Page 1: Short reading list on education in rural areas

S h o r t r e a d i n g list o n e d u c a t i o n in rura l a r e a s

For further reading, a short list of important recent works in this area is given below. The titles have been derived from a more extensive bibliography published in Unesco/IBE Educational Documentation and Information, No. x83/x972, to which readers may refer for supplementary information.

Approaches to rural problems. Internatlonalsoclal science journal (Paris), vol. 2I, no. 2, 1969, p. 213-3o9. (Special issue.)

BARTSCH, W. H.; RICHTER, L. E. An outline of rural manpower assessment and planning in developing countries. International labour review (Geneva), vol. 1o3, nos. 1-3, January-March I971, p. 65-76, z29-94, 269-85.

CASTLE, E. B. Education for self-help: new strategies for developing countries. London, Oxford University Press, 197z. I63 p., bibl.

CENTRO INTERAMERICANO DE INVESTIGACI6N Y DOCUMENTACI6N SOBRE FORMACI6N PROFE$IONAL. Formaci6n profesional en el sector rural [Vocational t ra ining in the rural sector]. Montevideo, 197o. I51 p. ( C I N T E R F O R - Informes, no. z6.)

CHI-WEN-CHANG. Rural Asia marches forward; focus on agricultural and rural development. Laguna, University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture, 1969. 426 p., illus.

Colloque sur l'emplol des moyens d'information pour le ddveloppement rural en Afrique, Dakar, Kaolack, Sdn~gal, r97o. Rapport finaL Paris, Unesco, 1971.65 p.

Commonwealth Conference on Education in Rural Areas, Accra, z97 o. Education in rural areas. Report. London, Commonwealth Secretariat, I97O. 314 p.

Educat ion in rural areas in the Asian Region. Bulletin of the Unesco Regional O~ce for Education in Asia (Bangkok), vol. 5, no. r , September x97o. x3o p., bibl. (Special issue.)

FOOD AND AGRICtmaXrRE ORGaZCrzATIO~. La extensi6n rural en Am6rica Latina y el Caribe. Informe de la confe- rencia t~cnica de extensi6n agdcola y ]uventud rural, Ghiclayo, Pera, z9 de noviembre-x2 de diciembre 197o. Rome, I97 r. viii + 225 p., figs., illus.

GAI_rDY, M. Animation rurale, encudrement et moyens de ddveloppement ~conomique et social en pays tropicaux. Paris, La Maison Rust ique, 1969. vii i + 136 p.

GOUSSAULT, Y. Interventions ~ducutives et animation dans les ddveloppements agraires ( Afriaue et Am~rique latine ). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 197o. 260 p. (IEDES-collection Tiers Monde.)

GREENSILL, T. M. Handbook for rural science teachers in tropical areas. London, Evans Brothers, I97I. I44 p., figs., illus.

GRIFnTFIS, V. L. The problems of rural education. Paris, Unesco, 1968; Paris, International Inst i tute for Edu- cational Planning, 1968.4 ~- p. (Fundamentals of educational planning, no. 7.)

HtrlqTEg, G. Modernizing peasant societies: a comparative study in Asia and Africa. London, Oxford University Press, I969. 324 p., bibl.

~INsTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRObIONIIQUE. Enfants et ]eunes ruraux: bibliographic signaldtique. Paris, 1969. lO6 p., figs.

-'INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ASSOCIATIONS. Educat ion in rural areas and the democratization of


Prospects, Vol. I i i , No. 2, Summer I973

Page 2: Short reading list on education in rural areas

Short reading list on education in rural areas

studies. Reports of the National Association presented at the 4oth International Conference of l F T A Delegates, Oslo, 26-29 Yuly r97r. St-Sulpice, 1971.87 p.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORG~ISATION. L' animation rurale dam les pays de l'Afrique francophone. Gen~ve, 217 p. KIRFEL, B. Sehulstruktur und Bildungschancen : deutsche und belgische Sehulen im lfmdlichen Raum [School structure

and educational opportunity: German and Belgian schools in rural areas]. Hannover, Schroedel, I97o. 154 p., figs., bibl. (Auswahl Reihe B. 38.)

KULP, E. M. Rural development planning: systems analysis and working method. New York, N.Y., Praeger, I97O. 664 p.

MAix~rICrm, P. Rural development and the changing countries of the world: a study of Danish rural conditions and the folk high school with its relevance to the developing countries. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1969. 525 p., figs., illus.

ROGERS, E. M. Modernization among peasants: the impact of communication. New York, N.Y., Holt, Rinehart & Winston, I969. 429 P.

RoY, P.; ROGERS, E. M.; WAXSANEN, F. B. The impact of communication on rural development: an investigation in Costa Rica and India. Paris, Unesco, I969. I6o p., figs. (Co-edition Unesco/National Institute of Community Development, India.)

Rural Youth Development Seminar in Africa, Kampala, Uganda, x97o. Report. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 1971. iv + 71 p.

Seminario sobre el papel de la ensehanza agrleola en el desarrollo rural, lnforme final. [Seminar on the role of agricultural education in rural development. Final report.] Turrialba, Costa Pica, I97O. Paris, Unesco, 197 r. 49 P-

SHEFFIELD, J. R. (ed.) et al. Rural Afrieana: current research in the social sciences, rural education. East Lansing, Mich., Michigan State University, African Studies Center, 1969. 67 p.

SI-mFFIELD, J. R.; DIEJOMAOH, V. P. Non-formal education in African development. New York, N.Y., African- American Institute, 1972. 258 p., bib1.

UNEsco. Education and development in a rural environment. Paris, 1971.74 P., bibl. Worm Conference on Agricultural Education and Training, Copenhagen, I97o. Report of the Conference. Vol. x:

Proceedings of the Conference. Vol. 2: Regional papers, Rome, FAO/Unesco/ILO, I97I. 2 vols.

This bibliography has been compiled by the International Bureau of Education, Geneva (Switzerland).


In the forthcoming issue, Prospects will publish large extracts of the final report to Unicef on a major study entitled 'Non.formal Education for Rural Development: Increasing Learning Opportunities for Children and Youth' by the International Council for Educational Development under the direction of Philip H. Coombs.