Page 1: Soft-gluon effects in nonleptonic decays of charmed mesons

Volume 100B, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 19 March 1981


Ken-ichi SHIZUYA Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received 5 December 1980

Soft-gluon effects in nonleptonic decays of D and F mesons are studied nonperturbatively by use of a QCD multipole ex- pansion. For reasonable values of D-meson bound-state parameters, the soft-gluon effects lead to a significant difference in the lifetimes of the D o and D ÷ mesons.

Recent experiments [1] have reported an apprecia- ble difference in the lifetimes of the D O and D + mesons, with r (D+)/ r (D 0) = 3 - 1 0 . A simple picture o f charm- ed meson decays, based on the charm-quark decay process c ~ sua or sv£ (fig. 1 a), predicts equal lifetimes for D 0, D + and F + mesons. The observed lifetime differ- ence suggests significant enhancements of nonleptonic D O decays by some dynamical mechanisms [2].

The W-exchange process ("quark-annihilation" process), as depicted in fig. lb, contributes solely to DO decays. A helicity factor (ms/MD) 2 and the small probability for quark-pair annihilation in the D meson combine to make its contribution negligibly small, A number of authors [ 3 - 5 ] , however, have pointed out that the presence o f gluons may be crucial to the re- moval of helicity suppression which otherwise is inher- ent in quark-annihilation processes. Single-hard-gluon emission from the D O meson [ 3 - 5 ] , as depicted in fig. 2a, serves to remove helicity suppression of the ac- companying weak decay and enhances the D O decay rate; however, such short-distance QCD effects alone seem to be too small to account for the D 0 - D + life- time difference. Soft glu0ns inside (or surrounding) the D meson are equally likely sources of enhancement for nonleptonic D O decays. Because of the nonperturba- tive nature of soft-gluon interactions, however, esti- mates of their effects have so far been purely pheno- menological [4].

The purpose of this paper is to present a dynamical calculation of the soft-gluon effects on D0-decay en- hancements. We study the soft-gluon effects nonper-

D° " ' 5 D° ~ < a d

(a.) (b)

Fig. 1. D o decays. (a)charm-quark decay process. The ~ quark acts as a spectator. (b) quark-annihilation process. Shaded blobs represent W-boson exchanges with hard-gluon exchange corrections.

turbatively by use of a QCD multipole expansion [6 -8 ] and relate them to the vacuum expectation value

= (O[(aS/rOFuv[A ] 210) ~. 0.012 GeV 4 , (1)

whose magnitude is phenomenologically known from the charmonium sum rules of Shifman et al. [9j . This matrix element provides a measure of the nonperturba-


i " , ~ . ~ v , ,

(a.) (b)

Fig. 2. Quark-annihilation process with emission of gluons from the D o meson. (a) hard-gluon emission. (b) soft-ginon emission. The dashed line refers to a virtual state.


Page 2: Soft-gluon effects in nonleptonic decays of charmed mesons

Volume 100B, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 19 March 1981

rive soft-gluon fluctuations residing in QCD color-con- finement mechanisms.

Fig. 2b represents the process we consider. A hard gluon in fig. 2a is replaced by a collection of soft gluons here. (What is meant by a collection of soft gluons will be made clearer below.) We treat the D O meson as a nonrelativistic bound state * t of c and fi constituent quarks of mass m c ~ 1.65 GeV and m u ~ 0.34 GeV. Soft-gluon emission from the final quarks is not taken into account since it is not directly related to the re- moval of helicity suppression factors. Both the motion and the soft-gluon interactions of the c quark are ignor- ed in what follows; they are suppressed by a ratio mu( m e in the decay amplitude as compared with those of the fi quark.

Let us expand the soft-gluon field around the c quark into multipoles. The multipole terms are cast in- to a manifestly gauge-invariant form by a suitable trans- formation [7,8]. The interaction of the u quark with the gluon field is described by the hamiltonian

9~QC D = gg (x) ['),Ox- Ea(O) + 2m u 1 (a + L )" Ha(o)]

x (½ xa)u(x) + ... . (2)

where u (x)is the u quark field at position x,

Eka(o) = (F kO [A (0 ) l )a


I eklmFTm [A (0)1 ~rka(0) = - ~

(Fur[A] = OtaAv - OvAu + gA u X Av)are the soft- gluon fields defined at the c-quark position (x = 0), and L = x × p (pk = _iO/Ox k) is the angular momen- tum of the u-quark motion. Only the color -El and the color-M 1 interactions are shown. The color-Coulomb in- teraction does not act on a color-singlet cfi system. Higher-multipole interactions are not included. Note that the L term in (2) does not contribute to an S-wave state.

The initial D O meson is a color-singlet (1), 1 SO (eft) bound state. The color-E1 interaction turns the D O meson into a color-octet (8), P-wave cfi state while the

color-Ml interaction changes both the color and spin of the cfi system; namely,

(1, l S 0 ) - , ( 8 , 1P I ) + q ( E 1 ) ,

-+ (8, 3S1) + q (M1) . (3)

Here ~ stands collectively for the color-octet states that are reached by either a color-E1 or a color-M1 soft gluon interaction; we call ~ the "soft gluons".

The virtual color-octet c f systems have JP = 1 + or JP --- 1 - so that their subsequent weak decays are free of helicity suppression. The AS = AC = - 1 nonleptonic weak hamiltonian is given by (we set the Cabibbo angle 0 c = o)

~(W = ( 4 G / v ~ ) [(N--lf l + f2) (Sd)L (fiC)L

+ ~f l (gXad)L(fiXac)L] + h.c., (4)

where Lorentz as well as color indices have been sup- pressed in the usual fashion; (gC)L = fTu { (1 - 7s)C etc. This is a Fierz-reordered form (suitable for D O de- cays) of the conventional weak hamiltonian. In the above, N = 3 for color SU(3); we use SU(N) notation to keep track of color factors. Hard-gluon exchange cor- rections to the weak hamiltonian [11] change the co- efficients f l and f2 from their zeroth-order values ( f l = 1 and f2 = 0) t o f 1 ~ 1.42 a n d f 2 ~ -0 .74 .

Let us denote the D0-meson wave function in momen- tum space by ~ ( p ) normalized so that (2~r) - 3 X f d3p I qJ (P) 12 = 1, where p is the momentum of the fi quark in the D O meson. Note that the S-wave func- tion ~ (p)is a function of IP I. As usual, quark spinors are approximated by free quark spinors. The virtual cfi states can be decomposed into spin-zero and spin-one components by use of appropriate spin-projection oper- ators. The old-fashioned perturbation theory leads to the following amplitude for the process in fig. 2b:

~r =

X La~(ql , q2)J"a(P, O))~(p) , (5)

.1 The nOnrelativistic description of the D-meson system, though not as reliable as that of cc charmonium systems, has certain phenomenological success; see, e.g., ref. [10]. The nonrelativistic picture improves somewhat for c~ sys- tems.

where e is the energy of the intermediate (cfi)8 + state, • is the momentum of the "soft-gluon" state I ~ ) and L~ (q 1, q 2) refers to the weak current of the light quarks


Page 3: Soft-gluon effects in nonleptonic decays of charmed mesons

Volume 100B, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 19 March 1981

L~ ( q l , q2) = V"2G(½ f l )fis(ql)3'ta }ta(1 -- 3'5 )vd(q2) "


For the color-E1 interaction jua(p, ~ ) i s given by

JUa(E1) = g(~lEka(O)lO)

X x k (la= 0 ) ,

X p l xk / (2mu) (p = I), (7)

while for the color-M1 interaction

jua (M 1 ) = - { (g/m u) ( q [H ka (0) [ 0 )

X pk / (2mu) (p = 0 ) ,

X [6 kt + iekt/p//(2mu)] Oa = l ) , (8)

where terms quadratic in p or higher as well as those* 2 that vanish as m -+ 0 have been omitted.

Soft gluons are strongly interacting and need to be treated nonperturbatively. The decay rate, e.g. for the process with the color-M1 interaction, involves a sum over the soft-gluon states I q ) of the form

~ ' ( O l H i b ( o ) l ~ ) ( ~ l H / a ( o ) [ o ) 1 e)2(...)" (9) (MD --

The energy denominator M D - e represents the energy difference between the initial D0-meson state and the virtual (cfi)8 + q state. It will be reasonable to suppose that, owing to color confinement, the virtual color- octet cfi system has higher energy than the initial D o- meson state and that this energy difference does not vanish even for very soft gluons (to -* 0). (For example, this is the case for mesons bound by a one-gluon-ex- change potential, which is repulsive between a color- octet quark-antiquark pair.) This energy difference will be of the order of 100-200 MeV, a typical scale related to confinement; this point will be discussed later. With these in mind, we approximate the soft- gluon sum in (9) as follows

(i) ~ l ~ ) (e - MD)-2(~I ~ (Ae)-21. (10)

t~ Terms that depend on ~ correspond to higher-multipole terms (other than color-Et and color-M1 terms).

Namely, the energy denominator e - M D is replaced by a constant value Ae typical for the soft-gluon reac- tion we consider. It is understood that eq. (10) is in- serted between soft-gluon states (i.e. excluding hard- gluon states); accordingly we set m ~ 0 in (...) of eq. (9).

(ii) The soft-gluon world would exhibit approximate Lorentz invariance relative to the wavelengths of color fluctuations in it. By making use of this invariance, eq. (9), which is now rewritten as

(0 ]H ib (O)H ]a (0) [ 0) (Ae)- 2(...), (11)

is related to (0[F2v 10) in eq. (1). An argument in favor of these approximations ,s is

made as follows: The phenomenological value for cy = (01(a s/~r)F2v 10)in eq. (1) represents nonperturba- tive (long-distance) QCD effects ,4; namely, this ma- trix element is predominantly saturated by the long- distance color fluctuations of confinement physics. Each of the above approximations relies upon and could be justified by this dominance of long-distance dynamics in the phenomenological value of q3.

The value of the unknown quantity Ae may be es- timated in the following way. The annihilation of the virtual color-octet cfi system by the weak current oc- curs in a small domain of the size 1/m c, the Compton wavelength of the c quark. Correspondingly, Ae will be relatively sensitive to the short-distance structure (e.g. the spin-dependent part) of the cfi binding poten- tial. Although the virtual cfi system is in color-octet, the (cfi)8 + q state as a whole is a color-singlet and pre- sumably is still in a bound state (of spatial spread of the order of 1/Ae). Namely, the virtual state may be picturized as a spin-one D-meson system with a (color- octet) gluon cloud; and the total energy of this meson system may not be drastically affected by the spatially small color concentration of the cfi system. If this pic- ture is adequate, the 3S 1-1 SO fine structure of the D-



Similar approximations have previously been used for heavy-quarkonium systems by Voloshin [6]. In standard perturbation theory, the contribution of very soft gluons to < 01Fgv F ()> is vanishingly small at least to lowest order because of derivative coupling. Hard gluons mainly contribute to the renormalization of the operator

2 asF~v (which is a renormalization-group invariant in the absence of quarks). The nonvanishing value of ( 0ta S F~vlO) , being a long-wavelength phenomenon, is considered to be a consequence of strong soft-gluon interactions.


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Volume 100B, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS 19 March 1981

meson system provides a reasonable guess for Ae (for the color-M1 process):

Ae "~ M(D*) - M(D) ~- 140 MeV. (12)

A naive estimate of the "binding energy" of the D O meson gives another measure of Ae:

A e " mc + rn u - M D .~ 120 MeV. (13)

With the abovementioned approximations, the am- plitude (9) simplifies. In particular, since x i = i0/0p/ in p space,

f d3p ptxi4'(.P) = - i8 lj f d3p 4'(p), (14)

by an integration by parts* s. In the nonrelativistic ap- proximation, the wave function at the origin x = 0, q~(0) = (21r) -3 f d3p ~k(p), is related to the D-meson de- cay constant fD so that

fD -- 2(N/MD)l/21(9(O) ]"

Apart from an unobservable overall phase factor, the am- plitude fir is now rewritten as

(4 aeN)-l gfDMDL~(q ) f i r " mu 1,q2

X (~lata(o) + iEta(0)10), (15)

where we have taken the same Ae for the color-M1 and color-E1 transition (although Ae may well be dif- ferent in the two cases). In the calculation of the decay rate, we use the relation [9]

(0 IHgHf tOY-- - (0 IE~E~ I0) = ~ 8 kt(o IF2. l 0), (16)

in accordance with the approximations explained earlier. Note that E/~ is antihermitian in the nonperturbative QCD vacuum. The contributions of the color-E1 and the color-M1 processes to the decay rate turn out to be of equal magnitude. The decay rate psg = pSg(E 1 + MI ) for the soft-gluon process is given by

1 "*g= (G 2f2M3D/81r ) ~ (fl/N)2(rr/amuAe) 2 tip , (17)

where c)y = (Ol(as/rr)F2v 10) [eq. (1)], and the light quark masses in the final state have been neglected. On the other hand, the c-quark decay process ifi fig. la leads to equal D O and D + decay rates.

,s The surface term in eq. (14) vanishes for a large class of quark-binding potentials, including the Coulomb and the harmonic oscillator potentials.

pc = (2 + Nh)G2m5/(192rt3), (18)

where the factor 2 is for leptons and the factor h = f 2 + f2 + (2[N)flf 2 ~ 1.8 involves the hard-gluon ex- change effect. As before, the final quark masses have been neglected. The relative importance of the soft- gluon process to the quark-decay process is seen from the ratio

R = psg(E1 + M1)/P c

(2 + Nh) \ me ! \me ! (muAe)2 "

Substituting the numerical values quoted earlier for m u, m c and cl~ yields

R ~. 0.7 X (fD/Ae) 2 (20)

A reasonable estimate for fD, based on an empirical; scaling law for the observed lepton-pair decay rates of vector mesons, gives [5]

JeO/N/~ ~ 150 MeV. (21)

With this value f o r f D and Ae ~ 140 MeV (120 MeV), the present soft-gluon process leads to the lifetime dif- ference

r (D+)/r(D0) = 1 +R ~ 2.5 (3.0). (22)

This result indicates that the soft-gluon effect by it- self could account for a significant portion of the life. time difference between the D + and D O mesons.

The decay rate phg for the single-hard-gluon emis- sion process in fig. 2a, evaluated perturbatively [3,5] is smaller than the soft-gluon effect psg:

rhg /rsg= (Ors/It3) (MDAe)2 /c)5

-~ 0.02 ~S X (Ae/60 MeV) 2 , (23)

where the ~S is the coupling constant characterizing the hard-gluon emission process. In D O decays, there- fore, the hard-gluon emission effect is one order of magnitude smaller than the soft-gluon effect.

Qantitatively the present analysis is a crude esti- mate because of uncertainties involved in Ae and fD and of the approximation scheme employed. It is con- ceivable that higher-multipole terms, expeciaUy those of soft gluons coupled to gluon exchanges between the constituent quarks in the D meson [8], are non-neg-


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ligible for the D-meson system (although they are less important for heavy quarkonium systems). Qualita- tively, however, the abovementioned conclusions of the present analysis will, we expect, survive a more de- tailed analysis.

Soft-gluon effects are expected to be important in other heavy-meson decays as well.

(1) Charmed F-meson decays. The present analysis developed for the D O meson is carried over the F + meson by interchanging u quarks ~ s quarks and f l ~ 'f2. It is owing to the hard-gluon exchange correc- tions to the weak hamiltonian that color-octet c~ sys- tems are annihilated into u and a quarks via the pro- cess in fig. 2b; with either a single color-E1 or color MI soft-gluon interaction, their annihilation into v~ is still forbidden by color mismatch. The ratio of the soft-gluon corrections psg for the F + and D O mesons is given by

g2 ? (mu °O 2(MF 3 pSg(D0) = ~ - 1 ] \-fDD] \m---~FFI \ - ~ B ! " (24)

WithM F ~ 2.03 GeV, m s ~ 0.54 GeV (constituent quark mass),fF[fi) ~ 1.4 (an estimate based on the scaling law) and &e F ~ M(F *) - M(F) ~ 110 MeV, one obtains the estimate

psg(F+)/rsg(D°) ~ 0 .4 . (25)

This indicates that the F-meson lifetime is somewhere between those of the D O and D + mesons:

r (D 0) < r (F +) < r (D+) . (26)

(2) For heavy mesons containjng b or t quarks, the difference in the lifetimes of the neutral and charged members will not be as prominent as in the case o f D decays. The enhancement of annihilation processes by the soft-gluon effect diminishes rapidly with increas- hag heavy-quark mass: The ratio R in eq. (19) de- creases like 1/m3c as m c -+ ~ (since f D cc ree l /2) . Cor- respondingly, in B-meson decays this ratio will pre- sumably be more than one order-of-magnitude smaller than in D decays. As seen from eq. (23), the soft-gluon

effect and the hard-gluon emission effect are compar- able in B-meson decays. For sufficiently heavy mesons, nonleptonic enhancements will be dominated by short- distance mechanisms, hard-gluon emission from the ini- tial and final quarks.

I would like to thank M. Chanowitz and M. Suzuki for helpful comments and a careful reading of the manuscript and S. Nussinov for useful discussions. This work was supported by the High Energy Physics Divi- sion of the US Department of Energy under contract no. W-7405-ENG-48.


[1] J. Kirby, Proc. Intern. Symp. on Lepton and photon in- teraction at high energies (Fermilab, August 1979); V. Liith, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Lepton and photon in- teraction at high energies (Fermilab, August 1979); J. Prentice, Proc. Intern. Syrup. on Lepton and photon- interaction at high energies (Fermilab, August 1979); W. Bacino et al., Phy~ Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 329

[2] For a recent review on charmed-meson decays, see: M. Chanowitz, High energy e+e - interactions (Vanderbilt, 1980), AIP Conf. Proc. No. 62 (ALP, New York, 1980) p. 48.

[3] M. Bander, D. Silverman and A. Soni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 (1980) 7.

[4] H. Fritzsch and P. Minkowski, Phys. Lett. 90B (1980) 455.

[5] M. Suzuki, UC-Berkeley preprint UCB-PTH-8014, Nucl. Phys. B, to be published.

[6] K. Gottfried, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 (1978) 598; M.B. Voloshin, Nucl. Phys. B154 (1979) 365; G. Bhanot, W. Fishier and S. Rudaz, Nucl. Phys. B155 (1979) 208; M.E. Peskin, Nuel. Phys. B156 (1979) 365.

[7] T.-M. Yan, Phys. Rev. D22 (1980) 1652. [8] K. Shizuya, LBL preprint LBL-11004 (1980), Phys. Rev.

D, to be published. [9] M. Shifman, A. Vainshtein and V.I. Zakharov, Nucl. Phys.

B147 (1979) 385; 448. [10] R. Barbieri et al., Nuel. Phys. B105 (1976) 125. [11] M.K. GaiUard and B.W. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974)

108; G. Altarelli and L. Maiani, Phys. Lett. 52B (1975) 351.

