Page 1: Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) · in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, @CESSDA_Data

Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud(SSHOC)

Research Infrastructures for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Carsten Thiel | CTO at CESSDA ERIC

05 Juni 2019

Page 2: Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) · in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management,


• European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

• EC implementing decision C(2017)3870 final, June 2017

• Members:

• EU Member States• Associated countries• Third countries other than associated countries

• Main Office in Bergen, Norway

Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives


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• Cross-European resource discovery

• Improved quality of data and metadata

• A wider selection of comparable data

• Certification of data archiving organisations

• Professional training for data archivists and scientific community

• Improved mechanisms for data dissemination and analysis

• Strong involvement of organisations outside Europe

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Working Groups

• The CESSDA Trust Group offers both existingand aspiring service providers guidance andsupport in meeting a range of issues andstandards relating to trusted data andservices, such as the internal obligationsrequired from all members, and thetrustworthy digital repository requirementsset by the CoreTrustSeal.

• CESSDA Training Group maximizes thepotential of the trainings offered by eachService Provider and promotesharmonization and knowledge transferwithin CESSDA.


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Working Groups

• CESSDA Tools & Services Group wasestablished in late 2017 to represent bothusers’ and SPs’ interest in terms of whatneeds to be developed. The group’s goal is toprioritise and realise new tools and servicesfrom Service Providers and third parties forour users: both data users and dataproducers.

• CESSDA Technical Group aims to monitor andadvise on needs regarding technical services.CESSDA’s technical infrastructure and servicesare technology intensive but decentralised,requiring a common platform to ensureinteroperability and an efficient andsustainable model for the future.


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European Open Science Cloud

“The EOSC will offer 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionalsin science, technology, the humanities and social sciences a virtual environmentwith open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-useof research data, across borders and scientific disciplines by federating existing

scientific data infrastructures, currently dispersed across disciplinesand the EU Member States.”

➢ Official Launch in Nov 2018➢ Governance & Executive Boards and Secretariat➢ EOSC-pilot, EOSC-hub & EOSC Portal➢ Cluster-projects such as SSHOC


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Transition from disciplinary silos and separate e-infrastructures

into a cloud-based infrastructure for scholars

⇒ FAIR data &

⇒ Tools and Training Services


Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud


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• All SSH ESFRI Landmarks and Projects


• International SSH data infrastructures

• European Value Study, Wage-Indicator, Generations & Gender

• LIBER, Trust-ITResearch communities: Electoral Studies, Migration, Heritage

• 47 partners in total


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Researchers &

other users



Service Provider 1 NSD



DANSService Provider


CLARIN DARIAH More partners…




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Data Cycle – Quality of Data

• FAIR: Findable – Accessible – Interoperable – Reusable

• but also during CREATE process


Construct, Realise, Enrich,

Analyse, Transfer, Earn


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Work Packages

1. Project Management & Coordination

2. Communication & Dissemination

3. Lifting Tools to the Cloud

4. Innovations in Data Production

5. Innovations in Data Access

6. Building Expertise – Training

7. Creating the SSH Open Marketplace – for tools

8. Governance, Trust & Quality Assurance

9. Data Communities


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Tools for the market



Research (data) communities



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Expected Impact

• EU wide availability of high quality SSH• Tools• Data• Access - trusted and secure

• Training - e.g. complex, international, multilingual data

• Data sharing is the “new normal”

• SSHOC seamlessly integrated in EOSC

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• For Social Sciences and Humanities

• FAIR principles

• Open Access / Open Science

• Quality & Reliability

Promoting High Quality Data


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Sustainable Technology

Technology Readiness Levels

• Technology changes rapidly• Infrastructure needs to be maintained• Services need to be reliable and trusted

Research Infrastructures• Personnel changes regularly• Research grants fund innovation• Projects produce demonstrators

European Open Science Cloud• EOSC wants to enforce TRL8• CESSDA needs to ensure its service can meet that


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• 45 organisations (20 beneficiaries + 25 LTPs)

• SSH ESFRI Landmarks and Projects & international SSH data infrastructures

➢ Creating the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

➢Maximising re-use through Open Science and FAIR principles

➢ Interconnecting infrastructures


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Thank you for your attention!

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