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Social CRMPutting the Customer First

Johan Sammy

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Your BusinessSo, What’re Your Current Challenges?


Control ?•Conversation•Brand Image



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Your BusinessMy Customers are different…

Knowledge Vocal

Demand Loyalty

The Customer

The Customer changed because of a social change in the early part of the millennium.  The Customer seized control of the business ecosystem.

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Your BusinessAm I Meeting My Customer Expectation?

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Your BusinessBrand Awareness & Business Image

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Your BusinessSocial Media or CRM? It’s all about…

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Social CRMCreating a Customer Voice Platform.

CRM Social CRM

Customer Service Representatives

ROLES All Employees Engage

Process-centric FUNCTION Conversation-centric

Contact Management APPROACH Community Management

Well-Defined CHANNELS Dynamic & Evolving

Periodic Connection VALUE Sustained Customer Engagement

Simple Transactions MODEL Complex Relationships

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Social CRMPutting it all together!

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Social CRMPutting ‘em All Together!

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Social CRMWe Put ‘em Together.

• Social Profiling• Business Knowledge• Customer/Business-centric Approach• Social CRM Expertise• High Availability• Co$t-Effective

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Social CRM

Taking Ownership of the customer’s conversation!

Business Strategy

Business RulesWorkflowProcesses


AvailabilitySocial Media PlatformsDesign


Management & StaffCustomersVendors

Trusted &

Transparent Business


The Conversation

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Social CRMTypical Social Media Response

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Social CRMYour Customer “Like” Response

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SustainabilityMy Customers are out to get me!

“… More than half of companies that have established an online community will fail to manage it as an agent of change, ultimately eroding customer value. Rushing into social computing initiatives without clearly defined benefits for both the company and the customer will be the biggest cause of failure.”

~ Gartner Group

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Social CRMPutting your Customers First!

Thank You !
