
Social Media is about not Technology

Social Media is about people not technology By @fatmirhyseni


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Social Media is about not Technology




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6fSocial media includes web-based and mobile based technologies which are used to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals.

- Wikipedia


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According to Wikipedia, Social Media

Social Media is about not Technology

One needs to look at SCIENCE…

Social Media is about not Technology

Social science is the study of society and human behaviors the study of society and the way people live


The word “Social” derives from the Latin word socii (“allies). It means relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people .


The word media comes from the Latin plural of medium.  Media includes the Internet, newspapers, magazines, television, etc. A medium is a method or way of expressing something .


The word technology comes from two Greek words, transliterated techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos means word.

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Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.


Steve Jobs


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Human beings are intrinsically, necessarily and by definition SOCIAL beings.

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Sociologist Max Weber defined human action as ”SOCIAL”.

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PEOPLE have a need to connect with one another.

Social Media is about not Technology

Social Media Connects



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As the name suggest, social: person to person, P2P medium.

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 It’s designed to bring PEOPLE together not necessarily technology.

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SOCIAL Media is a Psychological process.

Social Media is about not Technology

Mark understands people well. That’s why he studied computer science with minor in Psychology. 

Social Media is about not Technology

SOCIAL Media leverages human Psychology.

Social Media is about not Technology


Without humans, Facebook is just CODE.

Social Media is about not Technology

You see, SOCIAL Media was made by People for People.

Social Media is about not Technology

SOCIAL media is NOT the biggest revolution since the industrial age.

Social Media is about not Technology


Social Media is about not Technology

Internet has always been SOCIAL.

Social Media is about not Technology

Social media allows for genuine one to one communication

Social Media is about not Technology

Remember these? Msn, AOL, Yahoo, Chat, Messenger were SOCIAL, too.

Social Media is about not Technology

By nature, we are a SOCIAL animal.

Social Media is about not Technology

It’s the COMMUNICATION Evolution.

Social Media is about not Technology

The groundswell is a social concept in which PEOPLE use technologies to get the things they need from one another instead from companies

Social Media is about not Technology

Technology do not sell. PEOPLE do.

Social Media is about not Technology

SOCIAL Media allows genuine one to one communication.

Social Media is about not Technology

Because it is SOCIAL, people share things.

Social Media is about not Technology

PEOPLE prefer to be connected to connectors. - Malcolm Gladwell

Social Media is about not Technology

A tribe is a group of PEOPLE connected to one another, connected to a leader and connected to an idea. – Seth Godin

Social Media is about not Technology

The groundswell is a social concept in which PEOPLE use technologies to get the things they need from one another instead from companies.

Social Media is about not Technology

Technology Can be a Powerful Tool But it is just an enabler


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Social Media is about not Technology

People = 8 billion search results

Technology = 2 billion search results

Social Media is about not Technology

Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to COMMUNITY

- Simon Mainwaring

Social Media is about not Technology

SOCIAL is created on the theory of six degrees of separation, which claims that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person.

– Mitch Joel

Social Media is about not Technology

Social Media is about Sociology and Psychology more than technology. - Brian Solis

Taken together, this presentation could argue that social media is about people – me and you talking, not about technology. Therefore,

businesses should focus on understanding human behaviour and les on technology because new technologies will come and go, but how people behave will remain as important as ever. Businesses that understand this

will prosper. However, further work needs to be done to establish this.



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