  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutalitywritten by A Truth Soldier

    Because The Truth Revolution is Now!

    The shock and awe of our militarized Police doing killings, beatings and brutality on our innocent civilian population is so


    The peoples independent and free media is flooding the internet with endless videos of horrificly insane behaviour of the

    Police that we once trusted as peace officers.

    Below this article you will find a huge collection of horricfic examples of how our Police have been trained to be

    completely insane and desensitized to the reality of their insane actions.

    Our Police have been psycologically conditioned to be on a huge ego power trip.

    This training has been coming on gradually for many years.

    Add to that, the social engineering of the masses by Hollywood, television and the public schools to desensitize the people

    into accepting that all this oppressive behaviour of the Police is perfectly acceptable and has now been normalized.

    Have you seen photographs or online videos of the uniforms and equipment given to the police?

    Our police now wears more armament then the real military does.

    Have you ever wondered why the Police wear those offensively black uniforms?

    There are two reasons.

    The first is to build up the ego of the psycopaths they have hired and given this authority too.

    Second, it is to intimidate the general public into submission.

    The people see all this oppression and they just start going, bah hah Bah hah. That is the sound the herd of sheeple make.

    Have you ever wondered why is it that the New world Order Banksters are spending hundreds of millions of dollars each

    time to stage their fake shows such as the Bilderberger Meetings, the G8, The G20 in the center of huge cities?

    And then Putting those huge cities under marshall law lock down?

    Are you also aware that the Occupy protesters are also financed by George Soros of the New World Order Banksters?

    Are you also aware that all the violence at these protests is being done by police agents of the New world Order?

    Truthers, call these agent provocateurs.

    The Black Bloc.

    It is all staged to make the sheeple accept oppression.

    It is also staged to condition the militarized Police to also accepting and enjoying all this new seemingly limitless power and


    For the New World Order to achieve true control of we the people.

    We have to believe that we have already lost all our significance and freedoms.

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    But what needs to happen soon, is for the police and our military to realize that their is an even bigger agenda at work.

    Our Military and Police need to wake up to the truth and reality of the Banksters New World Order United Nations Agenda


    Agenda 21 is complete insanity.

    I could spend days and years writing about it, and you still would not get the complete understanding of Agenda 21.

    So far Agenda 21 has been operating as a huge Hollywood studio producing Shock and Awe movies.

    Such as, The kennedy murders, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Waco, Oklohoma bombing, WTC Pentagon Bombings,

    London Bombing, Bali Bombing. The list does not end.

    You all need to wake up now and realize that all this insanity has been possible and is very real due to the creation of the

    first corporation.

    I have spent years risking my life and writing the truths of the matrix.

    But still the sheeple wont jump that fence of the OK corral because they think everything is A OKAY.

    The sheeple will just do as their conditioning has taught them to do.

    They will just keep doing what the insane state says.

    The herd is about to be culled.

    The FEMA processing plants are now going into full operation.

    The New World Order has been kind enough to have already erected humanitys tombstone.

    The tombstone has been engraved in eight different languages with the New World Order Commandments.

    Some of those languages belong to a peoples that have already gone out of existence.

    Please go on line and search for the proof.

    Just search for this sentence.

    They want you dead is written in stone.

    So a message to all our Police and Military.

    That power you think you have, will it is very temporary.

    Like those TSA agents that are humiliating and degrading our society.

    You one day will be also completely powerless.

    But when that day comes, you will come to the realization that, all that evil power you have done to we the people has now

    left you all alone.

    You have helped disempower and exterminate the sheeple.

    Your power no longer exists, for there are no sheeple remaining.

    So what will come of you, after you have spent your life disempowering people who were once just like you once were?

    You might say.

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    Why did I not listen to the truthers?

    Why did I not also become a brave truther?

    Why did I not join and empower the Truth Revolution?

    Why did I not become a truth soldier in Gods army of angels?

    For God has always been the truth.

    So help us God in this New World Order of insanity and darkness.

    You all need to resist the New World Order.

    Each and everyone of you who are agents of the New World Orders matrix of evil,

    need to start throwing some sands of time into the gears of the machinery of the new world order.

    That huge slow moving wheel of the new world order progress needs to be slowed down.

    If enough of you start putting your little bits of sands of time into the gears.

    You will buy humanity that much more time to start deprograming themselves and awaken to the realization that,

    the world really is being run, but really,

    it is being ruined by the insane new world order money masters of those secret societies plagueing this once beautifully

    natural planet.



    Agenda 21 EXPLAINED, full version

    Here is a detailed presentation on what is really in Agenda 21. How it will ultimately take your private property away.

    Regarding Ms. Bruntdland: Some have suggested she is merely a Democrat and I am way off base. First off, Norway dos

    not have a Democratic Party, but rather Socialist democrats.

    Hopefully there is a difference. Internet research can be a challenge, so I respect those who engage in it! However, check

    out the XX Congress of the Socialist International in NY. Gro was the first VP of the Socialist International whose goal is to

    interact with labour, social democrats and socialists worldwide to spread the socialist concept of democracy.

    It is quite possible to be member of the Democratic Party and a Socialist at the same time.

    It is members like Gro whose desire it is to move the Democratic party more toward the Social Democratic Party.

    Thanks for viewing the video and for your observations. John

    Presented 11/28/2011 Copyright 2011 John Anthony


    Agenda 21- Codex- Fema Camps - 80% Depopulation = New World Order Terror Camps: The Global



    Mark Matheny exposes the plan of the Elite to create a New World Order through carefully coordinated agendas of the U.N.

    disquised as humanitarian and ecological efforts.

    These plans however, are geared to reduce the total earth population by 80% and bring all nations under an international

    post-industrial Feudal Military Global Regime. (Originally completed in May of 2009).

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality




    Sincerely, Mark Matheny

    Police Demand Video Camera.. Owner says NO

    Dangerous, but Necessary!


    This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police. Video provides transparency, accountability,

    and an accurate account of incidents that occur.

    It is no secret that the United States has a serious problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption.

    It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and

    safety to all of those involved.

    Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens

    from recording the activities of law enforcement in public.

    Enough is enough!

    It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it.

    Even if the officers behavior is correct, and justifiable, we still encourage the recording of the police activities for the

    transparency and accountability that is desperately needed in many departments.

    If you see something, film something, the freedom of press begins with you!

    If you feel the need to upload this video to your Youtubes, please contact us and we will make sure you acquire a high

    quality version of the film with our info. And please, add our links in the description, thanks

    More information about the clips in order of appearance:ORIGINAL FOOTAGE Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park

    New Footage of Oscar Grant Shooting (with sound)

    Cops on Camera (multiple segments)

    Citizen attacks Baltimore Police -- caught on tape

    Houston Police BEATING Teen Suspect Chad Holley

    Police Brutality: NYPD Beat Man's Legs w/ Baton For Not Getting Up!


    MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'Donnell with "The Last Word"

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    Police Brutality All Star Video

    Raw Video: Police Beating Caught on Tape


    Paris Texas Police Officer Throws Teen on Car

    POLICE BRUTALITY - Total Proof Cops Are Power Tripping Thugs & Habitual Liars

    Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl

    #OWSwest #J20 #SFPD Attacks Innocent Protesters; Officer M. Ali #619 Breaks My Cam

    Raw Video: Ala. Officers Fired After Beating Man

    Cop Punching Handcuffed Man Video Now Has Sound

    Chicago police murder innocent manPage brought to you by

    UPDATE: Chicago police officer Alvin Weems, the shooter here, has committed suicide. He shot himself.

    Civil Rights attorney brings episodes of tragic real life. Police brutality in visual realism. Excessive force and other tales of


    RESULTS - 12 million finding against CPD


    The ARTICLE regarding this VIDEO and its source:

    Chicago Police officer seen holding gun shoots man in head point blank. The whole police force covered it up for years

    until now. No criminal charges were ever filed.

    Disgusting news. Chicago Police force screwdriver into rectum of arrested man. Evidence tech attempt to hide it.,0,6801143.s...

    Latest CPD Murder Plot Federal Agents arrest Chicago Special Ops Officer at home Jerome Finnegan

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    CHICAGO Police out of control mentions murder plot referenced above:

    8/7/07 Two more people killed.

    8/7/07 Two people killed in one week. One shot in the back by Chicago Police Department.

    Chicago police kill a child and cover it up.

    May 2007

    Chicago Police use office to steal credit cards

    Chicago Police officer steals credit cards:

    CHIEF Detective hanafan - convicted of running jewel theft ring 2006

    Meidenaowski - convicted of running major drug operation from miami to chicago 2004

    (Most corrupt cop ever was never investigated yet they knew).

    John burge - proven to have tortured defendants for over five years in area five headquarters.

    Eleven police officers currently in federal court for forcing poor families to give them money or be charged with a crime,

    theft, robbery, burglary, home invasion. 2007 still pending

    Officer steals items from small chinese convenience store. Owner jumps on car cop drags owner. 2004

    Chicago police use badge to steal $31,000.00

    Chicago police commit drug conspiracies

    Chicago police commit more burglaries

    The officers rarely get fired because their union - the fraternal order of police - gets em reinstated.

    Some officers have caused the city to pay over 3 million dollars to victims on account their violent behavior. Yet their stil l

    on the job b/c their union is so powerful.

    The refusal to recognize the problem only perpetuates it. Police are starting to report each other so maybe, just maybe their

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    is hope.

    The video of the bartendress being beaten is the product of years of "we are untouchable" attitude, beyond the law, beyond


    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Lying about drugs:

    Murder plot

    Framing people


    Chicago police are racist and dont respect police officers:

    Chicago police use counterfeit money

    Police plant drugs on homeless black womanPolice released video Thursday that Officer Chrisman arresting a woman right next the medical examiner's office in


    Security guards inside were watching him on surveillance video. What they saw bothered them so much, they turned the

    tape over to the police department.

    In that 2005 incident, Chrisman and his partner arrested a homeless woman on an outstanding warrant. According to the

    More.. internal affairs investigation, Chrisman and his partner planted drug paraphernalia on the woman -- because they

    wanted to play a joke on the woman, who is mentally challenged.

    Chrisman puts a brilo pad and pipe in his partner's left hand. His female partner then pretends to pull the pipe out of the

    woman's dress.

    Chrisman said he knew the suspect, and just wanted to get a rise out of her. He was suspended for one day and put on the

    Brady List -- his partner was also suspended for one day and put on the Brady List.

    The woman wasn't charged with anything related to the planted evidence

    Surveillance video: Iraq War veteran beaten

    Sante Fe cop caught beating handcuffed teen; fired, rehired!

    officer beating 66-year-old man suffering from dementiahttp:://

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    Female Cop Tirelessly Beats Man with her Baton

    crazed cops arrest lady for feeding the homless

    Police Brutality: Dog Walker w/ Camera Beaten By Cops!

    ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators

    Police Brutality - Officer Beats Special Ed Kid

    Georgia Cops Bust Little Girls' Lemonade Stand

    police body slam 80 year old woman

    Cop Breaks 84 Yr Old's Neck For Touching Him

    Police Brutality: Mother knocked out with baby on the side-walk. ** PLEASE WATCH **San Francisco, California. Video shows a San Francisco police officer throwing a resisting suspect to the ground, apparently

    knocking her unconscious, while leaving the baby to cry on the side-walk.

    Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops

    Police Shoot and Kill Unarmed Man in Custody on the Ground.This was a deliberate and planned assassination..

    You can see that cop waiting in the background while the other officers were carefully putting the victim down into the killposition.


    Cops Beat Man After He Finds His Son Dead

    Video Emerges of U.S. Agent Shooting Teen

    Security footage of Kelly Thomas police beating

    Published on May 7, 2012 by VoiceofOCvideo

    Latest news report on the case:

    Security camera footage showing the police beating of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man who later died from his

    injuries, at a Fullerton, California bus depot on the night of July 5, 2011. The altercation begins at 15:20.

    Fullerton police officer Manuel Ramos was charged with second-degree murder in Thomas' death, and Cpl. Jay Cicinelli

    faces involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force charges.

    Video provided by the Orange County District Attorney's Office.

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    Footage of California cops beating homeless man to death shown in court

    Published: 09 May, 2012, 02:07

    Edited: 10 May, 2012, 01:39

    Surveillance footage of the beating of Thomas.

    (141.8Mb) embed video

    One year after Fullerton, California police officers beat a 37-year-old homeless man to death, video footage of Kelly

    Thomas last few minutes of consciousness were showed in a Santa Ana, CA courtroom on Monday.

    Monday marked the first day of a preliminary hearing that will go on to determine if there is enough evidence for two

    Fullerton copsOfficers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinellito be ordered to stand trial for the May 5, 2011 beating of

    Thomas. Ramos was charged last year with second-degree murder and Cicinelli with involuntary manslaughterboth have

    plead not guilty.

    As spectators sat through 30 minutes of grainy black and white footage, Judge Walter Schwarz momentarily ordered that the

    film be paused so that some in the court could be excused to compose themselves.

    Despite the subpar quality of the footage, Ramos is clearly seen shaking his fist in front of Thomas, a known drifter and

    documented schizophrenic, insisting that he was about to fuck him up. Cops were on the scene to investigate a call of car

    break-ins when they discovered a shirtless Thomas and began questioning him. When Thomas walks away from Ramos

    after being questioned, he is assaulted with batons, Tasers and fists by a crew of cops that eventually turns into a crowd offive.

    Describing his own actions, Officer Cicinelli is recorded on tape in the aftermath to explain, "We ran out of options so I go t

    the end of my Taser and I probablyI just started smashing his face to hell.

    Elsewhere on the tape, Thomas is heard pleading for his life. The recording captures the man crying out "OK man, I can't

    breathe," "I'm sorry, dude, I'm sorry!" and "Dad, they're killing me, dad daddy!" before he lost the ability to


    An evidence photo of beating victim Kelly Thomas in hospital, as it was shown during a preliminary hearing on his death in

    court in Santa Ana (REUTERS/Joshua Sudock/Pool)

    By the time the bloodied, unconscious body of Thomas was delivered to a local hospital, doctors determined that he

    suffered multiple broken bones in his face, several cracked ribs and a crushed thorax. Physicians also figured Thomas to

    have choked on his own blood during the incident. After five days on life support, Thomas passed away.

    Last year, Ron Thomas, father of the deceased, told CNN that he wont settle for anything here except for complete justicefor my son. Despite the evidence that has Americans across the country accusing the Fullerton, CA cops of excessive

    force, however, reparation might not be easy to receiveattorneys for the defendants maintain that their clients were in the


    In defense of Officer Ramos, attorney John Arnett asked a University of California, Irvine surgical trauma chief to take the

    stand and explain how physicians handled Thomas injuries. "The cause of death might be the treatment he got [at] the

    hospital?" Barnett asked Dr. Michael Lekawa.

    The Los Angeles Times reports that Dr. Lekawa was originally concerned over a medical error on the hospitals end, but all

    that changed once he saw the footage.

    "They did everything right," Lekawa testified to the court in explaining the hospitals handling of Thomas.

    According to Reuters, Fullerton fire Captain Ron Stancyk, a paramedic that was called to the scene, tended to injuries

    incurred by the officers themselves upon arrival. Testifying in court this week, Stancyk says that none of the officers alerted

    him of Thomas, near death, when he arrived.

    Updated, Wednesday May 9:

    Judge Schwarz announce on Wednesday that there is enough evidence to bring the officers to trial. If Officer Ramos isconvicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 15 years-to-life in jail; Cicinelli could end up with as little as four years behind


    Music titles used

    In Order of appearance:

    Two Steps From Hell - Lost In Asia

    Sirens Call - Epic Score

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality


    Two Steps From Hell - Never Forget

    Two Steps From Hell - Lord of two lands

    These songs were altered to fit the films desired emotion, intesity, and climaxThe rest is random ambient music.


    NYPD Cop Caught on Video Threatening to Ram P**** in Suspect's Mouth

    May 21, 2012 @ 4:18PM

    By Carlos Miller -... Topics News

    New York City Police Sgt. Lesly Charles may have a long penis but hes short on brains, never realizing a suspect was

    video recording as he threatened to ram his lengthy penis in the suspects mouth.

    Charles also threatened to ram his pistol inside the mans anus before telling him he had a pretty face.

    Charles also told the man, who was getting harassed for parking illegally, that he didnt mind the hustling as long as hepaid him respect.

    The suspect, who was arrested for disorderly conduct, gave the video to the New York Post, which sparked an internal


    Here is a sample of his tirade.

    I have the long d--k. You dont, the cop bragged.

    Your pretty face I like it very much. My d--k will go in your mouth and come out your ear. Dont f--k with me. Allright?

    After the target of his tirade insisted, I didnt do anything, Charles retorted, Listen to me. When you see me, you look theother way. Tell your boys, I dont f--k around. All right?

    Ill take my gun and put it up your a-- and then Ill call your mother afterwards. You understand that?

    For good measure, the sergeant added: And Ill put yours--t in your own mouth.

    The Post called Charles at home who said he was only doing the Lords work.

    Please send stories, tips and videos to [email protected].


    I am immersed in a legal case where I not only want to clear my criminal charges stemming from my arrest in January, but I

    want to sue the Miami-Dade Police Department for deleting my footage, which I was able to recover.

    My goal is to set some type of precedent to ensure this does not happen as often as it does today where cops simply get

    away with it.

    So if you would like to contribute, please click on the "donate" button below and contribute whatever you can afford.


    Department of Homeland Security buying up enough ammo to wage seven-year war against the American people

  • 7/31/2019 Shock and Awe of Militarized Police Killings Beatings and Brutality
