition


see spiritual revival in communist countries,and every person own their own Bible.

Sixty Second Stories

It Helps Today

Today your gift will help where most needed in the world. We respond immediately to the ongoing needs of the persecuted church.

Every year Open Doors conducts fieldwork in more than 60 countries. Through the local church we run a huge array of projects to strengthen persecuted believers around the world.

It Helps Tomorrow

The income from regular giving provides peace of mind to our brothers and sisters. Believers sleep tonight knowing they can depend on Open Doors to deliver what we promise tomorrow.

To be able to effectively plan, provide and dream as a ministry, it’s vital to know how much we can afford to do. Regular giving helps us do this.

It Helps in the Future

As a ministry we’ve watched the fall of the Berlin wall, the church revival in China, the birth of Islamic State and the rise of extremism.

We’ve serve persecuted Christians for over 60 years, and will continue for as long as God calls us to. We set big visions and dreams to see the gospel grow and the church thrive despite persecution. Regular giving secures long term ministry to the persecuted church.

Three Ways To Become A Frontline Partner: 1. Fill in the response form mailed with this magazine 2. Visit 3. Or call us on (04) 232 7055

Will you partner with persecuted Christians to fulfil the Great Commission?


see spiritual revival in communist countries,and every person own their own Bible.

Become A Frontline Partner Today!

Page 14: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide


MUSKATHALONTransform your life and the lives of many as you rise to the challenge of raising awareness of the persecuted church. Raise financial support to run/cycle/walk across Lebanon. Visit and encourage Syrian believers in refugee camps throughout the country.

Don’t miss out, spaces are limited! For more information or the full list of trips, request your 2017 Open Doors Mission Trips Brochure.

Email [email protected] or call (04) 232 7055


14 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Experience the heart of Africa as you meet with persecuted believers, hear testimonies and fellowship with women. Show the love of God through praying and giving personal encouragement to widows and families. Visit projects and see the impact of womens ministry in Kenya.

June 2017Approx. $2700

ENCOURAGEMENT Embrace the wonders of Indonesia as you journey to strengthen local believers. Visit projects and bring encouragement to the persecuted church by carrying a message of hope. Walking through the land of rich diversity and flavours, hear the stories of unshakeable faith for Jesus Christ.

May 2017Approx. $1200


CEO TRIPDo you want to travel with our CEO Mike Gore to a country too dangerous to name? We are looking for five individuals to travel, encourage and deliver material to believers in this secret country. You will be meeting with secret believers and seeing our field projects firsthand.

May 2017Approx. $2150

May 2017 Approx. $2950


Page 15: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide


MUSKATHALONTransform your life and the lives of many as you rise to the challenge of raising awareness of the persecuted church. Raise financial support to run/cycle/walk across Lebanon. Visit and encourage Syrian believers in refugee camps throughout the country.

Don’t miss out, spaces are limited! For more information or the full list of trips, request your 2017 Open Doors Mission Trips Brochure.

Email [email protected] or call (04) 232 7055


14 | Open Doors New Zealand | Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Experience the heart of Africa as you meet with persecuted believers, hear testimonies and fellowship with women. Show the love of God through praying and giving personal encouragement to widows and families. Visit projects and see the impact of womens ministry in Kenya.

June 2017Approx. $2700

ENCOURAGEMENT Embrace the wonders of Indonesia as you journey to strengthen local believers. Visit projects and bring encouragement to the persecuted church by carrying a message of hope. Walking through the land of rich diversity and flavours, hear the stories of unshakeable faith for Jesus Christ.

May 2017Approx. $1200


CEO TRIPDo you want to travel with our CEO Mike Gore to a country too dangerous to name? We are looking for five individuals to travel, encourage and deliver material to believers in this secret country. You will be meeting with secret believers and seeing our field projects firsthand.

May 2017Approx. $2150

May 2017 Approx. $2950



Eritrea is #3 on the 2016 World Watch List. Since 2002, when the government banned most forms of worship and evangelism, thousands of Christians have been arrested and held in prison without fair trial. A number of church leaders have remained in prison for the last 12 years. Being imprisoned for 12 years has many challenges, but the biggest concern of these leaders is often the welfare of their families.

Open Doors workers were recently able to connect with the family of one of these pastors. The family was forced to flee in 2013 and have found safety in another country. Although they are happy to be safe, the family is weighed down missing their father and the country they call home. This family is so encouraged by the prayers of Christians around the world.

Please continue to pray for this family and the many other families who are in similar situations. A note of encouragement can make such a difference, we would love you to write cards or notes of encouragement that we can deliver to them.

Prayer points:• Pray for the pastors still imprisoned, that they would be

strengthened and physically sustained.

• Pray for the families of the imprisoned pastors, that they would find peace and comfort from Holy Spirit.

• Pray that there would be an opportunity for these pastors have a fair trial.

• Print clearly in English• Be brief and encouraging • Include 1–2 Bible verses • Provide your name and country,

(not your full address)Best to send: • Greeting cards, artwork from children

and postcards (send postcards in an envelope, do not write Open Doors' address on the postcard)

Make sure you: • Don't mention Open Doors • Don't send money• Do not criticize a country • Do not make proposals to helpSend to: Open Doors New Zealand, PO Box 6237 Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 by 31 December 2016


Encourage The Family Of An Imprisoned Pastor

Frontline Faith, 2016 Issue No.6 - Revival Edition | Open Doors New Zealand |


In August we asked for your help to fund projects in Iraq.

Generous people accross New Zealand gave and togther we were able to reach over and

above the goal we set!

Thank you!

In August we asked for your help in funding projects for Iraq. Generous people accross New Zealand, gave, and togther we were able to reach over and above the goal we set!


Image: Suaad, a christian woman who works in a sewing factory supported by Open Doors.

Watch the video at

Page 16: SHARING THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PERSECUTED CHURCH · 2020-04-24 · Are you willing to pray that revival would come to New Zealand? Join us on 6 November as we pray for the worldwide

Show your support for persecuted Christians. Follow Open Doors New Zealand on:



TOURING 2—6 DECEMBERAuckland • Wellington • Christchruch

See or page 7 for details

SERVING PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDE Open Doors New ZealandPO Box 51236 Tawa,Wellington 5249 New Zealand(04) 232 7055 | [email protected]
