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  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes



    Monday, November 9, 2015

    2:59 PM

    Microevolution - occur over short time span

    Tal about macro evolution over lon!er time span

    "irst topic - is the ori!in o# species

    Tal about natural selection and adaptation

    $e#er to chan!es occur to particular species over time

    Peppered moth #rom li!ht to dar coloration

    %ne thin!s that is clear lots o# di&erent ids o# pecies

    'o( did that happen

    )hat is responsible #or ne( species

    Title o# dar(ins boo

    %ri!in o# species

    *idn+t have a lot o# insi!ht on ho( they ori!inate

    More in#ormation no(

    oo at some bear - #amiliar (ith

    lac bear, polar bear, bro(n bear

    North america

    lac bear - in united states

    ro(n bear - composed o# subspecies - !ri..ley bear

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    Polar bear - in arctic re!ions

    /losely related species o# bears

    Names o# species

    rsus americanus

    rsus maritimus

    rsus arctos

    'o( did they come about

    10 million years a!o

    ome bear species ancesteral to all three

    3n that point o# time

    in!le bear species

    plit and one linea!e (ent o& to become blac bear

    4nd other split o& and split a!ain to #orm polar bear and bro(n bear - millionyears a!o

    )hen (e have this ind o# speciation

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    in!le lina!e splits into 2 ho( does that happen

    )hat does it mean to be a species

    )hat maes a species di&erent than another

    )hy are they di&erent #rom each other

    %ne o# the reasons - di&erent bear species - loo di&erent

    Polar bear - bi! (hite

    ro(n bear - bi! bro(n

    lac - smaller blac bear

    een around a lon! time

    Morpholo!ical species concept - one species loos di&erent #rom another

    Morpholo!ical - (hat you loo lie

    3# these thin!s loo the same one species - loo di&erent another species

    Problems (ith this

    Thin!s loo di&erent #rom each other but turns out they are closely related and maybe same species

    $ecall (e taled about the #act that cauli6o(er, brussels sprouts, cabba!e - derrivedby arti7cial selection #rom mustard lie species

    *i&erent species - but closely related and same species

    $un into thin!s that loo di&erent that are closely related

    ee thin!s loo similar and thin they are related to each other but aren+t

    'o( similar 2 thin!s loo - can+t tell us ho( closely related they are

    'o( to determine (hat species is

    roadly accepted

    iolo!ical species concept

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    )hat this concept


    3ndividuals members o# same species i# they can interbreed (ith each other

    *i&erent species reproductively isolated #rom each other

    8ene pools don+t mi

    8ene pools - populations

    3# (e have 2 populations that belon! to 2 di&erent species

    8ene pools don+t mi

    Three bear species

    ro(n bears and blac bears can be #ound to!ether

    Populations o# bro(n and blac bears consist o# !ene pools

    ro(n bear !ene pool

    lac bear !ene pool

    lac bear don+t mate (ith bro(n bear

    ro(n bear don+t mate (ith blac bear

    /oncept evolutionary


    "amily tree that results #rom speciation

    till problems (ith this concept too

    iolo!ical species concept

    $eproductive isolation

    *on+t interbreed (ith each other

    'o( does this come about

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    )hy don+t they mate (ith each other

    $eproductive isolation

    *ue to di&erent species - very particular matin! behaviors

    Matin! behaviors o# one species doesn+t tri!!er response in another species

    4nother posibility di&erent species don+t mate at di&erent times or di&erent places

    *on+t encounter each other

    Matin! o# t(o may occur but o&sprin! is sterile and can+t mate (ith anythin! elseand have an o&sprin!

    8ood eample is horse and doney to mae mule

    irds !oin! throu!h head, nec, body motions

    ittle matin! dance

    Male initiatin! and #emale respondin! and male respondin!

    "emale o# another species (ouldn+t respond to another species

    'ybrid sterility

    Matin! can occur bet(een t(o species

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    ust because t(o species mate doesn+t mean they belon! to same species

    3nterbreed not same as mate

    3nterbreed mate and produce o&sprin! (hich mate bac to either parentpopulations

    Mule - product o# #emale horse and male doney

    Mule - viable o&sprin!

    /an live but can+t reproduce

    *i&erence in number o# chromosomes in horses and doneys

    'orse - ;

    *oney - 2

    Mule - uite come to!ether

    /onsider pre.y!otic barrier

    econd type - even i# matin! occurs

    $e#er to those as post .y!otic barrier

    ?y!ote #orms sperm and e!! come to!ether

    ut various reasions

    nion never produces viable that can live

    %r produces somethin! that can live - that thin! is sterile - such as mule

    )hat it means #or one species to be di&erent than another species

    'o( this split can occur

    8o #rom one species to t(o species

    'o( speciation occurs

    %ne clue as to (hat mi!ht happen

    in!le species over ran!e it occurs

    ro(n bears - are #ound in (estern part o# united states and into alasa and europeas (ell

    %ver ran!e- di&erences in bro(n bear

    Montana - !ri..ley bear

    4lasa - codiac bear

    @urope - called somethin! else

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    oo di&erent

    8eo!raphical variation

    Many inds o# species - variation throu!hout their ran!e - (hy do they loodi&erent ocal adaptation

    8ri..ley bear - di&erent than codiac bear in alasa

    /hance can be part o# it as (ell

    Ano( about these di&erences

    8eo!raphic patterns by looin! at our o(n species

    People livin! in di&erent places loo di&erent

    Barients - subspecies that loo di&erent than each other - rat snaes

    "ound in di&erent places

    8eo!raphical variation means

    'umans becomin! di&erent species

    *i&erent varients o# rat snae - di&erent species

    Not necessarily

    4t this point - all o# these races and varients o# rat snaes

  • 7/26/2019 Species Notes


    /an interbreed (ith each other

    /an mate (ith each other

    "or di&erent species - can+t interbreed (ith each other

    8eo!raphical varients to becoem di&erent species

    8ene 6o( - stop bet(een them
