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Copyright © ian fenwick. All rights reserved

Social Media:Making the Most of a Marketing

OpportunityIan Fenwick

Professor of Marketing, Sasin,

Co-founder AnyPrep LLC, digiAindra co ltd

for British Chamber of Commerce Thailand

April 29, 2015

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5q8apy-Uicdq-4JeAbX-7mJyrF-7mNqqQ-9oBiv5-6sWqrp-6A9jsu-6mT6sJ Eugene Flores Aapted from


Follow me! I’m a Social Media Expert

Not sure that being termed a “social media expert” isn’t the kiss of death, or damning by faint praise…

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someone who’s grown up without specific skills…or hasn’t grown up at all

Many marketers seem to see “social media experts” as 21st

century alchemists: spinning the base metal of posts & contests into the gold of successful marketing

Well, I don’t think the original alchemists ever did get lead into gold…

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digiAindra1983…32 yearsago

Social media aren’t really new. Read this ad for CompuServe from 1983[I was actually a user back then]

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…but social media do require a bit of a different marketing approach

…different principles

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6 TV Shows We Used To Watch - Christmas 1959 by Paul Townsend

#1 Active not passive

…first consumers are no longer passive targets

…perhaps they never were except in marketers’ minds

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7 TV Shows We Used To Watch - Christmas 1959 by Paul Townsend

#1 Active not passive

on-brand, and

prospect informative, and

encourage friends to join

…now they are active participants…which means we need to provide them things to do

…to reinforce brand, and learn about our potential customers, and to encourage sharing and referrals

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digiAindra Oliver Tacke Vortrag

#2 Community not audience

leverage for you…not against you

your brand advocates

…and don’t forget this is no longer a passive audience but an active community

…which can turn against you, or for you

[Hint: the latter is better]

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digiAindra Quinn Dombrowski The librarian warning

#3 It’s rude to interrupt…traditional marketing was interruption

…interruption was always rude but we didn’t care

…now we have to care

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digiAindra Quinn Dombrowski The librarian warning

“Craig Davis, Chief Creative Officer, J. Walter Thompson

…We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in & be what peopleare interested in

#3 It’s rude to interrupt

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digiAindra Last Conversation Piece, 1994-95, Bronze by Juan Munoz, Spanish, born Madrid, 1953-2001by cliff1066

#4 Conversations not monologues

you’re not the host

listen, listen, listen…

don’t talk about yourself


…traditional marketing the marketer was the host…the soap ads paid for the ‘soaps’

…in social media the marketer is the slightly (very?) unwelcomed guest

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Uyuni salt lake of Tunupa, Bolivia

Christopher Fahey & Timothy Meaney

A List Apart, April 19 2011

Conversation is the new attention

…if we are to be credible, we have to get talked about

…celebrities know this, brands are learning

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digiAindra by Guy Sie 6498 movement macro

#5 Engagement not reach fans & followers don’t count


shares, comments, post count much moreescape the brand page ghetto

‘scent of useful information’

‘curation’…to escape the brand page ghettos and arrive on users’ profile pages, we need interaction…engagement.

…consumers must get the ‘scent’, or promise, of something useful

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#6 Topical & adventitious

…taking advantage of the topical

…hitching a ride on trending topics

…these were building on the recent European eclipse of the sun

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#7 Avoid marketing megalomania

…marketers tend to think that consumers really really care

[Hint: they don’t]

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Only 23% of…consumers…said they have a relationship with a brand…whenyou ask the 77% of consumers who don’t have relationships with brands to explainwhy, you get comments like “It’s just a brand, not a member of my family…

“#7 Avoid marketing megalomania

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digiAindra Last Conversation Piece, 1994-95, Bronze by Juan Munoz, Spanish, born Madrid, 1953-2001by cliff1066

#4 Conversations not monologues

#1 Active, not passive

#2 Community, not audience

#3 It’s rude to interrupt

#5 Engagement not reach

#6 Topical & adventitious

#7 Avoid marketing megalomania

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https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

Digital presence

…we used to think of websites as places to trap and keep potential customers

…like fly-paper is to flies

…we measured ‘stickiness’

…we considered it A Good Thing

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https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

Digital presence

…now we start to see digital presence as being like the flower

…attracting potential customers and giving them something

…which in the end will help us

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https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

inbound marketing, content marketing, native advertising,

branded content

thought leadership

attractions, lures, for prospects…

Digital presence

…this is often called ‘content’ marketing

…’content?’ sounds like what might be found on the ingredients list of a dodgy meat pie

…and so often it IS…most content marketing is to useful information as pink slime is to steak!

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attractions, lures, for prospects…

https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

thought leadership

Traditional Advertising:

short exposure, brand in-your-face

Thought Leadership:

long exposure, brand low-key

genuinely useful, entertaining

un-marketing…Non-Overt Marketingimprove user experience with value

Digital presence

…lets call it ‘thought leadership’ not content marketing

…it’s supposed to be useful, not a red slime filler

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attractions, lures, for prospects…– at different levels of readiness


engagedready to



loyalhttps://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

Digital presence

…something for all levels of the sales funnel

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attractions, lures, for prospects…– at different levels of readiness

Social Media


loyal awareconsider

engagedready to



https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

Digital presence

…which we’re starting to see in social media should be a megaphone for brand advocates

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https://www.fl ThisParticularGreg by ThisParticularGreg Insects and Flowers #1 by Duncan

Digital presence

attractions, lures, for prospects…– at different levels of readiness

thought leadership• lend freely; encourage “borrowing”• build visibility, brand, link back• collect contact data, follow-up– ask minimum, give maximum

start with information you already have– don’t forget video,– keep it short…with longer options

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digiAindra…always seemed true, but harsh

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digiAindra…the 2nd edition nailed it: “Tell Stories” that’s what we should do in social media

…and make our consumers and potential consumers part of the story, and of its telling

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#1 Tell stories

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#1 Tell stories

…remember the Volvo Trucks story?

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Julie Roehm, chief storyteller, SAP

#2 …with emotion

…even SAP is telling stories…and has a ‘chief storyteller’

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[the story] doesn’t have to…make them cry…it could…be something thatthey cheer…stories help us inhumanising the idea, & help us opendoors to other industries, & even other kind of people who have not used ourproducts or services in the past

Julie Roehm, chief storyteller, SAP

#2 …with emotion

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#3 marketing as theatre

…social media marketing is increasing theatre

…performances seen ‘live’ by relatively few

…but the video’s seen by millions on-line

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digiAindra MG_7842 by bradleypjohnson

#4 use images, use video

The toothpaste will NOT go back in the tube

…images were the most powerful social media post

…video is the new image!

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#5 data, sharing, referrals…always building our database

And encouraging sharing and referrals

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#6 xtreme segmentation

…segments go from pieces of orange to fragments of pomegranate

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#6 xtreme segmentation

spent $20,000 on trade magazine ads

…& got lots of calls from other trade mag ad reps

targeted FB ads to: Walmart employees in NW


Orabrush wanted Walmart listing

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#6 xtreme segmentation

targeted FB ads to: Walmart employees in NW


Total cost: $28

Walmart VP saw the FB ad, assumed it was a national campaign… called them to


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digiAindra by Guy Sie 6498 movement macro


install an analytics system– get someone who can interpret results

– …and listen to them

tag all links– monitor traffic

– focus on conversions

– assign value to traffic

build, measure, learn


#7 test, improve, test again

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Trojan Horse Sofia S

#1 tell stories

#4 use images, use video

#3 marketing as theatre

#2 …with human emotion

#5 data, sharing, referrals

#6 xtreme segmentation

#7 test, improve, test again

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digiAindraIt is not the strongest of the species that survives …nor the most intelligent…“

…it is the one most adaptable to change

…often attributed to Darwin, but found only in the notes of his students

[Hint: we know those are often inaccurate]

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digiAindra by demandai
