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Social Media Tips for Marketing Your Physical Therapy Business

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Powerful Marketing Tool

Social media is a powerful marketing tool for physical therapy practices. You’d see more and more physical therapy businesses hop in and create their accounts.

By having these profiles, you get to reach out to your target audience and share informative content. You can update them about your products and services all within a single click of a button.

What’s more interesting is that you can get started even if you’re not tech savvy yourself. You need to observe social media best practices, though, so you can maximize benefits you’re earning.

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Here’s a few social media tips for marketing your physical therapy business:

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Create A Complete Online Profile

You’d want to make sure that your profiles are consistent to your branding.

Your business name, address, contact details, and most important, your website URL should be present and easily seen by visitors.

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Observe Posting Limits

As you navigate through different social media platforms, you’d observe that each one has corresponding character limit.

Twitter, for instance, is limited to 140 characters per tweet. You’d want to make your post short and sweet.

Facebook allows you longer statuses but you don’t want to abuse that as shorter statuses tend to get clicked more.

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Make It Engaging

You’re inviting people to engage with your brand. Strive to make your posts informative and fun. Also, separate your personal voice to that of your business profiles.

Establish a friendly yet still professional tone when posting. If someone responds or asks a question, try to be able to get back to them fast.

You’d want people to know they’re talking to real people and that your accounts are all active.

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Drive Traffic Back to Your Site

Take the opportunity to drive traffic back to your website. Link posts to your site so visitors would know that the content comes from your physical therapy business.

As they share your content, they’d grow to know that it is your PT practice they should go to when they need experts. This will also help with your social media rankings.

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Share Success Stories

Make your patients the highlight of your stories. Write posts about your patients getting through a difficult treatment and now enjoying their everyday lives more than ever. Make sure to secure a written consent from the patient.

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Conduct Customer Research

Get to know your audience. Study trends and analytics so you’d know which type of posts particular demographics find most interesting and helpful.

Focus on their needs and not just what you think they’d find ‘cute’. You’d want customer experience when using your social media profiles be a positive one.

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Check This Out!

Taking your physical therapy business to social media does not guarantee overnight success. You need to be careful on updates you post because they can either make or break your brand.

Check Out These Social Media Tips for Marketing Your Physical Therapy Business. Brought to you by PT Referral Machine The Only Complete Physical Therapy Marketing Solution.

Check it out: for more details.
