  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    Speaking to Sell IdeasOratory

    Carlos de la Rosa Vidal

    This work is published under a Creative Commons license, which literally dictate

    s "Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivadas2.5 works for Creative Commons." It allows free

    copying and distribution by any means while retaining the recognition of the author and do not

    make commercial use of the book, or modification.

    The license can be found online at: Or

    send a letter to: Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    Material distributed free in the Motivational Speaking Workshop is owned by

    Carlos J. De La Rosa Vidal. Should include mention the source and authorship.

    Lima, Peru, October 2006



    1 .- The Spiritual Laws of genius Speaker

    2.-The Creation of Genius Speaker

    3 .- Be a Teacher in Selling your ideas




    The material now in your hands, intended only to be the little spark that unleas

    hes the natural communicator in all of us. The author is a young man who is devo

    ting their efforts to promote a culture of human excellence in Peru, through his

    Motivational Speaking Workshops. We are confident that this compilation of thei

    r material in a book will be only our first meeting in the path of personal deve

    lopment, effective communication and spiritual values to act meet the challenges

    of society. We thank you because you help us share with you. Thanks for reading

    and practice material.

    I dedicate the Dossier Speaking to Sell Ideas to dozens of participants of the W

    orkshops Motivational Speaking in Lima Peru. And especially to all the conspirat

    ors of Change, of all countries, it continued to receive their emails. And essen

    tially my spiritual guides, Amadeo and Bertha, my parents, who have made truly

    want to become a conspirator for Change. Thanks millions.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    "The world we live in, notinherited from our parents,

    but we borrow it from our

    children" *

    * If any of you know the author of the sentence, please send the name to:

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    Who speaks to and from the heart also goes to the heart of his listeners

    The Spiritual Laws of Genius Speaker

    A lecturer at a university concluded his speech with these words: "As we

    pointed the decision many must work hard for the few work little, so that very

    few win and many earn little."

    I remember his pun almost hypnotized those who strongly a pplauded the

    intervention of charismatic speaker. The importance of knowing what to say at

    the right time, with the precise attitude, the public need is vital to building a

    personality of genius speaker.

    The extraordinary detail of the great yet simple interventions of any

    professional to an audience is to know how to contact the collective

    consciousness of the group he leads. Translating, he should investigate his

    audience and to really care about him, and expose the public must be the right


    The worst speeches will, inevitably, those in which the speaker talk to the

    wall, or with the entrance gate but never interested in his listeners. So have the

    best voice in the world, a verb Academy of Language, or charisma of the Holy

    Father or spiritual teacher will not be able to reach only rejection and neglect.

    Anyone who drives and interest groups will be interested to others. And

    speak from the heart so that when you finish your talk the audience excited

    confess: "to day I heard one of the best lectures of my life" and only your

    exposure and for new Eastern recipes.

    Statistics from the reaction of the audience

    100% of those in your audience is 50% natural that you hear and half

    distracted. Of the 50 who listen to half agree with you and the rest do not share

    your ideas. Of the 25 that are half of you takes your ideas because it sounds

    interesting, the rest simply forgotten. Rounding of the 12 treated half your

    message by taking action with your ideas and the other half only stored in the

    brain. Of the six who undertake an action for your thoughts have positive results

    in March and the other three fail.

    Of those who fail half rises and the other half were satisfied with the pain

    of the fall. Of those who have successfully continued their climb half and half are

    satisfied with their only win. At the end of March to continue only because one is

    educated does not stop with what you said and it is best that he felt compelled to

    continue looking into the concerns that you will sow. Yes, in the end only one

    left convinced of the importance of your message.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    For this reason, your words will carry important and useful things to

    others. It is preferable for a speaker does not wait until everyone is convinced,

    but content to have motivated a sowing of ideas that germinate in the minds of

    the audience. This is concerned about others, scripturally speaking, putting

    yourself in the recipient of the knowledge of others you spread.

    Success is the ability of going from failure to failure without losing enthusias

    m. -Winston Churchill

    Spiritual Laws of genius speaker:

    Modern states ordered life in society with laws that punish or benefit

    either the public. The task of constructing a genius He also founded on law

    business. The se laws are not met punish the same speaker, when he met give the

    naturalness and charisma that often accompanies those interested in himself andothers. The spiritual laws are:

    1 .- Place the heart in the words:

    Who speaks to and from the heart, also goes to the heart of his listeners.

    The power of sincerity and conviction in the words they put magic in a statement.

    Never heard from any speaker has no natural enthusiasm to move the passions of

    his hearers. Perhaps the subject matter is of history and patriotism, but in two

    different speakers that uses only one reason and no passion not equal to one that

    perhaps no great orator skills but who speaks from the heart.

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    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    2 .- interest you most sincerely for the public:

    You head to persons not a jury is going to condemn you. Interested by interest

    them is the great secret to awaken a genie speaker. He who gives receives, you

    get to give.

    3 .- Make sure that your message will serve to build, never to destroy:

    History is littered with bloody pages motivated by great leadership skills

    of eloquence, who used to condemn and kill. Also the best lines of the past the

    people who wrote the words moved to the masses in favor of freedom, peace and


    4 .- Recognize that words have power and know that everyone has the right to

    change or evolve our ideas:

    This is magic: words are just words when they come to destroy, instead

    the words are powerful when you build with it depends only on us to give due

    importance. The view is essential. If you believe that words are offensive and

    they will be.

    If those same words you consider them words without life, so be it. We

    also entitled to evolve our ideas, the change is permanent.

    5 .- To encourage excellence at all times the human being:

    Go to the other entails a responsibility to contribute to magnify the human being.

    If we use our communication to work with this service, we will encourage human


    6 .- Acting simply, real speakers do not behave with pride:

    Some believe that conquer with superior oratorical skills makes the rest. Nothing

    could be farther from the truth. Then talk should enable us to approach our fellow

    ever to get away. It conquers more with honey than with bitterness.

    7 .- Living committed to what is communicated:

    Living in harmony with the construction of the item master is an attitude of

    honesty to ourselves and to others. Who only speaks but does not do is as if

    speaking to sell and has never sold, or who teaches singing and never sang or

    cockroach ... Awakening the genius he is not shy in making an indisputable

    leader, but to discover the natural communicator to speak from the heart, and

    others interested in him. And also make each word a tool for building.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    "Plan your life as if you

    were to live forever but live

    your life as if you were

    to die tomorrow"

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    A good communicator is a good listener first

    The Creation of Genius


    Some people think that the genius needs to be thrown to the soul. And

    others that the genius must be taken out of hiding. We agree with that last

    statement. Until recently, the great orators were those who possessed voices offilm output as well modulated and powerful, able to interest just by listening. Tocreate in us a personality that is effective speaker, and modern times, it takes

    basically a single requirement and is to have the strong desire to transmit

    information. The rest will come easily.

    I personally know to master social leaders that without education

    techniques of voice, or have a good vocabulary, neither understand n

    or armed presentation techniques of speeches, some exposures remain excellent.

    Compared with a large number of scholars have analyzed in my study on the

    ability to communicate to the public. Simple, they are home to such leaders as

    powerful a message as his passion for getting your message. The differencebetween them and other techniques are not adequate or appropriate, but inside

    they have the talent to communicate with others. And that, for starters, no more

    than enthusiastic desire to share information.

    The strategy of the good listener

    One of the first things I share in my public speaking skill training is that a

    speaker if speaker is not first is not a good listener. Christian, a speaker is done in practice, but first you must practice being a good listener.

    One speaker, as a student, someone who is constantly learning. As a writer

    how the practice of writing, but first in the practice of reading. As a teacher

    teaching, but first we practice to learn. Ever asked me about why free lectured the

    power of communication. Logical, I had to train myself to speak to an audience,

    but they do not know is that I also trained to listen to all kinds of speaker and

    studying. For a change, a task that constantly practice. In short, if your desire is

    to procure for a talent like the oratory skills, the first thing you need to identify

    is whether we harbor within us the feeling and desire to want to share our ideas

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    or theme that dominates. Then, the task will become excellent listeners and

    students of the nature of all good communicator with an audience or public. And

    only practice of the principles and techniques that identify us will make us let us

    try an effective communicator. It is hard work, in the end rewarding and full of

    deep satisfaction. Theodore Roosevelt said it best: "When someone asks you ifyou can do a job say," I can do it with complete safety. "And then get going and

    learn how to do it. "

    Anybody can be a great orator?

    It is revealing and simple, a good communicator is a good listener first.

    Anyone who sincerely put in place to master the art and science of rhetoric and

    practice, achieved an above average level of those who are directed to audienceswith little knowledge of public speaking experience. As experience alone is not

    enough, the healthy for our ambition she is learning from the experience of

    others. Consider all types of speakers is a good and excellent start. As well as

    applying the principles identified.

    Why develop talent for public speaking? Only you can answer that

    question. I've seen shy people gain more confidence in developing their ability to

    go to groups. Some like to be admired. Some others for their efforts to change

    some piece of the world.

    Finally, over 50% of those attending public speaking courses when as

    ked for his decision to participate in the workshop answered with the classicresponse of "I come to lose their fear." In truth, public speaking workshops

    comes to win, not to lose. And more precisely to reveal the brave who already

    have in side. The question really has to be answered for you. Aid: How do you

    think will help in your trade or profession to develop your ability to speak to

    groups? Do you have a sincere desire to help others? Do you think that your

    message can be useful to others?

    The requirements for disclosure to our genius he

    As clear as the sun rises every day. The requirements to unleash our genius

    communicator are five:

    1) Mastering the subject,

    2) Have passion and taste for the subject,

    3) Have a great desire to share information,

    4) Feeling motivated before, during and after sharing information;

    5) repeated practice to enhance their communication skills.

    Number one: Mastering the subject. Everyone has their preferences in terms ofknowledge and learning, so each person stands in the knowledge of a particular

    field or more.

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  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    "It's not the size of the

    soldier in the fight but the

    size of the fight insidethe soldier"

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    Be a motivator, inspiring others to greatness.

    Be a Teacher in the

    sale of your Ideas

    Imagine yourself as a product. Let's see what you choose, go do it, choosea product of your choice a mobile phone, a car of the year, a book, a cookie, a

    movie, a sporting club shirt, whatever you want. Now what is thy name, what is

    your brand? Telefonica, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, Love in the Time of Cholera,

    The War of the End of the world, Peruvian Traditions, Oreo, Soda Victoria,

    Titanic, ET The number 10, Juan Diego Flores, Chabuca Granda, Carlos Gardel.

    Well now you have a name, a product was intended to make public to satisfy

    some need. What to do for us to buy? I give you a minute. We must ensure that

    differentiate and distinguish us from our competitors. Because there are many

    products as you are of different brands, qualities and prices.

    Already cranes? For a market of enormous proportions (26 million people)need to maintain an attractive salesperson, marketer, here is a magic word:

    marketing. You need a plan. First identify your dreams and abilities. Those

    objectives where we want to arrive and the finest expression of our personality,

    what we do best, where we think we will get the desired quality of life.

    Friend, friend among the younger generation the first technique is

    recommended to succeed in knowing yourself. First thing, find out who you are,

    how you got here, what you want, what is your image, how you see yourself,

    what your social image, how others see you and why, Recognize your strengths

    and weaknesses, which is opposed to your aspirations, what are the chances that I

    take, how to create them. In short how can you manage to be the best. At somepoint in our lives, we all seek a change, some expect that this change comes from

    outside and they never try to do something because this change rush, believe they

    were born under an unlucky star or fate had written for them poverty material and

    mental. Fortunately those who change the world have changed themselves first,

    because it accesses the secret "internal change" and took over the idea of being

    the protagonists of their own change. We will explain this. First young friends to

    sell our image, our brand at a very high need to know what to promote, what

    aspects need to be changed, our dealings with people, perhaps, learn to smile at

    life, live as if the only day. So know your strengths, and it made a general

    inspection of your life, now plans how to differentiate yourself from thecompetition, remember you're a product. Put your best plan in motion, keep your

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    CARLOS DE LA ROSA VIDAL Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory

    mission in the crosshairs of life because everything you do is related to it. Set

    your goals daily, weekly, biweekly. Set goals monthly, bimonthly, annually. Sohow to be safer going your progress. Love what you do. Do you like thinking of

    others. Be happy. Win people, sell your image, but with sincerity. To do so

    educate yourself, remember it ends with death. Be a motivator, inspiring others to

    greatness. I know the best communicator of your qualities, you really are the only

    marketea your brand, "I, single liability company."

    Never forget to prepare for life, even after achieving the highest positions

    of existence, there is still room to continue to learn, remember life is a teacher.

    Every thing or living being around you is a teacher, you can learn from childre

    n, the insane, the tears of heaven. I foresee a lot of success if you venture to

    be better each day and make your life something many wish to imitate, you pave

    a product people!, They will take you to the top.

    "Smile Always and communicate effectively" cjdelarosav




    Carlos de la Rosa Vidal in Lima Peru and Motivational Speaking Workshops:

    [email protected]

    Communicator, Consultant and Coach oratorical skills.

    (51-1) 553 4397

    (51-) 99446 9238 Lima-Peru, October 2006

    Other titles of free movement of Author:

    "Encyclopedia of Motivational Speaking"

    "Speaking to Sell Ideas"

    "Dare to Glory"

    "The Power of Human Excellence"

    10 Secrets for High-Impact Conference!

    I will tell you hidden strategies to interest other

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Ebooks, artculos, reportes, poemarios deCarlos de la Rosa Vidal de libre distribucin enla internet.Para descarga gratuita: FECHA DEPUBLICACIN

    1.- Enciclopedia de Oratoria Motivacional 17/06/20062.- Oratoria para Vender Ideas 18/10/20063.- El Don de Atreverse a la Gloria 18/10/20064.- El Poder de la Excelencia Humana 18/10/20065.- El Imprescindible Retorno a la Felicidad 13/01/2007

    6.- Arte y Estilo de Marketing Motivacional 13/01/20077.- Cmo Capacitarse en Motivacin Personal 20/04/20078.- Arte y Poder del Entusiasmo 01/05/20079.- El Poema de las Cartas 07/09/2007

    10.- Motivateca #01Las Leyes Espirituales del Genio Orador 14/09/200711.- Motivateca #02 La Irresistible Pasin de Vivir Intensamente 13/10/200712.- Motivateca #03 La Asombrosa Verdad de la Belleza Interior 16/10/200713.- Motivateca #04 Optimismo Inteligente 08/11/200714.- Motivateca #05 El Arte de la Fe Inteligente 30/11/200715.- Motivateca #06 Cmo Aprender la Leccin de la Vida 22/01/200816.- Motivateca #07 La Conspiracin de la Libertad Interior 24/01/200817.- Motivateca #08 Motvate y Motiva a los Dems 31/07/200818.- Motivateca #09 El Autntico Poder de las Palabras 05/10/200819.- Carta de Compromiso Personal 14/07/200920.- Declaracin de Valores e Inteligencia tica 14/07/200921.- Motivateca #10 El Poder de la Influencia tica 23/08/200922.- Tcnicas de Comunicacin 02/07/201023.- Competencias para la Empleabilidad 02/07/201024.- Speaking to Sell Ideas 19/07/201025.- Conspiradores del Cambio 28/08/201026.- Persuasin Hipntica, 10 Secretos para una Conferencia de Alto Impacto 03/12/201027.- TEM 001 - De lo Conveniente de ser Feo 14/12/201028.- TEM 002 - El Sinsentido Contemporneo 01/01/201129.- TEM 003 - Cartas a una Joven Soadora 14/01/2011

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    La opinin de los lectores, tal y como fueron recibidas en el correo electrnico del

    autor acerca de sus obras: [email protected]

    Hola Carlos, soy un gran admirador tuyo desde que te descubr, no he dejado de

    leerte y releerte cada da para que no se me olvide ningn prrafo de tus escritos y te

    puedo asegurar que me has sido de gran ayuda. Soy un maduro tmido pero desde que

    le "El don de atreverse a la gloria" y la "Enciclopedia de Oratoria Motivacional" mi

    actitud ante la vida y para con el mundo cambi radicalmente. No dejes de escribir

    nunca para la Cultura con maysculas. Gracias por Milllones.

    -Jos Cerd L.

    Alicante, Espaa.

    Uyyy mi hermano, no sabes que gratificante haber ledo tu ensayo "Arte y estilo de

    Marketing Motivacional", llegu a l por el tema de Marketing y me lleve un gratsima

    sorpresa pgina tras pgina. Comenc y no pude parar, en este momento vuelvo a mis

    labores diarias con una sonrisa y muchas reflexiones positivas.

    Espero releerlo unas cuantas veces e interiorizarlo para ser mejor.

    -John Jairo Osorio

    Bogot, Colombia

    He ledo el libro de "Oratoria para vender ideas"En todo el libro te conduces conhumildad y sabidura al ms puro estilo oriental y espiritual, y presentas herramientas

    prcticas de ayuda para la aplicacin. Una de las cosas que ms valoro en tu escrito es

    la capacidad de sntesis que muestras. Cada frase mantiene la atencin del lector y

    crea una friccin motivadora hacia el esfuerzo desinteresado. Es la esencia de los

    valores humanos aplicados al campo relacional de ayuda a travs de la palabra. Te

    felicito sinceramente. Cuanta utilidad en tan pocas pginas, demuestra tu capacidad

    y claridad de ideas, a la vez de tu facilidad de llegar al corazn de las personas, tal y

    como t expones. Tus propuestas se perciben en las propias emociones que el lector

    vive tal y como profundiza en las ideas que expones. Es una muestra tangible de cmo

    la sencillez es la mejor forma de conseguir lo ms difcil, aprender a dar sin esperar

    ms recepcin que la satisfaccin de lo que descubren tus prjimos de ellos mismos

    por tus palabras.

    -Alberto Salvia Martin

    Castelln de la Plana,

    Comunidad Valenciana de Espaa.

    Mi nombre es Yovani y quiero felicitarte por los libros a los cuales acced casi por

    accidente. Te cuento algo: Me defino como una persona que posee un tremendo

    potencial de liderazgo, sin embargo esa cualidad an no la exploto. Con el libro "El

    Don de Atreverse a la Gloria", apenas le un trozo y me atrev a hacer cosas que me

    han hecho destacar dentro de mi trabajo, cosas que por supuesto encajan dentro de mi

    perfil y que por "temor" no las ejecutaba o, si lo haca, esperaba que alguien me diera

    el impulso. Por esto, reitero mis felicitaciones y espero poder acceder a cualquier tipo

    de informacin que salga de tu autora.Un fuerte abrazo y xito- Yovani F. Gutirrez Martnez




  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Querido Carlos:

    Soy escritor y me dedico hace muchos aos a la docencia (desde el ao 1991).

    Actualmente coordino talleres de creatividad literaria, creatividad aplicada (para

    profesionales y empresas) y estoy preparando un seminario/taller de oratoria. Mi

    formacin esta sostenida por la lectura de trabajos ensaysticos como el tuyo, que por

    cierto, me parece hiperdidctico. Te mando un saludo

    Afectuoso desde la ciudad de Buenos Aires, repblica

    Argentina. (perdn por el "tuteo", pero en mi pas se utiliza con la gente por quin

    uno tiene afecto.)

    -Sebastin Barrasa


    No entendo bem o espanhol mas com muita pacincia vou aos poucos

    traduzindo o que miro los ojos (o que vejo nos meus olhos) Adorei o resumo do

    livro Oratoria para vender ideas, muito de bom gosto. Espero que tenhas um

    monto de sucesso pelas vendas deste livro que ser salutar para aqueles quese enteressar para palestras, ortrias, profissionalmente; gostei muito.

    Parabens!.... Que Deus te inspire cada vez mais num projeto to

    bem elaborado para efuso do progresso da humanidade.


    Ccero Francisco Duarte


    Estimado Sr. de la Rosa:

    Navegando por internet he encontrado sus Leyes Espirituales del genio Orador. Le

    escribo profundamente agradecido con usted por el tiempo y el esfuerzo dedicado a

    sintetizar tanta sabidura y compartirlo con los dems. Llevo ms de 14 aos

    enseando a distintas personas a hablar en pblico, siempre intentando ir ms all de

    los modelos que se centraban en repetir tcnicas y punto. Encontrar sus leyes ha sido

    un "eureka" de sntesis de muchas ideas que he ido filtrando entre mis alumnos estos

    aos. Quiero agradecerle este momento de lucidez.

    Ojal que muchos Conspiradores para el Cambio sigamos sumndonos a las filas de

    creer que otro mundo es posible y que otro ser humano es necesario.

    Un cordial saludo

    Alberto Garca-Casillas


    Gracias por leer!P.D. el autor espera tus comentarios de sus libros gratuitos, preguntas y sugerencias.

    Envale un mensaje a

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal



    Motivateca #001:Las 7 Leyes Espirituales del GenioOrador, en donde compartamos algunas reflexiones sobre losprincipios espirituales de un comunicador. Motivateca #002:La Irresistible Pasin de VivirIntensamente, siete secretos que nos acercan a sentir unapasin para vivir lo mejor posible. Provocando actos creativos.

    Motivateca #003:La Asombrosa Verdad de la BellezaInterior, los fundamentos espirituales de la autoimagen sonrevelados en este tercer dossier motivacional.

    Motivateca #004:"Concepto y Frutos del OptimismoInteligente, aclaracin prctica de la conciencia optimista,donde la investigacin cientfica revela y demuestra susbeneficios. Motivateca #005:El Arte de la Fe Inteligente,el eslabnentre la libertad y la creatividad. Cuando uno despierta lafuerza de la propia conviccin convierte la libertad en

    creatividad. Motivateca #006:Cmo Aprender la Leccin de la Vida,sobre la comprensin de adquirir un poder de accin, comoresultado de la odisea de aprender de la vida. Motivateca #007:La Conspiracin de la Libertad Interior,el porqu para desatar la actitud del entusiasmo, para escribirla propia crnica de vida. Motivateca #008:Motvate y Motiva a los Dems, unasencilla frmula para despertar el estmulo interno para vivir

    realmente y compartirlo con los dems. Motivateca #009:El Autntico Poder de las Palabrasexiste un poder capaz elevar el alma de un viajero de la vida, ala vez capaz de lacerar las rodillas, destruyendo el espritu deotra.

    Motivateca #010: El Poder de la Influencia tica,ayudamos a configurar el destino de la vida de los dems,nuestra responsabilidad: el de influir ms positiva y


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    Carlos de la Rosa Vidal, dirige talleres para organizaciones y empresas. Sistemas

    de entrenamiento para lderes y emprendedores. Busca producir resultados en los

    campos de la creatividad en el trabajo y la vida personal.

    Carlos de la Rosa est disponible para Seminarios de Liderazgo, Conferencias para

    Emprendedores, Clases Magistrales y Entrevistas con los medios.

    Para los Seminarios en vivo de Alto impacto.

    Para invitarlo a su prximo evento contacte:

    Telfono: +51 99238-9446

    +511 553-4397 Desde Lima- Per

    Escriba al correo:

    [email protected]


    ENCICLOPEDIA DE ORATORIAMOTIVACIONAL.Compendio de tcnicasy herramientas para la comunicacin eficaz enpblico. As como ejercicios para la

    automotivacin personal efectiva. Este ebookpuede descargarse gratuitamente escribiendo

    enciclopedia de oratoria motivacional en,para descarga directa:

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Carta de InvitacinLa Organizacin Conspiradores

    del Cambio es un Movimiento

    Internacional que promueve la

    bsqueda del autodesarrollopersonal, la solidaridad y el

    cambio positivo de la


    Fundado el 14 de octubre de

    2005, Conspiradores del

    Cambio naci sencillamente

    como una invitacin a

    atreverse a asumir un cambio

    de conciencia personal. Naci como una llamada inspiradora mediante artculos y

    textos, con la intencin de impactar y sugerir a las personas para llamarse a s

    mismas Conspiradoras del Cambio. Y de esa manera involucrarse en su propio

    crecimiento y estimular, sino provocar, la excelencia humana a su alrededor.

    La misin de la Organizacin Conspiradores del Cambio es:

    1.- Promover la excelencia humana y la solidaridad internacional.

    2.- Fomentar la creatividad como un camino hacia el desarrollo global.

    3.- Inspirar en los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad el retorno a la felicidad.

    4.- Promover la cultura de visn de futuro y de sentido de vida.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Quienes son llamados a ser Conspiradores del Cambio:

    Cualquiera que lo desee puede llamarse a s mismo Conspirador del

    Cambio. Si desea usted un mejor pas, llmese conspirador del cambio. Si deseauna mejor familia, un mejor ambiente de trabajo. Una mejor comunidad espiritual,

    empresarial o social. O si sencillamente desea mayor paz y silencio, llmese

    conspirador del cambio.

    Si tiene 15 o 50 aos y considera que puede usted ser parte de un

    movimiento de crecimiento, creatividad y la promocin de la felicidad, entonces

    puede interesarle ser parte activa de la Organizacin Conspiradores del Cambio.

    Nueva etapa de Conspiradores del Cambio:

    El Grupo Conspiradores del Cambio, naci como un llamado, como simple

    invitacin. Es una idea que ha recorrido cinco aos de inspiracin para

    centenares de personas, como as lo atestiguan las cartas, llamadas telefnicas,

    correos electrnicos que son una imborrable satisfaccin para el fundador del

    grupo, Carlos de la Rosa Vidal.

    Desde entonces centenares de mensajes se han intercambiado por la

    inspiracin de la idea. En una etapa el grupo de internet cont con ms 2500

    miembros, en una sinergia francamente inesperada.

    Ahora, por el estmulo de aquellos mensajes intercambiados, en que

    decenas de ciudadanos de todas partes de Latinoamrica y Espaa, sugeran una

    nueva etapa, es que podemos contribuir en la formacin de una gran red de

    inspiracin de la excelencia humana, la solidaridad y la promocin de la felicidad.

    Por el anhelo de difundir una cultura de conspiracin positiva, es que se ha

    publicado y difundido de forma gratuita durante los ltimos cinco aos, bajo la

    licencia Creative Commons en blogs y grupos de internet ms de treinta libros,

    reportes especiales, artculos, ensayos y poemarios, en la autora del fundador

    grupo. Todos y cada uno de ellos como una abierta invitacin a ser parte de la

    Conspiracin del Cambio.

    La organizacin nace por la urgencia de promover un cambio de

    pensamiento entre los ciudadanos y ciudadanas del mundo, Conspiradores delCambio nace con el nuevo siglo, como parte de las exigencias mundiales de

    asumir un cambio de actitud para con el planeta y nuestros semejantes.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Qu actividades realiza la Organizacin Conspiradores del


    1.- Realizacin de Conferencias, Seminarios y Talleres para el liderazgo y el

    crecimiento personal, que converjan en laboratorios de lderes.

    2.- Participacin de campaas en la sociedad civil.

    3.- Apoyo en actividades de solidaridad y el mejor funcionamiento de la sociedad.

    Cmo ser parte de Conspiradores del Cambio:Para empezar algunas formas de participar en el movimiento

    1.- Hoy invitamos a todos aquellos que deseen escribir artculos sobre la

    propuesta de la organizacin, a fin de publicar los mejores escritos, por calidad y

    contenido, en la revista de Conspiradores del Cambio. Artculos originales sobre

    las temticas de cambio personal, organizacional, prospectiva, crecimiento

    personal, tcnicas de entrenamiento, poemas motivacionales, y cualquier otro

    escrito creativo e inspirador.

    2.- Para formar parte activa de la organizacin Conspiradores del Cambio deber

    tomar contacto con los coordinadores del movimiento.

    3.- Forma un grupo de cinco a diez personas o si ya tienes una organizacin

    juvenil, social, nacional para formar parte de la red de los Conspiradores del

    Cambio a fin de organizar Conferencias, Seminarios y Talleres, y recibir la

    autorizacin para emplear todos los materiales y libros que difunde el


    4.- El equipo de INVOXX Comunicacin ha preparado una Conferencia

    Motivacional denominada Construye el Futuro T eres un Conspirador del

    Cambio!para ser presentada dentro de Per y otros pases, a los grupos de

    laboratorio de lderes Conspiradores del Cambio. Contctalo a fin de beneficiar a

    tu organizacin con la conferencia o el seminario de cuatro horas.

  • 8/7/2019 Speaking to Sell Ideas Oratory - Carlos de La Rosa Vidal


    Qu ha logrado Conspiradores del Cambio:

    El fundador de Conspiradores del Cambio, ha impartido cursos sobre

    competencias personales, seminarios motivacionales, talleres de oratoriamotivacional y conferencias, con ellos ha inspirado a decenas de personas en los

    ltimos 8 aos a ser parte de los Conspiradores del Cambio. El impacto de su

    trabajo ha cruzado fronteras ms all de Lima, su ciudad natal. Con sus escritos

    publicados en su blog personal, ha invitado a decenas de individuos de una

    veintena de pases a formar parte de esta cruzada de crecimiento humano,

    creatividad, felicidad, visin de futuro y sentido de vida.

    Es por esta razn que hoy le invita a que sea usted el desencadenante de

    esta conspiracin positiva en su propio pas, sea que viva en Argentina, Chile,Mxico, Espaa, Costa Rica, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Guatemala, Paraguay,

    Panam, Uruguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador,

    Estados Unidos, Bolivia, Repblica Dominicana, Honduras, Ecuador, puede usted

    colaborar con la misin del movimiento.

    Lo importante no es el grano de arena conquistado hasta el momento, que

    puede resultar una humilde muestra o acaso la travesura positiva de una sola

    persona, comparado con todo aquello que pueden hacer miles de jvenes y

    adultos, unidos a pesar de sus diferencias.

    Esto es Conspiradores del cambio. Encontrar el sentido de su vida y dar

    todo por ello. Imagnese que pueden hacer miles de personas con una enorme

    visin compartida.

    Atrvase, construya el futuro Usted eres un Conspirador del Cambio!

    Contacto:Organizacin Conspiradores del Cambio

    Carlos de la Rosa Vidal Aldo Daz RiveroCoordinador General Coordinador Nacional [email protected] [email protected]: +511 5534397

    +51 992389446