

,A.4l..11 -NO 35

Y 011 Intimate that de~endent nght to hiS own cholee of the day he keep but IS ur.iler oblIgatIOn to keel1 one of the se, en and I suppose yo 1 claIm the same bleSSing and sanctllicatlOn for that day whIchever one It lDlght be as God bestowed on the seventh day Now an mfidel who had ne,er ob served any day as Sabbath IS at the age of 40 converted on I:iIfth day ('Ihu sday) evenmg where should ho beglll to count h s time for keep ng the seventh pa t, unless at the day of h,S conveISlOn I Then h,S first sev

of t me would be the next sons III T<'iinl·fh-rllnv. (Wednesday) and so It not much

be With evel yother day of reahze that God th.~·s'~v(m but none of them except and gave to It ts the seventh would fulfill the porfect petUlty-a day \In:Cn:ID~:llaole, seventh part of t me What a pity not transfelable fOI the st elders for the seventh part "Ye shall not of tIme who repud ate the sel/enth\1 whICh I command day of tune that God did not >!lay ye dlmlD sh 0 tght somethlllg about the tIme and not 4 2 so arblt al'lIv specify the day only

ton shed at your faIlac 0 IS reasomng on so plam a subJect:: In a k nd note to me refusmg to pub~,"h my artICle \In the Sabbatli yo 1 expressed a \I Ish

my mmd should be as much at on that !lubJect as yours From

you say or endorse m that ar I can assure you tHat my m nd better at rest on tl e subject of

iSabb,~th than yo rs IS or POSSI be while holdmg J 011 pre

op IlIon The Scr pt I es furn 51 Gwcct, POSltl e I !;oof for the day of

Sabbath anil Its perpetUIty you nlg e from mfe ence With

to dest oy that proof You We wonld not knowmgly per

the II OJ d of the 10 d and you the Importance of the

Q u,~stion; and then Instead of ab d

B It the day IS tI e essentIal whICh God blessed and the day tl e defimte tIme of the day or f=;'n·,'~ ty four J ou s bnt tl ne does not ne cessauly mclude a defilllte day but

be a de-filllte part of e~ ery day month or )ea

statement about Ch na needs mod,ficatIOn or con ectlOn

the eastern pal t of ChlDa the sun IS sett og when It IS I sIDg here an I I ha dly thIDk they do m lOh secula buslDess m th" n gl t By adJustmg a globe to the me Idmn of our long cst days we find the rays of the sun fall on ChlDa and on both the eastem and \I estem contments even to the PaCIfic coast at the same ho u and I ha, e never heard of any tlouble about Sunday time on elthel conti nent As to sll}1 ng cast 01 west aro md tlie globe I suppoRe tha~ al most eHlY eader knows that na tl cal time IS ID accordance WIth some particular pom~ of I:J.t tude and Ion glt1!-de genelally I bel eve what IS knOll n as Green,wlCh t me so that tho gh a n:lv gator sho lid perfo m the ellcmt of the globe a dozen tIme. WIthout once regulat ng h,S time h s account of days l'oul1 correctly co espond to tl e days at the place fi om

winch he fi st sta teil Ther e vould, be none either lost 01 ga ned "Y ou a gue as though some portIOn of the world never had a fi st day and con sequently could not ha, e a seventh day Is not tlIS one of that class of thlUgs whICh the apostle say S IS false Iy called 01 pos t on of RClence

As to the matte! of"P tca III s lsi and I am a I tt1e s p sed that a man of yo I k IOwledge e Id t on and I III crence fOl tl e W 0 d of God should attempt to prop Ip a th eo y on only one such IllCidental clleum stance But It shows the weakness of the cause \'lHn though advoeat€d by a strong mnn The man Adams was reputed a very w cked man and, eont nued so on thiS Island for ten years 01 mOl Ii befo e he became con verted Now Iij It at all I kely that he had kept a correct account of days so as to know after so many years and all t~at t me separated from the Clulized WOIld what day would be Suu lay a day to \\ hICh he p obably had nevel pa d any atten tlOn? 01 IS t not tar more proba hie that finding 10 h s B ble the 10

stltut on of the Sabbath and emem benng somethmg of what he had seen of It 10 h s yont! he seleot cd the day whJl;h they kept for Bun day vlthout knowmg Its I elatIOn to

the word you proceed to the wgular days of the week 7 Is there any eVIdence that he aoted With a direct knowledge of the day ~ Howel e It may have been It s 1m mater al fo It neither proves no d sprOl es any thmg only that they kept that day for S m lay not ho v they came to keep It

The SIxth sect on of your artICle nt mates howcvm tl at you do un

deIstand thele IS some oblIgat on for the obselvance ot the day to be kept thongh I suppose yo 1 Wish to be un der.tood as clamllng only the speCIfic

~uv~" I time You say God S \lords can be kept So say I And ~hy not keep them? "hy ac>t obey God 2 Why dIScald hIS word. and s bst tute somethmg else? ~galll you say

rVe can em ember the Sabbath day to keep It holy A91en Why not ilo so then • God made the Sabbath day and Jes S Bays he made It fbi man he did not e np01\ er man to makll It but mad'llt fq hIm As you ha\ritquoled some of "hat God sa d aUdlbly and wrote also WIth h,s OW.I1 flBgel why not ha e quoted a 1 ttle more of the same? Is It not III con neetlOn WIth \\ hat yo 1 qnoted Tle (not a) seventh (part of time ~ no but) Tay IS the Sabbath ~ Ah I see "Y ou say (what God does not say) If you carefhlly obsene Sun day (0 of COUlse any other day) holy to the Lord eto Th,s IS large latitude for one who bel eves the word of God I terally and you have also appl ed the lIteral \I ord (Isa

s-allctiiy,!.,8 13) to Sunday whICh I thmk can not deny belongs only to the

Iti!IIJI:!:~th, (seventh day,) ,And I thmk YOIl can not denr that the sev lay IS the only ay whICh God my holy day

You also speak of yoke m refer ence to the sevent~ day Sabbath 'What d fference IS there m the 0l;>1I gatlOns of a se, eqth day yoke and a first day yoke; 'Vhat would you reqmre mOle lD the observance of the seventh day than III the oh."rv­ance of the filst day Sunliay? Once

One man esteemeth one day in_J;ab01Ie another (Satllldayabove Sun

How much b~tter to say ;:;.IlI~(1s:'f Rbo\ e Saturday the Sab

lord I f~r Sunday IS of much obsenance and IS ally esteemed above God s

BlO GUlnt your J1osltlOn rCI:.WJ.'g to thiS sllbJect IS" ery mnell pOSitIOn of the c)almllnts of blijlithlm·1 by spnnkl,ng; (and 111 equally more opposed to tmth J who

The appllCf,ilon of water'ls au

ahe Ienewed l'e!itolre Uife. She I alsed

m hot flan to h,s feet


you shall bury me With him At lll$t they obtallled from her a pro mISe that If he showed no SIgns hfe before they agam came lound she would not oppose h s removal

Havmg the respIte she hnng the watch upon the bedpost and ronewed her effOi ts WIth redoubled zeal ... Sf, placed bot kegs of wat~r about h fo ced brandy between hIS teeth bl eathed Into h,s nostrIls and held }ll~ 1ahorn to hIS nose but still he 13Y motIOnless and cold She looked anx ously at the watch five mID utes more the plOm sed half hour would exp re and those dreadful lOICes would be heard ~assmg through the Stl eet Hopelessness came over her she dropped the head she had been sustnIDIDg her hand trembled VIO lently and tlie hal tsho n she had been hold ng was ap lIed on hiS pol Ish\!d face

ACCidentally the pOMtlOn of the head had become slightly tIpped backward and the powCltnl 1 qUid flowed Illto h,S nost! Is Instantlv thetc was a short q 10k gasp a stlUggle h,s eyes opened and when ilie death men agam came they found h m Sltt ng up III bed He IS stdl alI e and has cnJoJ cd unusually good health

It IS well known tbat some ot t~ e J ldges n M ssou at e vmy 1 eluctanlt to eufo ce the law ao-a nst m n stels of tl e gospel fo e~e C SIng tbe r p,ofesSlOn Ithout bal Ing taken the test oath and alad themsel es of e\ eryp etence to d schal ge those who a e ace Ised We tell the follo I'Ing tale as It was told to us I ouchIng for noth ng

'1 hree Immster~ charged w th the c me of pleachmg the the glOIlOUS Gospel of the Son of God We! e al !II gned befo e a certa n Judge "'hey II e e 1 eg ltuly IndICted and It was mde stood that the p oof aga 1st

them was I ery c!eal ~ Are ~o 1 a IHeac1 e ~ -a d the

J Ilge to one of tl em YeH 'Ir cpl ed the e IIpr t To what denom nat on do ~on

belong ~ I am a Chnst an

d g Ilty ) \. Chnst13n ",'hat do you

menn by that? Al e not all pi each ers eh 1St ans ?

I belong to the sect us tally call ed butwIongly called Campbelhtes" (Not so m ICh d gmty)

\h TI en )OU belIe e n bap t z ng people III order that they may be Ion aga n ilo) 01.

I do s r (DefinItely) Mr SI el if. dl charge that man

He IS an Illnocent man He IS n llCt­ed fo preachlllg the Gospel and the e IS 1 ot a II Old of Gospel III the stuff that he plenches It s only some of Alexandel Campbell s non sense D seharge the man

EXIt Campbell te greatly mg

Are you a preacher saId the Judge aildress ng the next cnm nal

I am sIr saId the preacher Of \\ hat denomlllatlOn ale you? I am a Metl odlst sIr (HIS

IDok showe 1 It) Do )'0 I bel e e n fallmg flOm

g ace I do SIl (W Itho t heSItatIOn) Do you belIel e In sp nkl ng

1 eople lllstend of bapt zmg them 1

I bel e\ e that people can be bap t zed by spr nklmg (l~f lCh offe d ed)

Do you bel e\ e III baI tlZIDg ba b es~

It s my 0pllllOn SIr that mfants o Ight to be bapt zed (Ind gnnnt Iy)

}; ot a "orcl of ScrIpture for any th ng of the kmd sir shouted hIS Hono Mr She I ff. tu n that man loose TIe IS no preacher The (.l ospel s the truth and thel e Isn t a word of tI uth 10 "hat that man teaches T rn h m loose It IS r dlCulous to mdlCt men on such fn v 010 s pn,timses T rn h m loose

Methodist d sappea s not at all hIt In h,S feellllgs by the JU 1 c al ab se I e had ecen ed

rVhat al e you SIr ~ smd the Judge to the thud felon

Some people call me a preachCl (Meekly)

'Vhat IS ) oar denom nat on , I am a Bapt st (Head up )

HIS 1I0nO! s countenance fell and he Ipoked sobel and sad Aftel a pa se hc sa d

Do you belIe e n sal at on by grace~

I do (Flrmlv) Do you teach that ImmerSHm

only IS baptISm 2

That IS my doctllne (lfa nest I) )

An 1 you baptIze none but those "ho beheve n Jesus Ch 1st 1

That IS mv fdith and pI act ce (With emphasIs)

My fnend I fear It wIll go hard WIth you I see you are md cted fO! preachmg the Gospel and It appears to me that by your own coniesslOn you are gu Ity

May It please your Honor sMd tl e Baptl~t s counsel splmgmg to h,S feet that man nel er preached the Gospel I hale heard him say a hundred time. that he only t ,ed I have heald him tlY myself.

MI SherIff. dISchal ge thiS man He s not mdlCted fO! trymg There 8 not! ng said about the mere effort Let him go sir Turn him loose Send hIm about hiS busmess I astolllshed that the State s attl~rllevl should annoy the court II Ith fll~ olous mdICtments

EXit Baptist determmed to again

(Jom t adjourned God save the State and thiS hon

orable court exc)Uimed the BheriJf. Amen saId the three preachers

And after all say we as ndICulous

early: part of his career Dr lUltctlell accompamed as a SUI geon

that sailed between LIVer and one of our ..southern ports the retul n voyago soon after

LIVerpool whlle the doctor ~~;~t~.~P:~!iI of thc vessel I weather. b son of iN eptuniJ but possessed pfun'co[nmon !fine feelmgs and strong woman fWJ".UII'~", wele converslDg m the lat kitchen and asked to see one of

stilte room the captam opened ChrIStmn Commlss on ladles The 1\ large chest and ea etuUy took out surgeon had sent her to me to help a number of articles of vanous dll her find her hnsband and the d,rec ~cr ptIOn" WhiCh he arranged Ipon ihe table tlOns were Bed one hundred SIX I lUI M surr nsed at the d splay of wald two As we went up the bostly Jewels ornaments dresse- and steps I notlCcd tliat she trembled

h With eXCitement I mqmred if she all the I arlO us paraphernaha of w Icb was tired and she said no though ladIeS arc nat trally fond mquIred of she had slept none smee leanng her the captam h s object m havIDg so home 'Ve entered the ward and many \ nluablel p Hchases The saIl the nurse pOlllted out the bed h It It or III I eply ~a d that for se\ en or vas empty I looked at her and eIght yenrs he had been devotedly sa I' she was \leadly pale and hasten attached to a lady to whom he had ed to a95me Iier that the e was some sevelal tImes made plOposals of mar mIstake as she would not have been rIage but was as often rejected that scnt from the office to look for her her efusal to wed h m howe, er had husband If he had been dead While bnly st mulnted b,S love to greater I had been talkmg to her the ward hert on and that finally npon re master had referred to hIS hook and new ng hiS offer declarmg III the told us her husband s leg had been ardency of Ins pasSIOn that WIthout lalnpll1tated a few days belore and he her soc ety hfe was not worth hvmg was moved to ward four agam her fOI she consente 1 to be hiS br d~ face was III a glolV and I could hard upon hiS let Irn fi om h,s next ~oy Iy keep her from l'ushmg m unan ~ge nounced We could see bls face

lie was so 0\ elJoyed at the pliOS from the door and I thougl t him pect of a mall age from w hleh m the asleep As I was holdmg her by the 1valmth of h s feehngs he probably aIm and beckomng to one of the antic pated mOl e happmess than IS men to come to us he opened hIS usnally allotted to mor talr that he e) es full upon her Such a scream spent all II s ready money for blldal as the gave She bounded flOm me gIfts After gaz ng at thfm fondly and III a moment had her arms for some time aud lemarkmg on around hiS neck both crymg and {hem III turn I think tIns wlll plelJ,se at the same time I am Aqne and 1m slIre she w 11 I ke sure of them uttered a whole that he I eplaced them With the sentence for fifteen mID utes so over utmost carc I ThiS ceremony he re powerlllg was the Joyl of th€lr meet peate 1 evety e~emng dm1ng the lllg HIS recovery ~1111 almost mr voyage and the doctor observed a raculous and 9ne month from the tear ghsten n hIS eye as he spoke of time she came shc staked home With the pleasu e ~e \lould have III pre her husband The }Vife remark~d sentmg them to hiS affianced bllde as she bade us good by that she was tween ns-not On reachmg h,S dest nat oIl the cap not half so hapl y the mornlllg she Ject and not In,rol'glnii 'SI;1. tam arrayed h mself \11th mOle than started on her brIdal rour as she was wordl;-and a m.od.'.:II111nv hiS usual prec 8lon and dIsembarked as now takmg her hUBband though he had p~ed with(lut soon as pOSSible to hasten to hiS love left one leg III a southern grave him m the As he was abo t to Btep mto the car that we nage awa tmg Ihm he was called aSide

two ge~emen who deSired to a commun cat on the purport

whICh was that the ladYI had prol mfalthful to the trust r~posed m

and had malr ed anotther With sl e had decamped Qrtly be Instantly tho capta n was ob

SRrv"o to put h s hand to Ii! breast fall heauly to the ground He

\I as taken up and conveyed to hiS room on the I, essel Dr J\I was Immed ately summoned b t before hc reached the poor captaln he \us dead A post mortem examlllatlOD '''lVealed the cause of Ins death HIS hea t was found lIterally torn III

twalll The tremendous propulSIOn ~f the blood conseqnent upon such a viOlent nen ous shock forced the lowerfll mnseular tIssues asunder and hfe was at an enf The heart was bJ:Oken


as the story may seem It has a mora) Ff()l1l~nE"k .. b(iy If the State has a right to probib,t l.familY. the preachmg of the Gospel, It has a I ~1~~;~i~:~':~~:.I':~::~~~bl;~~e:U~;.I.;i~:~l~;( nght to decl(]' wlIa,t the Gospel 11 ! Ij

f?"",~-L,.~,~~"+-i;-. RECORDER, AUGUST 30,

o£ the paper. was resented pelrsol~slwho had not p'aid for it in

But we are glad to say, that persona are exceptions; the

gellerial rule among our ,!ubs~'lbers ~8, promptly, and recogmze grate­the prompt maDner in which

papers come to hand For a week or two past we have

sending bills to those wno o~e for the RECOBDER. By reading instmctions on those bills, and looking over our list of Local

.i\g:eql;s, they can leadily see bow to the money WIthout risk to

t/Illml!ellres. Of course we expect of them to do it at once But IS a class of persons who, with

"Jon'" of money m their pocket~, received.. our paper for years

.~it;hollt paying for it From

and profit; is it ...... ul'!,"

dren should leave it for pose' I have often had occasion to thmk of a remark made to me in con~ er sation, by one of our mllllS­te~ng brethren, Who so*,e time ago embraced the 1I advanqed ihe oplllion, that ought to be mQre aggressivc III our m behalf of thl!' Sabbath. apparent feeling stance, that denominatIOn, he­tendmgthe loose practICes of the Sabbath, had ico()!e:d aud destroyed his ¢OIliidlence-iD

hopefulness does not expect .....,.,.~'f. ~[HUI"l·" e eTaI e them to elisappol111 us,

pro'll.ptly remitting what is due

SABBATH ~ESEOItATJON, "Consistently is a jewel" As a

we beheve It 1$ ollr mission to hold up to the WOlld the claims of the Sabbath We have

forth some efforts-though too reelOle, It may be-to fulfill thIS om


After vlsitmg and friends, and ""I!"U.l1J1S to get.a view of WEIIl-l~nCIWD marks, (not the whIch lB Leet Hdl, go aud gather \Vh,orlleb,eri'ies. comber :Monntain, "¥'".1JJ'~ll".'

UWJI~. and whose wife m:B:EtOlil-No, L I Church is" now much more .0nIDortulnit;t hundred pounds I have been thinking, for some readily than some of our

elevation is -.,~-" weeks, about giving the readers of western When Port Al-

over the lIver, to mIogl.e of the promised I objects, once fal~iar, over, and leave turn of the road, of the I way to time I"""";,,,.H

the RECORDER an opportumty to leghany our depot, we shall be as learn about Hebron. ThiS purpose near the world ~ some opher received something of a stimulus by churches in this, the readmg "Notes of a Tourist-No Eastern, or North-Western IIII" in the RECORDER of August 9th The FIrst Genesee

The Hebron of which I write IS Church is although twelve or not Hebron of Judrea, Palestine, but fourteen miles over the hills from Hebron of Potter Col1nty, ~ennsyl- railroad. IDeRuyter is not dead, 80

vama It IS perhaps proper that I far as elth~r school or church is con-ovel· and visit the should be rather in my de- cerned, .add yet it is fourteen miles

nb()Ve-mlllltilon1cd.'1 inland ' ~e Church at Alfre~ and i lived with my scriptIOn, for the u, after her se- " Notes" mform me, that to reach the Indeprndence Church, under the

""U<""·"M",'''fU then went to live here there are "almost msurmount- pastoral c:ye ofEld IS Coon, :flourish­How well I bl difficulties to be ovel come in ed more tlian twenty-five years ago,

:h~bmg and descendIDg steep' and and yet tre Erie railroad has been rugged hills, and over extremely I runnmg bft about fifteen years rough and stony roads" Therefore Agllln, the AtlantiC and Great probably very few Will have the Western jRailrOad Company have courage of onr worthy "tounst," surveyed IOutes for a road from and come and see the goodly land S~amanca; to connect With the Cata­It is somewhat strange to me how wlSsa Road One of these routes ou~ "tourist" ever consented to be passes through Coudersport, and an­the chief 'instrument m organizmg a other through Oswayo, a village church he;el It IS no doubt owmg eight miles ~istant But SIr Morton

that occnned happiest

uv{!·niIitv. the most Vivid rnJln",~. I was per­

old, when one my head that

go to school; and complained of

that convement disease U~C)h1l1!> are !fUbject to

I to shhk some un­mother ,ordered

and soohh camt. with a bitter as gall. In

t th fact that thirty-three years Peto has failed How soon such a o e , b d· b

ago he had not seen the western road Will e lal IS unc~ttam ; nt

RUllI AND CRIMJIl-Dr. Jolly, who, m spite of his name, is a great thority in temperance and in statistics, declares from a careful collation the facts and records of rum and crime, that I

"In ev.ery country the statistICS

the amount of alcohol imblhed pre- ~~~~X~~s~i~~'~:~d c18e1y correspond with the ~umber of p judicial sentences recorded III law re­ports of the year, as well as With the

number of poor, of beggars, of vag- n~~!.;!~::.s:r~}nft~!t~:lr~~rfi~:!l1u~ abonds, of divorced husbands and; Wives, of Idiot, rickety children, of suiCides, murders, and of epileptics and lunatIcs inscribed on State gisters"

This declaration lB made in a re_I.I'I!laximilli.a:ud~lel~" port that he has just sent np to the Academy; of MJdICine

, '"

We have talKed some, lec­some, febated some, and print­

"u Ufll" distributed many tracts, &c Soo.iKyl will hold yet, by OUI' own manner of keep-

There Sabbath-or breaking It

ndge that State from MIISS81Cliilsel.tsl)

exclused ifrOlm drink­plea could avail I was sick; and


paradise, and then tliought people perhaps no more uncer~lIm than was couidl hve where the laud IS not sea- once the Ene Railway I-It N Y The I I mIDelal resources of Pennsylvama ev;o retUi n Hebron is situated about are beyond estimation The country

SIX miles fr~m Coudersport, which IS demtnds railroads, and; the demana marked on any map of Pennsylvalllil be heeded ~fBRO:!; as the county seat of Potter Con­

Well, I del sport is a snug little 'Ill age,!.;ilt for preaching, r~~.nelr....,.we have in a measure neu-illi:lms was requested tra,llZ.~a these efforts While we try

mg With the 'n'"nI.U

mornmg of OCR COIlRESPOlWENTS -One of the

t<iI"e()J;~tDn.e:~incleomplete his Outline show the mconslstency of those IRist<)rj- o£ Education among profess to take !,he Bible for

the Assoc'iatiIQn, .. an~ thlcre-tiil-Ictlulllg1JI "-nn •• n~ about twelve nules below the n~t send me of the Alleghany river ~t

to school, and got up to play has a court house, bUilt of bncj.,

greatest ddlicultles we have found in conductmg the RECOllDER~ has been to secure I original communicatIOns from thosel among ns waose oppor­tumtles fo;r eliltllI e would indICate theIr qualificatIOn and their duty to labo~ m that directIOn Weare glad to say, that the prospect in this re­gard brightens Three young preach­ers lately I met at our office, who pledged t~emsel ves to each btlier, that they would WrIte an artICle for the paper once m three weeks-an anangement which secures to our readers one article each 'Veek, the benefit of which they are now enJoy­mg 'over the signatures of A n L,

1 E L, and tAn We have m vIew another triune team of ;young preach­ers j and we can see' good reasons why there should be a double-trIune team of teachers, representing Alfred, DeRuyter, Shiloh, 1l0pkmton, MIl­ton, AlbIOn, and Mmb.esota If we fall m these arrangements, it will not be because inVitatIOns are wantmg And we hereby publicly and formally mnte those who have somethmg to say through the RECORDER, to make up theIr own teamB-'-smgle, double,

Societies named abln e .w:iIl.~1!1,e]n i l~n[lUal Report from Its ~[e61~t~ire ~'U~U. which WIll proba­

\~'~Y'Doo:u.p:Y:~ll.e morning session where ptC>:;'i1i¥i1{ has been made for

standard of faith and practice, yet substitute a heathen festival

the Bible Sabbath, iWe at e OUI'8tllVes chargeable With mconSlst­

dlshonormg the Sabbath for whIch we profess so much zeaL Some llmong us,4doubtless, pay for pflntmg tracts tiI com crt others to the Sabbath, money: whICh in part is the Frofits of Sabbath desecratIOn \Ye lose confidence as to the candoI' • and !lincerity of thosp WllO have studied> the Word of God, and yet teach a change or abolitIOn of the Sabbath, ,yhIle our own profanatIOns ofl God's holy day tend to lay the

• S.bbath cause prostrate and bleed-Idg We Jpourn 0\ er the departure o£ our young men froU) the Sabbath, while by our own looseness we are lJiving the way for stIll greater num-bers to go away from it ' I I do notl mean that we are allmdl­

vidllaUy ~i1ilty. of these mconslsten­Cles 'But since we, as a denomma­tlOn, j stand before the wodel as a unit, the influence exerted by co~sIderabIJ number ot: ns WIll be attributed to. the whole In. thiS way I thmk that, as a people, we stand before the world chargeable with much Sabbath desecratIOn

any Improvement the houses along modem than their pt1ed€lcel,solrs·; in other I espects scarcely de-tect any of progress. Even the Patroon's old mill IS reduc-ed m Its dImenSIOns, and gone mto other hands, and, what I will admit lB progress, some dozens ohewing ma-chmes for makmg are driven by water this shirt bU8mess is a grand jn~,tstitultiol~, ned on by Se1lefllll Berlin and Petersbl;n-g; It furmshes steady employment severa.l hun­dred females, scatt~red many miles over the country now approach what the pJlofane to call "the devil's kltohen," ma.jesty was the Pl'cOPiilet,or place, he had no mterest m im-provements than other person-ages of less I look for tlie LIve oak that .used to stand hel e, but I remember, that It got so hot that It was reduced to ashes J eal s ago A

or two, have Ilast fifty years,

but nothmg IS compared With many lllilroad statiol~s m tIle Western States

She saw me, and mqUlied if I aud adapted to the wants of the got well answered in the twenty five towns of the county

affirmltive There are also several stores, keep-go to school mg a good supply of the necessanes " I m SICk, I'm of life And notwIthstandmg the back to bed But she soon came "difficulties" of travelIng, Couders­With a switch, sa.ymg, "I wIll CllIe port sometimes contauls a large as­you," and begari her maDIpulatlOns eemblage of persons from many miles With such enelgy, that I soon gave It around, who are entertamed by elo­up, and thought that school was not quence and mtelhgence Indeed, so bitter as soot tea, 01 pamful as an sometImes have mtellectual enter­appletree SpIOut j/a!1,d I have loved t:unments here III om midst books e\er smcc, thanks to the film- WeIIsHIJe, on the ErIe Imlway, ness of a gentle mother. Oh, how lies some twenty-five miles north j e, erything IS cb:ilnged P The old to whICh place one of our brethren house, WIth Its shingled sides, is gone, s~nds a team every week The and tlne of modern order and greater road has not the -grade (or the mud) pretensions now occupies the ground of a prame road j but two days are !I'he old log barn, whele we used to suffiCient to make a trIp With a load­hunt hens' nests, and play hlde-and- ed team j and the fixed pnce for seek, has also dlsappealed, and new brrngmg m goods IS fifty cents p,er ones, located on dIfferent sites, are hundred Our" tourist" Will I a­now in use The apple trees, even member, that he came to the mm­the striped sweetings, have passed Istenal confereuce m the spllng, be­away, With few exceptIons j and I fOle the roads had been" wOIked,' look for the butternut two that stood and that there had recently been m the lane, and the large chestuut some heavy mins I have known tree that stood on the slope in the the stony lJed of a creek to be the pastUi e, ancl they too al e gone Is traveled road for weeks after a heavy thel e no fa\llIliar object like an old rain, and that too III an older and fnend to greet me 7 lUy heart grows more populous country than thiS sad, and tears com~ to my eyes, at The road to IVellsvllle IS genelally the thoughts of such deS()latlOn But good There IS room for Improve­cheel! There IS th~ walnut tree that ment, and impIOvement IS bemg stood at the corne~ of the old slah made An old plank road lB now hOHl, a IHmg monument of auld bemg torn up, and a good turnpIke lang sIDe Yesi add here IS mdeed wOIked up m Its place It IS but the old corn Crib, b~t Its locatIon has Just to say, that durmg the war thiS been so altCled thatl I hardly lecog- sectIOn of country was neall;y strip­mze It Well do I remember, II hen ped of men Potter County is eml­on a cold day a step-brother, much nently loyal In the early part of older than myself, 1A?ok me out there the wm, many loluntarIly enlISted m to shell corn, but 1j.lst slipped IDtO our nelgtibollng State-New York­the buttery, and pas~ed a mmce Ine and when the dlaft did Its wOIk, men through the wmdot' aud took it were scarce It was dIfficult to get along to eat; but I was frozen so farm work done, and roads were

trIple, quadrnple, or sextuple I

lUIS"ION TO THE ARABS -A new sQclety has been formed III England, called the Palestme Christian Ullion


• I • ter frolD IErzeroum, PerSia, that durmg the lUohurrum .ceremID" mes m lUazanderan, Ithe rose upon the Jews, and in the fervor. of their zelal for then religion, com~ mitted a senes of indescribable atro­Cities Many of the men were mur­dered, the women were subjected to the vilest indignities, the whole of the property of the unfortunate He­brews was confiscated, and the few who were left ahve were forced to become Mohammedans.

PRESIDENrJoH:!;so:!;'s;ToUR TO Cm­e \Go, where he is to assISt in laYIllg the corner-stone of the Douglass monument, on the 5th of September, IS likely to be something of an OVD'­tion Arrangements are makmg to give lum a grand reoeptlOn in New

LONDO:!;, Saturday, Aug 25, -Ad vices have been received from Point De Galle, Island Ion, via the Persian Glilf and telTanean cable, that a Civil br.:>ken out in Ja~an -

"York, at Albany, Auburn; Niagara , __ •• ,-_ Falls, DetrOit, and " all along shorEi "

I MIss EI C HIDomi, who ~cently

returned flOm a lUlssfon among the Freedmen, \Vas taken sick WIth fever a few aaYl! after reaching her home lU Hebron, Po We are glad to learn, however, that she IS now con­valescent, and hopes soon to regam her usual health

FARI1U -A letter from Farina, Ill, dated August 21st, says:

"It IS very SIckly here just now .Almost every famIly has the fever and agne, or some bihous complaint ThIS IS owiug to the miasm aflsmg from the large bodies of water, plOduced by the late rains tt


But what IS Sabbath desecratIOn ~ Some Eeem to suppose that nothmg IS such but personal labor "In It thou shah not do any 'folk; thou, ~or thy Bon, nor thy daughtl1r, nor thy I man·sen ant, nOI thy mald-sel­vlant. nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger t~t is wltlhn thy gates" Then, if -iil en~age other persons to labor, or ptirmit those whom we may control I~I the matter to labor on the Sabbath for our profit, do we not vlDlate the Sabllath ? If we .let our horses aud caITIages, or other property, to be usedr by othelS on the Sabbath for secuJrr purposes, IS It not Sabbath

brIdge, and glIde beautIful and Hoosack Falls IS

a very conntly

of sever­other

hard that It nearly b oke my teeth to neglected

e~t It HoweveI, with all the mutI- Emporlllm, on the Ime of raIlroad

MiSSIOn to the Arabs, among whom a spmt ofrelIgloui mquhy, It IS said! IS

rapully spreadlllg The Arahs, It is believed, will, If converted, make effectIve mlsslOnanes, owmg to th~Ir nomadiC chararter It IS propo~~d to send out 0 natIve ChristIaU Arab, who has been under traming for the mlDlSiry III England, as the first mig,> slOnary, to be accompamed by a skIll. ful phYSICIan HlB plan ~s to go to hIS native town, Syehar, near.T scob's well, and combme house to house visitations With teachmg and preach­mg ArabiC books have been sent from the Amencan nussion preas at Beirut to Liberia college, for dlstrI­hutlOn III the mterlOr of AfrICa, and as a result, natIves able to speak, read and wrIte ArabIC, have visited the college for furthel mfor matlOn

In i1 letter to the Central Ch,p'ist,lall.' Il.e.grc)es . ..:.....l:'rG1vid,11/c,e:<JoiLrR/JZ; Adrocate, Rev Peter CartwrIght says:

dese9ration , Again, the command IS, " Remem-

ber the Sabbath-nay to keep It holy" "!And God blessed the seventh day

sanctified it j" Ie, He consecrat­it to a sacred use. Then, when to


use It for other purposes than came very celleb:rate4l. to whICh It IS consecrated, lB it !lee on1y a few ohi~pt.

Sabblith desecration q When we hecause, as I it a day for I ecreation and does not rrm on of the wagon

pl;easulfe-seeking, a time for disCllss- road ~e used to .n"~ "J. If I eo~d and readmg pohtlcs--(I do not see the. bnck house, the cl/eckered

questions of pure moral reform) house, that I used ~o ~L • I

time for ialking of busmess con- terest m as laE\C'l-IlIlalrl!)S, we not guilty of using it kg through here .~ v;,

.1 otllerpUlrposes than that for which m the days of my cDllfln,oOll,

fee\ quite satisfied

latIOns time has wrdught, the fields from PhIladelphI8, HalTlSburg and seem divided just as Jhey wele sixty \VIlhamsport, to Ene, IS years ago; thIS IS s~me consolation, mIles south The morning for It looks home-lIke But w hat from these chIef CitlCS of the State IS about the nelghbor~ ~ Yonder IS reCeIved at Coudersport at evening whele uncle Ben IIv~d, who used to A railroad-Buffalo and Washmg­call In almost every ~ay, and whittle ton by name-Is now bemg bUilt, his pme stIck, and ch~t with mothel, connecting Buffalo WIth EmporIUm and familiarly call her aunt Judy This raIlroad passes through POIt He was then an old man, and has .Allegha~y, a VIllage fwelve or four­passed away j so has Ihis family, and teen miles distant To thiS village, even his saw m\1l has gIven place to from here, the road IS a rn er bad, othel machinmy I am told but a bemg oJ the bank of the Alleghany, very few, even of thei youngest por- WIth a good gIade the whole dls­tion of my early acquamtances, aI e tance ITo gIve a better undel'stand­left, and an entirely strange popula- IDg of tnls proposed raIlroad, I copy, tlOn fills the places Jf the old, who from The Potter Jou'I'nal, our county have no more interest lin me thap. m paper, published weekly at the county any other stranger Yet, if time seat, the follOWing extract from a re­would admit, I sholIld like to linger port of the DIrectors ofthe road

around these scenes of my " A cdr eful and thorough exarnlna,-1··JJllHlHU>UU j I should like to wade tion of the coal regIOns at the sooth-once more III the 019 orook, where I ern terminus of the road, has fully

to fish for hornedl chubs with a confirmed the fact, that the road hook, or construct dams in the passes through inexhaustIble fields

I bltumlDous coal; that it is .upon the little brook to turn m~ tmny direct route to the great anthracite wheel. But I must away to Whip- coalbedslof Pennsylvania, alid that pIe's City, or, as It IS otherwise call- both canJ be brought to Buffalo over ed, UnIOn, a VIllage ofl small dimen- the proposed route cheaper and more sions when I knew It, ~ut the seat of dIrectly lthan oy any other route

* * * • Its connectIOns with al­a grist mill and several cotton mills, I eady established roads also make It With a few stores and the mostldirect route between Buf­shops It is now swelled out into falo and IPhiladelphla, BaltImore or prond and broad dimenSIOns, boast- WashIDgton * • * ... We also m!! a bank, five or six churches, a report that the Directors

- contractdd with Messrs multitude of stores, and extensive Smith & Co, responsible and well-manufactorIes I S COON koown liuilders, fo\' building and

equlppmg the whole length ~f the PICNIC I:!; lliRTSvrl.LE -On the road from Buffalo to EmporlJlm, a

14th of Angust, the pedple-parents, distance of one hrmdred and ten teachers,sndthecbildreh-oftwodis- miles, wp'ere it connects with the trict schools, met in a beautiful grove Philadelphia and Erie railroad"

a short distance east of the church, Mter ritentioning woodsheds, wa­to hsten to the exercisesl of Miss Han- ter-tanks, station-houses, passenger nab: Shaw's and ~fissl Goodonoe's and baggage calS, &0, &c, which schools, shake hands, have a general the contractors have agreed to fur­chitchat, and take dinner III the msh, and! the provisions for paying woods The exercises were very the contractors, the report says: pleasant and interesting We wlliit " The contractors commen~ed work home, proud of our teacliers, proud of on the 21st between 1 Buffalo our children, pleased With our din- and are progressing

They are to ner, and highly by the M- road in sections,

tluroul/:th the in order itit~lVell~Ellec~ and available as

A F.noRED PEOPLE-The Rev DaVId Duncan, of the U lilted Pres­byterIan Church, Howgate, near Edinburg, dIed on the 26th of July, from an attack of fever, after an Ill­ness of seven days The congregD'­tIOn is tlne of the oldest III the Umted PresbyterIan body The first mims­ter, llli Bunyan, was ordained about the year 1754, and ministered for mor e than forty years j the second, Mr, M'Ewan, was ordmned in 1796, and dIed 22d Feb 1827, after a nun­IStry of fully thirty years j the third, Mr Duncan, was ordained. as already stated, III 1828, and ably dIscharged tlie duties of his office until death put an end to his labors Thus, dunng a period of 112 years, the congrega­tIOn has had only three mimsters, giving an average minij;try of thlrty­se~n years

I have spent sixty-two years as a reg­ular Itinerant preacher, and have never lost SIX months of that time Sickness, and have never reclCi11ed the small sum or allowed -~:J~;m~lC~ two years out of that sixty-·tWl) Ylla~IIrs When I entered the ranks fllj 1801, there were but seven annual conferences j now there are sixty

A young man named Hay, near I,C:l\mlpri<lge ~i:~c~~:.~~c;e~~~~~~j W arner'~ statIOn, Syracuse, N. Y, has recently been insane on the sub,.

Ject of religIOn, and would frequ!mtly, 11b.olllinl~tlle n'e.~.!;D .•, on itlie211ll;i. get out "Of bed at mght, 1 ! ~, two or three I miles -to man, to be prayed (or On Sat:nr<lay;'l ~.'vu, .. v •• , while hoemg corn in afield, hethrew down the hoe, started down the ran.lcllar.actel road, met the I engine face to face, and was cut to pieces.

ne people of the First .lJo"B~eI!:a.l tional church III New Haven, raised ten thousand dollars, to be v~sted for the benefit of thell' retinng p~stor, Rev. Dr Bacon; besides which, they propose to pay him an annuity of one thousand dollars

A BAR(\NETCI I:!; COURT rA CUf!- Statistlcs of revivals in two ous suit, known as the Slade baronet- dred and six Methodist

. E Ilhnois, Ibwa, Micliigan, cy case, IS soon to be tned III ng- Indiana and Miiinesota

land Lady Slade, at the time of 9,008 persons have bee~ .CO.I;1 ~,;t~r.n"ld her marriage wlth the late SIr Fred- 1,233 reclrumed, 10,408 Jomed Ti>lltirlned elick Slade Q C supposed herself church on trial, and 1,377 by letter. to be a widow, he~ former husband Rev A H Ziock, after a faithful having deserted her, and a report service of twenty-eight years in the was Circulates! that lIe was dead Damsh West Indies, has retired nom Ifulati~'11 After the bIrth of Sir lli'rederlCk'8 the MiSSIOn, and returned to Jj;~~~t:i first son, the first husband was heard Rev H J Bleichen, after a' j of, bnt there was no absolute cer- service of thirty years in Snrinam, tainty whether he was alive or dead has likewise retned Accordingly, before the second c~ild The Marine Hospital, .Cincillmati~1 was born, III order that there might bas been donated to the Sisters he no doubt about his legitimacy, Charity conditioned that it shall the parents were married again The 0 enea'to every applicant,·reigax:dlElss,1 same ceremony was repei'ted before of creed nativlt, or condition the birth of each child In succession, donors purchased it from the Govem-aud, as there are seven/6rthem, each ment for $70,000. claims the title and/estates ~It- Asa Packer lately gave .~JV\I',\JOJ'" nesses are summ0o/d from vanous to found an Episcopal parts of the world; Bethlehem, Pa, but refuses have

DEPARTUllE OF MIsSIO:!;ARIES -The Boston Traveler, of August 15th, says: Rev. Lemuel Bissel and his Wife, with four children, left fol' Liverpool this forenoon in the China ¥r Bis­sel has labored for a number of years III Westem India as a missionary of the American Board, and he now re­turns thither, after a brief. sojonrn in the United States He has been waiting a number of weeks for a pas­sage in a sailing vessel, but as no .

it called after himaelf; He suggests Lehigh University as the name.

The Freedmen'S Bureau has now co,nditi(1D nearly one thousand schools under charge, exclusive of private night schools

Gen qroward, of the ~~~)1~:~~:'j Bureau,ehas been r!~~~~!:~!!~:';~g~ President of Lincoln College, B()I ... t,ay, ~ Topeka, Kansas

A Catholic niO,n8ll1!rx at Winsted, \.i(J'UU .••

of youths of l"rancllilC8Il

It IS to be the lJU11)()!!6 of the authontles to stop the ratiens tllfough the .agents of the Freedmen's Bureau to the destlt te people Ill'tne Soutlt except to those m hospItals or asylums thus throw mg the burden of supportmg the poor whites and blacks upon the 10 cal autltontle~

A Washington letter says V ce Pre!!ldent Foster IS the only member of tue Senate who has been present ID hiS seat every day sIDce the ses slon began HI1, has called the Sen ate to order every day and every nIght at evenmg Se$S10ns, never vary ng ever tWiO mIDntes from the hour

specified .J It 18 a cunous commdence tltat !:treat Eastern left the Irisli coast lay thll cabte on a Frldaj, and on: II Fndd Col*mbus set saUror the New Worlf!, On II Fnday too the Great Eastern reached Heart s Content and on a FrIday Columbns first saw the shores oftile Western W otld

Some of the nch people of Provl dence return Incomes like these Robert H ]!ves $146 997 Cha lotte R Goddard $81 973 Henry L pPlt $62 901 Earl P Mason $87 927 George C Nightingale $83 933 Cyrus Taft $289 662 Cmwford Allen $161 404

The famous steamer Planter which Robert Small captured from the rebels was put up at auct on by the government m Charleston one day recently The mmlffium I mlt was fixtjd at fifteen thousand dollars and as no one would b d over ten thou sand the vessel was not sold


A young man m mfluence of liquor re(lentlv ju!rnp~i'd mto a basket hundred to three whICh were settmg dealer s door

Three ~~~:~~~1:!~~i alrested at temptmg to ~".'JYU machme needles were bound ove t lRt

It has been asc:ert,aiIlledlth:it ber of the detective York are greater tll eves and pic:kpocl~ets 'l;vli,om

h~ve been ar~:rl~~~:~ls~ now occupy t'111';,rt.,'r.i

An msane woman m lIlUUll1".

Saturday Aug 18 threw her nto a red hot furnace of a rolling mill where the Iron was fusiIlg( The child was bu,rnt mstantly to a CrISp bones and all

Seven lives are now known to have been lost by the Jersey C ty fire rhe loss ill tobacco was $273 000 About four 4'undred men were thrown out of empJoyment by the destruc tIon of VaWntme & CO' s 011 sheds

About th rty of the d st llenes m Brooklyn N Y will be closed after September 1st beeausea gove nment mspector and keeper Will be reqUIred m each establ shment after that date at a cost of $0 a day

military have arrested a plant V cksburg Miss for beat ng

(0,0101-"0 women to death m one also shot the husband of one who mterfered to save her

A ch and beautiful young lady m Brooklyn N Y devoted herself to nurs ng cholera pat ents tbere and recrently died a v ct m to the d sease

D D J Macgowan of Rbode Island agent for the East India Tel egrapb Co arr ved at San Franc sco July 20th en route to Cb na

TWe!lty two murders have been committed m Hancock county Ky reoently and none of the murdelers have been punished

Fifty thousand cop es ofl tbe pro ceedings of tbe Philadelphui Conven tlpn III pamphlet form are FO be d s tnbuted as a campaIgn document

It ISjJestlmated that at least twent~ tbousapd AmerIcans havel gone to Europ~ on busme~s and fO~1 pleasure dur ng!the p esenr season

Gen Schofield :who takes Te ry s place at R chmond occ:tp es Jeff DaVIs bouse I

Seven thousand neg oes recently assembled n Choctaw AId to d s cuss the subject ef em grat on

The body of a man w~o d ed of cholera was for warded by express frem Chicago to New l' or~

The story that another attempt to blow up the Engl 8h Pa 1 ament had been made t rns out to bel false

The ce manufacturmg cdmpany at Shreveport La tUInS 01t II ght thousand pounds a day I .

Wool ready sacked s ~ellmg n Douglas county 0 egon at 90 cents per pound

Bes des the members of the cabl August 13th M net and therr familIes It lS eXl>ected: IUhar'les liatn!l,way.M s El zabeth M

A m n ster 8 son 0 t m Sag uaw M ch was ma~ ed to two grrls w th m seven days a short t me s nce

John Creed of Alexand a va

that Gen Grant Admnal Farrag t daughters ve e attempting to shoot a cat 81 ot

Adm ral Radio d Surgeon Gene al wh Ie attempt ng to cross wife and se vaut g rl

Barnes and Gen McOallum w tli m a skiff at West Au their wwes, and other dlstin~u shed persons ;will accompdu~ the Pre$ dent Qn hiS tnp to Chicago

Dr Collins the author ofa treat se on chole a- ts cause and cure d ed of cholera n C nc nnat Sunday

Tlie Kentucky State Teacbers As soc at on wh ch has Just closed Its secnnd annual sess on resbI ved to

the Bible dally m the scho 0 01 the State as a means of moral cuI

The new Ma~or ofC nc nnat com menced life JUbI,t c ty as a ~o rney

.i\dVlces from the mtenor count es of North state that the cot lJ1l\n book 'nd"i .. ,

Tne cap tailS all SUbsc,bed fo a railroad f om R chmon 1 t Newport News Va

ton crop well and ID some sectIOns than on the Ro ture anoke county of Edgecombe

,expec,tdd to YlCld from 15000 to One of the nurses m the I ,mdon

cholera hosp tal when askeu how It :was that they d d not take the diS ease said We hM e no time to catch It and we g ve It no time to

TI c total al uc of pope ty u and other count es n M ch gan s est mated at $800 000


catch us JennyL nl sfortune sa d to have

had a seve e ho e knocked n t by

It IS stated as a fact suscept ble of p oof that m New York 0' ty of the seven thousand persons a rested by the pol ce and tned at the Court of Spec al Sess ons only!J4 we e sober

he h sband s 1 ss pat on There are th rty d ffe en,t ar et os

of plants sed as s bst t tes fo green tea I

Vi hen arrested Queen Emma I onounl es Green

wood the most 1 ea t f] cemetety

A 'reven Ie mspeeto est mates that she e e v s ted celeb,,!lt(! I the frauds on the government m the The drugg sts u St

manufacture of tobacco causes a loss to the government of e ght m 11 ons

advanced the p ces se

a year cent

A new Mis Ga few week

coLto facto y at Rock ~Il go nto ope at on n a A crazy woman n 8t Lou the

othe day was caught hang ng her ch Id w th a clothes I ne She had commenced draw ng h m up when arrested

There s a hotel keepe I nea Bos ton who cl arged ten cents fo a g 11 of ce wate! for a fa nt~ng gul

The iotal cost of the New Yo k Cent al Park up to the 1st of last JanualY was $9763 SOD 98 The v~s tors 1asf year numbe ed dver seven

Ove 1000 bu Id ngs many of tl em ulegant ones nre gOlDg p n M~m ph s

millions A wo kman on tlie I ~e of the

Fully ene-th ht ng n the so te fe t.

Hudson Rver II load was severely nJured last week by a bo~tle wh ch

t1iro~ frolI) a car Wln~ow st k ng hoo u,pon the sho Ider

Rev ,vi/' I oonard Cormng of Poughkeeps e N Y IS spt:jnd ng h s vacat on m a row boat'l One day last weeld he row.-ed n mlty m l!!s n s xteen hours

--, . .,---, In Hudson N J recently a horse wb,ich had been wh pped s~ve ely By

llmaster del berately turned Jump ed mto the watel and was downed before he co Id be rescued

! A new AtlantIC Telegraph Com

Eny s to be started The route w 11 fi om New York to Bermuda Via

ape Cha les thence to the Azores and L sbon m Portugal

The prospects of the cranbe ry crop throughout South IJ eraey the

IpI'eS(mtyear are so encourag ng that su~~ar".I"'IJUI:II~ the number of acres Will be

placed nnder cult vat on next year Wm Woods a na~lye of Massa

chusetts comm tted s 0' de nea Lockeford ecently He s the last of five hrothers all of whom have ended the rives by su c de

The Ellsworth Zouaves w 11 act as an escort to the :Pres dent when he , s ts Oh cago m on the occas on of theJaymg of the corne stone of the Douglas mot\ument

The Ea Tenrmss ean comes to us WIth eleven ani a half columns of land. ad e t sed for sale on the fi st Monday m Septembel at C ossville

contammg $300 000 1ll fo small sums due fo taxes depos ted n the vault 0fj A new feature m lectu'lng IS to be banks of New York It has mt oduced by Mr W seman Mar

has been stolen shall, wbo has p epared a lecture n aJl"'~u partly by) II house d alogue that w 11 be dehvered by

III New York and partlv Iiy a house himself and a lady m Boston I.

ThO' populat on of Galveston and The Atlant c cable fi om the po nt Houston m Texas has mcreasedr:J:P where It was landed at Hearta Can Idly s nee the war began GRlveston tent IS preCIsely 1866 miles m length has grown ftom 50do to z,o 000 It s a queer co nO' dence that t llhould whilst Houston whIch had noij more have beer! perfected tb s year than 6000 people lD 1860 now num Sim J ennmgs arch old m ser bers 16 000 d ed eC;fntly n Oh 0 leav ng a for

James Ba rd a bo ler maker of t ne 0:11 two m 11 on dollars wh ch New Haven was found dead on the h s he rs are already q aneling

about railroad Monday morn ng at the place where hiS httle girl was killed by the cars a dozen years ago He had probably comIDltted SUlC de

The Un ted States Treasurer lS en gaged m d sburs ng the rewards for the arrest of the Ass:lsS nat on Con

Over $ 0 000 have al paid out The Sonth Carohna !legislature s

to be called together on the 4th of September for the purp?se of adapt of Dartmouth repo 1.s m~ tlte State laws to recent acts ot on the banks of Peru ClIDgress and for the rei ef of UHH !In ':~,iu:lilteen pound cod lD whose financ al embarrassments of the peo fo nd th ty cents worth

of the State A gul of nIDe years fell out

fourth ~tory Window lU

wIi Ie asleep Saturday mght 17th and struck upon a bnck walk /!'he doctor pronounces lDJllr as very shght

A large cartndge aud locket ry at Oonstant nople exploded on 19th {)f July k lling seventy two woundmg twenty four Th~re were 30 000 barrels of powder on tIle premises at tlte time of the explOSIon

A man m Randolph TIl was fined pretendmg to be an unmar

";",~·,,, •• 'n and so gammg a damsel a


dlSp:ltches for En forwarded for Itransmls

cable III one day for sum of $2 610 7r III gold

It IS probable that Gene+l Grant Admirill Farragut and mft of the membera of the dabmet w 1 aceom pany the PreSident on hi ~ lSlt to

Chicago t There 18 a peceptlble reVICe n

Table Rock WhICh marks here Its fall IS antICipated ere long tv lSItors

soon miss this rock a ong the hon!! of N lagllI'il

A cnnoBlty In the form f a pOl tlOn of a human skull petr fied was found at Angelos Cal rebentIy by some minerS, 130 feet below the sur face

30, 1866


adapted to saored and to $600 each FORTY

,I\lBDAL', or otbe II st !l.war',!ed TIlustrated Ca a


AUG 271866


FOR INVESTMENT 1-7 I:'ER CENT Cal forn a 'St. e Aid Bonds of Central

Pac 110 R R Co In ere.t and Prine pal PAY ABLE IN GOLD

OSWEGO AND ROME R B BONDS Interest 7 per cent


Ba.v ng ten yea 8 to run lnte eat 1 per eent payable n New York For sale on avorab e e ms by

S W HOPKINS &: CO 69 and 7 B oadway New York

Orders can be e w tb Banks or Bankers who w !J3xecu e he sa e


















Do away w h a I your VAr ous and of en pe n c oua drugs and q Med c nes and 11"" a rew batb. p epared with



In bOtues 01 one and a hair pints One sum cient for a day 8 ule

For ""'e by al respectable Drugg ••


W tIL lIou~ Wa!te G ease



(P n" of 1st and Slh February 1859)



l\ (s most aggravated Corm anil. &It Immed ate corre tor of R I


Excel~t for Headache Const pat "" P 01 P es BiO ches H. Sa oW' Sian D owsmeEl8 D zi n." Heartburn Pa p ta on and a mo 'ltIondetf<d CURE &: PREVENTIVE OF FEVER'" AGUE

(We ad .. se RIlwbo are t oub od w b th • fea ful malady to a way. keep the Powde • on band ready for mmed .. e us. )

In an5 part of be country can send the r

o Wes Hal ock Tuman Saunde R


We on LeW" A Da •


Long Brancb Joshua G Babcock

S TON I N G-'::"O'N


Steamers eave d;.;k' at to foot of Curt I. nd. New York at 5 0 cock da)" SUD days excepted The PLYMOUTH ROCK C.q>t B ay on on 'Iburscla,.. ana Saturdays The COMHI DORE Cart Cur I o 'Monda>:. Wednesdays and Fr1daYB Ber hs aDd"8 a" Rooms atoured OIl l>OI1ni he hoa s Ai R flIMONS

A ent In New l'ork



Through t cket. to al po nts w~ wltll aaps descrlptlve of routes) andflln\JIJoraa «OIl may be obtllliMd at-the o.oe


Adver s ng Agent. 23 Congre •• St eet

'Ion or 55 Cedar

author z d to conltra,c\ SOLD BY ALL DIlU!NISTS or by moil OD

appl cAtion to C G CLARK & 00

July 14th 1860


en,amv', posted be

horse men some non",. curry comb and a

be:)villr liand because they are ne(le~iary tQ the c1esumg process but ~~~pt:Q Bee how ,the 8mmal will

in:~~~~t;j:,1 ThIS IS aM wrong and It ~ , that a groom thus abusmg

'Ild,wer.. could bot be made to ch:l)n~r~ places WIth the horse as often as .t~lll wro~lg IS perpetrated Many nOJrsci,; ainu good ones too are thm

and pecuharly senSItive to of the Cn Ty-eomb S lch be spared the IQflIctlon of hay and, a card WIth

be foun~ ample for th~ cleanmg ana fnctlon A

mst~nment Ised halld makes the

hIB temper

OLEAN PIGS AND :DIRTY PIGS P gs enJoy the leputat on of hav

ng a eal 1 k ng for d rt aud ce tarnly the way In wh ell. they a e kept on Borne fa ms would show that thel owne s a e determ ned to g ve them ample opport n t es for cu 'Y

o t th s I kmg No not on can be mOle er oueo s than

th s as none S ce ta nly so p od ct lve of loss to the keepe Let any one not Con vmced of tlls try the two modes of p g keep ng-thc d rty and the cleau-the food n both cases and other ge e al treatment be ng the same aud the res lit "Ill sho v h n wh ch of the t Vo IS the best In the end A g eat de~l de pends lon the mode u vhlCh tl ey are h" sed Mr Ra nes of Mflls adopts the follow ng A large house IS nclosed at the s des so as to be wa m and d 'Y The floor s paved and sp nkled over v th bu nt clay and ashes ilbta ned by bu n ng weeds Iu thlll the p gs are fed wh Ie fo rest ng and sleep ng they have a compartment miled off at the other end aJtd wh ch 18 amply pro v ded wIth clean straw In another case the p :lDe pIe of box feed ng has been applied the p gs being kept III apt IUtO whICh the manure from the ox or cow stables aud the ho se stables IS put The p gs tread thIS down and enJoy themselvesamaz ng Iy In one case where th s plan has been adop~ed the farmer ~tates that hill pigs have glvpn him a profit of theIr meat and left the dung-as good as guano-for noth ng - JIark La e Expees

---+-..,----,-ONE O~ GOD SNOB.EMEN -A fiot

boat full of soldiers a few of whom were Aflleans attempted to land at Uodman s Pomt on the coast of South: Carolina. The rebels were awaltmg thel approach 1U ambus cade alld reserved. their fhe till the end of the boat was testlUg on the


ODDS AND :ENDS A German Journal recounts the

follow ng ep sode of one of the late battles A young sold er n the mujst of the tumult of the battle thought he saw on the grass a four leaved shamrock groWIng As such lri!~"e~~~~~~d' a plant IS rare and IS cons dered to br ng good luck he stooped to take bei>n.l!)"",t,ed

t At that ... ery mstant a cannon ball passed over h s head so near that he must have been killed f he had not been hend ng down The man so mlTllculo Isly saved has sent the plant to WhICh he ows h B I fe to p s betrothed at KWDlgsberg

A French art 9t has tqken to pa nt mg upon rna hIe 1 stead of canvas He s exhlb tmg In Pa IS a cur ons p ctu e pa nted upon that substance and ent tIed The Execut on It rep esents a s ngular look ng charac ter who has Just performed the feat of decap tat ng a pa ot wlth h s

to e ght swo d Th s lot on of the p etu e a level top of IS pam ted n 0 I hut the part epresent

oonlorl> thougl t ng the floor s done s mosa c work com by nla~ ng the rna ble " th small

p eces of colored stone ar anged n reg lal pe spectl e

now red


.a N D

Ne er let people york fOI yo grat s says au anc ent ph losopher Two years ago a man carr ed a bun

fo us and we have been leudmg h m twenty five cents a week e er s nce

Iu Ba re Mass ecently a ch ld only fi e yea s old fell uto a weH twelve feet deep 10 wi eh the e vas wate to the depth of fou feet and got out alone and w thout nJury




A :iUa ne cat climbed a tree recent Iy took a b rd s nest and fou young b ds descended to tl e ground WIth o t sp II ng a b rd aud then sat do vn aud ate them np

Some of the laud Oll ners III the burnt d st ct of Portland are obta n nIY as n nch ent for the r land as

th:y Ised to get fo thetr bu Id ngs

~Irs Mat Ide Pa ment a J:i rench womau d ed n a dent st s office at B ddefo d Me the othe day flom the effects of chloroform

An editor com pI ments a brother ed tor th\ls M Brown s a clear th nkel a ready and v gorous wr ter aud a first Iate fellow to boot

A late Anstral an paper says that at W~~ga Wagga the e has lately

been a gland cor oboree of the abor gmes

The French Academy has selected The Death of Plesldent L ncoln

as the subject for the pr ze poem for next year

There were twelve messages re celved at the New l' 0 k Teleg aph office Aug 2d for Eu ope for wh eh $1 313 lD gold was pa d

Santa Anna B estates near Jalapa MeXICO have been confiscated and thus seve al mllhons of dolJars added to the Imperml treasury

Two hundred and s xty new pat ents I'm be issued by tI e Comm ss on er of Pateuts at 'V ash ugton for the week end ug Angust 14

A gang of burgla s attacked the pol ce of Chattanooga recently and lost th ee of tlielf numbe k lied and two womded

Mr VanAmdenofOgdensbu g N Y who drew tne $10000 prIZe In

~Jrnel!.--.lJI,gllc~1 greenb~cli:s at the 0 Br en Lottery m Chicago, IS I JotlmeYIllan pnnter





ollE '" ;,) liB

DEPOT 198 .t.



W I L DOH E R ~ r
