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Speaker Localization and Tracking with aMicrophone Array on a Mobile Robot Using von

Mises Distribution and Particle FilteringIvan Markovic and Ivan Petrovic

Abstract—This paper deals with the problem of localizing andtracking a moving speaker over the full range around the mobilerobot. The problem is solved by taking advantage of the phaseshift between signals received at spatially separated microphones.The proposed algorithm is based on estimating the time differenceof arrival by maximizing the weighted cross-correlation functionin order to determine the azimuth angle of the detected speaker.The cross-correlation is enhanced with an adaptive signal-to-noiseestimation algorithm to make the azimuth estimation more robustin noisy surroundings. A post processing technique is proposedin which each of these microphone-pair determined azimuthsare further combined into a mixture of von Mises distributions,thus producing a practical probabilistic representation of themicrophone array measurement. It is shown that this distribu-tion is inherently multimodal and that the system at hand isnon-linear. Therefore, particle filtering is applied for discreterepresentation of the distribution function. Furthermore, twomost common microphone array geometries are analysed andexhaustive experiments were conducted in order to qualitativelyand quantitatively test the algorithm and compare the twogeometries. Also, a voice activity detection algorithm based onthe before mention signal-to-noise estimator was implementedand incorporated into the existing speaker localization system.The results show that the algorithm can reliably and accuratelylocalize and track a moving speaker.


In biological lifeforms hearing, as one of the traditional fivesenses, elegantly supplement other senses as being omnidi-rectional, not limited by physical obstacles, and absence oflight. Inspired by these unique properties, researchers strivetowards endowing mobile robots with auditory systems tofurther enhance human–robot interaction, not only by means ofcommunication but also, just as humans do, to make intelligentanalysis of the surrounding environment. By providing speakerlocation to other mobile robot systems, like path planning,speech and speaker recognition, such system would be a stepforward in developing a fully functional human–aware mobilerobots.

The auditory system must provide robust and non–ambiguous estimate of the speaker location, and must beupdated frequently in order to be useful in practical trackingapplications. Furthermore, the estimator must be computation-ally non-demanding and possess a short processing latency to

This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sportsof the Republic of Croatia under grant No. 036-0363078-3018.

Ivan Markovic and Ivan Petrovic are with the Faculty of Electrical En-gineering, Department of Control and Computer Engineering, University ofZagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, {[email protected],[email protected]}

make it practical for real-time systems. The afore mentionedrequirements and the fact of an auditory system being placedon a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantlychanging acoustic conditions, make speaker localization andtracking a formidable problem.

Existing speaker localization strategies can be categorizedin four general groups. The first group of algorithms referto beamforming methods in which the array is steered tovarious locations of interest and searches for the peak in theoutput power [1], [2], [3], [4]. The second group includesbeamforming methods based upon analysis of spatiospectralcorrelation matrix derived from the signals received at themicrophones [5]. The third group relies on computationalsimulations of the physiologically known parts of the hearingsystem, e.g. binaural cue processing [6], [7], [8]. The fourthgroup of localization strategies is based on estimating thetime difference of arrival (TDOA) of the speech signalsrelative to pairs of spatially separated microphones and thenusing that information to infer about the speaker location.Estimation of the TDOA and speaker localization from TDOAare two separate problems. The former is usually calculatedby maximizing the weighted cross-correlation function [9],while the latter is commonly known as multilateration, i.e.hyperbolic positioning, which is a problem of calculating thesource location by finding the intersection of at least twohyperbolae [10], [11], [12], [13]. In mobile robotics, dueto small microphone array dimensions, usually hyperbolaeintersection is not calculated, only the angle (azimuth and/orelevation) is estimated [14], [15], [16], [17], [18].

Even though the TDOA estimation based methods areoutperformed to a certain degree by several more elaborate me-thods [19], [20], [21], they still prove to be extremely effectivedue to their elegance and low computational costs. This paperproposes a new speaker localization and tracking method basedon TDOA estimation, probabilistic measurement modellingbased on von Mises distribution, and particle filtering. Speakerlocalization and tracking based on particle filtering was alsoused in [1], [31], [34], [37], but the novelty of this paper is theproposed measurement model used for a posteriori inferenceabout the speaker location. The benefits of the proposedapproach are that it solves the front-back ambiguity, increasesthe robustness by using all the available measurements, andlocalizes and tracks a speaker over the full range around themobile robot, while keeping low computational complexity ofTDOA estimation based algorithms.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II

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describes the implemented azimuth estimation method andthe voice activity detector. Section III analyses Y and squaremicrophone array geometries, while Section IV defines theframework for the particle filtering algorithm, introduces thevon Mises distribution, the proposed measurement model,and describes in detail the implemented algorithm. SectionV presents the conducted experiments. In the end, Section VIconcludes the paper and presents future works.


The main idea behind TDOA-based locators is a two stepone. Firstly, TDOA estimation of the speech signals relativeto pairs of spatially separated microphones is performed.Secondly, this data is used to infer about speaker location. TheTDOA estimation algorithm for two microphones is describedfirst.

A. Principle of TDOA

A windowed frame of L samples is considered. In orderto determine the delay ∆τij in the signal captured by twodifferent microphones ( i and j ), it is necessary to define a co-herence measure which will yield an explicit global peak at thecorrect delay. Cross-correlation is the most common choice,since we have at two spatially separated microphones (in anideal homogeneous, dispersion-free and lossless scenario) twoidentical time-shifted signals. Cross-correlation is defined bythe following expression:

Rij(∆τ) =L−1∑n=0

xi[n]xj [n−∆τ ], (1)

where xi and xj are the signals received by microphone iand j, respectively. As stated earlier, Rij is maximal whencorrelation lag in samples, ∆τ , is equal to the delay betweenthe two received signals.

The most appealing property of the cross-correlation isthe ability to perform calculation in the frequency domain,thus significantly lowering the computational intensity of thealgorithm. Since we are dealing with finite signal frames, wecan only estimate the cross-correlation:

Rij(∆τ) =L−1∑


Xi(k)X∗j (k)ej2π k∆τ

L , (2)

where Xi(k) and Xj(k) are the discrete Fourier trans-forms (DFTs) of xi[n] and xj [n], and (.)∗ denotes complex-conjugate. We are windowing the frames with rectangularwindow and no overlap. Therefore, before applying Fouriertransform to signals xi and xj , it is necessary to zero-padthem with at least L zeros, since we want to calculate linear,and not circular convolution.

A major limitation of the cross-correlation given by (2)is that the correlation between adjacent samples is high,which has an effect of wide cross-correlation peaks. Therefore,appropriate weighting should be used.

B. Spectral weighting

The problem of wide peaks in unweighted, i.e. general-ized, cross-correlation (GCC) can be solved by whitening thespectrum of signals prior to computing the cross-correlation.The most common weighting function is the phase transform(PHAT) which, as it has been shown in [9], under certainassumptions yields maximum likelihood (ML) estimator. WhatPHAT function (ψPHAT = 1/|Xi(k)||X∗

j (k)|) does, is that itwhitens the cross-spectrum of signals xi and xj , thus givinga sharpened peak at the true delay. In the frequency domain,GCC-PHAT is computed as:

RPHATij (∆τ) =



Xi(k)X∗j (k)

|Xi(k)| |Xj(k)|ej2π k∆τ

L . (3)

The main drawback of the GCC with PHAT weighting isthat it equally weights all frequency bins regardless of thesignal-to-noise ratio (SNR), thus making the system less robustto noise. To overcome this issue, as proposed in [1], a modifiedweighting function based on SNR is incorporated into GCCframework.

Firstly, a gain function for such modification is introduced(this is simply a Wiener gain):

Gni (k) =

ξni (k)

1 + ξni (k)

, (4)

where ξni (k) is the a priori SNR at the i th microphone, at

time frame n, for frequency bin k and ξ0i = ξmin. The a priori

SNR is defined as ξni (k) = λn

i,x(k)/λni (k), where λn

i,x(k) andλn

i (k) are the speech and noise variance, respectively. It iscalculated by using the decision-directed estimation approachproposed in [22]:

ξni (k) = αe[Gn−1

i (k)]2γn−1i (k)+(1−αe)max{γn

i (k)−1, 0},(5)

where αe is the adaptation rate, γni = |Xn

i (k)|2/λni (k) is the

a posteriori SNR, and λ0i (k) = |X0

i (k)|2.In stationary noise environments, the noise variance of each

frequency bin is time invariant, i.e. λni (k) = λi(k) for all n.

But if the microphone array is placed on a mobile robot, mostsurely due to robot’s changing location, we will have to dealwith non-stationary noise environments. An algorithm used toestimate λn

i (k) is based on minima controlled recursive ave-raging (MCRA) developed in [23], [24]. The noise spectrumis estimated by averaging past spectral power values, using asmoothing parameter that is adjusted by the speech presenceprobability. Speech absence in a given frame of a frequencybin is determined by the ratio between the local energy of thenoisy signal and its minimum within a specified time window.The smaller the ratio in a given spectrum, more probable theabsence of speech is. Further improvement can be made in (4)by using a different spectral gain function [25].

To make the TDOA estimation more robust to reverberation,it is possible to modify the noise estimate λn

i (k) to include areverberation term λn


λni (k) 7→ λn

i (k) + λni,rev(k), (6)

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where λni,rev is defined using reverberation model with expo-

nential decay [1]:

λni,rev(k) = αrevλ

n−1i,rev (k) + (1− αrev)δ|Gn−1

i (k)Xn−1i (k)|2,

(7)where αrev is the reverberation decay, δ is the level ofreverberation and λ0

i,rev(k) = 0. Equation (7) can be seen asmodelling the precedence effect [26], [27], in order to giveless weight to frequencies where recently a loud sound waspresent.

Using just PHAT weighting, poor results were obtained andwe concluded that the effect of the PHAT function should betuned down. As it was explained and shown in [28], the mainreason for this approach is that speech can exhibit both wide-band and narrow-band characteristics. For example, if utteringthe word ”shoe”, ”sh” component acts as a wide-band signaland voiced component ”oe” as a narrow-band signal.

Based on the discussion above, the enhanced GCC-PHAT-βhas the following form:

RPHAT-βeij (∆τ) =



Gi(k)Xi(k)Gj(k)X∗j (k)

(|Xi(k)| |Xj(k)|)βej2π k∆τ

L .

(8)where 0 < β < 1 is the tuning parameter.

C. Voice Activity Detector

At this point it would be practical to devise a way ofdiscerning if the processed signal frame contains speech ornot. This method would prevent misguided interpretations ofthe TDOA estimation due to speech absence, i.e. estimationfrom signal frames consisting of noise only. Implementedvoice activity detector (VAD) is a statistical model-based one,originating from methods proposed in [22], [23], [29].

Basically, two hypotheses are considered; Hn0 (k) and

Hn1 (k), indicating respectively, speech absence and presence

in the frequency bin k of the frame n. Observing DFT Xi(k) ofthe signal at microphone i, the DFT coefficients are modelledas complex Gaussian variables. Accordingly, the conditionalprobability density functions (pdfs) of Xi(k) are given by:

p(Xni (k)|Hn

0 (k)) =1

πλni (k)


ni (k)|2

λni (k)


p(Xni (k)|Hn

1 (k)) =1

π(λni (k) + λn



(− |Xn

i (k)|2λn

i (k) + λni,x(k)

). (9)

Likelihood Ratio (LR) of the frequency bin k is given by:

Λni (k) =

p(Xni (k)|Hn

1 (k))p(Xn

i (k)|Hn0 (k))


1 + ξni (k)


γni (k)ξn

i (k)1 + ξn

i (k)

). (10)

Figure 1 shows recorded speech and its scaled LR. It can beseen that the algorithm is successful in discriminating betweenspeech and non-speech regions. The rise in LR value at thebeginning of the recording is due to training of the SNR

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5−0.4










time [s]



Microphone signalScaled LR

Fig. 1: Recorded speech signal with corresponding scaledlikelihood ratio

estimator. Finally, a binary-decision procedure is made basedon the geometric mean of LRs:




log Λni (k)



η, (11)

where a signal frame is classified as speech if the geometricmean of LRs exceed a certain threshold value η. This methodcan be further enhanced by calculating mean of optimallyweighted LRs [30]. Also, instead of using a binary-decisionprocedure, VAD output can be a parameter based on SNR indi-cating the level of signal corruption, thus effectively informinga tracking algorithm to what extent measurements should betaken into account [31].

D. Direction of Arrival Estimation

The TDOA between microphones i and j can be found bylocating the peak in the cross-correlation:

∆τij = arg max∆τ

RPHAT−βeij (∆τ). (12)

Once TDOA estimation is performed, it is possible to computethe azimuth of the sound source through series of geometricalcalculations. It is assumed that the distance to the source ismuch larger than the array aperture, i.e. we assume the socalled far-field scenario. Thus the expanding acoustical wave-front is modelled as a planar wavefront. Although this mightnot always be the case, being that human-robot interactionis actually a mixture of far-field and near-field scenarios, thismathematical simplification is still a reasonable one. Using thecosine law we can state the following (Fig. 2):

ϕij = ± arccos(



), (13)

where aij is the distance between the microphones, c is thespeed of sound, and ϕij is the direction of arrival (DOA) angle.

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Fig. 2: Direction of arrival angle transformation

Since we will be using more than two microphones onemust make the following transformation in order to fuse theestimated DOAs. Instead of measuring the angle ϕij fromthe baseline of the microphones, transformation to azimuthθij measured from the x axis of the array coordinate system(bearing line is parallel with the x axis when θij = 0◦)is performed. The transformation is done with the followingequation (angles ϕ+

24 and θ+24 in Fig. 2):

θ±ij = αij ± ϕij

= atan2(

yj − yi

xj − xi

)± arccos



). (14)

At this point one should note the following:• under the far-field assumption, all the DOA angles me-

asured anywhere on the baseline of the microphonesare equal, since the bearing line is perpendicular to theexpanding planar wavefront (angles θ−12 and θ+

24 in Fig.2)

• front-back ambiguity is inherent when using only twomicrophones (angles ϕ−34 and ϕ+

34 in Fig. 2).Having M microphones, (14) will yield 2 · (M



azimuth values. How to solve the front-back ambiguity andfuse the measurements is explained in Section IV.


The authors find that microphone arrangement on a mobilerobot is also an important issue and should be carefullyanalysed. If we constrain the microphone placement in 2D,then two most common configurations present:• square array – four microphones are placed on the ver-

tices of a square. The origin of the reference coordinatesystem is at the intersection of the diagonals

• Y array – three microphones are places on the vertices ofan equilateral triangle, and the fourth is in the orthocenterwhich represents the origin of the reference coordinatesystem.

The dimensions of the microphone array depend on the type ofthe surface it is placed on. In this paper two microphone arrayconfigurations are compared as if placed on a circular surfacewith fixed radius r (see Fig. 3). Hence, both arrays are defined

by their respective square and triangle side length a, which isequal to a = r

√2 and a = r

√3, respectively. Estimation of

TDOA is influenced by the background noise, channel noiseand reverberation, and the goal of (8) is to make the respectiveestimation as insensitive as possible to these influences. Underassumption that the microphone coordinates are measuredaccurately, we can see from (14) that the estimation of azimuthθ±ij depends solely on the estimation of TDOA. Therefore, itis reasonable to analyse the sensitivity of azimuth estimationto TDOA estimation error. Furthermore, it is shown that thissensitivity depends on the microphone array configuration.

Firstly, we define the error sensitivity of azimuth estimationto TDOA measurement, sij , as follows [32]:

sij =∂θij

∂(∆τij). (15)

By substituting (13) and (14) into (15) and applying simpletrigonometric transformations, we gain the following expres-sion:

sij =c


1| sin(θij − αij)| . (16)

From (16) we can see that there are two means by whicherror sensitivity can be decreased. The first is by increasingthe distance between the microphones aij . This is kept underconstraint of the robot dimensions and is analysed for circleradius r = 30 cm, thus yielding square side length a = 0.42cm and triangle side length a = 0.52 cm. The second is tokeep the azimuth θij as close to 90◦ relative to αij as possible.This way we are ensuring that the impinging source wavewill be parallel to the microphones baseline. This conditioncould be satisfied if all the microphone pair baselines havethe maximum variety of different orientations.

For the sake of the argument, let us set c = 1. The errorsensitivity curves sij , as a function of azimuth θij , for Y andsquare array are shown in Fig. 4. We can see from Fig. 4 thatthe distance between the microphones aij mostly contributesto the offset of the sensitivity curves, and that the variety oforientations affects the effectiveness of angle coverage. For Yarray, Fig. 4 shows two groups of sensitivity curves: one foraij = r, the length of the baseline connecting the microphoneson the vertices with the microphone in the orthocenter, and

Fig. 3: Possible array placement scenarios

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500






azimuth [◦]


aij = r


aij = 2r

aij = r

aij = r


Fig. 4: Error sensitivity of azimuth estimation for Y (upperplot) and square array (bottom plot)

other for aij = r√

3, the length of the baseline connecting themicrophones on the vertices of the triangle. The first grouphas the largest error sensitivity value of 3.8 approximately,and the second group has the largest error sensitivity value of2.2 approximately. For the square array, Fig. 4 shows also twogroups of sensitivity curves: one for aij = r

√2, the side length

of the square, and the other for aij = 2r, the diagonal lengthof the square. The first group has the largest error sensitivityvalue of 3.3 approximately, and the second group has thelargest error sensitivity value of 2.3 approximately. From theabove discussion we can see that the Y array maximisesbaseline orientation variety, while the square array maximisestotal baseline length (this length is defined as sum of all thedistances between the microphones and is in favour by factor1.2 for square array). This type of analysis can also be easilymade for bigger and more complex microphone array systemsin order to search for the best possible microphone placements.

A possible scenario is that one of the microphones getsoccluded and its measurement is unavailable or completelywrong. For Y array we have selected that one of the mi-crophones on the vertices is occluded, since this is the mostprobable case, and for the square array it makes no difference,since the situation is only symmetrical for any microphone.Robustness of error sensitivity with respect to microphoneocclusion is shown in Fig. 5 for both Y and square array,from which it can be seen that the result is far worse for Yarray. This is logical, since we removed from the configurationtwo microphone pairs with largest baseline lengths. From theabove discussion we can conclude that the square array is morerobust to microphone occlusion.

Since we are utilising all microphone pair measurementsto estimate azimuth, it is practical to compare joint errorsensitivity (JES) curves, which we define as:

JES =∑

{i,j}sij , ∀ {i, j} microphone pairs. (17)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500






azimuth [◦]


Fig. 5: Error sensitivity of azimuth estimation for Y (upperplot) and square array (bottom plot) with one microphoneoccluded

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500










azimuth [◦]






JES for Y−arrayJES for square array

Fig. 6: Joint error sensitivitiy curves for both Y and squaremicrophone array configurations

Figure 6 shows both JES curves for Y and square array.We can see that there are two different peaks for bothconfigurations. The peaks for Y array come from the factthat it has two different baseline lengths. The same appliesfor square array, which additionally has the largest peak dueto the fact that baselines of two couples of microphone pairscover the same angle.

To conclude, we can state the following; although Y arrayconfiguration places microphones in such a way that no twomicrophone-pair baselines are parallel (thus ensuring maxi-mum orientation variety), square array has larger total baselinelength, yielding smaller overall error sensitivity and greaterrobustness to microphone occlusion.

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Furthermore, when considering microphone placement ona mobile robot from a practical point of view, square arrayhas one more advantage. If the microphones are placed on thebody of the robot (as opposed to the top of the robot, e.g. thehead), problem occurs for Y array configuration consideringthe placement of the fourth microphone (the one in the ortho-center). However, the advantages of Y array should not be leftout when considering tetrahedra microphone configurations(see [33], for e.g.). Also if the two configurations are analysedwith both having the same total baseline length, Y array wouldprove to have superior angle resolution [14].


The problem at hand is to analyse and make inferenceabout a dynamic system. For that, two models are required:one predicting the evolution of the speaker state over time(system model), and second relating the noisy measurements tothe speaker state (measurement model). We assume that bothmodels are available in probabilistic form. Thus, the approachto dynamic state estimation consists of constructing the aposteriori pdf of the state based on all available information,including the set of received measurements, which are furthercombined due to circular nature of the data, as a mixture ofvon Mises distributions.

Before presenting the models and the algorithm in details,we describe in general major successive steps of the algorithm.The algorithm starts with an initialization step at which weassume that the speaker can be located anywhere around themobile robot, i.e. we assume that the angle has a uniformdistribution. Any further action is taken only if voice activityis detected by the VAD described in II-C. When the VADcondition is fulfilled, the algorithm proceeds with predictingthe state of the speaker trough the sound source dynamicsmodel described in Section IV-A. Once measurements aretaken, a measurement model based on a mixture of vonMises distributions, described in Section IV-B, is constructed.Since this model is inherently multimodal, particle filteringapproach, described in Section IV-C, is utilised to representthe pdf of such measurement model and to effectively estimatethe speaker azimuth as the expected value this pdf.

A. Sound source dynamics model

The sound source dynamics is modelled by the well behavedLangevin motion model [34]:



]= α



]+ β









]+ δ





where [xk, yk]T is the location of the speaker, [xk, yk]T is thevelocity of the speaker at time index k, υx, υy ∼ N (0, συ)is the stohastic velocity disturbance, α and β are modelparameters, and δ is the time between update steps.

Although the state of the speaker is defined in 2D by (18),which is found to describe well motion of the speaker [1], [31],[34], [37], when working with such a small microphone array

like in mobile robotics, due to high uncertainty in distanceestimation only the speaker azimuth is determined [14], [32].Therefore the system state, i.e. the speaker azimuth, is definedvia the following equation:

θk = atan2(



). (19)

B. The von Mises distribution based measurement model

Measurement of the sound source state with M microphonescan be described by the following equation:

zk = hk(θk, nk), (20)

where hk(.) is a non-linear function with noise term nk,and zk = [θ±ij , . . . , θ

±M,M−1]k, i 6= j, {i, j} = {j, i} is the

measurement vector defined as a set of azimuths calculatedfrom (14). Working with M microphones gives N =


)microphone pairs and 2N azimuth measurements.

Since zk is a random variable of circular nature, it isappropriate to model it with the von Mises distribution. Thevon Mises distribution with its pdf is defined as [35], [36]:

p(θij |θk, κ) =1

2πI0(κ)exp[κ cos(θij − θk)], (21)

where 0 ≤ θij < 2π is the measured azimuth, 0 ≤ θk < 2π isthe mean direction, κ > 0 is the concentration parameter andI0(κ) is the modified Bessel function of the order zero. Besselfunction of the order m can be represented by the followinginfinite sum:

Im(x) =∞∑


(−1)k (x)2k+|m|

22k+|m|k! (|m|+ k!)2, |m| 6= 1

2. (22)

Mean direction θk is analogous to the mean of the normalGaussian distribution, while concentration parameter is anal-ogous to the inverse of the variance in the normal Gaussiandistribution. Also, circular variance can be calculated and isdefined as:

ϑ2 = 1− I1(κ)2

I0(κ)2, (23)

where I1(κ) is the modified Bessel function of order one.According to (14), a microphone pair { i, j } measures two

possible azimuths θ+ij and θ−ij . Since we cannot discern from a

single microphone pair which azimuth is correct, we can say,from a probabilistic point of view, that both angles are equallyprobable. Therefore, we propose to model each microphonepair as a sum of two von Mises distributions, yielding abimodal pdf of the following form:


(θ±ij,k|θk, κ

)= pij


ij,k|θk, κ)

+ pij

(θ−ij,k|θk, κ


= 12πI0(κ) exp

[κ cos


ij,k − θk


+ 12πI0(κ) exp

[κ cos

(θ−ij,k − θk



Having all pairs modelled as a sum of two von Misesdistributions, we propose a linear combination of all those

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180 0

azimuth [◦]

p(zk|θk, κ)

Fig. 7: A mixture of several von Mises distributions wrappedon a unit circle (most of them having a mode at 45◦)

pairs to represent the microphone array measurement model.Such a model has the following multimodal pdf:

p(zk |θk, κ) =1





(θ±ij,k|θk, κ

), (25)


βij = 1 is the mixture coefficient. These mixturecoefficients are selected so as to minimise the overall errorsensitivity. As it has been shown, the error sensitivity isfunction of the azimuth. The goal of the coefficients βij isto give more weight in (25) to the most reliable pdfs.

By looking at (16), we can see that the error sensitivityis the greatest when the argument in the sine function iszero. This corresponds to a situation when speaker is locatedat the baseline of a microphone pair. Furthermore, we cansee that the error sensitivity is the smallest when speakeris on a line perpendicular to the microphone pair baseline.Since we need the coefficients βij to give the least weightto a microphone pair in the former situation and the mostweight to a microphone pair in the latter situation, it wouldbe appropriate to calculate βij by inverting (16). However, weuse scaled and inverted (16):

βij =0.5 + |sin(θk−1 − αij)|

1.5. (26)

where the ratio c/aij is set to one, since it is constant, and thecoefficients are scaled so as to never cancel out completely apossibly unfavourable pdf. We can also see that the mixturecoefficients are a function of the estimated azimuth and thatthis form can only be applied after the first iteration of thealgorithm.

The model (25) represents our belief in the sound sourceazimuth. A graphical representation of the analytical (25) isshown in Fig. 7. Of all the 2N measurements, half of themwill measure the correct azimuth, while their counterparts from(14) will have different (not equal) values. So, by forming sucha linear opinion pool, pdf (25) will have a strong mode at thecorrect azimuth value.

C. Particle filtering

From a Bayesian perspective, we need to calculate somedegree of belief in the state θk, given the measurements zk.Thus, it is required to construct the pdf p(θk|zk) which bearsmultimodal nature due to TDOA based localization algorithm.Therefore, particle filtering algorithm is utilised, since it issuitable for non-linear systems and measurement equations,non-Gaussian noise, multimodal distributions, and it has beenshown in [1], [31], [34], [37] to be practical for sound sourcetracking. Moreover, in [1] it is successfully utilised to trackmultiple sound sources. Particle filtering method representsthe posterior density function p(θk|zk) by a set of randomsamples (particles) with associated weights and computesestimates based on these samples and weights. As the numberof samples becomes very large, this characterisation becomesan equivalent representation to the usual function descriptionof the posterior pdf, and the particle filter approaches theoptimal Bayesian estimate.

Let {θpk, wp

k}Pp=1 denote a random measure that characterises

the posterior pdf p(θk|zk), where {θpk, p = 1, . . . , P} is a set

of particles with associated weights {wpk, p = 1, . . . , P}. The

weights are normalised so that∑

p wpk = 1. Then, the posterior

density at k can be approximated as [38]:

p(θk|zk) ≈P∑


wpkδ(θk − θp

k), (27)

where δ(.) is the Dirac delta measure. Thus, we have a discreteweighted approximation to the true posterior, p(θk|zk).

The weights are calculated using the principle of importanceresampling, where the proposal distribution is given by (18).In accordance to the sequential importance resampling (SIR)scheme, the weight update equation is given by [38]:

wpk ∝ wp

k−1p(zk|θpk), (28)

where p(zk|θpk) is calculated by (25), thus replacing θk with

particles θpk.

The next important step in the particle filtering is theresampling. The resampling step involves generating a new setof particles by resampling (with replacement) P times froman approximate discrete representation of p(θk|zk). After theresampling all the particles have equal weights, which are thusreset to wp

k = 1/P . In the SIR scheme, resampling is applied ateach time index. Since we have wp

k−1 = 1/P ∀p, the weightsare simply calculated from:

wpk ∝ p(zk|θp

k). (29)

The weights given by the proportionality (29) are, of course,normalised before the resampling step. It is also possibleto perform particle filter size adaptation through the KLD-sampling procedure proposed in [39]. This would take placebefore the resampling step in order to reduce the computationalburden.

At each time index k and with M microphones, a set of 2Nazimuths is calculated with (14), thus forming measurement

Page 8: Speaker Localization and Tracking with a Microphone Array ... · on a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantly changing acoustic conditions, make speaker localization


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500







7x 10


particles θp

k [◦]






p k

p(zk|θk, κ)particles

Fig. 8: An unwraped discrete representation of the truep(zk |θk, κ)

vector zk from which an approximation of (25) is constructedby pointwise evaluation (see Fig. 8) with particle weights wp


calculated from (29) and (25).The θk is estimated, simply, as expected value of the

system’s state (19):

θk = E [θk] = atan2(


)= atan2

(E [sin(θk)]E [cos(θk)]


= atan2

(∑Pp=1 wp

k sin(θpk)

∑Pi=p wp

k cos(θpk)

), (30)

where E [ . ] is the expectation operator.

D. Algorithm summary

In order to get a clear overview of the complete algorithm,we present its flowchart diagram in Fig. 9, and hereafterdescribe each step of the algorithm with implementationdetails.

Initialization: At time instant k = 0 a particle set{θp

0 , wp0}P

p=1 (velocities x0, y0 set to zero) is generated anddistributed accordingly on a unit circle. Since the sound sourcecan be located anywhere around the robot, all the particleshave equal weights wp

0 = 1/P ∀p, i.e. we assume that theangle has a uniform distribution.

Voice activity detection: In the speaker detection part aVAD is applied to recorded signals. Firstly, LR is calculatedwith (10), and then a binary-decision procedure is madethrough (11). If the VAD result is smaller the threshold η, voice activity is detected, we proceed to a decision logicin which we either add white Gaussian noise (WGN) definedwith N (µc, σ

2c ) to particle positions, in order to account for

speaker moving during a silence period, or if this state lastslonger than a given threshold Ic, the algorithm is reset and wesimply go back to the initialization step. If the VAD result islarger then the threshold η, i.e. voice activity is detected, thenthe algorithm proceeds to speaker state prediction.

Prediction: In this step all the particles are propagatedaccording to the motion model given by (18).

Measurement model construction: Upon receiving TDOAmeasurements, DOAs are calculated from (14) and for eachDOA a bimodal pdf is constructed from (24). To form the pro-posed measurement model, all the bimodal pdfs are combinedto form (25). The particle weights are calculated from (29)and (25), and normalized so that

∑Pp=1 wp

k = 1.Azimuth estimation: At this point we have the approximate

discrete representation of the posterior density (25). Theazimuth is estimated from (30).

Resampling: This step is applied at each time index ensur-ing that the particles are resampled respective to their weights.After the resampling, all the particles have equal weights:{θp

k, wpk}P

p=1 → {θpk, 1/P}P

p=1. The SIR algorithm is used (see[38]), but particle size adaptation is not performed, since wehave a modest number of particles required for this algorithm.When the resampling is finished, the algorithm loops back tothe speaker detection step.


The proposed algorithm is thoroughly tested by simulationand experiments with a microphone array composed of fourmicrophones arranged in either Y or square geometry (de-pending on the experiment). The circle radius for both arrayconfigurations was set to r = 30 cm, yielding side length ofa = 0.52 cm for Y array and a = 0.42 cm for square array.





















Fig. 9: Flowchart diagram of the proposed algorithm

Page 9: Speaker Localization and Tracking with a Microphone Array ... · on a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantly changing acoustic conditions, make speaker localization


Hereafter we present first an illustrative simulation and thenthe experimental results.

A. Simulation

In order to get a deeper insight into particle behaviour, inthis section we present an illustrative simulation. We con-structed a measurement vector zk similar to one that wouldbe experienced during experiments. Six measurements weredistributed close to the true value (θ = 45◦), while the othersix were their counterparts, thus yielding:

zk =[θ−12 θ−13 θ+

14 θ+23 θ+

24 θ+34 θ+

12 θ+13 θ−14 θ−23 θ−24 θ−34


= [42◦ 44◦ 45◦ 45◦ 46◦ 48◦ 135◦ 75◦ 225◦ 15◦ 315◦ 255◦ ] .(31)

The algorithm was tested with such zk for the first fouriterations of the algorithm execution. The results are shownin Fig. 10 where particles before and after the resamplingare shown. We can see that in the first step the particlesare spread uniformly around the microphone array. After thefirst measurement, the particle weights are calculated and theparticles are resampled according to their respective weights.This procedure is repeated throughout the next iterations, andwe can see in Fig. 10 that the particles converge to the trueazimuth value.

B. Experiments

The microphone array consisting of four omnidirectionalmicrophones is placed on a Pioneer 3DX robot as shown inFig. 16. Audio interface is composed of low-cost microphones,pre-amplifiers and external USB soundcard (whole equipmentcosting circa d150). All the experiments were done in real-time, yielding L/Fs = 21.33 ms system response time. Real-time multichannel signal processing for the Matlab implemen-tation was realised with Playrec1 utility, while RtAudio API2

was used for the C/C++ implementation. The experimentswere conducted in a classroom which has dimensions of7m×7 m×3.2m, parquet wooden flooring, one side coveredwith windows and a reverberation time of 850 ms. Duringthe experiments, typical noise conditions were present, likecomputer noise and air ventilation. In the experiments twotypes of sound sources were used; a WGN source and a singlespeaker uttering a test sequence. The parameter values usedin all experiments are summed up in Tab. I.

The first set of experiments was conducted in order toqualitatively assess the performance of the algorithm. Two typeof experiments were performed; one with a stationary robotand the other with a moving robot.

In the experiments with a stationary robot Y array con-figuration was used, and a loud white noise sound source,since it represents the best-case scenario in which all thefrequency bins are dominated by the information about thesound source location. Two cases were analyzed. Figure 11shows the first case in which a sound source moved aroundthe mobile robot at a distance of 2 m making a full circle.


Figure 12 shows the results from the second case, where asound source made rapid angle changes at a distance of 2m under 0.5 s (initialization threshold was set to Ic = 10).Both experiments were repeated with smaller array dimensions(a=30 cm), resulting in smaller angle resolution, and nosignificant degradations to the algorithm were noticed.

In the experiment with a moving robot the speaker wasstationary and uttered a sequence of words with natural voiceamplitude. This experiment was also conducted with Y arrayconfiguration. The robot started at 3m away from the speakerand moved towards the speaker until reaching distance of 1m.Then the robot made a 180◦ turn and went back to the previousposition, where it made another 180◦ turn. The results formthis experiment are shown in Fig. 13.

The second set of experiments was conducted in order toquantitatively assess the performance of the algorithm. In orderto do so, a ground truth system needed to be established.The Pioneer 3DX platform on which the microphone arraywas placed is also equipped with SICK LMS200 laser rangefinder (LRF). Adaptive sample-based joint probabilistic dataassociation filter (ASJPDAF) for multiple moving objectsdeveloped in [40] was used for leg tracking. The authors findit to be a good reference system in controlled conditions.Measurement accuracy of the LMS200 LRF is ±35 mm, anddue to determining the speaker location as the centre betweenthe legs of the speaker, we estimate the accuracy of theASJPDAF algorithm to be less than 0.5◦. In the experiments, ahuman speaker walked around the robot uttering a sequence ofwords, or carried a mobile phone for white noise experiments,while the ASJPDAF algorithm measured range and azimuthfrom the LRF scan.

In this set of experiments three parameters were calcu-lated: detection reliability, root-mean-square error (RMSE)and standard deviation. To make comparison possible, thechosen parameters are similar to those in [1]. The detectionreliability is defined as the percentage of samples that fallwithin±5◦ from the ground truth azimuth, RMSE is calculatedas deviation from the ground truth azimuth, while standarddeviation is simply the deviation of the measured set from itsmean value.

The experiments were performed at three different rangesfor both the Y and square array configurations, and, further-more, for each configuration voice and white noise sourcewere used. The white noise source was a train of 50 element100 ms long bursts, and for the voice source speaker uttered:”Test, one, two, three”, until reaching the number of 50 wordsin a row. In both configurations the source changed angle in15◦ or 25◦ intervals, depending on the range, thus yielding intotal 4150 sounds played. The results of the experiments aresummed up in Tab. II, from which it can be seen (for both arrayconfigurations) that for close interaction the results are nearperfect. High detection rate and up to 2◦ error and standarddeviation rate at distance of 1.5 m are negligible. In general,for both array configurations performance slowly degrades asthe range increases. With the range increasing the far-fieldassumption does get stronger, but the angular resolution islower, thus resulting in higher error and standard deviation.Concerning different array configurations, it can be seen that

Page 10: Speaker Localization and Tracking with a Microphone Array ... · on a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantly changing acoustic conditions, make speaker localization


−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−1











x [m]



Initial particle setResampled particlesMicrophones

(a) k = 1

−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−1











x [m]




Initial particle setResampled particlesMicrophones

(b) k = 2

−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−1











x [m]




Initial particle setResampled particlesMicrophones

(c) k = 3

−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−1











x [m]




Initial particle setResampled particlesMicrophones

(d) k = 4

Fig. 10: Simulation results

square array shows better results in all three parameters, onaverage up to 2.3% in detection, 0.4◦ in RMSE, and 0.4◦ instandard deviation.

In [1], where an array of eight microphones was used and abeamforming approach, similar experiments were performedwith an open and closed array configuration. For the openconfiguration, our algorithm shows smaller detection reliabilityof less than 4% on average, and larger RMSE of less than 2◦

on average. For the closed configuration, our algorithm showsthe same detection reliability on average, and larger RMSE ofless then 1◦ on average.

From the previous discussion we can see that the algorithmproposed in [1] shows better or equal performance, on average,in both detection reliability and RMSE. However, in [1] anarray of eight, compared to four, microphones was used anda computationally more expensive approach was utilised. Thebeamforming approach is based on heuristically dividing thespace around the mobile robot into a direction grid, steering

the microphone array to all possible directions, and for eachdirection an expression like (8) is calculated for all micro-phone pairs. Although more complex, it does however havean advantage of being able to track multiple simultaneouslytalking speakers.

Exactly how much localization based on beamforming ismore complex than our algorithm depends on the previouslymentioned heuristic division, i.e. direction search grid resolu-tion. For an example, our algorithm requires one calculation of(8) for all microphone pairs to estimate speaker azimuth, whilea beamforming approach with a grid having angular resolutionof 1◦ would require 360 calculations of (8) for all microphonepairs.

The third set of experiments was conducted in order toassess the tracking performance of the algorithm. A speakermade a semicircle at approximately 2 m range around therobot uttering: ”Test, one, two, three”, while at the same timelegs were tracked using LRF. The experiment was made for

Page 11: Speaker Localization and Tracking with a Microphone Array ... · on a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantly changing acoustic conditions, make speaker localization


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400









time [s]




Fig. 11: Tracking azimuth of a white noise source making afull circle

0 5 10 1540










time [s]




Fig. 12: Tracking azimuth of a white noise source makingrapid angle changes

both array configurations. Figures 14 and 15 show the azimuthmeasured with the leg tracker and with the microphone arrayarranged in the Y and square configurations, respectively. Itcan be seen that the square array, in this case, shows biggerdeviations from the laser measured azimuth than the Y arraydoes. In Fig. 15 at 6.3 seconds, one of the drawbacks ofthe algorithm can be seen. It is possible that at an occasion,erroneous measurements might outnumber the correct ones. Inthis case, wrong azimuths will be estimated for that time, butas can be seen in Fig. 15 the algorithm gets back on track ina short time period.


Using a microphone array consisting of four omnidirectionalmicrophones, a new audio interface for a mobile robot thatsuccessfully localizes and tracks a speaker was developed.Novelty of the proposed algorithm is in the method based

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1850






time [s]




Fig. 13: Speaker tracking while robot is in motion

TABLE I: Values of parameters used in the implementedspeaker localization algorithm

Signal processing

L = 1024 rectangular window (no overlap)Fs = 48 kHz 16-bit precision

SNR Estimation

αrev = 0.85 δrev = 0.8αe = 0.9

Voice activity detection

η = 1


β = 0.8 c = 344 m/s

Particle filter

α = 0.1 β = 0.04δ = L/Fs P = 360κ = 20 σ2

v = 0.1 m/sµc = 0 σ2

c = 0.02Ic = 50

on a linear combination of probabilistically modelled timedifference of arrival measurements, yielding a measurementmodel which uses von Mises distribution for direction ofarrival analysis and for derivation of an adequate azimuthestimation method. In order to handle the inherent multimodaland non-linear characteristics of the system, a particle fil-tering approach was utilised. The major contribution of theproposed algorithm is that it solves the front-back ambiguityand a unique azimuth value is calculated in a robust andcomputationally undemanding manner. Indeed, the number ofrequired cross-correlation evaluations is equal to the numberof different microphone pairs. Moreover, by integrating a voiceactivity detector to the time difference of arrival estimation,operation under adverse noisy conditions is guaranteed upto the performance of the voice activity detector itself. Thealgorithm accuracy and precision was tested in real-time with

Page 12: Speaker Localization and Tracking with a Microphone Array ... · on a mobile platform, thus having to respond to constantly changing acoustic conditions, make speaker localization


TABLE II: Experimental results of the algorithm performancefor Y and square array configuration

Y-array Square array

Range W. noise Voice W. Noise Voice

Detection [%]

1.50 [m] 97.43 98.93 99.43 97.712.25 [m] 97.71 92.86 98.00 96.03.00 [m] 94.57 86.86 96.00 91.43

RMSE [◦]

1.50 [m] 1.90 2.20 1.72 2.192.25 [m] 1.61 3.07 1.99 2.833.00 [m] 2.38 4.58 1.80 3.95

Std. deviation [◦]

1.50 [m] 0.96 1.59 0.94 1.362.25 [m] 1.10 2.78 1.04 2.303.00 [m] 1.65 3.85 1.14 3.01

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450










time [s]




microphone azimuthlaser azimuth

Fig. 14: Speaker tracking compared to leg tracking (Y array)

a reliable ground truth method based on leg-tracking with alaser range finder.

Furthermore, two most common microphone array geome-tries were meticulously analysed and compared theoreticallybased on error sensitivity to time difference of arrival estima-tion and the robustness to microphone occlusion. The analysisand experiments showed square array having several advan-tages over the Y array configuration, but from a practical pointof view these two configurations have similar performances.

In order to develop a functional human-aware mobile robotsystem, future works will strive towards the integration ofthe proposed algorithm with other systems like leg tracking,robot vision etc. The implementation of a speaker recognitionalgorithm and a more sophisticated voice activity detectorwould further enhance the audio interface.


This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Educa-tion and Sports of the Republic of Croatia under grant No. 036-

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40180










time [s]




microphone azimuthlaser azimuth

Fig. 15: Speaker tracking compared to leg tracking (squarearray)

Fig. 16: The robot and the microphone array used in theexperiments

0363078-3018. The authors would like to thank Srecko Juric-Kavelj for providing his ASJPDAF leg-tracking algorithm andfor his help around the experiments.


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