Page 1: Shubhanshu mishra endorsementletter (1)

AIESEC Lithuania | Geležinio Vilko g. 12-513 | LT-01112 Vilnius | | e-mail: [email protected] | tel./fax.: +370 5 260 94 64

Endorsement letter 29.12.2010

Dear AIESEC IIT Kharagpur, With the following lines I support Shubhanshu Mishra’s decision to apply to be the Local Committee President 11-12 of AIESEC IIT Kharagpur. I had the pleasure to get to know him one year ago, while being the LCVPTM of AIESEC Jyväskylä in Finland. Shubhanshu was doing an AIESEC internship in Global Venture Lab Finland (TN-In-FI-JY-2009-1245) at this time. Despite Shubhanshu’s short stay in the country, he convinced me to be an exemplary AIESECer. What I experienced to be the key characteristics of Shubhanshu during this time were his high degree of global mindset and his vast social skills. Shubhanshu participated eagerly in the Local Committee’s activities and shared his knowledge about Indian culture and his country. He communicated easily with diverse nationalities and personalities, and build up a great network in Finland. His outgoing and friendly personality will help him in his LCP role, where he will be able to position AIESEC IIT Kharagpur nationwide and in the global network. Shubhanshu is aware about the importance of communication and positioning. As the VP Communications 10-11 of AIESEC IIT Kharagpur, he set new standards to promote the LC across continents in the social media. Shubhanshu also surprised the membership of AIESEC Jyväskylä with his AIESEC spirit. Certainly, I would call him to be a real AIESECer. He is devoted to the organization and wishes to make a positive change in the world. Shubhanshu’s visit to the International Congress 2010 in India was one of the highlights of his AIESEC career so far and motivated him to go even further. During his internship in Jyväskylä, Shubhanshu completed all tasks and obligations to the company’s fullest satisfaction. Global Venture Lab was so convinced about Shubhanshu’s talents that they agreed upon a shorter duration of the internship. They knew that he had the professional skills and knowledge they needed. Shubhanshu was the only possible option for the company. And he proofed them to be right during his stay. These are the words that I would like you to think about, as well. Shubhanshu is the only possible option for AIESEC IIT Kharagpur. He is determined enough to achieve the goals AIESEC IIT Kharagpur will set for the next year and he is skilled enough to communicate them to the membership. Shubhanshu has the AIESEC Experience to be a role model for new and experienced members and the AIESEC spirit to stand up in front as the Local Committee President of AIESEC IIT Kharagpur 2011-2012. From my heart, I wish him all the best! In case you have any further questions, feel free to approach me personally at any time! Sincerely, Annekatrin Endter Member Committee Vice President of Talent Management 10-11 AIESEC Lithuania