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Student Representative Forum:

Tuesday 11th December 2012


1. Apologies: Seb Kazemi (SSL), Acheliya Mustafa (SSL) Stephanie Watts (HSC),

Manon Goestschel (SAM), Liam Bell (SCM), Andrew Findlay (SCM),

2. School Updates:

a. SAM – Having a walk around 3 times a week to get faces known, having a

facebook surgery every Tuesday. Raising profile within seminars and now

recruiting for new rep

b. TUBS – Won Reps on the Month. Replaced all posters and having a charity

event tomorrow (12th)

c. SCM – Having regular meetings with academic staff. Raising their profile.

Still in the process of planning a gaming event.

d. SSL – Making Welfare reps welcome. Working with staff and other Reps to

create informational video. Carrying on with Facebook surgery.

e. SSE – New comments box has been put in the Stephenson building. Held a

Pirate themed charity event. Creating a newsletter for the school for the

new year. Looking at getting drinking water taps for the building.

f. HSC – Carrying on with walkarounds and Facebook surgery. Planned a

chocolate hunt in January. Organising a lecture from the Dean on

Healthcare. Updating the school handbook

3. NUS National Demonstration (JP) – Wasn’t as successful with numbers as

hoped however the people who did go had a good time. Took people from other

colleges so was good to reach out to wider community.

4. Library User Forum Updates (HG) – First forum was yesterday (10th) Really

positive and good feedback was given. Better than anticipated and looked into

extended opening hours (not 24h). Would be nice for one Rep from each school

to attend next meeting.

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5. SU on Tour (JP/HG) – Not been to SAM yet and concern was expressed that

they will be visited on last week of term when most students have already left.

Was suggested that SAM received more visits in the second term. For second

term the tour will focus on more popular areas of Uni (Library and Middlesbrough

tower) Look at getting reps involved. As a result of feedback, ICT have now

taken over campus map and are updating it.

a- Timetabling – Majority of feedback was based around timetables. See

story so far handout.

6. Elections (HP/ND) – Was mentioned that due to the nature of Reps they would

make good candidates. Workshops are being held and current officers can be

approached to ask questions or shadow for the day. Also possibility of being an

NUS rep.

7. Policies (HG) – See relevant handout for Exec officer policies for the year.

Welcome to suggestions. Looking to enforce lecturers only holding lectures until

12 on a Wednesday.

8. Student Engagement Ambassador (HG) – Hannah Graham now meets on a

National Level for NUS representing the North East. Has picked good and bad

things to focus on including student charters.

9. AOB – Iain Clement asked for 3 sentences from each school to be given to him

ASAP for the Tease Magazine.
