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Square Dance Calling With Modules

By Michael E. Haworth

One traditional method of calling patter without resorting to sight resolution is to use pre-written material. The definitive work on modular systems that I’m familiar with is The Mighty Module, and Sight Calling Made Easy by Bill Peters. Bill describes the modular system in detail from the ground up. It has been a couple decades since I’ve laid eyes upon it, though, and I’ll try to explain the principles as I have come to use them over the years.

Modules are short, functional, sequences of calls that change the state of the square from one known setup to another known setup, or short sequences that zero out and return to the starting setup. You can call an entire square dance with modules alone. You need to know where each one starts and where it ends. You should know something about the body flow it creates and hand availability so you can make a good choice about the continuation. If you have enough material at your disposal, you can effectively mix and match the modules to provide variety. You can read modules from index cards, or memorize them, which is probably better from a caller-dancer connection standpoint. Reading tends to interject a kind of detachment that you might not want.

There are several types of modules you’ll want to have in your arsenal, and they are briefly described in the following sections. Then, actual modules follow, which you can use as a starting point. You should dance through the provided modules with your caller’s checkers/dolls to become familiar with them, and of course, you should write your own material. Caller’s dolls, for the benefit of those who haven’t seen or heard of them before, are simply physical tokens, like board-game pieces, that represent the dancers and can be moved around on a table. You need only be able to identify the sex and facing direction of each one. A set of backgammon stones topped with an adhesive label that is marked with an appropriate identifying symbol will serve well.

Formation Arrangement Sequence and Relationship (FASR)

Before we get too detailed into explanations and the modules themselves, it might be helpful to have a brief look at some typical formations and a system of identification for them. CALLERLAB introduced the idea of the Formation Arrangement Sequence and Relationship (FASR) identification system. As I understand it, this is a work in progress that does not seem to be fully fleshed out as a general identification scheme. CALLERLAB publishes a Formation and Arrangement Chart that you can download. It’s based on the idea that there are only 6 boy-girl arrangements when symmetrical choreography is used. When talking to other callers, I usually use English to describe the arrangements: “Facing lines with boys paired on the right,” as an example. If discussing some cool sequence, it usually starts from a zero line, a zero box, or a squared set. Rotation doesn’t matter. Here are a few common formations.

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4 4


Zero Line

3 3


2 2

Zero Line - OS

1 1

1 1


4 4


ZL Trade-by



2 2


RL Grand Wave

1 1 1

The first four are all zero line (ZL) derivations. The figure on the left is a zero line, which is a Partner Line In Sequence – everybody has their original partner in a standard couple arrangement (boys on the left, girls on the right), and everybody is in sequence. The next figure is a Zero Line Out of Sequence, which is derived from the zero line via a Right & Left Thru or its equivalent. The next figure shows what I call a Zero Trade-By, or a Zero Line Trade-By, which is derived from the zero line via a Quarter Out or its equivalent. The last is a Right & Left Grand Ocean Wave, or a ½ Partner Wave In Sequence. It can be derived from the zero line by the sequence: Pass the Ocean, Girls Trade, Swing Thru.


4 2

2 334

4 2


Zero Box Out-facing Corner Line




2 2

Left Handed ZB-OW3

34 4



33 4

4 2


Corner Lady Line

1 1 1 11 1



4 2


Corner Line -- OS

1 1


The six figures above are derived from the zero box (ZB), which is an 8-Chain Thru formation where everyone is in a standard couple – boys on the left and girls on the right – everyone is in sequence, and everyone is looking at their Corner. Set up from the squared set is all too often Heads or Sides Square Thru. Left Allemande can be called from the zero box. The next is a Corner Lady Line, or simply Corner Line, which you get from a zero box by calling Slide Thru or its equivalent. The Out-Facing Corner Line is next and is derived from the Corner Line via the call Square Thru ¾ or its equivalent. The Corner Line Out of Sequence is derived from the Corner Line via Right & Left Thru or its equivalent. You get to the Zero Box Ocean Wave by calling Step to a Wave or an equivalent from the zero box. The Left Handed Zero Box Ocean Wave is also the Left Allemande Wave formed by calling Step to a Left Handed Ocean Wave or its equivalent from the zero box.

The Zero Module

The term “zero”, when applied to a square dance routine, means that the dancers go nowhere. When dancers start from a position and return to the same position, they have effectively gone nowhere. The routine “zeroed-out”; they danced a zero. The point of square dancing is to dance a big zero, but to do so with style. From the squared set, the caller calls a sequence of calls that

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moves dancers, mixes them up, and then at some point, sometimes magically, everything is put in order, and the dancers are back at home – right where they started: effectively zero movement.

The zero module, then, is a shorter sequence that doesn’t change anything about the square. A true zero returns dancers to their starting position – the exact footprints. Other “zeros” are technical zeros.

The Technical Zero

The technical zero does not change the state of the square for resolution purposes. With regard to the type of setup, dancer arrangement and relationship to one another, nothing changes. If the routine begins in a zero box, it ends in a zero box, although rotation and pairing shift may be introduced. The call Relay The Deucey from parallel ocean waves is a technical zero that introduces a 180 degree rotation. From zero box ocean waves the call Spin Chain the Gears, is a technical zero that shifts pairings.

What is a pairing shift? It is an inversion of the paired and unpaired couples. From a squared set, the call Heads Square Thru creates that 8-Chain Thru formation we introduced called a zero box.


4 2


1 1

Notice that there is a paired couple on the outside and an unpaired couple on the inside. Notice also that everyone is in sequence: Both Boys and Girls are arranged 1, 2, 3, 4 counting counter clockwise around the set. Another crucial fact for the zero box is that everyone is looking at the corner. You can call Allemande Left from this FASR. After calling the technical zero: Reverse Flutter Wheel, Veer Right, Couples Circulate, Bend the Line & Star Thru, head couples are paired on the outside, and side couples are now unpaired on the inside. A pairing shift (or inversion) has occurred.

Return to the squared set for a moment. The sequence Heads Square Thru and Do-sa-do to an Ocean Wave produces the wave in the figure below. Think of the staggered form of the wave on the right, and you can see the #4 couple paired. Everyone is holding on to their Corner’s hand.


















After calling the technical zero – Left Swing Thru, All 8 Circulate Thrice, Swing Thru – heads are paired and sides are un-paired. Everyone is still in sequence and holding their Corner’s hand.

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1 2


So, we still have a zero box ocean wave. Remember, with regard to square resolution, a technical zero does not change anything from its starting FASR; neither does a true zero. Effectively, there is zero movement. Of course, dancers have moved, and the caller should consider their body flow before choosing an appropriate continuation.

Technical zeros that involve pairing shifts (inversion) typically only work from specific starting arrangements. Start with a zero box ocean wave, call Girls Trade, and then the routine above for an example. Be sure to call your technical zeros from appropriate starting positions.

In addition to full zeros and technical zeros, there are also fractional zeros that must be called multiple times to zero out. Relay the Deucey is also a ½ zero. If you call it twice, dancers end in the footprints from which they began the sequence. The call, Spin Chain The Gears, is a ¼ true zero.

The Conversion Module

A conversion module is a short sequence of calls that changes the square’s state from a known FASR to a different known FASR. Typically, conversion modules are used to transform zero lines into zero boxes or zero boxes into zero lines. Of course, conversions are not restricted to lines and 8-Chain Thru formations.

Any conversion that creates a zero box could be considered a get-out module because left allemande can be called from the zero box. You could say the same of any conversion that creates a zero line since Allemande Left can be called from there as well.

The Equivalent Module

A module whose function is to replace another call or series of calls is an Equivalent. For example, suppose you are tired of calling Heads Square Thru to set up a zero box at the opening of a sequence. Use a Square Thru equivalent instead. The module, Star thru, California Twirl, produces the same ending formation and partner pairing relationships as Square Thru. What you have to be careful about when using equivalents – and in fact when using any sort of module – is hand availability and body flow. You want to be sure your choices make sense choreographically.

The Get-out Module

A get-out module is one whose function is to take the square from a known state to the Allemande Left, or Right and Left Grand, or resolve the square in some other fashion. Get-outs might be surprising or have some higher impact for the dancers than simply creating a zero box

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and calling Allemande Left. Some might be gimmicks, and some might be interesting or flowing. Others might be duds. Use your judgment to decide what works best for you and your dancers.

Modular Substitution

Modular Substitution refers to the practice of replacing a call, or a group of calls, within one module by substituting another module. Suppose you have the following module: ZB – Star Thru, Pass Thru, Bend the Line, Slide Thru – ZB. This zero box technical zero starts and ends in a zero box. Suppose also that you know a couple of equivalents for Star Thru/Slide Thru and perhaps one for Pass Thru. By substituting equivalents, you can add variety to the basic module.

Star Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line, Slide Thru basic module

[Touch ¼, Scoot Back, Boys Run], Pass Thru, Bend the Line, Slide Thru substitution for Star Thru.

[Swing Thru, Spin the Top, Right & Left Thru], [Flutter Wheel, Sweep ¼, Square Thru 2] Bend the Line, Slide Thru substituting equivalent for Star Thru, and one for the Pass Thru. Cast off ¾ would also

be a nice substitution for Bend the Line here.

[Spin Chain Thru, Girls Circulate, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Veer Left, Each Line Veer Right], Bend the Line, Slide Thru substituting an equivalent for the {Star Thru, Pass Thru} combination.

Allemande Left!

It should be evident from this example that modular substitution can increase the power of a small number of modules.

Sampling of Modules

Here is a brief sampling of modules provided for review. Obviously, this does not even scratch the surface of what can be done. The material is restricted to calls from the Basic and Mainstream levels. You should spend a lot of time with your checkers and go through each one to see what it does and how it works. Play with modular substitution and try to understand which modules would be good continuations or inserts for other modules. Try to understand when poor body flow is created or when a hand violation crops up. Write your own material as well.

The box zeros start from a 0B – that is normal couple arrangement according to CALLERLAB – when a component call requires a normal couple arrangement. At the Mainstream level, only men are supposed to courtesy turn real women1 – aka normal couples only – so Right & Left Thru requires a normal pairing. Right & Left Thru can be replaced with an equivalent to produce a module that is friendly for other arrangements. Take a look at each module provided with universality in mind. See what you need to do to make it more general. In some cases a simple

1 To be more accurate, at Mainstream and below, Courtesy Turn should only be executed with someone dancing the Boy’s part turning someone dancing the Girl’s part.

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change in the delivery of the call might suffice. Where directions are included in brackets – usually {Boys} or {Girls} – the term can be used in lieu of the term provided when the starting formation has a normal couple arrangement. Say, “Girls” rather than “Leads” or “Leaders” etc.

Facing Couples Foundation Zero

Let’s begin with the call Star Thru, and introduce it as a ¼ Zero. Call it four times and the dancers wind up in their original starting position. Right & Left Thru is a ½ Zero. Call it twice, and the dancers wind up where they began. Mix and match the calls and you have the basis for the facing couple foundation zeros shown. Any combination will work as your needs dictate. Use of these patterns with modular substitution of equivalents yields variety and, hopefully, interest.

Star Thru Right & Left Thru Star Thru

Right & Left Thru Star Thru Star Thru

To avoid use of the same hand twice in a row, use equivalents, insert a call like Do Sa Do, or another zero that does not begin with a touch of any kind.

Box Foundation Zeros

The so-called “Chicken Plucker” moves a couple back and forth from one side of the square to the other. It is the basis for the box foundation. You can interrupt at any leg and insert zero material or use equivalents for calls to create variety. Inserting some of the technical zeros that rotate the square one quadrant left or right would be a good way to break up the monotony of plucking chickens.

[0B] Chicken Plucker Right & Left Thru Dive Thru Centers Pass Thru Right & Left Thru Dive Thru Centers Pass Thru

[0B] Chicken Plucker Variant 1 Right & Left Thru Veer Left; Couples Circulate Chain Down the Line Star Thru Pass Thru Trade By

[0B] Chicken Plucker Variant 2 Right & Left Thru Pass Thru; Trade By Right & Left Thru Pass Thru; Trade By

[0B] Chicken Plucker Variant 3 Swing Thru Twice All 8 Circulate Swing Thru Twice All 8 Circulate

[B] Traditional Zero Swing Thru; Centers Run Ferris Wheel Centers Pass Thru

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Box (8-Chain Thru) Technical Zeros

These modules may change the orientation of the square with a Quadrant Rotation: counter-clockwise (CC), clockwise (CW), or a flip (R2) from your perspective as the caller. If the pairings change, the module is marked (PS) for paring switch. These, typically, only work from particular arrangements, like the zero box, but may work from other arrangements as well. The 0B means the 0 arrangement (normal couple arrangement) is required – at least at Mainstream. With a little substitution or creativity in the way you call it other arrangements might work as well.

[0B] T-Zero (CW) Right & Left Thru Veer Left Couples Circulate Chain Down the Line; Flutter Wheel Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Square Thru 3

[0B] T-Zero (CC) Pass Thru; Trade By Right & Left Thru Veer Left; Chain Down The Line Flutter Wheel Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Square Thru 3

[0B] T-Zero (PS) (CW) Swing Thru All 8 Circulate Boys Run Wheel & Deal

[B] T-Zero (PS) Split the outsides, around 1 to a line Touch 1/4; { Boys } Leads Run

[0B] T-Zero (PS) (R2) Star Thru Pass Thru; Bend the Line Star Thru

[0B] T-Zero (PS) Right & Left Thru Veer Left Girls Trade Couples Circulate Bend the Line & Reverse Flutter Wheel Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Pass Thru

[0B] T-Zero (CC) Touch ¼, Check your Wave Centers Trade Ends Circulate; Centers Circulate Swing Thru; Boys Run Star Thru

[0B] T-Zero (PS) (CW) Touch ¼, Walk & Dodge Partner Trade Pass the Ocean All 8 Circulate Swing Thru Boys Run Bend the Line Slide Thru

[0B] T-Zero (R2) Split the outsides, around 1 to a line Pass Thru; Bend the Line Pass Thru Ends Fold

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Star Thru Equivalents

Slide Thru

Veer Left Chain Down the Line

Right & Left Thru Half Sashay Touch ¼ Boys Run

Touch ¼; Scoot Back Boys Run

Swing Thru Spin the Top Right & Left Thru

Pass the Ocean Swing Thru Boys Run Wheel & Deal

Square Thru 4 Partner Trade

Flutter Wheel Pass the Ocean Recycle

Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Girls Walk, Boys Dodge Partner Trade Touch ¼ Boys Run

Touch ¼ Split Circulate Single Hinge Girls Trade Recycle & Sweep ¼

Swing Thru & Single Hinge Spilt Circulate Girls Run Pass Thru U-Turn Back

Touch ¼; Girls Run Box the Gnat & Right and Left Thru

Square Thru Equivalents

Star Thru California Twirl

Right & Left Thru Star Thru Pass Thru

Right & Left Thru Rollaway (or ½ Sashay) Star Thru

Touch ¼ Trailers {Boys} Run

Pass the Ocean; Centers Trade Recycle & Pass Thru

Touch ¼ Split/Box Circulate Scoot Back Walk and Dodge

Right & Left Thru Veer Left; Chain Down the Line Pass Thru

Slide Thru Right & Left Thru Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave Boys Trade Single Hinge (left handed) Girls Run

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Right & Left Thru Equivalents

Star Thru; Slide Thru

Pass Thru; Partner Trade

Square Thru, but on the 3rd hand …

Pass The Ocean Single Hinge Scoot Back Leads {Boys} Run

Dixie Style to an OW Centers {Boys} Cross Run; New Centers {Girls} Trade Centers {Girls} Run New Centers {Boys} Trade Centers {Boys} Run Chain Down the Line Flutter Wheel

Flutter Wheel Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Boys Run

Box the Gnat & Touch ¼ Boys Run Slide Thru

Ladies Chain Flutter Wheel

Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Boys Run Reverse Flutter Wheel

Swing Thru Spin the Top Spin the Top Centers Run Wheel & Deal

½ Sashay Box the Gnat

Swing Thru Spin the Top Recycle Sweep ¼

Reverse Flutter Wheel Flutter Wheel

Pass the Ocean Swing Thru Double Girls Trade Recycle Slide Thru

Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave Centers {Boys} Begin, Swing Thru Single Hinge (Left Handed) Girls Run

Reverse Flutter Wheel Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave Centers {Boys} Begin, Swing Thru Chain Down the Line

Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Single Hinge & Girls Trade Single Hinge Scoot Back Boys Run

Swing Thru Centers {Boys} Trade Centers {Boys} Run Centers {Girls} Trade Wheel & Deal

Pass the Ocean Centers {Girls} Trade Recycle Veer Left Tag the Line Leads {Girls} U-Turn Back Touch ¼, and the Girls Trade Single Hinge Scoot Back Leads {Boys} Run

Pass the Ocean Centers {Girls} Trade Swing Thru Centers {Boys} Cross Run Chain Down the Line

Flutter Wheel Reverse Flutter Wheel

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Bend the Line Equivalents

Cast off ¾

From Back to Back Lines

Partner Trade Pass The Ocean Centers Trade Swing Thru Centers Run Leaders Trade

Centers Trade Everybody Trade Single Hinge Ends Pass Thru Everybody Partner Trade

Ends Fold & Touch ¼ All 8 Circulate; Scoot Back All 8 Circulate; Scoot Back Leaders {Boys} Run

Centers Run, Then as Ends Pass Thru Centers Run, Then as Ends Pass Thru Centers Run, and All Single Hinge Centers Pass Thru Same Centers Cross Run While … Others Slide In and Partner Trade Ends Pass Thru, Then Run around the Centers

From Two-Faced Lines

Centers {Girls} Trade ½ Tag The Line Scoot Back Outfacers/Leaders {Boys} Run

½ Tag; Walk and Dodge Partner Trade Right & Left Thru

Leads Trade With the Couple you’re facing, Pass The Ocean Centers Trade Swing Thru & Centers Run Leads Trade

Ferris Wheel Centers Touch & Extend Swing Thru Single Hinge Outfacers {Boys} Run

Wheel & Deal Touch ¼ Split Circulate Outfacers {Boys} Run

Girls {Centers} Trade Girls Run Boys Begin, Swing Thru Chain Down the Line Flutter Wheel

Girls {Centers} Trade ½ Sashay, and Boys Connect & Trade Boys Run, Then Chain Down the Line Flutter Wheel

½ Tag The Line, Trade Leads {Boys} Run Reverse Flutter Wheel

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The most common conversions transform Zero Boxes into Zero Lines and vice versa. A handful of conversion modules are given in this section.

Zero Line to Zero Box

Pass the Ocean Swing Thru; Girls Circulate Boys Trade; Boys Run Bend the Line Slide Thru

Right & Left Thru Dixie Style To an OW Boys Circulate Boys Cross Run Girls Trade Recycle

Swing Thru Spin the Top Spin Chain Thru (Girls You’re Done) Boys Run Bend the Line Square Thru but on the 3rd hand Slide Thru

Swing Thru, Very Centers Trade (Grand SW Thru) Single Hinge Boys Run

Swing Thru Spin the Top All 8 Circulate, Boys Go Twice Swing Thru Boys Run Ferris Wheel Double Pass Thru Leaders Partner Trade

Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Flutter Wheel Centers Pass Thru

Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Just the Centers, Girls Walk Boys Dodge Same Four Scoot Back in the middle Just the Center Girls Run around your man

Right & Left Thru and Turn your Girl a Quarter More Girls Connect – Girls Circulate Chain Down the Line Flutter Wheel; Reverse Flutter Wheel Sweep ¼

Pass Thru, Tag the Line Centers In … Cast off ¾ Touch ¼ Single File Circulate Boys Run Trade By

Pass the Ocean Boys Circulate; Girls Trade Recycle Pass Thru; Trade By

Touch ¼; Single File Circulate Boys Run

Pass Thru Boys Run Ends Circulate While Centers Trade Boys Run Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Pass Thru

Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Swing Thru Extend & Hinge Centers Trade Boys Run Slide Thru

Pass Thru; ½ Tag Trade Centers Circulate Scoot Back Boys Run Slide Thru

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Zero Box to Zero Line

Traditional Swing Thru; Girls Circulate Boys Trade; Boys Run Bend the Line

Swing Thru All 8 Circulate Swing Thru Girls Circulate Recycle & Sweep ¼ More

Right & Left Thru Veer Left Girls Circulate Chain Down the Line Pass Thru; Bend the Line

Touch and Recycle Pass Thru Centers Touch & Recycle Everybody Face In – Lines Fwd & Back

½ Square Thru Ends Fold & Step to a Wave Girls Circulate Boys Circulate All 8 Circulate Swing Thru Boys Circulate while the Girls Trade Recycle Sweep ¼

Split the Outside 2, around 1 to a line Touch ¼ Center 4 Walk and Dodge End Boy Run around your girl Swing Thru Boys Run Bend the Line

Right & Left Thru Girls Walk, Boys Dodge Column Circulate Girls Run Swing Thru Spin the Top Boys Run Wheel & Deal … to a line of four

Swing Thru Spin Chain Thru Boys U-Turn Back Girls Run; Boys Trade Boys Run Bend The Line

Touch ¼ Split Circulate Check Waves and Centers Trade Swing Thru Ends Circulate Swing Thru Girls U-Turn Back

Touch ¼ (Step Thru) or (Extend) and Boys Swing Thru Girls U-Turn Back, Boys Trade with the Right Extend Boys Run

Right & Left Thru Veer Left Boys Circulate while Girls Trade Girls Run Left Boys Begin in the middle, Swing Thru Chain Down the Line

Step to an Ocean Wave Recycle Pass Thru The Ends Cloverleaf while the Centers Touch ¼ & Walk and Dodge Slide Thru with your Original Partner Lines Forward and Back

Slide Thru Reverse Flutter Wheel Flutter Wheel Sweep ¼ Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Column Circulate Girls Run Swing Thru Recycle Pass Thru; Trade By Slide Thru

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Magic Module

The magic module serves as both a conversion sequence and a get-out module.

As a Conversion: From Facing Lines Converts to Line with the next lady in the progression (Corner, Opposite, RH Lady, Partner)

Touch ¼ Single File Circulate Boys Run {Box – ZBox from ZLine} Slide Thru

As a Get-Out: Touch ¼ Single File Circulate <any number of spots> <for exactly 3 seconds> <etc.> Boys Run – Left Allemande or Girls Run – RL Grand!


You should write your own Get-Outs. Here are a few for you to play with and get the feel for. Any Zero Box Zero, or Conversion to Zero Box from Zero Line or visa-versa may be considered a Get-Out. Check Hand Availability First.

Zero Box Get-Outs

Slide Thru Square Thru 3 – Left Allemande!

Swing Thru Spin the Top Step Thru the Wave Left Allemande!

Slide Thru Right & Left Thru Dixie Style To an OW Boys Trade Left Allemande!

Split The Outside 2, ‘Round 1 to a line Left Touch ¼ Single File Circulate Boys Run Left and a RL Grand!

Split The Outside 2, ‘Round 1 to a line Ends Pass Thru; All Cast Off ¾ Centers Partner Trade 1 ½ RL Grand!

Right & Left Thru Girls Walk, Boys Dodge Column Circulate Girls Run Trade By Swing Thru RL Grand!

Do Sa Do To a Wave Girls Circulate Spin Chain Thru; Girls Circulate All 8 Circulate RL Grand!

Pass Thru; Trade By Touch ¼ Split Circulate Boys Trade Touch ¼ All Trade Single File Promenade!

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Zero Line Get-Outs

Slide Thru Square Thru 3 – Left Allemande!

Pass Thru; Wheel & Deal Centers Swing Thru – Turn Thru Left Allemande!

Pass Thru; Bend The Line Pass Thru Partner Trade 1 ½ RL Grand

Pass The Ocean Girls Trade Swing Thru RL Grand!

Pass the Ocean Girls Cross Run; Boys Trade Extend (or Step Thru) Left Allemande!

Right & Left Thru Girls Walk, Boys Dodge Single Hinge (left handed) Boys Trade Girls Circulate Boys Circulate All 8 Circulate Once … and a Half Left Allemande!

Right & Left Thru Turn the Girls ¼ More Girls Connect and Trade Boys Circulate Ferris Wheel Double Pass Thru Leads Partner Trade Left Allemande!

Right & Left Thru Dixie Style to an OW Boys Trade Step Thru (Extend) Left Allemande!

Boys Walk, Girls Dodge Single Hinge; Girls Connect & Trade Boys Circulate All 8 Circulate Girls Cross Run While Boys Slide In and Trade Left Allemande!

Pass the Ocean Girls Trade Recycle Pass Thru Left Allemande!

Left Touch ¼ Single File Circulate Single File Circulate Boys Run Left Right & Left Grand!

Right & Left Thru ½ Sashay Slide Thru Left Allemande!

Pass Thru Tag the Line Centers In … Cast Off ¾ Centers Pass Thru Everybody Trade Tag the Line Leads Partner Trade Box the Gnat Right & Left Grand!