
Sistema Sima de la Cornisa Torca Magali Picos de Europa, NW Spain (-1507m) Jan Masschelein (1), David De Roest (2), David Lagrou (2), Wim Janse (2), Vincent Coessens (2) (1) RCCB, Royal Caving Club de Belgique, Kessel- Lo Belgium, (2) SPEKUL, Caving club of K.U.Leuven, Leuven Belgium, From year to year: 2002: deepest point, Sala Negra, was reached at -700m. Bivouac at -500m. 2003: 3 weeks of searching between -500m and -700m for a continuation. The last day a pitch called Pozo de la Mierda showed to be promising. 2004: -1140m is reached (no continuation). Bivouac is moved to -700m. Another entrance was connected to the system at -500m by Spanish cavers from Matallana, exploring the nearby Torca Magali cave. 2005: De-rig up to -750m, exploration down to -1189m in second branch. 2006: Installation bivouac 2 at -900m m is reached, but again, dead end. Return to -900m and explore the third branch. 2007: The lowest point so far was reached: a huge master cave ending in a sump at -1507m. Bivouac 3 was first at -1250m, but finally installed at -1500m. 2008: No additional depth, another branch explored down to -1300m but too narrow. In the late eighties, a team of French cavers discovered the Sima de la Cornisa in the Picos de Europa, a mountain range in the northwest of Spain. At a depth of - 400m, the exploration was halted on top of an unstable pitch. With no safe way on found, this pitch of over 100m was not descended. In 2001, a team of Belgian and Spanish cavers re-investigating the cave managed to find a parallel pitch (Pozo Clandestino) and move beyond the unstable part. Throughout the following years, small teams have returned each summer, continuing the exploration. Cave info: The total development of the system is about 6.5km, with 3 branches going below -1000m. The entrance the highest one known so far in Picos de Europa is located at +2540m. Its expected resurgences, Los Molinos and/or Ferfao, are located at +460 and +350m respectively, resulting in a potential depth of over 2 km. Temperature in the cave is about 2 C. Expedition setup: A typical expedition lasts 3 weeks and takes place during summertime. About 6 to 12 cavers participate, all get the possibility to explore. The camp is situated in the Hoyo Grande, central part of the Picos de Europa, a one day-trip from the nearest villages. All equipment and fresh food is carried on the mountain by man-power, no helicopters are used. Snow is melted and purified in order to have drinking water. Participants: Jan Masschelein Wim Janse David De Roest Koen Mandonx Lieven De Bontridder David Lagrou Vincent Coessens Nele Philips Wim Cuyvers Manuela Van Baars Kevin Leys Jack London Dries Raymaekers Will Moffat Johan Franky Peter Philips Peter Cauwenberghs Dorien Verboven Explo & Topo: RCCB - SPEKUL - CEV GLM (2001 2008) Tom Beyens Pierrot Clemens Katleen Dethier Anja Crommelynck Marijke Moysons Myriam Philips Jaak Joris Juan Carlos Cantalejo Garcia Antonio Gomez Muoz Silvino Vila Carrio
