
First of all,let me just start by saying…



Profilesyour personal homepage

“everything about me on FB”

Groupscollaborative spaces“organizing with others”

Pagesan official Facebook presence for an organization,

managed by Page Admins

“promotion, sharing news, audience interaction”

“I want to follow this organizationand get their updates.”

Liking a Page

Status Updates/Stories (Posts)

Content shared by a user on a profile, group or

page; displays in reverse-chronological order.

“I have something new to share with you.”

Responding to a Post

“I acknowledge your message. You are heard.”

Liking a Post/Comment

Non-verbal signal of approval.

Timeline (“The Wall”)

Collected" status updates from a profile/group/page.

“Things I do with Facebook are collected here.”


a Post

Keeps a post at the top

of the timeline for up to

7 days.

Only works on posts

Admins write.

“This post is about an

unplanned outage – please


MessagesPrivate posts sent by users to Page Admins.


Tweet a message sent via Twitter, 140 char max

Follow subscribe to another user’s tweets

Every tweet from everyone you follow appears in your Home Feed/Timeline.

“Please follow us on Twitter for up-to-date information.”

@Reply a tweet targeted to another Twitter user

Visible in others’ Home Feeds only if a user follows both the sender and recipient.

Mention a tweet that contains “@username”

anywhere in the body of the text. Visible to all Followers (like any regular tweet).

.@reply or ?@reply works like an @reply, but

all of your followers will be able to see it.

“This response is for @you, but everyone would benefit

from seeing it.”

Direct Message (“DM”) a private tweet

between sender and receiver.

• sending a DM: user must follow you

• receiving a DM: only from users you follow

URL Shortening

Reducing the number of characters in a URL to save space in a tweet.

URLs usually appear at the end of a tweet

Retweet (“RT”)

Sharing someone’s tweet to your own account.

Auto-Retweet re-post an exact tweet.

Manual Retweet to add commentary.

Favorite save and highlight a tweet on your account

“I like your Tweet.” “I want to save this for later.”

Hashtag (#) community-driven categorization of

tweets using relevant keywords

context, tracking and search purposes

I’m Megan Ura.

Need Help?

Computer Training Coordinator

[email protected]



Image Credits

• Sketched Facebook and Twitter logos: Chris Spooner

• I know that feel bro: SociallyAwkwardRobot

• Cropped FB logo: TheNextWeb

• Large Twitter logo: Fasticon

• Pinned Post: Social Media Travelers
