Page 1: So different polymorphism in Scala

So different polymorphism

in Scala

Boris Trofimov


Page 2: So different polymorphism in Scala

Scala has at least 9 kinds of


Don’t believe?

Let’s dig in

Page 3: So different polymorphism in Scala


Why Scala?

A few words about definition

Classic polymorphism

Parametric polymorphism

Reflection polymorphism

Functional polymorphism

Duck polymorphism

Enhanced Ad-hoc polymorphism

Type class polymorphism

Parametric polymorphism of the 2nd kind

F-bounded polymorphism

Page 4: So different polymorphism in Scala

Why Scala?

Object-Oriented Meets Functional

Strong Functional

It makes you love your code again

Scalable grammar

Hello Domain Specific Languages (DSL)

Inexhaustible language for every day

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Basic Degree

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Ability of language to handle data of different types in the same


Provision of a single interface to entities of different types.

Particular code is able to handle data of different types.

Way to change code behavior via input parameters without


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Classic polymorphism



class A{

def method {





// abstract method

def doSomething


class B extends A{

override def doSomething {}


class B extends C{

override def doSomething {}


class A

class B extends A

class C extends A

class List{

def add(a : A) {




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Parametric polymorphism

class MyClass{

def addItem[A](a:A) = {

val list = new ListBuffer[A]

list +=a



def addItem[B <: ParentClass] (b:B) = {

val list = new ListBuffer[B]

list +=b




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Reflection polymorphism (ugly version)

class MyClass{

def doSomething(a: Object){


val method = a.getClass().getMethod(“run”, Int);

method.invoke(a, 1);




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Functional polymorphism

class A ( sortFunc: List[Int] => List[Int] ){

def doSomething(data : List[Int]) = {






object BubbleSort{

def sort(a:List[Int]) : List[Int] = { ... }


object QuickSort{

def sort(a:List[Int]) : List[Int] = { ... }


object Application{

def main(){

val a = new A(BubbleSort.sort(_))




object Sorter{

def sort( list : List[Int],

data : (Int,Int) => Int ) : List[Int] = {




object Application{

def main(){

val list = List(7,8,5,4)

Sorter.sort(list, (a,b) => a-b)



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Hello Scala

or Bachelor degree

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Duck polymorphism

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck

and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck

Scala structural types

Caution: Reflection!

class MyClass{

def doSomething(a : type { def run(i : Int) } ){





class DuckClass {

def run(i : Int) {




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Type constructor polymorphism

trait ParentTrait{

type T

type MapperType =


type Context = MapperType#Context



object CustomMapperObject extends ParentTrait{

type T = Pair[String,String]

class CustomMapper extends MapperType {

override def setup(context:Context) = {



override def map(key:LongWritable, value:Text, context:Context) = {





Type variables defined in sibling classes

Building another types dependent on type variables

Page 14: So different polymorphism in Scala

Enhanced Ad-hoc polymorphism -Intro

Inheritance vs Composition

Mixin pattern – a way to inject

some code into class impl.

Scala supports Mixin (Trait)

Trait – is like interface +

implementation with multiple

trait inheritance and without

head pain

trait Utils{

def printList[A](list: List[A]) =

list.foreach (a => System.Console.println(a))


trait LogTrait {

lazy val logger =


def setLogLevel(level : Level) =



class MyClass extends LogTrait with Utils{

def do(){"hello world!");

printList List(1,2,3,4,5,6)



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Enhanced Ad-hoc polymorphism – Continue

or welcome to Cake pattern trait ComponentA{

def doThis() : String


trait ComponentB{

def doThat() : String


class OurComponent extends ComponentA with ComponentB{

def doSomething() = doThis() + doThat()


trait ComponentAImpl extends ComponentA{

def doThis() = "hello Component A"


trait ComponentBImpl extends ComponentB{

def doThat() = "hello Component B"


object Main {

def main() {

val obj = new OurComponent with ComponentAImpl with ComponentBImpl




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Master degree

Page 17: So different polymorphism in Scala

Type class polymorphism – Intro Way to create generalized methods with partial specialization

Way to have some logic which cannot be added to origin class T (for

instance tricky serialization)

trait NumericLike[T] {

def plus(x : T, y: T) : T


implicit object TInteger extends NumericLike[Int]{

def plus(x : Int, y: Int) : Int = x + y


implicit object TString extends NumericLike[String]{

def plus(x : String, y: String) : String = x + y


object Arithmetics{

// generalized `add` method

def add[T](x:T, y:T)(implicit engine : NumericLike[T]) =, y)


object Test{

println( Arithmetics.add("Hello", " World") ) // returns HelloWorld

println( Arithmetics.add(2,3) ) // returns 5

// Compile Error, could not find corresponding implicit object

println( Arithmetics.add(123.0, -45.345) )


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Type class polymorphism – Continue

or inventing DI class ComponentA{



class ComponentB{



class ComponentC (implicit componentA: ComponentA, componentB: ComponentB){



object LiveContext{

implicit val componentA = new ComponentA()

implicit val componentB = new ComponentB()

implicit val componentC = new ComponentC()


object TestContext{

implicit val componentA = mock[ComponentA]

implicit val componentB = mock[ComponentB]

implicit val componentC = new ComponentC()


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Parametric polymorphism of the 2nd kind

Way to build generalized types to take generics as parameters

trait ContainerHandler[M[_]] {

def put[A](x: A): M[A]

def get[A](m: M[A]): A


implicit val listHandler =

new ContainerHandler[List]{ def put[A](x: A) = List(x); def get[A](m: List[A]) = m.head }

implicit val optionHandler =

new ContainerHandler[Some]{ def put[A](x: A) = Some(x); def get[A](m: Some[A]) = m.get }

object Operations{

def tupleize[M[_]: ContainerHandler, A, B](fst: M[A], snd: M[B]) = {

val engine = implicitly[ContainerHandler[M]]

engine.put( Pair(engine.get(fst), engine.get(snd)) )



object Test{

Operations.tupleize(Some(1), Some(2)) // returns Some( (1,2) )

Operations.tupleize(List(1), List (2)) //returns List( (1,2) )


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trait Ordered[T]{

def compare(that: T): Int


class MyContainer extends Ordered[MyContainer] {

def compare(that: MyContainer): Int = { ... }


F-bounded polymorphism – Intro

How to define a polymorphic function that, though defined in terms of

a supertype, will when passed a value of some subtype will always

return/take a value of the same subtype as its argument.

Simplest example:

F-bounded polymorphism plus existential types allows building

generalized functions which process collections of different types(!)

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F-bounded polymorphism – Continue trait Account[T <: Account[T]] {

def addFunds(amount: BigDecimal): T


class CheckingAccount(total: BigDecimal, trxMaxCount: Int) extends Account[CheckingAccount] {

def addFunds(amount: BigDecimal) : CheckingAccount = new CheckingAccount(total + amount, trxMaxCount)


class SavingAccount(total: BigDecimal) extends Account[SavingAccount] {

def addFunds(amount: BigDecimal) : SavingAccount = new SavingAccount(total + amount)


object Account {

val feePercentage = BigDecimal("0.02")

val feeThreshold = BigDecimal("10000.00")

def deposit[T <: Account[T]](amount: BigDecimal, account: T): T = {

if (amount < feeThreshold) account.addFunds(amount - (amount * feePercentage))

else account.addFunds(amount)


def debitAll(amount: BigDecimal,

accounts: List[T forSome { type T <: Account[T] }]): List[T forSome { type T <: Account[T] }] = {

accounts map { _.addFunds(-amount) }



object Test {

def main(argv: Array[String]): Unit = {


List[T forSome { type T <: Account[T] }](

new CheckingAccount(BigDecimal("0"), 10), new SavingAccount(BigDecimal("0"))))



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Martin Odersky Programming in Scala



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Thank you!

