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Page 1: Simple Pendulum



Eecay Queetlone

7 (a) Diagram 7 shows two ammeters, J and ( withdifferent sensitivities that can be used in electrical

circuit to measure the current.

(a) AmmeterJ

(b) AmmeterK

Diagram 7

What is meant bysensiflvify? li morkl

With reference to Diagram 7(a) andDiagram 7(b), determine the currentsmeasured by the ammeters. 12 morksl

Compare the sensitivities of ammeters Jand K. Relate to the scales on the ammeters.

[3 morks]



Using the different distributions of shooting marks

on a target, illustrate the differences betweenaccuracy and consistency.

14 morksl

(i) Civen a glass rod and a metre rule as shownin Diagram 8, explain how a student can

determine the diameter of the wire.

16 morksl

glass rod

' Diagram 8

Suggest a more suitable measuringinstrument which the student can find in thelaboratory to measure the diameter of thewire. 11 morkl

Which method will give you a more accurate

measurement? Explain your answer.

11 morkl

State the precautions that should be taken

during the measurements using theinstrument in (c)(ii).

12 marksl

the thermometer?

11 morklin the mercury when

in a cup of hot water.

l1 mork)bulb has a thin wall.

lt marklmercury thermometerof its bore. Underline

brackets to complete the

with (largea, smaller) bore

lt morkl

series of measurementsity, g. Table 2 shows the

g rs 9.8), which studentthat could be described as






11 markl

11 mork)divisions of four types of

student should use to

of wire, 11 mork)diameters of a

laboratory. I markl

A student carries out an experiment to find out the relationshp between the period for one oscillation of a simple

and the height of the pendulum bob above the bench, h.arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Diagram 1.

bench surface

side view

Diagram I

is provided to judge if the pendulum bob passes through the centre of the oscillation.height, h of the centre of the pendulum bob is adjusted to be 30.0 cm above the bench surface. lt is then

and allowed to oscillate. The time for 20 oscillations, f,, is taken using a stopwatch. The simple pendulum is

to oscillate again to obtain the time for 20 oscillations, f2, for the second time. The actual readings of f, and f, are

in Diagram 2.

lntroduction to Physics



l-tnin rtrins



Snendulum boo

ftl- marker

\ -/" one complete

"-Yl oscillation

front view

Page 2: Simple Pendulum

/sN The experiment is repeated by changing the vertical height of the centre of the pendulum bob to 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm,

60.0 cm and 70.0 cm. The corresponding readings of the stopwatch are shown in Diagrams 3, 4,5 and 6 respectively.

The period of oscillation, I, of the simple pendulum is given by the following equation:7 t. +t^T:; where I

First reading Second reading

30.0 cm

First reading Second reading

h:40.0 cm


Diagram 2 h: Diagram 3


Second reading

50.0 cm


Diagram 4 h:

First reading Second reading

f,:" " " tr:"""""Diagram 6 h:70.0 cm

(a) For the experiment described, identify;(i) the manipulated variable,(ii) the responding variable,(iii) a constant variable.

(b) BasedonDiagrams2,3,4,5and6,determinet,,fr, l,Tandr'whenh:30.0cm,40.0cm,50.0cm,60.0cmand70.0 cm.Tabulate your results for t,t,i, f and r'for each value of h.

(c) On a piece of graph paper, plot a graph of 12 against h.

(d) Use your graph to state the relationship between r'? against h"

First reading First reading

Diagram 5

Second reading

') '"'" '

h:60.0 cm dT(:,t.t

l7 morksl

15 morksl

l1 norkl


ffiffiw ffiw

lntroduction to Physics
