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Instructions for Use and Care

See separate insert for NIOSH Approval Information. (P/N 10035719)

See inside for Instructions, Warnings and Limitations. Please call 1-800-MSA-2222 during regular working hours.

This manual, including the warnings and cautions inside, must be readand followed carefully by all persons who use or maintain this product,including those who have any responsibility involving its selection, appli-cation, service or repair. This respirator will perform as designed only ifused and maintained according to the instructions. Otherwise, it couldfail to perform as designed, and persons who rely on this product couldsustain serious personal injury or death.


TAL 204 (L) Rev. 0 © MSA 2002 Print Spec. 10000005196 (A) Mat. 10036203Doc. 10000012919

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1. ProtectionP100—Particulate Filter (99.97%filter efficiency level) effectiveagainst all particulate aerosols.

AM - Ammonia CD - Chlorine dioxide (escape)CL - Chlorine FM - Formaldehyde HC - Hydrogen chloride HF - Hydrogen fluoride HS - Hydrogen sulfide (escape)MA - MethylamineOV - Organic VaporSD - Sulfur dioxideSA - Supplied Air

2. Cautions and LimitationsA. Not for use in atmospheres

containing less than 19.5 per-cent oxygen.

B. Not for use in atmospheresimmediately dangerous to lifeor health.

C. Do not exceed maximum useconcentrations established byregulatory standards.

H. Follow established cartridgeand canister change schedulesor observe ESLI to ensure that

cartridges and canisters arereplaced before breakthroughoccurs.

J. Failure to properly use andmaintain this product couldresult in injury or death.

K. The Occupational Safety andHealth Administration regula-tions require gas-proof gog-gles be worn with this respira-tor when used againstformaldehyde.

L. Follow the manufacturer’sUsers Instructions for changingcartridges and/or filters.

M. All approved respirators shallbe selected, fitted, used, andmaintained in accordance withMSHA, OSHA, and other appli-cable regulations.

N. Never substitute, modify, add,or omit parts. Use only exactreplacement parts in the con-figuration as specified by themanufacturer.

O. Refer to User’s Instructionsand/or maintenance manualsfor information on use andmaintenance of these respira-tors.

P. NIOSH does not evaluate res-pirators for use as surgical

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NIOSH Approval Information 2Special or Critical User Instructions 2Respirator Use Limitations 3Exposure Limits 3Respirator Fit Test 4General Description 4Principle of Operation 4

Preparations for Use 4Attaching Cartridge 5Donning the Respirator 5Test for Tightness Before Each Use 5Removing the Respirator 7Maintenance 7Cleaning and Disinfecting 9

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masks.S. Special or critical user’s

instructions and/or specificuse limitations apply. Refer toUser’s Instructions before don-ning.



1. This device does NOT supplyoxygen, and must only be usedin adequately ventilated areascontaining at least 19.5 percentoxygen.

2. This respirator must be used inconjunction with the properchemical or particulate car-tridges for protection againstspecific contaminants.

3. Do not use when concentrationsof contaminants are unknown orimmediately dangerous to life orhealth (IDLH).

4. Do not use when appropriateexposure limit (OSHA PEL,NIOSH REL, ACGIH TLV, etc.) isnot known.

5. Leave area immediately if:A. Breathing becomes difficult.B.Dizziness or other distress

occurs.C.You taste or smell contami-

nant.D.You experience nose or throat

irritation.6. Use strictly in accordance with

instructions, labels, and limita-tions pertaining to this device.

7. This respirator may not provide asatisfactory seal with certainfacial characteristics, such asbeards or large sideburns, thatprevent direct contact betweenthe skin and the sealing surfaceof the facepiece. Do not usethis respirator, if such conditionsexist.

8. Never alter or modify this device.9. This respirator is for use by

trained, qualified personnel only.

Failure to follow the above warningscan result in serious personal injuryor death.

Do not use for urethane paints orother paints containing diiso-cyanates unless an appropriate car-tridge change-out schedule isdeveloped. Due to their poor warn-ing properties, over exposure canoccur without user awareness andresult in severe permanent damageto the respiratory system. If unableto develop an appropriate change-out schedule, use an air-suppliedrespirator or SCBA.


The wearer must comply with the fol-lowing respirator use limitations:1. MAXIMUM USE CONCENTRATION

— Do not exceed any of the fol-lowing:A. 100 times the exposure limit for

the contaminants present.

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B. Immediately dangerous to life orhealth (IDLH) concentration forany contaminant present.

2. The limitations outlined in theapplicable NIOSH approval.

3. For respirators with class P filters:Replace filters when excessivebreathing resistance occurs whileinhaling.

4. For respirators with chemical car-tridges:a. Users must follow an appropri-

ate cartridge change-out sched-ule developed by a qualifiedprofessional. The change-outschedule must take into accountall factors that may influencerespiratory protection includingspecific work practices andother conditions unique to theworks environment. Cartridgesequipped with an end-of-serv-ice-life indicator for a specificcontaminant present must bereplaced when the indicatorchanges to the specified coloror sooner if using the respiratoragainst a mixture and the car-tridge change-out schedulespecifies an earlier replacement.

b. If using the respirator againstsubstances having poor warningproperties, over exposure canoccur without user awareness.Take appropriate precautions toprevent over exposure, whichmay include an earlier cartridgechange-out, or using an air-sup-plied respirator or SCBA. Forfurther information, refer toMSA’s Response RespiratorSelector.

c. Replace cartridges every shift orsooner, if indicated by change-

out schedule or end-of-service-life indicator. Use beyond oneshift could result in shorter thanexpected service time and overexposure due to contaminantdesorption and migrationthrough the cartridge when notin use. If using the respirator forescape, replace cartridges aftereach escape. Once the userbreathes through the respiratorin a contaminated atmosphere,the cartridges may not provideadequate protection for addi-tional escapes. Additionally,once the cartridges are initiallyplaced into service or carried bythe user in anticipation ofescape, they must be replacedbased on an appropriate car-tridge change-out schedule.Extended exposure of the car-tridges to nuisance levels (belowthe PEL) of the contaminant mayprevent the cartridges from pro-viding adequate escape protec-tion.

5. For respirators with combinationcartridges (chemical cartridgeswith filters): The limitations speci-fied above for chemical cartridgesas well as the applicable filterclass apply for combination car-tridges.

6. Applicable respirator use require-ments as specified in the OSHARespiratory Protection Regulation29 CFR Part1910.134 (or otherrequirements established by theRegulatory Agency with jurisdictionover the wearer). Additional OSHARegulations may also apply forcertain contaminants (See MSA’sResponse Respirator Selector).

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A listing of acceptable exposure limitsfrom the following sources is providedin MSA’s Response® RespiratorSelector:— American Conference of

Governmental Industrial Hygienists(ACGIH)

— Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA)

— National Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH)

— American Industrial HygieneAssociation (AIHA)


NIOSH allows this respirator to be usedfor protection against a mixture of con-taminants that are present simultane-ously or used alternately against onecontaminant then another (using thesame cartridges or filters) if the mixturemeets the following conditions:

a. The cartridge/filter must beapproved for all contaminantspresent.

b. Contaminants present simultane-ously must be below IDLH levelsfor the specific contaminants. Ifany one contaminant in the mix-ture exceeds the IDLH concen-tration, then the entire mixturemust be treated as IDLH and therespirator cannot be used(except for escape from particu-lates with appropriate filter).

The American Conference ofGovernmental Industrial Hygienists(ACGIH) publishes the following infor-

mation to determine the TLV of a mix-ture (TMixture).

First determine the total concentrationof the chemical mixture (C Mixture)from the individual contaminant con-centrations (C1, C2, C3...) using thefollowing formula:

CMixture = C1+C2+C3+…

The TLV of the mixture is found byusing the following formula where T1,T2, T3, ... are the individual contami-nant TLVs and C1, C2, C3... are theindividual contaminant concentrations(TMixture).

Only use these equations if the con-taminants present are actually mixed.Some substances do not mix and maybe present separately, for example, inpockets or at different levels. In thatcase, the lowest TLV of the sub-stances present must be used todetermine the appropriate respiratorcategory for protection against all con-taminants present. See MSA’sResponse Respirator Selector foradditional information.


A qualitative or quantitative respiratorfit test must be carried out for eachwearer of this respirator to determinethe amount of protection it will pro-vide.

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+ + + . . .T1 T2 T3

C1 C2 C3

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Respirator fit tests are explained fullyin the American National Standard forRespiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.2,which is published by the AmericanNational Standards Institute.

QUANTITATIVE TEST - If aQuantitative Fit Test is used, a fit fac-tor that is at least 1000 shall beobtained before that respirator isassigned to an individual.

QUALITATIVE TEST - If a QualitativeFit Test is used, only validated proto-cols are acceptable. The individualmust pass a test designed to assess afit factor of at least 1000.

Regardless of facial dimensions andrespirator sizing charts, respirator fittesting, either qualitative or quantita-tive, must be performed to ensure therespirator selected provides an ade-quate fit.

The user must perform a respiratorfit test and follow all warnings andlimitations specified. Failure to doso can result in serious personalinjury or death.


The Single Cartridge Respirator is anair-purifying respirator intended for usein atmospheres which are not immedi-ately dangerous to life or health (non-IDLH). This respirator is intended forapplications which may require theuser to enter or exit a hazardous area,or work within the area for a limited

time. The use of nosecup withAdvantage 3100 facepiece is optional.

The Single Cartridge Respirator, whenequipped with the appropriate car-tridge(s), becomes a complete air-puri-fying respiratory protective device.


The Single Cartridge Respirator mustbe used with appropriate cartridge toprovide respiratory protection. Whenthe wearer inhales, the contaminatedair is drawn through the air-purifyingcartridge, which remove the hazardousvapors, gases and/or particulate mat-ter, depending on the elements used.The inhalation valves open and theexhalation valve remains closed toprevent contaminated air from enteringthe facepiece. During exhalation, theexhalation valve opens and the inhala-tion valves close to prevent exhaled airfrom passing back through the airpurifying elements. The exhalationvalve permits exhaled air to exit therespirator.


The following inspection points mustbe checked before donning the respi-rator. A respirator that fails the inspec-tion must not be used. The respiratormust be repaired or replaced.1. Headbands: Check to see that the

headbands still have their elastici-ty. Inspect for cracks or tears andmake sure all buckles are in placeand working properly.

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2. Facepiece: Check facepiece fordirt, cracks, tears or holes.Inspect the shape of the facepiecefor possible distortion that mayoccur from improper storage andmake sure the rubber is flexible,not stiff.

3. Inhalation and exhalation valves:Check for cracks, tears, distortion,dirt or build-up of materialbetween valve and valve seat.

4. Cartridge receptacle(s): Check to

make sure gaskets are in placeand check for cracks and damage.

5. Cartridges and/or filters: Makesure cartridges and/or filters areclean. Never try to clean a filter orcartridge by washing it or usingcompressed air. Inspect cartridgesfor dents, scratches or other dam-age, particularly the sealing sur-face.

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Thread cartridge into receptacle care-fully. Hand tighten to prevent damageto threads. To ensure a good seal,tighten cartridge by slowly turning thecartridge until tight.


Pull out headband straps, especiallythe "FRONT" or forehead strap(s), sothat their ends are at the buckles, thengrip facepiece between thumb and fin-gers. Insert chin well into the lowerpart of facepiece and pull headbandsback over head. To obtain a firm andcomfortable fit against the face at allpoints, adjust headbands as follows:

1. See that straps lie flat againsthead.

2. Tighten the lower or "Neck" straps.3. Tighten the "SIDE" straps. (Do not

touch forehead or "FRONT" strap.)4. Place both hands on headband

pad and push it towards the neck.5. Repeat operations (2) and (3).6. Tighten forehead or 'FRONT"

strap(s) a few notches if necessary.


1. Loosen the two bottom harnessstraps. Grip the straps by insert-ing thumbs through the straps.Insert chin well into the lower partof facepiece, then pull the harness

back over head.2. Pull the back of harness downward

toward the neck until centered atthe back of your head. If neces-sary, hold the facepiece compo-nent housing with one hand andposition the harness with the otherhand, until obtaining a firm andcomfortable fit against the face atall points.

3. Tighten the two neck-straps sothat the mask is snug against face.Make sure the back of the harnessis centered on the back of thehead. The top two harness strapsmust be flat against the top ofhead.

Note: Both top straps should beadjusted with button in the same posi-tion so straps are equal in length.

4. If the mask does not feel snug upagainst face, loosen the bottomstraps and reposition the back ofthe harness. Make sure that theback of the harness is positionedon the back of the head. If themask does not become snugagainst the face, remove the maskand adjust the length of the toptwo straps.

To adjust top straps:• Remove the strap from the button

by pulling the loose end of thestrap away from the button.

• Move the slide away from the lensring to allow the strap to slidethrough the lens ring connection.Adjust the length of the strap.Secure the strap in position bypulling the strap onto the button.

• Smooth the straps so that they are

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flat. Move the slide so that it islocated at the lens ring connection.


INSTRUCTIONS TO DON THE MASKNote: There are two recommendeddonning procedures.

Donning Procedure A1. Completely loosen the two bottom

straps. Spread the straps of thehead harness with both hands andplace chin into the mask. Pull har-ness over head all the way, untilplastic cradle lies flat on back ofhead.

2. Tighten neck straps evenly so thatthe mask is snug against the face.

3. If necessary, adjust the mask andtighten harness by pulling loop onthe back of harness.

Donning Procedure B1. Completely loosen the two bottom

straps, insert fingers and hold theloop on the back of the harness.

2. Place chin into the mask.3. Pull the harness over head with the

loop, pull harness down to theback of the head, until plastic cra-dle lies flat on back of head.

4. Tighten neck straps evenly so thatthe mask is snug against your face.


The respirator must pass tightnesstests before the respirator can be

used. The respirator will not furnishprotection unless all inhaled air isdrawn through suitable cartridges orfilters. The respirator must be subject-ed to a Tightness Test before each useby one of the following Methods:

A. Positive Pressure MethodTest for respirator for leakage usinga positive pressure method.Lightly cover the exhalation valvecover. Gently exhale. A slightpositive pressure should build upinside the respirator. If any leak-age is detected around the facialseal, readjust head harness strapsand repeat test until there is noleakage. If other than facial sealleakage is detected, the conditionmust be investigated and correct-ed before another test is made.

B. Negative Pressure MethodA Negative pressure test may alsobe performed. Lightly cover car-tridge. Gently inhale and the face-piece should collapse against theface. If any leakage is detectedaround the facial seal, readjusthead harness straps and repeatthe test until there is no leakage. Ifother than facial seal leakage isdetected, investigate and correctthe condition before testing again.The respirator must be subjectedto the Tightness Test before eachuse.

The respirator must pass one of thetightness tests above before the respi-rator is used. The respirator will notfurnish protection unless all inhaled airis drawn through suitable cartridges.

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Do not enter any atmosphere withthis respirator unless you know that:

1. You have read, understood andfollowed all instructions andwarnings pertaining to the respi-rator.

2. The respirator and conditionsmeet the requirements outlined.

3. The cartridge is the proper typefor the contaminant or contami-nants present.

4. The amount of oxygen is suffi-

cient to support life (that is, atleast 19.5 percent oxygen by vol-ume at sea level). Do not use ifan oxygen concentration suffi-cient to support life is question-able.

5. Respirator does not leak (seeTest for Tightness).

6. Cartridge does not need to bereplaced. Discard exhaustedcartridge.

Failure to follow the above warningscan result in serious personal injuryor death.

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REMOVING THE RESPIRATORReturn to an uncontaminated areabefore removing the respirator. Checkthat the respirator and your clothingare free from contaminant beforeremoving the respirator.

To remove the facepiece1. Push the bottom buckles forward

to loosen and fully extend the bot-tom straps.

2. Insert thumbs under the bottomharness straps. Pull it up andaway from face.

To replace cartridge proceed as fol-lows:1. Remove the expended cartridge

and discard.2. Remove the replacement cartridge

from storage bag and insert intothe threaded receptacle makingsure gasket is in place.

3. Carefully hand tighten the cartridge

to prevent damage to threads. Toensure a good seal, tighten car-tridge by slowly turning the car-tridge until tight.


This respirator must be kept in goodcondition to function properly. Whenany respirator shows evidence ofexcessive wear or damage, it must bereplaced immediately. Refer to thePreparations for Donning section forproper inspection of the respirator.This respirator, when not in use,should be stored in a clean dry loca-tion, such as its storage bag. Do notdistort the facepiece during storage.When disposing of the respirator or itscomponents, do so in accordancewith local, state and federal regula-tions.

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Respirators should be cleaned anddisinfected after each use. MSA rec-ommends using Confidence Plus™Cleaning Solution (P/N 10009971), agermicidal cleaner that cleans and dis-infects in one operation. Refer to theCleaning Solution label for use instruc-tions. A solution as effective asConfidence Plus™ Cleaning Solutionand compatible with MSA respiratorcomponents may be substituted.

Alcohol should not be used as agermicide because it may deterio-rate rubber parts.

If not rinsed thoroughly, cleaningagent residue may irritate the wear-er's skin.

Do not force-dry the parts by plac-ing them in a heater or direct sun-light. This will cause the rubber todeteriorate.

1. If the respirator is to be cleaned,remove the cartridges. The face-piece should be cleaned and disin-fected after every use.

2. Preparing the cleaner.Follow the instructions providedwith the Confidence Plus™Cleaning Solution or equivalentcleaning solution.

3. Rinse thoroughly in plain warmwater (110ºF to avoid possibleoverheating and distortion of parts)and then air dry. ANSI suggeststhat users should be trained incleaning procedure.

Cleaning and Disinfecting at orbelow 110°F temperature will avoidpossible overheating and distortionof parts which would requirereplacement.

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