

Snow Queen's Forever Home

Linda Grace Brooks

Snow Queen's Forever Home

Second Edition

Linda Grace Brooks January 2015

All right belong to the author. All reproduction of the contents of this book are illegal. This means scanning, electronic storage, or retrevial. Permission in writing from the author beforehand is necessary.

ISBN: 978-1-312-87321-6

Table Of Contents

Chapter One 5

Chapter Two 12

Chapter Three 21

Chapter Four 27

Chapter One

For sale: A Dog Team

Ivy Herman slapped the letter down on the coffee table beside the dusty blue coloured couch. "I don't like this Brewster family. I won't allow my dogs to go to such an abusive place. There's another family to sell five dogs to. There must be!"Ivy remembered when her father wanted to sell Snow Queen before. The family had been hard up for money at the time and were in danger of losing the home as well as the kennel. Ivy had not wanted her father to sell Snow Queen then, although her buyer offered a huge amount of money for her. Ivy was happy when her dog got to remain with the family. Ivy knew this situation differed. Ivy braced herself to hear what her father might say next."This is the answer I received to the ad run in the dog fancier magazine stating we have a dog team for sale" Mr. Herman said. He held a steaming cup of coffee in one hand. After a sip he set the cup on in its saucer on the light pine end table between his chair and the couch. Polished with loving, caring, hands, making the wood's natural colour stand out and sparkle.He picked up a letter from the end table and handed it to Ivy. "The last of the dogs to be sold are yours, it's only right you read the letter first."Ivy's heart sank. Through a roaring in her ears, she read the letter through again. Finished, she slapped the letter down on the table. Her shoulder length black hair swirled around her face as she tossed her head. Her favorite dog and lead dog of her team, snow Queen, lay curled up on the rug at her feet, unmindful that she and her team mates were the subject of all the talk.Mrs. Herman sat beside Ivy on the couch. Ivy's brothers sat on the rug beside the big dog. Nathan, three years younger than Ivy, snuggled as close as he could to Snow Queen while Josiah, two year younger than Ivy, stroked the furry silvery-gray animal between the ears. The Canadian Eskimo Dog enjoyed the attention.Josiah retrieved the letter from the end table, read it through and passed the page onto Nathan. Nathan read, then replaced the page on the coffee table.Mr. Herman, at thirty years old, stood tall with a heavy build, but not over weight. His shoulders were well muscled and his face tanned, a result of the outdoor life he led, first as a dog musher, a sport he enjoyed with the family, and his job as ranger in the Saskatchewan forestry department. Mr. Herman wore his black hair short; his blue eyes sparkled with friendliness and joy. Ivy turned her attention to her father, her blue eyes ablaze. "I know the reason you advertised the dogs for sale. My dogs. I am an experienced dog-musher. Three years ago I acquired Snow Queen and her four litter mates from one of your dogs. I trained the pups and became a good a dog musher as you.""We can't take a kennel full of dogs with us to the city,"Josiah said. He had brown hair like his mother's and his facial features, fair and fine boned. Both boys took after their mother feature wise."The deadline for Dad's new job is approaching fast," Nathan said." We have one week," Mrs. Herman said. "We do need to sell the rest of the dogs and the house,"Ivy remained silent. She rested her head on the back of the sofa. Out side the log, eight-roomed one story structure, the sun had just begun to set. At eleven o'clock at night she could see through the picture window the sun as it slid out of sight behind the tall evergreens, casting glowing coloursof red, green, pink and mauve on the surface of the lake only yards away from Hermans' dwelling place. Ivy could see all this through the double pane glass picture window that took up most of the south wall of the living-room."What's the matter, Ivy?" Mrs. Herman asked. She set the magazine on the couch arm next to her.Ivy picked up the mushers journal, then tossed it aside. "I'm not interested in seeing the ad." She pushed the magazine even further away.Mr. Herman cleared his throat. He took a sip of the hot, sweet coffee. "All we can do now is telephone Mr. Brewster and tell him he's bought himself a team of Canadian Eskimo Dogs. After that, we can relocate.""Oh, Dad. nooooo." Ivy bent down to pet Snow Queen. The furry, silvery gray sled dog licked Ivy's fingers with her pink, wet tongue.Ivy thought she had accepted the fact her dogs had to be sold, but now that her dad had received an answer from a buyer, she didn't want it to happen."Can't we stay right where we are? Do we have to move? Must you accept this promotion?"Mr. Herman's lips tightened. He set the coffee cup back on the saucer with a clatter. Liquid spilled over the rim and onto the polished table top. Mrs. Herman grabbed some tissues from a box on the coffee table and wiped up the spill. He's angry," Ivy thought. "Now he will yell at me."Instead, a long moment of silence settled over the living-room. Mr. Herman looked from Nathan to Josiah from Mrs. Herman to Ivy.This began to shake Ivy up. She sat forward with her arms on her knees and buried her face in her arms. She didn't like being helpless to stop the sale of her own dogs right from under her, and not have say in who they were sold to."No. He can't have my dogs. I trained them myself. Snow Queen, Shadow..."At the mention of Shadow, the whole family laughed. The laughter played on Ivy's nerves even more. Shadow was the mischief maker of the five dogs.Ivy sat up straight, determined not to let the lack of the family's symphathy towards her pleadings make her angry."Red, King and Pepper," she finished."I can't just hand them over to someone else. It's scary to think what could happen to them. The Brewsters might abuse Snow Queen-all of them."Mr. Herman sighed. You are correct, Ivy. Those five dogs are yours. Ivy waited for him to say more, but no words came. She jumped to her feet and dashed down the hall and to her room. She slamed the door so hard those in the living-room yet, felt the vibrations.The next morning Ivy awakened late, for her. She got out of bed and looked out the window. Beautiful golden sunlight greeted her.She changed quickly into her usual blue jeans, socks, shoes, and a cotton short sleeved shirt with blue denim look on cuffs and collar.She made her away along the hall to the kitchen and joined the rest of the family at the breakfast table. All but Nathan. She greeted them all with a cheery "Good morning."Mr. Herman didn't respond. He sat with a grim look on his face, avoiding looking at Ivy.Ivy reached for a tall glass of orange juice by Josiah's plate and sipped, then replaced the glass on the table."Where's Snow Queen?" Ivy asked anxiously. "I don't see her...Did those horrible Brewsters come for her already?It seemed to take forever for someone to answer Ivy's question. Ivy looked from Mrs. Herman to Josiah, then to her father for answers. But Mr. Herman remained still and silent, his eyes averted.Ivy braced herself to hear the worst.

Chapter Two Ivy's Last Run

"No," Mrs. Herman said."Nathan took her outside. She's tethered with the sled dogs."Ivy breathed a sigh of relief. "Mom, Dad, may I take the team for one last run?""Sure, but be careful, it's going to be a hot day," Mrs. Herman said."Okay," Mr. Herman said."Come and help me harness the dogs," Ivy said to Nathan and started towards the door."Oh, all right," Nathan answered. He stood up and followed Ivy outside.As she entered the dog yard, Ivy paused and looked around at the evidence of many other dogs having lived here. Over two dozen dog houses still stood in neat rows and winter bedding of stacks of hay were piled against the barn.Josiah already had the four wheeled summer dog cart in position by the snub post. The sit down one seater boasted a comfortable seat, and easy to get in and out of. The cart stood ready for the dogs. Josiah had even reeled out the gang-line.How many are you running today?" Josiah asked."I will use Snow Queen, Shadow and King," replied Ivy.Ivy dashed to the silvery-grey animal, unsnapped the chain from her collar and led the animal back to where the red nylon harness waited on the ground. Ivy lost no time in slipping the harness over the dog's head. Snow Queen stood all ready to start the run.The dogs not in on the run howled and jumped around. "How they hate to be left behind," Nathan commented.Ivy stepped between the two dogs and kneeled in the sand. She embraced both dogs and hugged them affectionately. Pepper sat regally on his haunches but sidled in close as Red licked Ivy's face with his pink tongue. As she did this, Ivy's two brothers harnessed the two wheel dogs in their place closest to the cart, or sled in the winter. As Nathan brought Shadow, the mostly white dog with a red patch on her back and red head, lunged at Snow Queen and bared her teeth. The Queen remained calm, but did bare her teeth and snarl at her challenger. Whatever Shadow had in mind, she quickly backed down and allowed herself to be harnessed in her place. Even King, Pepper and Red bowed their heads in subjection to Snow Queen."Shadow won't be anymore trouble during this run," Josiah commented.Snow Queen had been the biggest and strongest in the litter from the start, Nathan said.She's also the smartest of the five dogs, Ivy said.

Nathan stood by the post pounded deep into the ground to prevent the team from starting before their handler gave the command, ready to undo the snub rope. The rope that ran from the front of the cart to the post.He said soothingly to Ivy, Don't feel too bad about Dad selling the team. His job calls him to a different location. He just wants to do what's best for you and the dogs. Ivy didn't answer immediately. She stood by the cart but did not climb aboard and be seated. A strained silence fell between her and her brothers. Finally she seated herself inside the cart. "Okay, I'm ready."Nathan quickly undid the snub rope."Hike!" Ivy sang out. Her three dogs exploded into action."Hurry back," Josiah urged. "There's black clouds on the horizon.""Yeah, a bad storm is on the way," Nathan added.Get back before the storm breaks," Josiah urged.Ivy didn't hear her brothers. The dogs' eager feet pounding on the hard baked earth of the trail, and the noise from the cart wheels drowned out all sounds.The dog yard had been shady, but once away from the snub post, Ivy and her team moved swiftly along a section of gravel road where the sun, already high in the sky, blazed down.Ivy came to where this road joined up with the highway leading into town."Whoa," she called to the dogs and applied the brakes.As she paused a car full of teen agers coming from the direction of town came into view. Ivy, being a well known local champion dog musher and, therefore, admired by both the young and old.The driver slowed as they went by and the teen-agers called out and waved and whistled as the car went by. Ivy waved back. Checking for traffic in both directions, and seeing none called out, "Okay, Snow Queen."The huge silvery-gray lead dog, followed eagerly by her two team mates, lept forward and were across the road in seconds. Soon they were out of the blazing sun, travelling on a more shaded road that was a continuation of the road from her house.These roads had been built in the area during the pioneer era when zinc had been discovered and then mined. Heavy equipment had been dragged over the roads by horse and dog teams, leaving rut marks in the soil, likely forever. In the summer men used horses and wagons and in the winter, long strings of dogs hauled heavy loads over ice and snow.Before Ivy knew it, her and her dogs descended into a valley where a river flowed through at the bottom. At a spot where the water wasn't any deeper than to the dogs' shoulder, the trail crossed over to the other bank.Ivy paused long enough for the dogs to frolic in the water and have long drinks from the stream. She reached with her left hand down into the cool water and came up with a handful. She held her hand to her lips and sipped, relishing the cool wetness.Snow Queen leaned into her harness as the climb up the other bank started. Behind her, Shadow and King followed her example. Soon the unit reached the top.Ivy enjoyed seeing the wildlife. A grand white headed bald eagle circled above. She glimpsed a red fox as he scurried away across a small opening before disappearing into some tall, brown grass.Then she heard the rumble of thunder. She looked up.She noticed something she hadn't before. The wildlife distracted her. Dark clouds were beginning to show above the trees on the ridge top above her. Rain clouds. And lots more roiling clouds Ivy couldn't see, hidden by the trees. Coming to a loop in the trail, Ivy called out,"Gee, Snow Queen."The big dog turned to the right. Shadow and King, the wheel dogs, kept the cart going at a steady rate and prevented it from overturning as the unit made the turn. Snow Queen led them on to where the loop joined with the main trail.Another rumble of thunder. Ivy looked up to the sky again. Thunder rolled once again. "One, two..." Ivy until the next rumble reached her ears."The storm is almost upon us," she thought, "but if I push the dogs, we can stay ahead of it.""Hurry!" Ivy called out to the dogs and the team hastened on. Ivy knew it wasn't just the urgency in her tone that prompted Snow Queen to speed forward. She knew The Queen did not like thunder. The loud noise hurt her sensitive hearing. The further she got away from the loud noise, the better she liked it."Hurry, Snow Queen. We must stay ahead of the rain."The team and cart traveled easily over the hard baked parched trail. Ivy felt thankful for this.A strong gust of wind bent the tree tops and swirled them around. The wind blew sand into Ivy's face and eyes. She took one hand from the steering wheel to wipe the fine grains away.Raindrops splattered down. Falling on her dogs. Her. All around. The dry, parched land soon turned to slippery clay. Ivy felt the wheels of the cart slip."Oh, no."The rain continued to splatter down. Not a vicious rainstorm, just a steady drizzle of oversized drops. The trail under the dogs' feet and the wheels of the cart turned into a slippery, gooey quagmire. Mud stuck to the wheels and the dog's feet, bellies and sides."We don't want to be stuck here. Snow Queen, it's up to you to get us to firmer ground."Snow Queen and her team mates struggled on."You can do it, Snow Queen," Ivy called out encouragement. Snow Queen leaned deeper into her harness and pulled the tug line taunt. Shadow and King followed her example.What seemed a lifetime later, Ivy felt the cart pulling easier and knew they had reached firmer ground. The rain had stopped. For now."Home!" Ivy shouted.With the movements easier now, Ivy relaxed. She looked about her, and what she saw frightened her.A solid mass of black clouds tinged with green, stretched across the horizon-and did those clouds look mean."Pick it up, Snow Queen. Hurry up!"Snow Queen didn't need telling. She and Ivy knew this was no ordinary thunderstorm

Chapter Three In The Path of TornadoTo Ivy the road home seemed longer than usual. The outfit came to where the trail crossed the highway.One second Ivy could see clearly,the next the rain came down in torrents in front of her. Rain soaked her long black hair in seconds. Raindrops dripped down her forehead and into her eyes."Hike," Ivy said. The dogs started the cart across the highway.Safely across, Snow Queen started the unit along the road home.To their left Ivy heard the wind.It sounded like a freight train approaching. Its force ripped up trees by the roots, and flung them back down to earth. Ivy tried to guess whether she could make it home safely, or would the tornado cross her path."Faster." The wind whipped away her words. Snow Queen didn't need urging. Ivy clung to the the steering wheel with two hands. Snow Queen and her mates surged forward at super dog speed.Below the little incline in the road only yards away from home, the wind increased in ferociousness. The tornado veered slightly and headed straight towards the road Ivy traveled on. Ivy and the team were right in the path of the tornado. She couldn't do anything about it.She heard ripping sounds. The top part of a tall, thick Spruce tree broke loose from the rest of the trunk and topped onto the road on top of Snow Queen. Snow Queen screamed in pain. Ivy screamed in concern. The storm passed on. The sky cleared.Ivy noticed blood stained the fur on Snow Queen's neck. She hopped out of the cart, made her was forward to where Snow Queen lie pinned beneath the tree top.Ivy felt weak. She thought she would fall. Arms embrached and held her securely. She looked up into her father's face. She buried her face in the soft cloth of his tee-shirt."We heard one of the dogs kyiing, then you screamed. Twice. That brought us out here on the run."Ivy looked up to see to see Mrs. Herman, Josiah and Nathan nearby. Mrs. Herman hugged Ivy next. "Thank God it isn't you pinned underneath that tree," Mrs. Herman said.Mr. Herman studied where the storm had traveled. It had come straight from the east, then turned south, leaving a narrow swath of uprooted trees down to the lake. Across the narrow lake the tornado had continued its narrow path of destruction.Ivy glanced at the dog, so still and her eyes closed, lying in the slippery mud, "Is she dead?"Mr. Herman swooped Ivy into his arms. He turned to Josiah and Nathan."I'm taking Ivy into the house. You boys get the chainsaw and I'll come back and help cut away the tree so the veterinarin can get through to check on Snow Queen."Okay, Dad," Josiah set off towards the house."Mary, please call Doctor Cole and have him come out and check Snow Queen.""Yes, dear," Mrs. Herman answered her husband. Shortly, after her harrowing ordeal, Ivy woke on the living room couch. She was tucked in by a warm wool blanket, and her head propped up with about three soft pillows. Mrs. Herman sat in a comfortable easy chair nearby.Mr. Herman, trailed by the boys, entered the house with Snow Queen limp in his arms. He set the animal down on the rug in front of the electric fireplace by the north wall, then sat down in an easy chair. Josiah and Nathan found places to sit on the couch."Doctor Cole will be here shortly, Clinton" Mrs. Herman said.Mr. Herman nodded. He said in a tone that attempted to hide his anxiety,"We can be thankful this happened close to home, otherwise it might have taken a long time to locate you, and the story could have ended differently."The break in Mr. Herman's voice told Ivy and her brothers how concerned he was."What happened, Dad" Ivy said.You got in the way of a tornado."Tornado? Ivy questioned.Mrs. Herman looked distressed. "I hope no one else received injuries, or had homes destroyed."A silver coloured jeep pulled up outside. A heavy set man stepped out of the vehicle, and with his black bag, started towards the dog yard. The boys went outside and waved him back towards the house.Ivy met him at the door and led him to her parents where they stood watch over Snow Queen. The dog hadn't stirred.Doctor Cole knelt, took an instrument from his black bag and went over the dog from head to tail. He ran practiced fingers over Snow Queen's form."Hummmmmm, not too bad," he said."Will she live?" Ivy asked."Sure she will. A simple stitch in the wound on her shoulder is all she needs.You did the right thing calling me. Make sure she gets plenty of rest for the next two days."The veterinarian put all his instruments back in the bag, stood up and prepared to leave. "I will be back in two days to remove the stitches and see how she's doing."Like promised, Doctor Cole did come back to check Snow Queen. He smiled as he examined the dog. The family stood around the doctor and dog."She's healed wonderfully. I'll remove those stitches from her neck." Ivy brought Snow Queen her food at the regular time. The dog lay awake on the rug in front of the fireplace.Ivy stroked the great head. Ivy set the dishes of food and water in front of her dog. Snow Queen quickly ate the food and lapped up the water.A knock sounded at the door. Mr. Herman got up from the table where he worked on the computer and answered the knock. A few minutes Mrs. Herman called from the kitchen.Buyers for your dogs.I'll be right there, Mom. She didn't sound at all happy.Ivy scrambled to her feet. Snow Queen followed, her nails clicked on the wooden floor.Ivy expected to find the Brewsters standing in the kitchen.

Chapter FourSnow Queen's Incredible Forever Home

Instead, she saw a pleasant looking, dark haired man in his mid-thirties smiling back at her.The good looking, laughing youth with him would be the same age as her. "This is Owen Winschell and his son, Owen, JR," Mr. Herman introduced the pair to his family. Silently, Ivy studied the two pleasant looking strangers."Mr. Winschell SR, offered a good price for the dogs. He and his son, Owen, JR,already raise Alaskan Malamutes and win trophies in weight pulling competitions. Owen JR, wants to have a team of Canadian Eskimo Dogs of his own."Snow Queen went to Owen and licked his fingers. Owen, JR, bent over to pet the animal."Come with us, and we will show you the dogs," Mr. Herman said. Ivy walked beside Owen Jr as Mr. Herman and Owen's father went outside and towards the dog yard."Where do you live?" Ivy asked the son."Just outside of Forest Lake," Owen JR answered.Forest Lake isn't in Saskatchewan, is it?' Ivy said. "That's to the east in northern Ontario.""Wow. That's a long way to ship five dogs," Ivy said."We won't be shipping. We have our rig with us. We looked over other kennels besides this one.""What's the name of your kennel?""Sun Dog Kennels."At the dog yard Mr. Winschell and Owen treated Snow Queen and her team mates with great respect. Owen walked among the dogs, bending to pet each and every one. He even knelt and hugged the big animals.Ivy liked the picture. He knew deep within that her dogs would return this affection and obey Owen willingly.The picture portrayed two humans who loved animals, mushing, and racing their teams. She would not mind sending her dogs to this kennel.She said silently, "God, I asked you to provide a good home for these five dogs, and you have. I couldn't have done any better on my own. Thank you."She gulped. her next words had to be the hardest thing she ever had to say."You can sell my dogs to the Winschells, Dad."Are you sure, honey? Mrs. herman asked.Ivy nodded. Ive not been any surer of anything in my life."Right. I'll tell them right now the dogs are theirs.Mr. Herman strode towards Mr. Winschell and Owen. Josiah and Nathan right behind him. Ivy and Mrs. Herman remained where they were. Your team have lived their lives together, Ivy, Mrs. Herman said. indeed, I am glad they won't be separated.""Me too, Mom. Now we can move.Now that her dogs were sold to an incredible home, Ivy's enthusiasm towards relocating knew no bounds

Snow Queen's Forever Home Linda Grace Brooks