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  • 1. Spanish-American War and U.S. Imperialism
    • 10 thgrade Social Studies

2. Learning Target: *Trace the development of the U.S. As a world power with emphasis on: A.the Spanish-American War B.U.S. Imperialism in the Far East, South Pacific, Caribbean and Central America 3. From Expansion to Imperialism

  • Growing desire for new U.S. markets

4. Wanted to invest in and trade with foreign markets 5. Captain Alfred T. Mahan-the U.S. must sell in a foreign market-needed strong Navy to protect that market 6. A strong Navy would need colonies for overseas naval bases 7. Continued

  • Many Americans wanted to spread ideas of Christianity and Democracy.

8. We had a moral obligation to spread Christianity.....White Man's Burden?! 9. According to Reverend Josiah Strong in 1885: Americans were a special, God-favored Anglo-Saxon race who served as the representatives of the purest Christianity, the highest civilization.Americans have an instinct or genius for colonizing and should thus follow their imperial destiny to lift up other societies... 10. The debate over Imperialism

  • Many believed it was necessary for U.S. prosperity

11. Others were wary of Imperialism

  • Did not want to compete with Europe in Africa and Asia

12. Trade should not lead to control 13. May weaken institutions at home 14. Invite war 15. Violate the American idea of self-determination 16. Revolution in Cuba

  • The Cuban people wanted independence from Spain

17. Identified the plight with American Revolution 18. Attraction of sugar plantations 19. Americans put a tariff on sugar-hurt Cuban economy (aka Spain) 20. Cuban Revolution

  • A revolution was launched by Cubans in the U.S.

21. Many Cuban citizens were forced into horrible camps during the revolution 22. of the Cuban population died in the camps 23. America kept a close watch

  • Investments

24. Conditions in camps sensationalized 25. Started to become angry with Spain 26. President William McKinley

  • Elected president in 1896

27. Wanted to avoid war 28. Platform=claims to Hawaii and the Virgin Islands; Cuban Independence 29. Ordered the battleship Maine into Havana Harbor in Cuba to show concern and protect U.S. interests 30. Maine Disaster!

  • The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor, killing 260 Americans

31. In response to the tragedy, headlines in American papers called for revenge: Remember the Maine 32. There was never any evidence to prove who blew up the ship 33. Americans blamed Spain 34. (in 1976 it was found that a faulty boiler may have caused the explosion....oops) 35. Yellow Journalism

  • Journalists pushed for military action

36. Sensational headlines and stories, with little attention to facts, designed to grab the attention and stir up the emotions of readers 37. Hearst and Pulitzer

  • Many stories were fabricated

38. McKinley Calls for war...

  • Political and Public pressure

39. War began in the Philippines-U.S. Defeated the Spanish with the help of Emilio Aguinaldo 40. Many African-Americans fought in Cuba 41. Rough Riders

  • Teddy's Terrors

42. Embodied the spirit of war 43. Stormed San Juan Hill 44. The Splendid Little War

  • Besides yellow fever, and many soldiers dead from food poisoning... .

45. The treaty of Paris gave independence to Cuba, and gave the U.S. Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines 46. U.S. developed the Platt Amendment for Cuba 47. America would also eventually control Hawaii and Samoa 48. Be a Yellow Journalist

  • Using the ideas of Imperialism,create a piece of yellow journalism about an event in the U.S. past or present.It must include the following:
  • A sensational headline

49. A shocking photograph or drawing 50. A one-two paragraph article about the event 51. The article should focus on the most shocking, sensational, or emotional aspects of the event.