Page 1: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

SmartbuyWednesday, April 13, 2011

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Raising the bar?New VW Passat testedPage 8

Page 2: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

2 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

WHAT’S HOT this week

LG Electronics slid thecovers off the LG

Optimus 2X, the world’sfirst smartphone with a

dual-core processor. TheTegra 2 processor makesfor faster, smoother web

browsing andapplications and letsusers multitask with

virtually no lag. The LGOptimus 2X comes withtwo cameras – front and

rear – and offers 1080pHD video playback andrecording with HDMI

mirroring that expandscontent on externaldisplays to full HD

quality.Rs 30,000

Twice the power!

LG Optimus 2X

With the all new Intel Core i7 inside, the Asus N53Jqfeatures the exclusive SonicMaster technology,

co-developed by Bang & Olufsen ICEpower, bringinglife-like audio to the notebook. True Theater

software upscales DVD-quality video to Full HDwhile ASUS Splendid technology optimises media

files, reducing noise and improving conversion ratesfor sharper images with better contrast, brightness

and colour saturation across all video applications.

Rs 68,999

Multimedia magic Asus N53Jq

Stylish shooting

Panasonic LUMIXDMC-FX77This 12.1-meg slim digicam is the latest in theLUMIX series. It features a 3.5-inch touchscreen LCD, and is capable of full HDrecording. The camera comes with an f/2.524mm ultra wide LEICA lens, with 5x zoom.The camera is equipped with a variety of scenemodes and comes with Face Detection andFace Recognition. It comes in a variety ofcolours including pink, gold, black and silver.To be announced

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Cover photo: S. Muralidhar

Page 3: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

3 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

For a company known for its audio devices, its nowonder that Creative’s ZiiO tablet claims to offer thebest wireless audio performance. Based on an Android2.2 OS, the tablet is available in 7-inch (white) and 10-inch (black) sizes. You can hook up Creative’s range ofBluetooth speakers and headphones, and stream high-def videos using the HDMI-out slot. Both tablets areavailable in 8 GB and 16 GB capacities, with storageexpandable up to 32 GB. Rs 17,999 (7-inch)Rs 21,999 (10-inch)

Wireless wonder

Creative ZiiO

The centre of attention

Sony Vaio S SeriesThis sleek new laptop from Sony is the

ultimate mobile PC, with a screen size of13.3-inches and weight of just 1.71 kg. Its

aluminium palm-rest and magnesium bodymake it light weight and rugged, and backlit

keyboard and multi-touch keyboard add toits functionality. The laptop is powered byIntel Core i7 processor and AMD Radeon

HD 6630M GPU with 1GB VRAM. Six hoursof battery life with an optional Extended

Battery for up to 12 hours of juice means youcan power up on the go.

Rs 56,990 onwards

The new S3300 digicam from Fujifilm comes with a 26xzoom lens. The 14-meg camera has functions like Face

Detection, auto red-eye removal, multi-frame playback andPhotobook assist features. The new camera also boasts

award-winning Fujinon optics and 24mm wide-angle lenseswith bright 3-inch LCD screen to playback all your photos.

Rs 15,999

Get things closer Fujifilm S3300

Page 4: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011


GAMINGGaming gets a potential boostwith a three-axis gyroscope.Games so far involve moving afloating shape by waving thephone back and forth. Thatcould lead to some interestingconversations on public

transport, if nothing else.

NFC CHIPNFC (Near Field Communication)is a way of transmitting andreceiving data over shortdistances. Applications includetravel cards and contactlesspayment systems. Hailed as thenext big thing for quite sometime now without ever actuallyhappening.

Page 5: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

The Google Nexus One was a fine hand-set scuppered by Google’s insistenceon selling it solely through its ownstore – cue thousands of anguished

message board posts from users starved of cus-tomer support. This, the first handset with An-droid 2.3, is hardly a radical update, but it is atleast listed on Flipkart and Infibeam, which isbetter than shady grey market deals.

DesignThe Nexus S has been built by Samsung, whichknows a thing or two about hardware design,and Google’s Android 2.3 OS is better than ever,so this has plenty of promise. However, whilethe plastickiness has been dialled back signif-icantly compared to the Samsung Galaxy S, itstill feels less weighty and looks less handsomethan the iPhone 4.

The handset is “vanilla” Android and lacksthe contact and social networking integration ofthird-party skins such as HTC Sense, althougharguably it runs a little faster as a result.

DisplayGenerous without being oversized, the four-inch, 800x480 screen is exceptionally brightand sharp. AMOLED technology provides anexcellent contrast ratio and reasonable viewingoff-axis, while performance in daylight is ac-tually better than on many LCD screens.

HD movie clips look particularly good, withimpressive contrast. With a 1GHz Humming-bird processor and 512MB of RAM the Nexus Snever feels sluggish. A dedicated graphics chipmeans no slow-down even while streaming con-tent from YouTube. Flash videos have no issueswith lag, although quality isn’t always fantastic.

The touchscreen is generally very responsivetoo. On picture-rich websites, pinch to zoomcan be a little sluggish but this is not an issue onthe majority of sites. Still images taken with thefive-meg camera are good without being fantas-tic. The flash does a decent job of illuminatingdimmer rooms but the shutter isn’t lightningquick and there’s no dedicated camera button.The 720x480 video is less competent, being soft,blocky and generally disappointing.

PerformanceBattery life on our sample was more impressive,easily lasting into a second day of web browsing,music playback and calls. Finally, Google’s im-proved the virtual keyboard, with more spacebetween the keys, more intelligent auto-correc-tion and multi-touch support so you can quicklyswap between numeric and alphanumerickeyboards.

Our verdictSIM-free, the Nexus S is cheaper than the 16GBiPhone and offers a comparable if not quiteequal experience. Its only problem is that themarket is now awash with high quality Androidhandsets, and we’re not convinced that an NFCchip and three-axis gyroscope are enough toturn heads its way. Still, as criticisms go, “Yetanother excellent Android phone,” is hardlydamning, is it?

Love - Very quick, excellent screen, slickinterfaceHate - No microSD slot, no HD video capture,disappointing build for the price, manages to behugely competent without being especiallyexciting

This material is translated or reproduced from T3 magazine and is thecopyright of or licensed to Future Publishing Limited, a Future plcgroup company, UK 2011. Used under license. All rights reserved

Your next partner-in-crime?

Google Nexus S

GOOGLE MAPS 5.0The Nexus S will have thisnavigation update, whichadds 3D mapping. You’ll beable to scroll in close to acity and see key buildings in3D, using gestures to movearound. Our review sampleonly had Google Maps 4.7

Wi-FiThe Nexus S can act as avirtual Wi-Fi hotspot,providing an internetconnection for up to sixother compatible devices,from laptops to tablets.It’s the hub for yourentire portable office

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6 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

GAME review

!!There was a time when survival horrorgames were content with scaring gamers.Today, a sense of catharsis is equally im-portant. After skulking around in the dark-ness for hours, wetting their pants atsudden noises, players want to inflict someserious pain on their tormentors. DeadSpace 2 feeds that primal urge. It allowsyou to dismember, stomp and evisceratethe enemy in gruesome ways. It is one ofthe few games that treads the line betweenhorror and action with such flair that itwould make Clive Barker proud.

The sequelDead Space 2 takes place nearly threeyears after the events of Dead Space on anenormous space station called the Sprawl.Isaac Clarke, the protagonist from the firstgame, finds himself on the Sprawl, but histraumatic experience aboard the Ishimurahas messed him up for good. His memoryis failing him and he’s constantly hauntedby images of the girlfriend he failed to save.This overpowering guilt mixed with trau-ma gives way to a severe case of dementia,where Isaac has trouble differentiating fic-tion from reality. As if seeing randomflashes of his dead girl wasn’t bad enough,another Necromorph infestation breaksout on the Sprawl, leaving Isaac to fight forsurvival.

Since the action has now shifted out of

the Ishimura, players are treated to tons ofenvironmental variety that was lacking inthe first game. Dead Space largely tookplace aboard a derelict ship, so playerswere subjected to a lot of metallic corri-dors, labs, and more corridors. Withoutspoiling anything for you, we can say thatproblem has been taken care of, as DeadSpace 2 will have players exploring sometruly diverse and messed up levels. Don’tlet the word “explore” throw you off; you’llstill have to move from point A to B killinganything and everything that crosses yourpath. However, exploration is encouragedas breaking away from the pre-definedpath will allow players to come acrossmoney, ammo and audio logs that provide

a certain amount of backdrop to the story.

Inside the gameGameplay in Dead Space 2 is pretty muchthe same as its predecessor. Played from athird-person over-the-shoulder perspec-tive, Isaac must slowly navigate dark anddimly lit areas and kill... well, everything. Alot of the game’s tense atmosphere stemsfrom the fact that Isaac controls like a tank.Slowing down players’ movements likethis ups the dread factor significantly.Newer gameplay mechanics, such as theability to navigate and fight in space, havealso been introduced. Isaac now lives up tohis moniker of Engineer and will have tofix and hack a lot more stuff than he did in

the first game.Thanks to this engineering background,

Isaac can also use the tools of his trade likeplasma cutters, line guns, etc. to inflictsome serious pain. Expanding on his arse-nal from the first game are a bunch of newweapons, all of which pack a mean punch.Special mention goes out to the JavelinGun that allows you to impale Necro-morphs across walls and ceilings. Spreadout across the Sprawl are upgrade stations,where players can improve several attri-butes of their weapons, like capacity, dam-age, etc. Killing enemies, stomping oncrates and looking around will grant Isaaccurrency that he can use to pick up newweapons, health packs and better suits.Weapons, unfortunately, can only be up-graded via power nodes that you have tofind or buy.

StrategyEA’s head honcho John Riccitiello has pro-claimed his love for multiplayer and keep-ing his wish (and their jobs) in mind,Visceral have introduced competitive playinto the world of Dead Space. We wouldhave been miffed if Visceral had compro-mised on the single player campaign towork on the game’s multi-player, butthankfully it isn’t so.

Multiplayer in Dead Space 2 pits hu-mans against Necromorphs in a series of

Go for the trigger!

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Our verdictDead Space 2 is not for everyone. It’s un-relenting, violent, incredibly gory anddownright creepy. It does a good job ofcompletely immersing players in its twist-ed world, grabbing them by the family jew-els while pummeling them with non-stopthrills. And just when you think your frag-ile little mind can take no more, the gamehands you some serious firepower and en-courages you to go completely medieval onyour enemies.

Besides the rather hefty 12-hour singleplayer campaign, it also ships with an en-joyable multi-player mechanic that in-creases its life significantly. If competitivegaming isn’t your thing, you can alwaysreplay the campaign, with all the weaponsand armor you unlocked in your first playthrough.

Whichever way you look at it, DeadSpace 2 is a solid game that provides amplebang for your buck.

Love - Violent and satisfying gameplay, immersive,never resorts to cheap scares, multiplayer is an addedbonusHate - If you didn’t like the first game, this will notchange your mindPrice - Rs 999 (PC); Rs 2,499 (PS3, Xbox 360)Platform - PC, Xbox 360, PS3, iOS devicesPublisher - EADeveloper - Visceral Games

7 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

objective based maps. The soldiers wield abunch of weapons from the campaign,while the Necromorphs have to be contentwith projectile attacks (vomiting, spitting,etc) and/or up-close-and-personal meleeattacks.

It may seem relatively simple at first, butit does require a certain amount of strategyand skill to succeed, especially while play-ing as the aliens. Racking up kills and gen-erally playing well will level players up,allowing them to unlock newer armourand weapons. This form of multi-playermay have been done better in Left 4 Deadalready and it’s certainly no Call of Duty orBattlefield, but it is entertainingnevertheless.

GraphicsVisually, Dead Space 2 is stunning. It’s stilla very dark game, but you can see thatVisceral have upped the visuals signifi-cantly. Blood and gore are still a very in-tegral part of this franchise and this gamefeatures more blood and guts than prettymuch anything in recent times. Voice act-ing is actually pretty nice and Isaac hasbeen given a lot more personality this timearound. He’s no longer a mute and express-es fear, anguish and rage like a normalperson would. Well, as normal as a personthrust in the midst of un-dead, reanimatingaliens would.


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8 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

AUTO focus

S. Muralidhar

To put it succinctly, it will always be difficult forsuccessors of successful cars to be as successful.

Case in point – the new Volkswagen Passat.Can it better the outgoing model? Can it beat the

benchmark set by the predecessor? We drive it in Goa –the sun-and-sand capital of India – to find out.

The new Passat has been criticised by some as being tooclose to the predecessor inside and behind what doesn’tmeet the eye. But, clearly every thing about it seems new tothe onlooker. There is a lot more that is different in thenew package and that which you can only feel.

This is the seventh generation Passat and it is now inIndia, just a few months after its global debut. To knock afew punches at that existing benchmark VW India has alsolaunched the new Passat with a fancy set of new featuresand a killer price tag.

DesignThe new Passat in its first reveal has apparently borroweda lot from its bigger, more luxurious sibling – the Phaeton.The bi-xenon headlamps and the tail-lamps hark back tothe Phaeton’s and the new Passat’s proportions also seemto have gotten a bit more generous. The lines all aroundthe new Passat have become sharper and more pro-nounced. A new LED daytime running lights strip hasbeen integrated into the headlamps, a crisp four-slattedbonnet grille, and a large airdam with loads of chromeaccents make the front of the new Passat appear plusher.But, though the new Passat’s design enables it to mergeseamlessly with the other VW family cars, there is a bit thepredecessor’s uniqueness missing.

The side profile is also sharper now, with the shoulderline and lower character line now being crisper. The rearof the Passat is even more Phaeton-like. It is a simplebackside with VW’s signature lines and prominent badg-ing. There is also the new appendage BlueMotion Tech-

nology that you’ll see at the bottom right of the boot lid.We’ll get to that a little later.

Inside the new Passat, the theme is dark grey or beigeand there are a number of luxury trim choices. Aluminumpanels, walnut-burr wood trim and a lot of VW trademarksimplicity in the layout and knobs give you a sense ofsitting inside a car that belongs in a segment that is justabove the Passat. The seats are also plush and thicklybolstered to provide a nice comfy position. Depending onthe variant you choose, there is also the option of perforat-ed, climate-controlled leather seats.

With a large windscreen, there is a lot of glass area andso the interior of the new Passat is well-lit and in the peakof summer could also mean a lot of sun. But there are anumber of features that the Passat is being offered withthat will keep the interiors quite cool. There is of coursethe roll-up sunscreen at the rear and the sandwiched,laminated window glass should help the cabin cool downquicker. The windscreen glass also features acoustic lami-

nation to keep out the noise. Volkswagen is clearly targeting the back bencher with

the new Passat. Not that this is a bad marketing strategy ina market like ours, where most buyers in the segmentchoose to handover their expensive super luxury cars totheir chauffeurs to drive. With the amount of attentionthat has gone into keeping out noise and vibration, and theamount of damping that the suspension has been tunedfor, the new Passat should be more of a delight for theowner at the rear than it would be for the self-drivingowner who is on the look out for a sporty ride.

PerformanceThe new Passat is being offered in three trim variants –Trendline, Comfortline and Highline. We drove the High-line trim with the six-speed DSG automatic gearbox. TheTrendline variant is offered with the six-speed manualgearbox. Both the gearboxes are paired with VW’s two-litre (1,968cc), four-cylinder common rail diesel engine.This is the only engine option and, frankly, a smart choice(as yet) given the preferences of buyers in this segment.

Generating a peak output of 170PS, the engine offers a20 per cent hike in power compared to the previousPassat. That is a considerable jump in performance despitethe marginal increase in weight of the car (thanks themany new features). The engine also delivers most of thepower as the engine rpm level crosses the 4,000 mark. Thepeak torque of 350 Nm also kicks in as the engine rpm levelnears the 2,000 mark, which is all pretty good for its classof vehicle.

The DSG dual clutch gearbox is also pretty impressivewith its ability to do really fast shifts. This automaticgearbox gets a dual clutch combo that enables one to be instandby even as the other is engaged. The shifts them-selves are barely discernable, though there seems to be alag in transmission of the driver inputs/ information whenyou stomp the throttle. The gearbox waits just a noticeable

Photos: S. Muralidhar

VW Passat shines under the Goan sun

Page 9: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

bit as it decides the correct slot to match the driverdemand.

As we drove the new Passat around Goa inside the smallfishing villages, along coast stretches and the crowdedmarket places, there is a remarkable sense of isolation andcalm inside the cabin. The engine’s refinement comesthrough during hard acceleration and the noise from theaircon vent is more audible. The steering is well-weightedand precise, though a little more feedback would havebeen welcome.

Though there are a lot of features that seem to beoriented towards making the Passat more comfortable forthe owner in the rear bench, that hasn’t stopped VW fromloading up a few that will be better appreciated if the newPassat were to be self-driven. The fatigue detection systemthat warns the driver if he seems to be drowsy or dis-tracted is one, as are the 12-way adjustable front seats withactive airconditioning and the nifty new Parking Assistsystem with the rear camera hidden behind the circularVW badge on the boot lid. There is also the triptronicmanual gear selection option using steering mounted pad-dles for those who like a sportier drive and then there isthe auto dimming exterior mirrors.

BlueMotion TechnologiesThe new Passat is offered with VW’s proprietary BlueMo-tion Technologies package for the first time. The bunch ofeco-friendly systems that the package offers are meantenable a reduction is emissions and improve fuel effi-ciencies. Apart from the frugal engine and the DSG gear-box that together contribute to reducing the fuelconsumed compared to a similar powertrain without thistechnogy, the most prominent of the range of refinementsincluded is the Start/Stop system.

The Passat’s system automatically shuts off the enginewhen the driver brakes to a halt and then the engine comesalive again the moment the driver touches the throttle

pedal. There is also brake energy recuperation, whichrecaptures the energy during braking (that would other-wise be lost) and converting it to power the batteries.While the DSG dual clutch gearbox is said to be finelytuned to optimise fuel consumption, in the manual gear-box, a gear shift indicator in the info display is meant toprompt the driver to select the most appropriate gear slotfor the current driving cycle.

Despite all the good intentions, there may be a fewfeatures in the new Passat that might just be more of anovelty and/ or they might end up being impractical. ThePark Assist is one of them, needing more space for it workefficiently than what you might find in the average Indiancar park area. Even after a few trails, in an open parkinglot, it might still be quite difficult for the average driver tolet the car’s systems completely take control of the parkingprocess. But, yes, it is quite a novelty to watch the car’ssystems take over the steering process and all you need todo after choosing the right parking (parallel or perpendic-ular) pattern is to control the throttle and brake.

The Start/Stop system is another that just might get a bitannoying in extremely slow-moving, stop and go traffic,though it will achieve the goal of saving some fuel for you.

BottomlineThe new Passat packs in a lot more – like a electric slidesunroof, more safety features like the airbags all around,hill hold control and the usuals like ABS, EBD and TCS.There is also a rough road package to keep the occupantseven more relaxed in bad terrain. Fuel efficiency numbers,the driver fatigue system and the rear ride quality couldnot be experienced or verified during our test drive.

Clearly, the new Passat is packed to the gills with fea-tures and will be good value for the new prices that havebeen announced ranging from Rs 20.8 lakh for the Tren-dline to Rs 25.65 lakh for the comfortline (both ex-show-room, Delhi). Remember it is a diesel and it is a Passat! Forexisting owners of the Passat, it can be a difficult decisionto make to replace. After all, Passats don’t get tired, seemgo on and on, and retain their value too.

9 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

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10 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

Plush interiors (Top)

New design electrical door mirror (right)

Daytime running LED lights (left)

Tyre pressure monitor & parking assist in

the Highline trim (Bottom right)

Snapshots: Volkswagen Passat

Page 11: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

races, in its road-worthy cars too, has given Maserati aspecial position in this category.

The Quattroporte (literally means four door in Italian)is a consistent performer for Maserati worldwide and isone of the most popular in the company’s fourth largestmarket – China. The model has won over 56 major in-ternational design and automotive awards.

The performance flagship of the four-door range is theQuattroporte Sport GT S. With its sports exhaust systemfreeing up more power, the car’s 4.7-litre V8 engine boasts440 bhp of raw power at 7,000 rpm. The QuattroporteSport GT S retains the Quattroporte S’ 490Nm of torque,but directs its performance more aggressively.

The GransTurismo range on the other hand is claimedto be one of the most beautiful cars of its generation.Designed by Pininfarina, the GranTurismo was one of theearliest sports cars that could carry four adults.

Available with the 4.2-litre V8 producing 405 bhp at7,100 rpm or the 4.7-litre all-alloy V8 engine and theelectro-actuated six-speed transaxle gearbox, the Gran-Turismo and the GranTurismo S are capable of speeds ofover 280 kmph.

The new Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale is thefastest, lightest and most powerful in the model line-up.Inspired by the Trofeo GransTurismo MC and the race-winning GT4 motorsport programmes, this model hasmore power and sharp handling and is capable of a top-speed of 301 kmph.

The GranCabrio is a full four-seat convertible. It has thelongest wheelbase in its segment and yet boasts class-leading structural rigidity, added safety, comfort andhandling ability. Want to go topless? The roof folds neatlyinto the rear in just 20 seconds.

Prices for the Maserati models (ex-showroom, Delhi)will range from about Rs 1.20 crore for the GranTurismo4.2 automatic to Rs 1.43 crore for the Quattroporte SportGTS 4.7 and the GranCabrio 4.7.

11 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

AUTO news

Even as we wait for the new global Fiestato roll out of Ford’s India plant, the

current Fiesta sedan gets a stylish and aes-thetic twist. To offer buyers a new option,Ford has launched the Fiesta Classic. Thisnew offering gets a refreshing new Ebonyand Jasper Blue coloured instrument panel,a new centre and floor console finished inGraphic Metallic, new seats with soft feelfabric and enhanced dual-tone door trims.In addition, all the product variants willdisplay the ‘Classic’ moniker and it will beavailable in a new body colour – ColoradoRed. It features the same 1.6 Duratec and 1.4Duratorq powertrain options, which prom-ise to deliver the optimum mix of perform-ance and frugal fuel consumption. TheFiesta Classic will be available in three vari-ants LXI, CLXI and SXI, each offering bothpetrol and diesel engine options. The petrolvariants are priced Rs 5,49,030 onwards(ex-showroom, Delhi) and diesel variantsfrom Rs 6,48,000 (ex-showroom, Delhi).

Ford indulges in anew Fiesta

The Italian luxury car marque – Maserati, which adopt-ed a wait-and-watch approach for many years, has

finally announced plans to enter the Indian market. The Modena-based luxury and sports car manufacturer

has tied-up with the successful Indian luxury retailer – theShreyans Group for the foray. The brand will open its firstIndian showroom in Mumbai later this year and a seconddealership will be thrown open in New Delhi in the firsthalf of 2012. Long term plans include opening outlets inseven Indian cities by 2015.

Maserati will be bringing in its uniquely Italian brand of

high performance and custom-made exclusivity in itsthree model lines. The Quattroporte will be the flag-shipsedan, the GranTurismo coupe and the GranCabrio con-vertible will all be made available to Indian buyers. SimoneNiccolai, Managing Director of Maserati Asia Pacific saysthat Maserati will also bring in the global experience inservice, customer interactivity and network management

of Maserati professionals to the dealerships in India.With the demand in India being strongly inclined to-

wards chauffeur-driven saloons, Maserati is predictingthat the sedan range will absorb 80 per cent of its buys inIndia, with the remaining 20 per cent choosing the Gran-Turismo coupe and the GranCabrio convertible. India willbe the 63rd market for Maserati worldwide.

Maserati has had a long history and tradition of racingand a reputation for sexy, hand-built super luxury sportscars.

Its unique tradition of offering the same engines that it

Glitterati and chatterati can now buy a Maserati

Photo: S. Muralidhar

Page 12: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

12 April 13, 2011

PREMIUM interiors

To sink inHERMAN MILLER UNIONJACK AERONBuilt for the office but perfect for anolder child’s den, this stunning HermanMiller chair offers the ultimatesupport while they do theirhomework. With adjustable height, tiltand armrests, it’s engineered toproperly support the spine. ThePellicle weave fabric is breathable too.Rs 73,000

Entertainment full-on!AVERLIFE HD STUDIOMEDIA PLAYERA reasonably-priced media playerwith a card reader slot, two USBs andan Ethernet port for streaming moviesover the network. The kids can watchtheir fav flicks in full HD via HDMI andcontrol all of this with the remotecontrol. If only you had it so goodwhen you were that age.RS 5,500

Creative range by MABFestooned with black andwhite symbols from theworld of music, this beechwood furniture has whiteand red fronts.Rs 2.5 lakh (chair andmattress not included)

Xbox 360 250GB and FableIII controllerNo kid’s room is completewithout a console. Pair theXbox 360 with this limitededition Fable III controller. Xbox 360 - Rs 21,990controller - Rs 2,500

Sony RDH-SK8iPThis 75W iPod speaker dockwith remote control comeswith a choice ofinterchangeable graphicfascias. The artistic can alsocreate their own.Rs 11,000

Denon AH-D5000On-ear headphones for

music, movies and notdisturbing your peace. Thelight magnesium frameensures comfort, while thewood housing gives a naturalsound. The cable is 3m longwith a gold-plated plug. Rs 30,000

O’Neill MovingDay rucksack for work orschool. The straps are wellpadded and it’s machinewashable.Rs 2,500

Retro SweetsTwo kilos of sweets for theultimate sugar rush.Rs 2,000

LaCie SkwarimThis 60GB USB hard drivewith LaCie Backup Assistantsoftware is designed byaward-winning creativeKarim Rashid.Rs 4,500

Gadgethaven for


Kids too old for toys? It can betough to find the right bedroom

décor for this age group. Throw ina TV, console, music player and

some fun tech stuff and yourchildren will be thrilled to get

















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13 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

And so, to bedPURE SIESTA MILull your little darlings to restful sleepwith this bedside radio with eight DABand eight FM presets. A light sensoradjusts the display brightnessdepending on the lighting level andthere’s a large Snooze button ifthey’re not quite ready to get up yet.Also comes in white.Rs 3,000

Sonic slabsLOGITECH LAPTOP SPEAKER Z305Whether they’re listening toGrooveshark, watching movies orstreaming web radio, boost your child’slaptop audio with these USB -poweredspeakers. The slim sound bar securelyclips on to most laptops/ netbooks andcan be carted around in the includedtravel case too.Rs 3,695

This material is translated or reproduced from T3 magazine and is thecopyright of or licensed to Future Publishing Limited, a Future plc group

company, UK 2011. Used under license. All rights reserved



*All prices are approximate

Page 14: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

14 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

MELANGE luxury redefined

Are you a Fan?You will be, if you set your eyes on this cheery FanShoulder Bag from Fendi. With golden/silverhardware, tonal topstitching and an option to choosefrom blue or pink lambskin, the bag is available at itsboutique, Emporio Mall, New Delhi.Rs 61,130

Hidesign dives into its archives and churns outsome retro styling, vivid colours and pretty

hardware details in its Spring Summer collection ofbags. Take your pick from totes, clutches, large day

bags and more at its boutiques.Rs 2,895 to Rs 5,995

Made from carefully pickeddouble-layered pure leatherthat is durable and resilient,Timberland brings its iconicYellow Boot waterproof shoesfor the trek loving feet.Available at its outlets.Rs 7,950

Parker’s latest additionto fine writing

instruments is itsPremier collection of

fountain, roller ball andball point pens crafted in

precious metals.Available in five modelsat select stationery and

lifestyle stores.Rs 5,500 to Rs 16,500


The pop of red in the DancingRibbon makes this first ‘Ricci Ricci

Limited Edition’ fragrance fromNina Ricci an enchanting bottle to

own. The delicious notes ofraspberry, rhubarb and ginger onlyadd to the intoxication. Available at

select lifestyle stores.Rs 3,400

A sensual Ricci

Heritage calling

Yellow fever

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15 April 13, 2011Smartbuy

WATCH collection

Housing the famousfour-barrel L.U.C1.98 movement,Chopard’s newL.U.C Quattro boasts new hands,new curves and aclassic style thatpairs well with thebrown hand-sewnalligator strap.Available: TheChopard Boutique


With a white mother-of-pearl dial, 94 brilliant cutdiamonds set on the crown, ardillon buckle set with 26diamonds and black satin strap, Dior’s La D de Dior38mm is a classic big watch for the dainty wrist.Available: Johnson’s Watch Co, New Delhi, Watchesof Switzerland, MumbaiRs 2.92 lakh

A ‘his’ for her Slim and sexy

Raw and creative,this Steampunk fromRomain Jerome is avision in its oxidisedsteel bezel, steelpaws, dial-free faceand the signature ‘X’motif.Available: SwissParadise LuxuryTimepieces, Watchesof Switzerland, JotImpex

Explosive,for sure

Available in a limited edition of 1,911 pieces, the newTag Heuer MONZA Automatic Chronograph (38mm)Calibre 36, celebrates the golden age of Heuer and theaesthetic codes of the 1970s.Available: Tag Heuer boutiques

Majestic Monza

Slender (being Piaget’s ultra-thin model) andshimmering, thanks to all the diamonds, this Altiplanoscores a perfect ten!Available: The Piaget Boutique, Emporio Mall, NewDelhi and The Oberoi, Mumbai

*Price on request for all watches except Dior

Page 16: Smartbuy issue dated April 15, 2011

Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S