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Signs You Are Living Your True Purpose

Do you just feel frustrated that something just isn’t quite right? You get up every morning, go to work,

function and dream of something more in your life, knowing you look successful on the outside, but

feel are you exhausted and bored on the inside?

You see, we all have a purpose in life, but sometimes we just don’t quite know what it is… or we

have a passion, but don’t know how to incorporate it into our life to feel fulfilled, happy and healthy.

And what happens is we end up working for someone else and enabling them to build their dreams

aligned with their passions and purpose, and forget all about ourselves!

However when you realize your true purpose and live your passion you WILL feel fulfilled, excited,

happy and free. Often these feelings come when you are in an exciting career you love, or set up

your own business and build your dreams based on your passions. When you love what you do

your life will have meaning, and you will know that you are happy.

Here Are 28 Signs You Are Fulfilling Your Passion And Living Your True Purpose:

1. You feel complete, there is no nagging in the back of your mind that there is something more

out there.

2. You feel fulfilled, every day you wake up with a full heart, and know that there is something

bigger out there that you are contributing to.

3. You don’t have ‘vampire syndrome’; you know what I mean – ‘vampire syndrome’ is when

you feel that life is being sucked out of you, whether it is from friends, colleagues or your job.

4. You believe you can do it! You no longer wonder if you are good enough, or if you know

enough. You are confident with who you are, and the gift you have to share with the world.

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5. You no longer worry about your future, you are happy to be in the NOW, and the past and

future are but mere words…

6. You don’t lay awake at night wondering how you are going to get your next promotion, or

worry about office politics.

7. The Universe delivers to you, you know what to ask for and it comes to you with ease…

8. You don’t need anyone to tell you that you’re doing a good job, or that you are right… you no

longer need approval.

9. There is no fear that’s keeping you small. The world needs you and you are making sure

that they know you are there… you thrive on being visible.

10. Opportunities are thrown at you, whether it’s in the way of promotion, speaking, team


11. You understand the power of a coach/mentor. You realize that being the person you want to

be, needs to be worked on as much as anything else.

12. You no longer feel that you are selling your soul; you are giving to the world and getting paid

for your value. You feel fulfilled and proud of what you do.

13. You feel you know what happiness is, you don’t worry about chasing the latest fad, or next

big thing, as you know what is right for you, and know you are on the right track.

14. You are paid what you are whilst making a difference to the world and the people in it.

15. You love work; every day you thank the Universe for being able to do what you love.

16. Life seems easy, no longer do you look at others wishing you could have their life.

17. You get knocked down, but you get back up again, you are relentless at living your purpose

and you know what your mission is.

18. You don’t feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster, life is calmer than you could ever

have imagined.

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19. You are realizing only what you had previously dreamed of… you are full of gratitude every

night you go to bed.

20. You don’t feel lonely or disconnected. You have people around you who support you and

understand you.

21. You follow your intuition, what you do doesn’t need checking with everyone else.

22. You notice the world around you more; you taste, smell and feel the great things that Mother

Nature and her friends have to offer you.

23. You no longer live for the weekend; Saturday and Sunday are no different from the rest of

the week.

24. You don’t get sick as much as you used to, your immune system is better and even when

you do get sick you soldier on.

25. You are positive about everything; your glass always half full, and you see a lesson in every

experience, good or bad.

26. You sleep well and rise with a spring in your step.

27. Your dreams are goals, and you are achieving your goals. Life is great.

28. You have read all the signs above and are happy that they describe you…

However, so many people in the world are not fortunate enough to be living happily aligned with their

passion and their purpose. They really are building someone else’s dreams and long for the


Many of you reading these signs will be feeling frustrated that this isn’t you. And all too often this is

because you have a dream that you want to be fulfilled… a business you want to create or countries

and a life you want to explore.

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If you feel that you have a dream you want to fulfill then get in touch and book a call with me here:

Book A Call