
You’ve been looking for your

soulmate for a long time . . .

And I’ll bet you’ve tried everything you

could think of to try to find him:

personal ads, online dating, blind dates,

how-to books, and even nightclubs and

singles bars.

You probably have glimmers of hope

now and then—moments when you

meet a man you think might be the


And then you let yourself start to believe it’s possible that after all those

years of waiting and trying, you might finally get to have the happy ending

all those fairytales and Hollywood movies have been promising you since

before you were old enough to even understand what that meant and

realize you wanted it.

But sooner or later, something happens, and that man turns out not to be

your knight in shining armor after all, and you’re left to go back to

wondering if you’re ever going to find him.

Other people seem to have found true love; why not you?

Somewhere in the back of your mind, you probably wonder if there might

be something wrong with you, or if you’ve done something to deserve to be

alone, and you resign yourself to the possibility that maybe you’re just not

destined to have that kind of love.

Maybe you feel . . .

Afraid that the older you get, the harder it will be to find your soulmate

Worried that your past luck in love has left you damaged and with too

A Powerful, Proven Method

For Manifesting Your Soulmate

Start Living a Life Overflowing

with Passion and Fulfillment!

Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course

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many “issues”

Concerned that your health or fitness are negatively affecting your

chances of finding love

Afraid that you’re not interesting enough or “good” enough to be worthy

of the kind of love you want

But what if I told you that none of these

things has the slightest impact on whether

you can attract your soulmate into your life?

What if the only reason you haven’t found your soulmate is because you’ve

been going about it all wrong, and so much of what you’ve been doing has

actually been keeping your soulmate away?

The real reason most people can’t find the love of their life is because no

one taught them how to go about it, and as a result they are either trying

too hard to make it happen or doing nothing about it at all.

Most of us are taught that love is

something we have to earn or

fight for . . . something we have to

prove we are worthy of.

But this is simply not true.

I know that you have at least one

perfect soulmate waiting for you

out there in the world—no matter

how old you are, how you look, or what you’ve done or haven’t done in

your life.

The truth is that you don’t have to do anything to earn your soulmate; all

you have to do is prepare yourself in every way for what is already yours

In many ways, it is actually your own false beliefs about love that are

holding you back from it.

If fact, your own doubts and fears are actually two of the primary causes of

the gap between you and the love of your life.

Another is that you probably don’t have as much clarity as you might think

you do about the kind of man who is right for you to begin with (and you

can blame Hollywood for that, too!)

You also probably aren’t aware of the extraordinary “partnership energy”

contained in the Universe that is available to help you get the things you

truly want in your life.

So until you address these issues, you will not be ready to meet your

soulmate, and you will continue to maintain that gap that will not allow you

to meet him—or see him for what he is . . . even if he’s standing right in front

of you.

You and your soulmate are

destined to be together

But it won’t happen until you are ready . . . even if you’re not ready until you

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are 70, or 80, or 90.

Now that might seem like a long time to have to wait for something that is

destined to be a part of your life, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s too long!

And that’s why I’ve developed a way to help you get ready fast, so that

hopefully you’ll meet your soulmate this year, or next year, instead of ten

years from now, or twenty, or more.

I’ve taken some ancient and

proven manifestation techniques

and combined them with modern

wisdom and insights, and then I’ve

tested and refined them in my

own life and the lives of

thousands of others around the

world until they work quickly and

efficiently to help you get fully

ready to draw your soulmate to you.

These manifestation techniques are powerful, and they will show you how

to become inwardly prepared for the completely new experience of living

the rest of your life with your soulmate.

And when you are finally prepared on the inside to live this new life and be

truly happy, that’s when you’ll start manifesting that life outwardly around

you . . .

In just a couple of months from now, you’ll be transformed, and you’ll be

focused every day on doing the fun and incredibly fulfilling work of getting

ready for the relationship of your dreams!

And . . .

One day, in the not too distant future, you

will turn a corner or turn around, and you’ll

find yourself face to face with the person you

are going to spend the rest of your life with

That’s how it will happen.

It will be that simple.

When you are finally ready to meet your perfect partner, wherever he is, he

will sense it, and the two of you will be inevitably drawn together.

Before I met my soulmate Brian at the

age of 43, I’d tried every method I

mentioned earlier (along with a few

others!) in an attempt to find the love of

my life . . .

And while I had plenty of relationships

over the years—some that were even

pretty good—there was never one that I

felt in my heart and soul was the true love I was craving and knew I was

meant to have.

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I’m sure you’ve heard that you don’t need someone else to make you

happy—that it’s all up to you to find your happiness within yourself.

But the problem with that is that no matter how happy you are within

yourself and for yourself, you still want someone to love, someone to share

your life with . . .

And there’s nothing wrong with wanting that, and no reason in the world

you shouldn’t want it.

It’s what everyone wants . . . and it’s what you deserve.

Can you imagine what it will be like

when you find your soulmate?

How loved, respected, heard, adored and wanted you’ll suddenly be?

It might be a little difficult to truly imagine it if you’ve never experienced

anything like it before, but I can tell you this . . . it’s pretty wonderful. And I

want you to have that experience, too . . .

Every day for the rest for your life.

When you are finally living with your soulmate, you’ll wake up to him every

day, and you’ll look into his eyes, and you’ll be glad you chose him and glad

he chose you.

And you’ll do things together: you’ll shop for

furniture and food, you’ll cook for each other,

you’ll work in the garden and watch it grow,

you’ll put on movies and curl up on the couch,

you’ll go on adventures to explore new places

. . . you’ll hold hands . . . and you’ll make love.

(And then you’ll sleep!)

But no matter what you do together . . . you’ll

find ways to have fun.

Even when you’re in the midst of dealing with one of life’s many challenges,

you’ll be mutually supportive at every turn, and you’ll try to find ways to

make each other laugh.

And you’ll get through it . . . together.

And every night, you’ll sleep side by side or in one another’s arms.

When you master my manifestation processes and use the other practices

I’ll show you during the Soulmate Secret 7-week Interactive Online Course,

it’s possible that you could find your soulmate so fast it might almost make

you dizzy . . .

And while for many people it takes a bit more time and work for them to

truly be ready to meet their soulmate, when it happens for you (and it will), I

promise the experience will be everything you could ever hope for—and so

much more!

There are a lot of different approaches out there for trying to find true love,

and I’m sure some of them work . . .

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But I also know that I have personally taught my techniques to thousands of

people over the past several years, and through using those techniques,

they are not only finding their soulmates, but some are finding them

incredibly fast . . .

Even faster than I did—which I thought was pretty fast at the time!

My Own Path To Love

By the time I’d reached the age of 43, I had

created my dream life, except for one thing—I

didn’t have a soulmate to share it with.

I had a successful, exciting career as a marketing

consultant, author, and publicist, and I had many

close friends.

I’d helped launch the careers of such spiritual

luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald

Walsch (author of the Conversations with God

series), and my own sister, Debbie Ford (pioneer of the groundbreaking

Shadow Process). I was also a television producer and fundraiser for the

care of the homeless. I kept myself very busy!

I also traveled a lot and I was helping deliver to people what I considered to

be some of the greatest gifts in the world, but one morning I woke up and

realized that while I had been so busy making a great life for myself, I’d

forgotten to find someone to share it all with.

As exciting and gratifying as my professional life felt, I knew I had been

ignoring the pain and loneliness in my personal life for many years—the

fleeting relationships that didn’t feel truly connected, the weekend nights

spent alone, the vacations that turned into stay-cations because I didn’t

have anyone to travel with me.

And summers were absolutely the worst when I would have to listen to my

married and coupled friends talk about their exotic and romantic trips. I

would get invited to yet another wedding, and have to stifle my

embarrassment as I crowded together with the other (younger!) single

women and the four-year-old flower girls to try to catch the bridal bouquet.

I didn’t want to be alone, and I knew the time had come to do something

about it. I already knew how to make things happen and how to manifest

good things in my professional life, so on a whim I decided to try to

customize some of those same strategies and processes and then try them

on my love life.

And after some months of using the tools and techniques I’d designed for

myself, something wonderful happened . . .

I was on a business trip and was being picked up at the airport by my

client’s business partner, who I’d never met before. His name was Brian,

and when I saw him for the first time, I felt something I’d never felt before: a

sense of excitement that something big was happening!

He felt it, too, and by the end of the day, we both knew, without question,

that we were going to be together.

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Three weeks after that first meeting,

we were engaged . . .

And, we’ve now been married for 15 ecstatically happy years.

Every single day, I feel deeply loved and cherished, and I feel my husband’s

unwavering devotion to me at all times. His support has lifted my career to

heights I hadn’t even considered possible before.

For me, one of the most surprising things about our relationship is that our

love continues to grow and get better every year. I can’t even imagine what

my life would have been like if I hadn’t actively manifested him when I did.

Since I was what they call an “older bride,” when single women started to

hear my story, I immediately became a “go-to” expert for every woman over

40 looking for love. They would pull me aside at events or seminars and

whisper in my ear, “How do I find my Brian?” Men even started asking me

for advice on how they could meet the right woman!

The more I told my story and coached people through shifting their

approach to love, the more requests I got to write down my secret so more

people could have access to it . . .

That’s when I decided to write my book, The Soulmate Secret.

A few years later, after talking with even more people all over the world, I

discovered that while my book was helping thousands and had become a

popular bestseller, there were many people who truly needed extra


They needed someone to help them see into their blind spots around love,

or to support them as they worked to move forward past their imagined

limitations when they got frustrated or scared.

So I decided to further refine the manifestation techniques I’d originally

developed for my book, along with creating many powerful new tools and

techniques, and then I put it all together into my Soulmate Secret online

course to fully support anyone who was ready to do the work and find their


The course is carefully designed to guide you, step-by-step, through every

nuance and exercise that has consistently been proven to attract love into

your life, while making the whole process both fun and immediately


Here are all the details!

The Soulmate Secret 7-week

Interactive Online Course

During the course, you’ll discover how to:

Easily identify and remove the emotional and physical blocks that have

held you back from love in the past

Finally disconnect from past lovers by cutting the cords that bind you

(during the course, I’m going to share a simple, almost

magical technique for doing this)

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Bridge the gap between your head and your heart and bring your

vibration and vision for love into every cell of your body

“Feather your nest” in order to energetically prepare your body, mind,

and home for the arrival of your soulmate

Co-create with the energy of Universe to deeply connect you to your

soulmate before you even meet

Truly love yourself so you’ll be willing to let someone else love you, too

Literally become a magnet that will attract your soulmate to you, making

the path to true love feel natural, easy and fun

The entire Soulmate Secret process is so exciting and inspiring for me

every time I get to go through it with a new group of commited participants,

and I can’t wait to be there, guiding and supporting you in every way as you

get to experience it for the first time!

Week 1: Activating the Hidden Key of


Discover how to use “feelingizations”

to magnetize your soulmate

Learn how to apply a step-by-step

process for creating clarity,

anticipation and a powerful intention

around what I call Big Love

Open up to new possibilities of what a

loving partnership can be in your life

Discover a unique way to use manifestation techniques to make the

impossible possible

Develop an understanding of the role of fate, destiny, and divine timing in

your love life

Week 2: Clearing the Path to Create

Space for New Love

Discover the 3 most powerful ways to

unhook the past by cutting the

energetic cords that bind you

Learn an effective way to release

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yourself from old lovers forever—the

“Love Pain Detox Plan”

Engage a simple process to finally forgive yourself and those who have

“done you wrong”

Establish your own unique step-by-step ways to create a welcoming “soul

space” for new love

Week 3: Breaking Through to Your

Higher Self

Discover the three-step process to

transform all negative beliefs into

positive realities

Overcome any road block on your

path to Big Love utilizing a unique

formula for overcoming obstacles

Discover how to “write” your own

personal story of love (of course you can give it a happy ending!)

Develop a relationship with your higher self that will magnetize your

soulmate to you

Week 4: Invoking the Partnership Energy

of the Divine

Discover how recognizing and

honoring the soulmates you already

have actually raises your love


Clarify the traits and qualities you

really want in a soulmate—and create

a Soulmate Wish List (and I don’t

mean height, weight, eye color or money!)

Design your own powerful, personal ritual for surrendering your list to the


Discover the co-creative energy that lives in you and partners with the

Divine energy of the Universe to bring into your life whatever you most

focus on, whatever you truly desire

Week 5: Consciously Preparing Your Heart

and Home to Receive Your Soulmate

Discover how to raise the vibration of

love within you through practicing

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powerful self-love techniques

Explore all the fun ways you can

“feather your nest” and energetically

prepare your home to be a setting for

the beginning of the extraordinary

relationship ahead of you

Come to a deep realization about the actions you must take to be fully

loved, cherished and adored

Discover how to generate love before first sight!

Week 6: Creating the Love Vibration that Will

Draw Your Soulmate to You

Discover the 5 ways to be

continuously available to meet your


Learn important techniques to see

clearly the difference between your

intuition and mere wishful thinking

Develop and trust your intuition to

guide you toward love and repel those who can’t give you the love you


Discover the 3 signs that will let you know you are truly with your soulmate

Week 7: Celebrating the Arrival

of Your Soulmate

Discover the profound power of

gratitude, and how it can quicken your

path to manifesting true love

Awaken to the joy of savoring the

wait now that you know your

soulmate is coming

Experience deeply in your present

awareness what it feels like to be in the arms of your soulmate

Discover how to radiate and embody the love, satisfaction and

contentment you seek, causing the flourishing of your life so that your

soulmate quickly recognizes you as their one true love, too!

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Graduates Share Their Stories

“I finally waved goodbye to the old and committed to being proactive. It

only took two months of dating to meet the “one.” He proposed on

Valentine’s Day and we are now engaged!”

– Kris, Sydney, Australia

“He has arrived! We connect as two people and become one essence. We

spend quality time together, cook or eat out, go to the beach and swim and

walk. He helps around my house, likes to massage my feet and cuddle, and

he gets turned on by just looking into my eyes!”

– Maria, Perth, Australia

“I am happy and satisfied with life. I no longer feel as if I have been dealt a

“bad hand.” I love myself and find I am quite pleased at what a good

person I am! I had felt left out in the cold for a long time, but now I feel as if I

have come home. I am no longer living someone else’s life but living my

own authentic life. Thank you for teaching me to love myself. I believe I

have found a true treasure in you and your teachings!”

– Donnalee, Verdi, NV

“We got to know each other for 8 months before we went on our first date

which was a magical weekend in Istanbul. He is more than I could have

ever imagined! What is special about our time together is how we support

each other’s dreams and goals, and laugh a lot. We tell each other that we

love each other every day. My daughter told him that she would love to

have him as a father!”

– Maria, Kenya

“Maybe a month or two later, an amazing man walked into my life. I was at

my gym, looked up and found the most beautiful blue eyes looking at me.

His playfulness makes me feel alive like nothing else. Arielle, you rock! My

life has changed!”

– Dee, Ventura, CA

Luminaries Speak About The Soulmate Secret

“Arielle Ford provides a beautiful way to let go of any

hurts of the past and bring new love into your life today.

Practical, inspiring, and hopeful, The Soulmate Secret

leaves even the most cynical about love ready to find a


—Marianne Williamson,

author of Age of Miracles

“The Soulmate Secret will inspire you and give you a

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glimpse that this can be a magical journey and you can

truly attract, manifest and find your soulmate.”

—Deepak Chopra,

author of The Path to Love

“The Soulmate Secret is an insightful guide to attracting

genuine love into your life. Best of all, Arielle’s thriving

marriage is living proof that the tools she gives you can

produce magical results.”

—Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks,

authors of Conscious Loving

and Spirit-Centered Relationships

“Arielle Ford, in inspiring and encouraging terms, offers

from her direct experience how to prepare in

consciousness, heart and spirit to magnetize, recognize

and respond to the soul’s call for an authentic, conscious

love relationship.”

—Michael Bernard Beckwith,

author of Spiritual Liberation

“The Soulmate Secret contains the recipe for love,

romance, and unimaginable futures, a recipe that I

watched my sister Arielle Ford create and live. With clarity

and insight, this book outlines all the ingredients for

getting the love that you truly desire and deserve. Read it

now and let the love begin.”

—Debbie Ford,

author of When Good

People Do Bad Things

Here’s What You’ll Receive



In each Course Session, I will teach you

and guide you, step-by-step, through the

techniques and rituals for manifesting

the love of your life using The Soulmate

Secret. Through these Course Sessions, you will be

able to clarify who the right partner for you is, clear

emotional clutter to make the space necessary for a

soulmate to enter your life, and invoke the right

energetic vibration to create true and lasting love.

Wednesday, June 12th at 5pm Pacific

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Wednesday, June 19th at 5pm Pacific

Wednesday, June 26th at 5pm Pacific

Wednesday, July 3rd at 5pm Pacific

Wednesday, July 10th at 5pm Pacific

Wednesday, July 17th at 5pm Pacific

Wednesday, July 24th at 5pm Pacific

If you can’t make the Course Sessions live, don’t worry! All will be available to

you for download soon after their initial broadcast.

During these Q&A sessions, I will be

spending time on the questions that are

most relevant to course participants.

These detailed answers will take you

deeper into the material so you can more fully

understand and embody the principles and

techniques of The Soulmate Secret.

Q&A Session Schedule:

Thursday, June 27th at 5pm Pacific

Thursday, July 11th at 5pm Pacific

Thursday, July 25th at 5pm Pacific

If you can’t make the Q&A Sessions live, don’t worry! All will be available for

you to download soon after their initial broadcast.

Immediately after each Course Session

and Q&A, you’ll have the opportunity to

participate in a 30 minute Interactive

Session. During these calls, you can interact by

phone with other participants exploring the material

from that week. We use the innovative

MaestroConference platform for these sessions,

which enables us to break up into groups, just like a live workshop.

NOTE: The Interactive Sessions are live discussions, so you will need a phone

or Skype to speak on the call. Alternatively, you can listen to the Interactive

Sessions over the web and explore the questions as a personal, guided

reflection practice.

To guide and support you through the

manifestation process, I have created

weekly practices and personal reflection

assignments that will unlock your hidden powers of

attraction to help create what you want most in your

love life. When you follow these assignments

carefully, you will begin to feel your love vibration

increase and you’ll sense a shift in your ability to

attract your Soulmate.

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Exclusive Soulmate Secret BonusSeminars and Workshops

In addition to your weekly Course Sessions, you’ll

receive a series of seminars with today’s leading

experts on attracting and manifesting Big Love:

Download the audio recording of each week’s Course Session to

follow along, review, and refer back to. The magnetic, magical

power of your manifestations will be increased two-fold every

time you listen back to a Session. You’ll also receive access to

audio recordings of all Q&A sessions.

PDF transcripts are a great resource to

go back to and quickly reference key

concepts and answers to frequently

asked questions as you step fully into The Soulmate

Secret teachings and principles.

Bonus #1 – Exclusive Audio Seminar

How to Truly Love Yourself, Someone Else, and Everyone!

with Robert Holden, Ph.D. ($47 Value)

Every experience of happiness, health and

abundance you have in your life comes from

your ability to love and be loved. It is the key to

happiness, and to the evolution of our world. It is

the key to everything.

In order to further support you in your adventure

to manifest your soulmate, this seminar will help

you to develop the powerful key to living in a

state of “love” for yourself, your soulmate soon to come, and

everyone in the world.

Bestselling author Robert Holden is going to share a wealth of tools

and approaches with you that will instantly raise your loveability!

In this 60-minute audio seminar, you’ll discover how to . . .

Look in the mirror and let go of self-judgement so you can truly

see yourself and love what you see

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Create a foundation for romantic love by allowing yourself to truly

feel love and extend that love to everyone

Use forgiveness as a tool for learning from your past instead of

continuing to be punished by it

Go from simply falling in love, to truly being in love

Robert Holden, Ph.D, is the author of the bestselling books,

Happiness NOW! and Shift Happens! He is also the Director of The

Happiness Project and Success Intelligence. His innovative work has

been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, PBS, and in two

major BBC-TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to

Be Happy, shown in 16 countries to more than 30 million viewers. His

latest book is called Loveability.

Bonus #2 – Exclusive Audio Seminar

How to Tap Your Heart’s Desire into Existence& Finally Get the Love You Want

with EFT Meridian Tapping Expert Kate Beeders ($47 Value)

As you are preparing yourself to meet your

soulmate, there are many challenges you may

face inside yourself. These are often caused by

false beliefs about who you are and about the

world. Beliefs that were created when you were

only a child.

It’s very possible that your desire to be in a

passionate, loving and supportive romantic

relationship is being blocked by a belief, deep down inside you, that

you’re not really good enough to deserve that kind of love?

During this seminar, Kate Beeders will teach you her unique approach

to the powerful EFT Tapping technique. This technique will help you

to experience profound shifts in your relationship with yourself,

others, and the world around you.

And once you make those shifts, you’ll far more easily attract

everything you could ever want into your life . . . including your


In this 60-minute audio seminar, you’ll discover . . .

How your mindset determines what you attract in your life, and

how to shift it to success

How to release the painful memories and false beliefs trapped in

your subconscious

An “easy-to-use” tapping technique to quickly shift beliefs about

yourself from those of disappointment and doubt to confidence

and self-love

A technique to release your fears of getting hurt again in a

relationship, and even fears of the unknown of what it will be like

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when you finally do meet the man of your dreams

Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach and a

master of the EFT Tapping technique. She was a featured presenter at

Nick Ortner’s 2011 and 2012 Tapping World Summits, and hosts a

regular radio show called Tapping to Success.

Bonus #3 – Exclusive Membership

Six-Month Membership In Our Private Soulmate Secret“Path to Love” Facebook Community

Arielle has created this special, private

Soulmate Secret ”Path to Love” Facebook

Community to ensure you have the most

complete and nurturing experience possible

both during and after the course.

It will be a place where you can share your

ah-ha moments, shifts and transformations,

as well as your experience, strength and

hope with others who are immersed in the same process you are.

You’ll also be able to connect with our Certified Love & Relationship

Coaches who will be there supporting you at every turn as you move

through The Soulmate Secret journey that will change your life for the

better in every way.

Register by Wednesday, May 29th by

Midnight Pacific Time and Also Receive:

Early RSVP Bonus #1:

Getting in Sync with the Opposite Sex:The Secrets Men and Women Need to Know About Each

Other to Create Deep, Lasting Love

Bonus Seminar with Alison Armstrong (Value: $47)

Have you ever felt out of sync with the opposite

sex? That no matter what you try, there’s

something blocking you from truly experiencing

a profound connection and truly “clicking” with

someone? Join Alison Armstrong in this powerful

bonus seminar where she discusses what might

be keeping you out of sync with your future


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Join me as I guide and support you through the excitingprocess of manifesting your soulmate!

7-week Interactive Online Course begins on Wednesday, June 12th

During this seminar, Alison will reveal:

The one thing women do that always brings out the worst in men,

and how you probably do it without even knowing it.

The top 3 things women are doing that ruin their chances for

success with men.

The 4 most attractive qualities to men, and how you can

authentically embody them.

Why women are wrong when they say men are “shallow” or

“emotionally handicapped” and the surprising truth that will

change everything.

Alison Armstrong is an author, educator, and designer of the wildly

acclaimed Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop series.

Early RSVP Bonus #2:

Making the Space for Love: Learn How to Release Stressand Overwhelm to Raise Your Love Vibration

Bonus Seminar with Joan Borysenko, Victoria Moran and Christine

Arylo (Value $47)

You’re a high achieving, successful person, which means you’re also

too often stressed, overworked and over-scheduled. You may think,

“I’m too busy to find love!” But you know you just can’t keep putting

off this important part of your life anymore.

During this bonus seminar with three internationally recognized

authorities, you will . . .

Make a conscious choice to change your romantic destiny

Learn simple things you can do to add more pleasure to each

day, reduce stress, and become more effective in every area of

your life

Learn how to make time for love, even when you hold down a

full-time (or over-time!) career

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What exactly will I learn?

There’s so much it’s hard to know where to start, but among the powerful

techniques and processes you will learn first and foremost how to identify

and clarify in your heart a complete vision of your future soulmate. You’ll

learn to use powerful visualization and “feelingization” techniques, be able

to clear out the emotional clutter and obstacles that are blocking true love

from entering into your life, and—most importantly—learn a unique way to

use manifestation techniques to create Big Love.

Why should I take the course if I can just read the book?

Not only have I brought a wealth of new insight and experience into the

course over the years since the book came out, but it has been shown

that learning through a process where you’re guided and mentored by an

expert to be highly effective in creating real and rapid change and success

in people’s lives. And this also includes everything I’ve tested and

developed since writing the book.

How does this course work?

This is an online audio course, meaning that each lesson will be accessible

via phone or via exclusive online access. All content will also be available

for downloading after the live session broadcast, including audio recordings

of each lesson, transcripts, bonus practices, rituals and more.

Participants from all over the world can access the entire course, both by

live participation and by future study of the materials at their own time and

pace. You will always have unlimited, lifetime access to all The Soulmate

Secret Online Course materials.

Do I need any special equipment?


Two ways to register

Register Now!

3 payments of $147

Register Now!

1 payment of $397

Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course

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The only equipment you’ll need is a computer with an internet connection,

or a telephone (preferably a land line).

The Soulmate Secret


Guarantee #1: Quality

If for any reason you don’t absolutely love The Soulmate Secret

Course, simply email me at [email protected] any

time within 30 days of the course start date and you will receive a

prompt and courteous refund. Plus I will insist you keep all the bonus

gifts for free just for trying this course out.

Guarantee #2: Results

If upon trying the first exercise in The Soulmate Secret Course you do

not experience a breakthrough or ah-ha for yourself, contact our team

for guidance. I will also be supporting you every step of the way,

particularly in those areas I know people tend to get stuck. I mean it

when I say The Soulmate Secret course can help anyone break

through to powerful love magnetism, and I’ll do everything in my

power to help you prove it to yourself.

Guarantee #3: Impact on Your Life

If upon listening to the 7 Course Sessions, experiencing the

Feelingizations, practices and rituals, and going through the bonuses,

you still feel that your love magnetism hasn’t dramatically improved for

attracting your one true love, simply contact us. We will do our best to

address any concern. Or, if you just say the word, we will gladly give

you a prompt refund within 30 days of the start date of the course.

Your Soulmate Is Waiting For You

Many people make excuses to themselves for why

they can’t try to find their soulmate yet—why they

aren’t “ready.”

Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course

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And as long they are focused on making excuses,

they will never be ready.

Until you’re able to live your life as if your soulmate

was right there beside you, and feel that connection

to him as you walk along the street, eat dinner, attend events, or lie in bed,

you will probably never find him.

In The Soulmate Secret 7-week Interactive Course I will show you, step by

step, how to start preparing yourself in every way to not only meet your

soulmate but to have them as a part of your everyday life.

And then, whatever you might be doing—working on yourself spiritually,

physically, or emotionally, trying to move forward in your career, or reach

other goals—it will not only be easier but it will progress so much smoother

and faster with the adoration and support of your partner.

What you’ll discover is that soulmate love is very different from the other

relationships you’ve had. It’s not only much better, but it will make every

aspect of your life better and more meaningful, too.

Sign up to join me for this amazing 7-week journey, and I promise you that if

you do the work of the course, everything will change in surprising and

wonderful ways.

I will help you find your soulmate, and when you are finally with him, for the

first time in your life, it will feel like you are truly home.

To the happy and fulfilling road ahead of you!

Join The Soulmate Secret Live 7-Week Course with

Arielle Ford and receive:

The Soulmate Secret Course: Including 7 Course Sessions, 3 LIVE Q&As

with Arielle, 10 Interactive Sessions, Course Recordings, Practices &

Reflection Questions, and Course Transcripts (Value: $397)

How to Truly Love Yourself, Someone Else, and Everyone! Audio Seminar

with Robert Holden, Ph.D (Value: $47)

How To Tap Your Heart’s Desire into Existence and Finally Get The Love

You Want Audio Seminar with Kate Beeders (Value: $47)

6 month membership in The Soulmate Secret private Facebook

Community (Value: $97)



Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course

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Visit our FAQ page for answers to our most commonly asked questions.

For help registering or if you have other questions,

write to us at [email protected] or call us at 510-431-2131.

Terms and Conditions

Copyright © 2013 Evolving Wisdom


Join me as I guide and support you through the excitingprocess of manifesting your soulmate!

7-week Interactive Online Course begins on Wednesday, June 12th

Two ways to register

Register Now!

3 payments of $147

Register Now!

1 payment of $397

Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course

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