Page 1: Sleep solutions list RC KP

1. Abandon electronic gadgets such as iPads, iPhones, Laptops, Blackberries, PCs, etc. from your bedroom 

2. Don't check your electronic devices during the weekend 3. Talk to your boss and show him studies/surveys that employees are working more

efficient if they don't have to be available 24/7 4. Take sleeping pills 5. Take valerian 6. Take St. John's wort 7. Choose a hobby so that you won't be available every night 8. Mute all your electronic devices so that you cannot hear that your boss is calling/emailing

you 9. Work-out extensively so that you are way too tired to be available for your boss 10. Have dinner and breakfast every day with your family - that's quality time and you won't

be available for your employer 11. Take regular breaks (vacation) 12. Leave your devices at home while on vacation 13. Learn to delegate tasks 14. Do power napping, e.g. during lunch time 15. Switch off your devices 16. Change your job 17. Find out what your bosses interests are and suggest a hobby for her/him so that (s)he

might not have any time to bother you18. Let the battery run all the way down.19. Don’t begin charging device(s) until you have to wake back up20. Assign a penalty (financial, physical) to yourself for allowing technology to reduce sleep

time.21. Exercise right before bedtime. Promote physical fatigue. 22. Have a sexual release before bedtime. Promote physical fatigue.23. All personal electronics in a basket, box, or closet before sleep time.24. Implement a mandatory technological blackout time. 25. Run yourself ragged.26. Pass out.27. Eat more turkey. Contains L-tryptophan, which has a documented sleep inducing effect.28. Have milk and cookies. 29. Read a tangible book, magazine where you have to physically turn pages.30. Listen to soothing music.31. Drink hot chamomile tea.32. Drink hot tea with lemon, honey and 2 shots of rum, tequila, whiskey, or cognac. 33. Sit in complete darkness34. Meditate35. Medical cannabis consumption36. Take a warm shower or bath37. Reduce/eliminate caffeine consumption.38. Call a long winded person to talk you to sleep39. Have a conversation with yourself in the dark.40. Email server should be shut down at 6pm so that no emails can be delivered anymore41. Government enforces a law that requires citizens to get the required amount of sleep,

every citizen gets a device measuring the amount of sleep. If the citizen does not get the required amount of sleep, (s)he is required to go into a sleep chamber

42. Pretend that your dog ate/destroyed all your devices43. Invent a drug that a human being does not need sleep anymore, or will be able to work

while sleeping
