
Social networking is one of the most active web-based activities in the Philippines, with Filipinos being declared as the most active users on a number of web-based social network sites such as Friendster, Facebook, and Twitter. The use of social networking website has become so extensive in the Philippines that the country has been tagged as "The Social Networking Capital of the World," and has also become part of Filipino cyberculture. Social networking is also used in the Philippines as a form of election campaign material, as well as tools to aid criminal investigation.(Wikipedia)

It said Filipinos spend 53 hours socializing in a week, 11 hours more than the global average of 42 hours.More from:

The survey showed the Internet is indispensable to Filipinos, addressing their core human needs of: Relationship (sharing experiences and emotions)Diversion (entertainment and relaxation)Progression (career and financial status)Recognition (expressing opinions and earning respect)Learning (exploring the world and keeping up-to-date) More from:

Nowadays however, the Philippines is becoming known as the social networking capital of the world, or at least a major player in the use of social media. And the numbers back up that assertion. Over the last two months, I've written about studies that highlight just how much Filipinos are into social networking websites like Facebook, and social media in general.

Filipinos use internet 4 hours per day.94% of Filipinos use FB63% Uses twitter

Age who uses social media the most

BOOM! Youths are the most influetialThat youth vote isn't the biggest number of voters but it's arguably more influential because of their use of media and ability to transfer ideas/knowledge as well as the potential ability to assemble. Negativity within this demographic could forever kill a political career.
