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Shot Scene Type of Shot Description1 Introduction Establishing shot The trailer starts with as establishing shot

setting the location of Ava’s house. This represents a happy family and shows normality to the audience.

2 Introduction Long shot /Master shot

This shot is of the family around the dining table, with again is a continuous of the state of normality.

3 Introduction Long shot/ Master shot

This shot brings the camera to the front of the characters from the previous shot allowing the audience to see the faces of the characters for the first time in the trailer. However with Ava looking down we will create a feeling of unease for the audience.

4 Introduction Medium shot We will then cut to a closer shot of the family at the dining table. This close up will help to catch Ava’s reaction shot to her mum. She will give the audience a direct address by a suddenly lifting her head to look into the camera.

5 Introduction Long shot/ Master shot

In this shot we will follow Ava as she gets into her car.

6 Introduction Long shot/ Master shot

This is a shot of Ava sitting in the car and starting it. This will be a continuous shot from the previous and will look like one long shot.

7 Introduction Close up The close up will be of gear stick to show the audience she is reversing the car.

8 Introduction Over the shoulder,Point of view shot

This shot will be taken from inside the car and will allow the audience to watch as Ava reverses the car as if they are also there with her.

9 Plot Twist Long shot This shot will start the montage with Ava walking down the alley. We will use this shot as it will show the audience that she is alone, which will foreshadow the brutal crime.

10 Plot Twist Long shotMaster shot

In this shot Ava is walking through a grave yard. However there is a hooded figure watching her as she walks by.

11 Plot Twist Medium Shot,Pan

This is a pan around the male character as he looks up at the church and prays for forgiveness. This creates worry for Ava who is alone and vulnerable to this sinister character.

12 Plot Twist Long shot, This is a long shot of Ava and the hooded male character as they walk into each other. These reaction shots of the characters will help create fear towards the male character by the audience gives Ava a sinister look as she walks off.

13 Plot Twist Long Shot In this shot will be the beginning of the

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second montage. The audience will watch as Ava from behind as she walks down an alley way, until the male character jumps out from hiding and pushes Ava against a fence. This shot will make the audience jump as they will not be expecting the appearance of the hooded male.

14 Plot Twist Medium shot This next shot in the montage will be a fast shot of Ava being dragged backwards with her mouth covers behind a tree. This fast pace creates panic for the audience.

15 Plot Twist Low angle shot This low shot will be used to allow the audience to see through Ava’s eyes as she is on the ground. The audience will watch the male character walk over to the camera and look down, representing him looking at Ava after hurting her.

16 Plot Twist Close up This will be close up shot of Ava’s face as she lays on the ground helpless. This shot will make the audience to feel sympathy towards Ava representing her as weak.

17 Plot Twist Medium long shot

This shot shows Ava staggering towards the camera weak and seeking for help.

18 Plot Twist Close up This close up will show as Ava picks up her brush she knocks a coin of the dresser.

19 Plot Twist Low angle, Medium close up

This shot will be a reaction shot to the coin falling. It is a low shot to tell the audience that she has power over what she finds out next.

20 Plot Twist Low shot, Pan

This shot is of the coin rolling cross the room leading Ava to the hidden secret of her past. The pan steadily follows the coin building up suspense.

21 Plot Twist Low shot, POV, Medium long shot

Following the coin this shot shows Ava find the hidden boxes underneath her bed. The low shot, point of view shot allows the audience to feel like they are also there with Ava.

22 Plot Twist Low shot,Close up

This low shot is of the folders that Ava finds in a box underneath her bed. This shows the slow reveal of the secret that has been hid from her uncover.

23 Plot Twist Over the shoulder Having the camera looking over Ava’s shoulder; at the doctor and adoption documents that where hidden from her. This shot makes the audience feel like they are also in the room.

24 Revenge Close up This shot will be the first of the last montage in the trailer. This will be a close of Ava’s face as she stands in front of the camera with blood on her face.

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25 Revenge Over the Shoulder

This shot will be taken over the shoulder of another male character that will be tortured by Ava as she starts to go crazy with the memory of her past. With the camera behind the male character looking over the shoulder it will make the audience feel like they are standing next in line to face Ava and her weapon.

26 Revenge Medium Close up This will be an action shot of Ava slamming a hammer at someone off screen, leaving the audience wondering who this is as well as fearing the aggressive Ava that is no longer sane.

27 Revenge Medium close up This shot will be of the young male character being strangled against a tree. Ava will be strangling him standing behind the tree looking at the camera which will make the audience feel like there next.

28 Revenge Close up The quick close up of his legs and feet will show him struggling as he to escape.

29 Revenge Long Shot This long shot will be a side view of Ava as she is sitting on the ground in the middle of the woods. This will be a slower shot then the previous in the montage as the audience watches Ava look up as if she’s seeking for forgiveness.

30 Revenge Medium close up The trailer will cuts to this medium close up shot of Ava’s face as she looks up. This will be a continuous shot from the previous long shot.

31 Revenge Long shot This shot will be taken on the side, representing looking through the male characters eyes as he lays on the ground helpless as he watches Ava walk away.

32 Revenge Close up This shot will be a close up of hands tied, struggling to be set free.

33 Revenge Long shot The final shot will be of the male character running away, seeking for help whilst the camera will watch him run into the distance.