
How to improve the communication flowChange the collaboration patternsHelp alter the team habits

The organisation as you have never seen it before

Work on the visibility patterns

Erich BühlerAgile Transformation Coach

+34 [email protected]

Today: Successful Social Designs for Agile & digitalI.T. Companies



What is the Social Model?●How people communicate inside the company●How things are made visible●Behavioural patterns (i.e. how we act under pressure, what is right or wrong)

Sense of Urgency●End of a cycle●“bad” economic news/pressure●Continuous delivery●Fixed date, etc.

How do you measure it?●Enterprise Social Density●Enterprise Social Visibility●Entrprise Blocking Collaboration●Etc.

What impacts the SM?●Cultural beliefs●Accepted way of work (i.e. Methodologies)●Number of people, Scaling●Fluctuation between economic costs& benefits

The organization as you have never seen it before

What is the company’s mindset?●Very high level foundation of abstract ideas & beliefs●Learnt, inherited or evolutive

What impacts the MS?●Scaling●Merges●Strategic partners●Etc.

How do you measure it?●Alignment with Lean, Agile principles or any other mindset.

The organization as you have never seen it before

What is the formal organisation?●Structures●Control artifacts●Shapes information to give senseto the company

What impacts the FO?●Market pressure●Economic factors●Etc.

How do you measure it?●Company’s compliance reports●Alignment standard reports●Etc. The organization as you have never seen it before

What is the value creation layer?●Where the value creation resides●Structures that create value●Are customer/resultsoriented

How do you measure it?●Compliance with the chosen framework●Compliance with desired practices, etc

What impacts the vcl?●Framework compliance●How queues & batchesare treated●How you see value●Scaling

4 layer organizational structure map(c) Erich Buhler 2015

The organization as you have never seen it before

What adaptive organisations doIrradiate information quickly

●High bandwidth●With lower information deformation●Uses variability in favour

Reduce queues/batches●Accelerate innovation●Reduce transaction and transportation cost●Scale without pain

●Constant flow of learning●Reduce complexity & structures●Easier to Scale●Lower cost per transaction●Truncate wrong paths●Increase adaptation

Improve the communication flow

Enterprise Social Densityflow of relevant, honest, informaland effective information/knowledgebetween people in an organisation andenvironment where they feel safe.

Improve the communication flow


Improve the communication flow


Improve the communication flow

●Optimising bandwith using entropy information theory

A lot of information in thesystem but low probability 1/62 options (less

uncertainty)–highest chance (high probability), less uncertainty, less information in the systemImprove the communication flow

Find the maximum ESDwithout congestion Use the Expected Monetary

Value (EMV)

Improve the communication flow

We will be moving offices to a new cool placeStay in the current offices & allow people to work from homeStay where we are, some minor changes

Cost ProbabilityReturn of Investment










(1.000.000 x 0.5) = 500.000 – 150.000 = 350.000 (EMV)(300.000 x 0.9) = 270.000 – 60.000 = 210.000 (EMV)(200.000 x 1) = 200.000 – 10.000 = 190.000 (EMV) Improve the communication flow

What to communicate?

We rather communicate this two

Change the collaboration patterns

Collaborating with another person usinga high level of multitaskingCooperating with departments whichdo not communicate with each other ordo so by exchanging documents

Cooperating intensely to create reportsthat provide no value to the customer(vanity reports)

Performing collaborative tasks when youare at over 90% of your personal capacity

Actively collaborating to increasebureaucracy or local optimizations

Change the collaboration patterns

Enterprise Blocking Collaboration

Change the collaboration patterns

Modify the team habitsImprove information flow

●Pair is the new unit●T-shape absorbs variability●Reduce queues & transaction cost in the medium term●Minimise blockades

What impacts the pairing?●Structure to incentive●Not the right people●Hiring process●Cognitive Dissonance

24/7 pairing for responsible knowledge

Help alter the team habits

Cognitive dissonance: mental stress/discomfort experiencedby an individual who holds two or more contradictorybeliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs anaction that is contradictory with some of them, or isconfronted by new information that conflicts withexisting beliefs, ideas, or values

Cost vs. benefitDevs Devs/ POs

4 months 8+ months

Devs UI UX

1+ year

Devs Devs + other rolesValue (pairing)


Value (no pairing)

Help alter the team habits

Use cost of delay

Work on the visibility patterns

Work on the visibility patterns

“Visibility is not about placing physical boardsbut giving a lasting and broad organisational visibility”

What is the Enterprise Social Visibility?

● Public information radiators● Social interactions● Viewing actions and movements forrecognition and prediction

● Recognition of facial expressions

Work on the visibility patterns

How to improve the communication flowChange the collaboration patternsHelp alter the team habits

The organisation as you have never seen it before

Work on the visibility patterns

Erich BühlerAgile Transformation Coach

+34. [email protected]

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