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Sports Data Modelling

Since 1996 we have been passionate about collecting, compiling, databasing and supplying sports data. We have the biggest and best database of sports information on the planet. We know who scored the goals, the tries and the runs. We know how they were scored and when.

For students and academic researchers, access to this data can produce significant benefits. There is continued worldwide interest in sport and academic output can drive new and innovative ways to rate and rank players, quantify and define effectiveness or prove value for money in the high profile global transfer market.

Such research can help to raise the profile of universities, colleges and other institutions by impacting on the world of sport in a tangible and highly newsworthy way.

Opta data is the most detailed available. From the world of football we collect up to 2,000 actions from every match in the top leagues across Europe, and our database goes back several years. Each of these actions is time-stamped and has an x/y co-ordinate. This means that complex models can be created, enabling analysis of trends, reviews of performance and prediction of future events.

The Professional Football Players Observatory (PFPO) use Opta data

in their annual report on professional footballers in Europe. This report

focuses on player migration trends, individual performances and squad

characteristics and composition across all of the UEFA leagues.

The PFPO have conducted detailed analysis of Opta data to create their

own player performance index based upon strong correlations to team

success. This allows for comparisons between the defensive and offensive

Enhance your curriculum by offering access to compelling and exciting

sports data.

Produce newsworthy outputs that have tangible real-world impact in a

dynamic and competitive industry.

Raise your institution’s research department profile on a global scale.

Finding the beauty in detail

Case Study: Professional Football Players Observatory

The Benefits•

strengths of any player across the top five European leagues, providing an

output that is not only useful in the professional game but of interest to the

news-hungry football media.

By utilising Opta data in this way the PFPO have become an essential

source of information and a key decision making tool for a large variety of

football stakeholders including clubs, federations, agents and investors.

To arrange a live demo, contact us by any of the following.

Opta data is a fantastic tool to help with understanding football from a

scientific perspective. Working with Opta is must for any forward thinking

stakeholder in the football industry.

“ “

Raffaele Poli


The CIES Professional Football Players Observatory

What They Say
