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Green Light New Orleans

Group Members: Gillian Gayner, Anne Bevis, Cailin Holle, Gianna


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Serving the Community• Green Light New Orleans is a nonprofit organization that serves the

community by installing energy efficient CFL light bulbs and vegetable gardens for free to residents

• As service learners, over the course of 3 months we worked to help the organization by making calls to recipients of the service and taking a survey to receive feedback

• The survey enabled us to see the impact Green Light was making not only by lowering energy consumption, but by reducing recipient’s energy bills

• In addition, we encouraged them to donate and become members so that the service can continue to be provided for free

• We received a tremendous amount of positive feedback and recipients showed interest in pledging to become members

• Finally, the four of us made 2 videos to send to the community: winter energy saving tips and garden tips for the winter growing season

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Winter Energy Saving Tips: Video

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Garden Tips for the Winter Growing Season: Video

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Continuing Our Support

• Our relationship with Green Light New Orleans does not have to end here – the nonprofit offers numerous opportunities to stay involved, including becoming a volunteer and traveling to households to install the light bulbs ourselves

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If Green Light Wins the Prize Money…

• The organization will be able to extend its services to more households and broaden the range of its services

• Green Light will be able to purchase more CFLs to distribute

• More funds will enable the organization to provide backyard vegetable gardens to more residents

• More residents will be able to benefit from Green Light’s services and make moves toward a sustainable community

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Green Light Impact• Green Light has had a positive impact on the New Orleans community

in multiple ways• The organization…

– Saves residents money on energy bills by replacing normal bulbs with CFLs– Benefits the environment by reducing energy use– Encourages recipients to consider other energy efficient actions– Provides healthy options for a low cost through backyard vegetable gardens– Reduces carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the amount of times

vegetable garden owners have to drive to the store– Provides tips and information about how to conserve energy in the winter

and grow vegetables successfully during the changing seasons– Directly connects residents to their community and and encourages

environmental awareness