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Page 1: Spring snow goose hunting

What to Know and What to Bring When Going for Snow Goose Hunting

Hunting for a snow goose has been a tradition in the Eastern United States. But this requires hard

work and specialized strategies because snow geese are fast learners and quickly becomes

aware if they’re being hunted. To fully understand this, it’s best to know first what we’re hunting


Snow Goose

Snow goose, also known as “Oie Blanche” or “Ganso Blanco”, is a ducklike medium-sized goose

with a length of 69-83 centimeters that has a hefty bill and long, thick neck. They are usually white-

bodied with black wingtips that range to 138 centimeters that are barely recognizable on the

ground but can be noticed while on flight. They usually weigh 1600-3300 grams.Its pink bill has a

dark line along it that is usually known as a “grinning patch” or “black lips”.

They usually don’t like to travel alone. They travel by flocks. They can adapt quickly on the

environment making it easy for them to find food especially on agricultural fields and also the

reason why their population is doing so well. During winter and migration, they can be found on

plowed cornfields or wetlands. They can also be found on lakes, ponds, andmarshes where they

bathe and clean themselves.

They breed on Arctic tundra.Blue morph Snow Goose is dark-colored and is controlled by only one

gene with dark being particularly dominant over white. When a dark goose mates with a white

goose, their offspring will be all dark. When two white geese mate, they can only have white

offspring and if two dark geese mate, they will have mostly dark offspring. The chicks are well-

developed when they hatch. Within just a few days, they will be able to maintain their body’s

constant temperature on their own. And they grow very quickly.

When migrating in flocks, they have lookouts that keep an eye for predators and when they see a

threat, they call out the attention of the rest of the group. When afemale goose arrives in the

breeding ground, they forage for up to 18 hours a day but eat only a little once they begin

incubating their eggs. They are vegetarian and are very fond of grasses, sedges, rushes, shrubs

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and willows.


When going for snow goose hunting, one should know the proper attire and gears needed for the


•License – One should comply with the State laws for the place that you are hunting in.

•Clothing – Bring the warmest clothing you can get.

•Firearm – It is highly recommended to bring with you an unplugged 12-gauge that will handle 3 or

3.5 inch magnums.

•Ammo – Remember to bring as much ammunition as you can. A 12-gauge 3 or 3 inches shells

would be perfect for your firearm.

•Food and Drink – You should bring plenty food especially energy-boosters. Don’t forget to bring

water as well. Or better, bring a thermos with you for a hot beverage. We don’t recommend

bringing alcohol.

•Camera – There is no better way to commemorate a big event like this than a nice camera

dropped in a Ziploc bag.

Then now you’re ready for the big game. If it is your first time to do hunting, bring someone who

has experience. This adventure would be more memorable when done with friends.

snow goose hunting
