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1. Abélès, Marc Anthropologie et marxisme / Marc Abélès. - Paris : Ed.Complexe/PUF, 1976. – 240p. : couv.ill. ; 23cm. - (Coll.Dialectiques). ISBN 2-87027-026-7


2. Ahmed, Akbar S. The Future of Anthropology : its Relevance to the Contemporary world / Akbar S. Ahmed, Shore Cris N-London :Athlone, 1995. - 291p. ; 22cm. Index p.278-291 ISBN 0 485 11445 3


3. Ahmed, Akbar S. Islam, Globalization and Postmodernity / Akbar S. Ahmed, Donnan Hastings. – London/New York : Routledge, 1994. - 242p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.237-242 ISBN 0-415-09366-X


4. Albertini, J.-M. Les mécanismes du sous-développement : initiation économique / J.-M. Albertini. Paris : Ed. Economie et Humanisme; Ed. Ouvrières, 1967. - 334p. ; 19cm. Bibliogr.p.317-326


5. Amin, Samir The arab economy today : introduction by aidan foster-carter / Samir Amin; Trad. par Michael Pallis. - Londres :Zed Press, 1982. - 124p. ; 23cm. Bibliogr. p.107-124 ISBN 0-86232-081-X


6. Amin, Samir Le développement inégal : essai sur les formations sociales du capitalisme périphérique / Samir Amin. - Paris : Ed. Minuit, 1973. - 365p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.342-361 ISBN 2-7073-0017-9


7. Anderson, Perry Sur le marxisme occidental / Perry Anderson. - Paris : F.Maspero, 1977. - 167p. ; 18cm. - (Coll. Maspero,194). ISBN 2-7071-0942-8


8. Appleman, Philip Darwin / Philip Appleman. - Seconde Ed.. - New York/Londres : W.W.Norton et Copany, 1979. - 582p. : couv. ill. ;22cm. ISBN 0-393-01192-5


9. Asad, Talal Sociology of " Developing Societies" the middle East / Talal Asad, Owen Roger. – New York : Monthly ReviewPress, 1983. - 264p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 22cm. (Coll.Sociology of " Developing Societies). Bibliogr.p.239-258.-Index p.259-264 ISBN 0-85345-636-4


10. Asad, Talal Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter / Talal Asad. - Londres : Ithaca Press, 1973. – 281p. ; 32cm. Index ISBN 0-903729-00-8


11. Bahro, Rudolf L'alternative : pour une critique du socialisme existant réellement / Rudolf Bahro. – Paris : Lutter/Stock2, 1979. -425p. ; 22cm. 12. Balandier, Georges Anthropologie politique / Georges Balandier. - Paris : Quadrige/PUF, 1984. - 240p. couv. ill. ; 19cm. Bibliogr.p.231-233.- Index 234-238 ISBN 2 13 038098 0


13. Banton, Michael Anthropological Approches to the Study of religion / Michael Banton. - London : Tavistock Publications, 1966. - 176p. ; 22cm.


14. Banton, Michael The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies / Michael Banton. - Londres; New York; Sydney; Toronto :Tavistock Publications, 1966. - 156p. ; 22cm. – (Coll. A. S. A. Monographs , 4).


15. Banton, Michael The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology / Michael Banton. - Londres; New York; Sydney; Toronto :Tavisttock Publications, 1965. - 238p. ; 24cm. – (Coll. A. S. A. Monographs, 1).


16. Baroudi, Abdallah Maroc : impérialisme et émigration / Abdallah Baroudi. - Paris : Le Sycomore, 1978. – 189p. : tabl. fig. ; 22cm ISBN 2-8626-005-X


17. Barth, Fredrik Ethnic Groups and Boundaries : the Social Organization of Culture Difference / Fredrik Barth. - Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1969. - 153p. : fig. ; 21cm. Bibliogr. p.149-153


18. Basalla, George The Evolution of Technology / George Basalla. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988. - 248p. : ill.,couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p. 245-248 ISBN 0-521-22855-7


19. Bastide, Roger Applied Anthropology / Roger Bastide; Trad. par Alice I. Morton. - New York, San Francisco; London : Harper Torchbooks, 1974. - 226p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.220-223.-Index


20. Beattie, John Other Cultures : Aims, Methods, and Achievements in Social Anthropology / John Beattie. - New York : The Free Press, 1964. - 283p. ; 22cm. Index p.276-283


21. Bernal, J.D. The Social Function of science / J.D. Bernal. - Massachusetts; London : The M.I.T. Press, 1967. - 482p. ; 21cm. Index p. 469-482


22. Berra, Tim M. Evolution and the Myth of Creationism : a Basic Buide to the Facts in the Evolution debate / Tim M. Berra. -California : Standford University Press, 1990. - 198p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22cm. Index p.189-198


23. Bertrand, Michèle Le statut de la religion chez Marx et Angels / Michèle Bertrand. - Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1979. - 189p. : couv.ill.en coul. ; 22cm. ISBN 2-209-05316-1


24. Bidney, David Theorectical Anthropology / David Bidney. - 2eme Ed. - New York : Schocken Books, 1967. - 528p. : couv. ill. ;21cm. Bibliogr.p.502-505.-Index p.509-528


25. Birnbaum, Pierre La logique de l'état / Pierre Birnbaum. - Paris : Fayard, 1982. - 236p. ; 22cm. ISBN 2-213-01113-3


26. Bloch, Maurice Marxist analyses and social anthropology / Maurice Bloch. - Londres : Malaby Press, 1975. - 240p. ; 26cm. Index p.231-240 ISBN 0-460-14003-5


27. Blomst ِ m, Magnus Development theory inTransition : the Dependency Debate and Beyond : Third World Magnus Blomst ِ m, Hettne Bj ِ rn. - London : Zed Books Ltd, 1984. - 215p. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.201-215 ISBN 0-86232-270-7


28. Blount, Ben G. Sociolcultural Dimension of Language change / Ben G. Blount, Sanches Mary. – New York; Londres : Academic Press, 1977. - 293p. ; 24cm. Index p.289-293 ISBN 0-12-107450-1


29. Bock, Philip K. Peasants in the Modern World / Philip K. Bock. - U.S.A. : University of New Mexico Press, 1969. - 173p. : couv.ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.159-173


30. Bohannan, Paul Africa and Africans / Paul Bohannan. - New York : The Amercian Museum of Natural History, 1964. - 259p. : Couv. ill. en coul. ; 18cm. Index p.255-259


31. Bosschere, Guy de Le tiers monde / Guy de Bosschere. - Paris : Ed. Seghers, 1975. - 386p. ; 19cm. – (Coll. Clefs).


32. Bottomore, T.B. Elites and Society / T.B. Bottomore. - U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1964. - 160p. : couv.ill. ; 18cm. Bibliogr.p.151-158.-Index p.159-160


33. Bowie, Fiona The Anthropology of Religion : an Introduction / Fiona Bowie. - U.S.A. Blacwell Publishers, 2000. - 284p. : couv.ill.; 23cm. Index p.277-284 ISBN 0-631-20847-X


34. Brace, C.Loring The Stages of Human Evolution : Human and Cultural Origins / C.Loring Brace. – 3eme Ed. - New Jersy :Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1988. - 154p. : ill., couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.152-154


35. Braidwood, Robert J. Prehistoric Men / Robert J. Braidwood. - 7eme Ed. - U.S.A. : Scott, Foresman and Company, 1964. - 181p. : ill.,couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p. 177-181


36. Braverman, Harry Labor and monopoly capital : the degradation of work in the twentieth century / Harry Braverman, Sweezy PaulM. - New York; Londres : Monthly Review Press, 1974. - 465p. ; 21cm. Index p.451-465 ISBN 0-85345-340-3


37. Bridges, William The Way of Transition : Embracing life's most Difficult Moments / William Bridges. Cambridge : Perseus Publishing, 2001. - 226p. : couv.ill. ; 21cm. ISBN 0-7382-0410-2


38. Brinton, Crane The Anatomy of Revolution / Crane Brinton. - New York : Vintage Books, 1965. – 310p.: couv.ill.en coul. ; 19cm. Bibliogr.p.272-296.-Index p.297-310


39. Brues, Alice M. People and Races / Alice M. Brues. - New York : Macmillan Publishing Co., INC; Londres : Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1977. - 336p. : ill., couv. ill en coul. ; 24cm. Bibliogr. p.316-324.-Index p.325-336 ISBN 0-02-315670-8


40. Bryson, Reid A. Climates of Hunger : Mankind and the World Changing Weather / Reid A. Bryson, Murray Thomas J.. - Londres :The University of Wisconsin Press, 1977. - 171p. : fig., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22cm. Index p.165-171 ISBN 0-299-07370-X


41. Burns, Emile An Introduction to Marxism / Emile Burns. - Londres : Ed. Lawrence/Wishart LTD, 1976. - 75p. ; 19cm.


42. Caillois, Roger Le mythe et l'homme / Roger Caillois. - Paris : Gallimard, 1938. - 188p. : couv.ill. ; 18cm. - (Coll. Folio / Essais).


43. Cameron, Kenneth Neill Humanity abd Society : a World history / Kenneth Neill Cameron. - New York; London : Monthly Review Press,1973. - 470p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr. 437-450 ISBN 0-85345-408-6


44. Celik, Zeynep Urban forms and Colonial Confrontations : Algiers Under French Rule / Zeynep Celik. U.S.A./London : Universityof California Press, 1997. - 236p. : ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.221-226.- Index p.229-236 ISBN 0-520-20457-3


45. Chesneaux, Jean La pensée chinoise / Jean Chesneaux. - Paris : Université Nouvelles, 1963. - 34p. 28cm. In : Esquisse d'une histoire de la pensée scientifique, n°114, 1963


46. Childe, Godon Social Evolution / Godon Childe. - New York : Meridian Books, 1963. - 191p. : couv.ill en coul. ; 18cm. Index p.187-191


47. Childe, V.Gordon Man Makes Himself / V.Gordon Childe. - U.S.A. : A Mentor Book, 1951. - 192p. : couv.ill. en coul. ; 18cm. Index


48. Clark, W.E.Le Gros The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution : an Introduction to the Study of Paleoanthropology / W.E.Le Gros Clark.- 2ème Ed. - Chicago; Londres : Th University of Chicago Press, 1964. - 200p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. – (Coll. The Scientist's Library). Index


49. Clarke, Robin The Chanllenge of the Primitives / Robin Clarke. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1975. - 240p. : couv.ill. en coul. ; 22cm. ISBN 0-07-011234-7


50. Clastres, Pierre La société contre l'état : recherches d'anthropologie politique / Pierre Clastres. – Paris : Ed. de Minuit, 1974. -186 ; 22cm. ISBN 2-7073-0021-7


51. Cohen, Mark Nathan The Food Crisis in Prehistory / Mark Nathan Cohen. - New Haven; Londres : Yale University Press, 1977. - 341p.: couv. ill. ; 21cm.. Bibliogr.p.287-330.-Index p.331-341 ISBN 0-300-02016-3


52. Cohen, Percy S. Modern social Theory / Percy S. Cohen. - 2eme Ed. - New York : Basic Books, Inc., 1968. - 247p. ; 22cm. Index p.245-247


53. Cohen, Yehudi A. Man in Adaptation : the Cultural Present / Yehudi A. Cohen. - 2 eme Ed. – Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company,1974. - 602p. : couv. ill. ; 24cm. Index p.593-602


54. Cole, Juan R.I. Comparing Muslim Societes : Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization / JuanR.I. Cole. - U.S.A. : The University of Michigan Press, 1992. - 328p. ; 23cm.– (Coll. The Comparative Studies in Society and History Book Series). Bibliogr.p.301-321.-Index p.323-328 ISBN 0-472-09449-1


55. Combattantes de la lutte armée, les femmes aussi écriront l'histoire. – Algérie: (s.n.), (s.d.). - 71p. : ill.,couv. ill. ; 24cm.


56. Common Crisis North-South : Cooperation for World Recevery / The Brandt Commission. - Londres; Sydney: Pan Books, 1983. - 174p. : couv. ill. ; 18cm. ISBN 0-330-28130-5


57. Coppens, Yves Le singe, l'Afrique et l'homme / Yves Coppens. - Paris : Ed. Fayards, 1983. - 148p. : ill. ; 22cm.- (Coll. Le temps des sciences).


58. Cornforth, Maurice Materialism and the Dialectical Methode / Maurice Cornforth. - New York : International Publishers, 1968. -126p. ; 18cm.


59. Coser, Lewis A. Sociological Theory / Lewis A. Coser, Rosenberg Bernard. - U.S.A. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1976. - 451p.; 34cm. Index p.647-651 ISBN 0-02-325211-1


60. Cox, Olivier C. Capitalism as a System / Olivier C. Cox. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1964. 367p. : couv.ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.341-357.- Index 359-367


61. Dahrendorf, Ralf Essays in the Theory of Society / Ralf Dahrendorf. - California : Standford University Press, 1968. - 300p. : couv.ill. ; 22cm. Index p.295-300


62. Dalton, George Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies : Essays of Karl Polanyi / George Dalton. New York : Anchor Books,1968. - 346 : couv. ill. ; 18cm. Index p.335-346

19055 63. Dambuyant, Marinette L'orient : la culture de l'inde / Marinette Dambuyant. - Paris : Université Nouvelle, 1963. - 25p. ; 27cm. In: Esquisse d'une histoire de la pensée scientifique, n°116, 1963


64. Département des affaires économiques et sociales internationales Lancement d'une troisième décennie pour le développement / Département des affaires économiques et sociales internationales. - New York : Nations Unies, 1979. - 41p. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.


65. Deutsch, Karl W. Nationalism and Social Communication / Karl W. Deutsch. - Massachusetts : The Technology Press of theMassachusetts Institute of Tchnology, 1953. - 292p. : fig. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.251-266.-Index p.267-292


66. Dobzhansky, Theodosius Mankind Evolving : the Evolution of the Human Species / Theodosius Dobzhansky. Londres : Yale University Press, 1970. - 381p. : fig., couv. ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p. 348-369.-Index p.371-381 ISBN 0-300-070-7


67. Donald, Merlin Origins of the Modern Mind : Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition / Merlin Donald. -Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1991. – 413p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 25cm. Index p. 405-413 ISBN 0-674-64483-2


68. Dorner, Peter Land Reform and Economic Development / Peter Dorner. - Londres : Penguin Books,1972. - 167p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 18cm. Index p. 159-167


69. Douglas, Mary Man in Africa / Mary Douglas, Kberry Phyllis M.. - New York : Anchor Books, 1971. – 367p. :, couv. ill. ;18cm. Index p.355-367


70. Duchet, Michel Le partage des savoirs : discours historique et discours ethnologique / Michel Duchet. - Paris : Ed. La Découverte, 1984. - 231p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. ISBN 2-7071-1512-6


71. Dupuy, Francis Anthropologie économique / Francis Dupuy. - Paris : A.Colin, 2001. - 192p. : cartes ; 21cm. - (Coll. Sociologie). Bibliogr.p.177-182.-Index p.185-189 ISBN 2-200-25195-5


72. Engels, Frederick The Origin of the Family Private Property and the State / Frederick Engels. – New York :International Publishers,1973. - 285p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.269-276.-Index p.277-285 ISBN 0-7178-0359-7


73. Ethnologie et histoire : force productives et problèmes de transition / Collab. de Maurice Agulhon, Giulo Angioni, Mariel J. Brunhes Delamarre [et al]. - Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1975. - 575p. ; 22cm.


74. Ethnologie occidentale : essais critiques sur l'idéologie / sous la dir. de I. Grigoulevitch et S. Kozlov, trad.par Victor Rosanov. - Union Soviétique : Ed. Progès, 1958. - 262p. ; 21cm.


75. Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Social Anthropology and other Essays / E.E. Evans-Pritchard. - New York : The Free Press, 1962. - 354p. :couv. ill. ; 21cm.


76. Fentress, James Social Memory / James Fentress, Wickham Chris. - U.S.A. : Blackwell, 1992. – 229p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.223-229 ISBN 0-631-16618-1


77. Ferrandon, Marie-Christine La division du travail / Marie-Christine Ferrandon, Jammes Robert. - Paris : Ed. Hatier, 1978. - 79p. ; 18cm. -(Coll. Profil Dossier, 517). ISBN 2-218-04311-4


78. Feuer, Lewis S. Ideology and the Ideologists / Lewis S. Feuer. - U.S.A.; Londres : Harper Torchbooks, 1975. - 220p. : couv. ill. ;21cm. Index p. 213-220


79. Firth, Raymond Themes in Economic Anthropology / Raymond Firth. - London/New York : Tavistock publications, 1967. - 292p. ;22cm. Index p.283-292


80. Foster, Georges M. Anthropologists in Cities / Georges M. Foster, Kemper Robert V. - Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1974. -257p. ; 23cm.


81. Fox, Robin Anthropologie de la parenté : une analyse de la consanguinité et de l'alliance / Robin Fox; Trad. par SimoneDreyfus et Tina Jolas. - Paris : Gallimard, 1972 .-268p. ; 21cm. - (Coll. Les essais CLVII). Bibliogr.p.257-261.-Index p.263-268


82. Freilich, Morris The Meaning of culture : a Reader in Cultural Anthropology / Morris Freilich. - Massachusetts/Toronto : Xerox College Publishing, 1972. - 325p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. ISBN 0-536-00699-7


83. Fried, Morton War : the Anthropology of Armed conflict and Aggression / Morton Fried, Murphy Robert Harris Marvin. - NewYork : The American Museum of Natural History, 1967. - 262p. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.239-254.-Index p.255-262


84. Fried, Morton H. The Evolution of Political society : an Essy in Political Anthrolpology / Morton H. Fried. - New York : Rnadom House, 1967. - 270p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.243-258.- Index p.259-270


85. Friedl, Ernestine Women and Men : an Anthropologist's View / Ernestine Friedl. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. -148p. : couv. ill. ; 24cm. ISBN 0-03-091529-5


86. Furtado, Celso Le mythe du développement économique / Celso Furtado; Trad. par Eddy Treves. - Paris : Ed. Anthropos, 1976.- 151p. ; 19cm.


87. Gabel, Joseph Idéologies II : althussérisme et stalinisme / Joseph Gabel. - Paris : Ed. Anthropos, 1978. - 167p. ; 22cm. ISBN 2-7157-0320-1


88. Gailey, Christine Ward Dialectical Anthropology : Essays in Honor of Stanely Diamond / Christine Ward Gailey. - U.S.A. : University Press of Florida, 1992. - 367p. ; 24cm. 1.Civilization in Crisis: Anthropological Perspectives ISBN 0-8130-1115-9


89. Galvano della Volpe Critique de l'idéologie contemporaine : essais de théorie dialectique / Galvano della Volpe; trad. par Pierre Méthais. - Paris : P.U.F., 1976. - 150p. ; 22cm.


90. Gamst, Frederick C. Peasants in Complex Society / Frederick C. Gamst. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, INC., 1974. - 82p. : ill.couv.ill. ; 24cm. ISBN 0-03-091287-3


91. Gamwell, Franklin I The Meaning of Religious Freedom : Modern Politics and the Democratic Resolution / Franklin I Gamwell. – New York : State University of New York Press, 1995. –251p. ; 23cm. - (Coll. Suny Series in Religious Studies). Index p.243-251 ISBN 0-791-2389-1


92. Gardner, Katy Anthropologiy, Development and the Post-Modern Challenge / Katy Gardner, Lewis David. - London; Chicago :Pluto Press, 1996. - 192p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. – (Coll. Anthropology, Culture et Society). Bibliogr.174-185.- Index p.186-192 ISBN 0 7453 0746 9


93. Gaylord Simpson, George This View of Life : the World of an Evolutionist / George Gaylord Simpson. - New York : Harcourt, Brace et World,Inc., 1964. - 308p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p.303-308


94. Geertz, Clifford Islam Observed : Religious Development in Morrocco and Indonesia / Clifford Geertz. - Chicago; Londres : The University of Chicago Press, 1968. - 136p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 21cm. Bibliogr. p.119-132.-Index


95. Gellner, Ernest Muslim Society / Ernest Gellner. - Cambridge : Campbridge University Press, 1981. - 266p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.252-264 ISBN 0-521-22160-9


96. Giddens, Anthony The Consequences of Modernity / Anthony Giddens. - California : Stanford University Press, 1990. - 186p. ;23cm. ISBN 0-8047-1762-1


97. Giddens, Anthony The Nation-State and Violence 2. of Contempory Critique of Historical Materialism / Anthony Giddens. - Berkely :Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1987. – 399p. ; 23cm. ISBN 0520-04535-1


98. Giddens, Anthony The Class structure of the Advanced Societies / Anthony Giddens. - Londres : Hutchinson, 1980. - 366p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 22cm. Index p. 355-366 ISBN 0-09-141891-7


99. Giddens, Anthony Capitalism and Modern Social Theory : an Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim, and Maw Weber / Anthony Giddens. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1971. - 261p. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.p. 248-254.- Index p.255-261 ISBN 0-521-08293-5


100. Godelier, Maurice Horizon, trajets marxistes en anthropologie / Maurice Godelier. - Paris : F.Maspero, 1973. - 395p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. - (Coll. Bibliothèque d’anthropologie).


101. Goody, Jack L'évolution de la famille et du mariage en europe / Jack Goody; Préf. de Georges Duby. - Paris : A.Colin, 1985. -301p. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.285-299 ISBN 2-200-36112-2


102. Gosselin, Gabriel Changer le progrès / Gabriel Gosselin. - Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1979. - 216p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 21cm. - (Coll.Esprit). ISBN 2-02-005097-8


103. Gouldner, Alvin W. The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class / Alvin W. Gouldner. – New York; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1979. - 121p. ; 20cm. Index p.117-121 ISBN 0-19-503065-6


104. Habermas, Jürgen La technique et la sicence comme "idéologie" / Jürgen Habermas; Trad. par Jean-René Ladmiral. - Paris :Gallimard, 1973. - 211p. ; 21cm.3. – (Coll. les Essais CLXXXIII).


105. Habermas, Jurgen Legitimation Crisis / Jurgen Habermas. - London : Heinemann, 1976. - 166p. ; 22cm. Index p.164-166 ISBN 0-435-82386-8


106. Haeffner, Gerd The Human Situation a Philosophie Anthropology / Gerd Haeffner; Trad. par Eric Watkins. - Indiana : University of Notre Dame Presse, 1989. - 207p. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.193-198.-Index p.199207 ISBN 0-268-010


107. Halperin, Rhoda Peasant livelihood : Studies in Economic Anthropology and cultural Ecology / Rhoda Halperin, Dow James. - NewYork : St.Martin'S Press. - 332p. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.p.298-319.-Index p.323-332


108. Hanks, Lucien M. Rice and Man : Agricultural Ecology in Southeast Asia / Lucien M. Hanks. – Chicago;New York : Aldine/Atherton, 1972. - 174p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm.


109. Harris, Marvin The Rise of Anthropological theory / Marvin Harris. - New York : ThomasY Crowell Company, 1968. - 806p. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.688-764.-Index p.765-806


110. Harris, Marvin Culture, man, and nature : an introdution to general anthropology / Marvin Harris. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1971. - 660p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.597-621.- Index p.622-660 ISBN 0-690-23034-6


111. Hawkes, David Ideology / David Hawkes. - London/New York : Routledge, 1966. - 210p. : couv.ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.203-210 ISBN 0-415-09808-4


112. Held, David Introduction to Critical Theory : Horkheimer to Habermas / David Held. – Londres; Sydney; Johannesburg :Hutchinson, 1980. - 511p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Bibliogr. p.483-499.-Index p.501-511 ISBN 0-09-138940-2


113. Hickerson, Nancy Parrott Linguistic Anthropology / Nancy Parrott Hickerson. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehert and Winston, 1980. - 168p. : ill. ;24cm. Bibliogr.p.163-163-168 ISBN 0-03-006956-4


114. Hitchcock, John T. The Magras of Banyan hill / John T. Hitchcock. - New York; Toronto; London : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. - 115p. : couv. ill. ; 24cm. ISBN 0-03-055305-9

115. Hobsbawm, E.J. Primitive Rebels : Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Mouvements / E.J. Hobsbawm. - New York : The norton Library W.W.Norton et Company. INC., 1959. - 202p. ; 20cm. Index p.193-202


116. Hoelscher, H.E Technology and man's changing world : some thoughts on understanding the interaction of technology and society / H.E Hoelscher. - Beirut : American University of Beirut, 1980. - 57p ; 21cm.


117. Hymes, Dell Rei Venting Anthropology / Dell Hymes. - New York : A Division of Random House, 1974. - 470p. : couv. ill. ; 18cm. Index p.463-470 ISBN 0-394-71953-0


118. Ingold, Tim Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology / Tim Ingold. - London/New York : Routledge, 1994. - 1127p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 24cm. Index p.1067-1127 ISBN 0-415-02137-5


119. Jennings, Jesse Readings in Anthropology / Jesse Jennings, Hoebel E.Adamson. - 3eme Ed. – U.S.A. : McGraw-Hill Company, 1972. - 530p. : couv. ill. ; 26cm. Index p.519-530


120. Judet, Pierre Les nouveaux pays industriels / Pierre Judet. - Paris : Ed. Economie et Humanisme; Ed. Ouvrières, 1981. -174p. ; 18cm.. - (Coll. Nord-Sud). ISBN 2-7082-2222-8


121. Kahn, Herman The Japanese Challenge : the Sucess and Failure of Economic sucess / Herman Kahn, Pepper Thomas. - Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co. : Publishers, 1980. - 162p. : fig. ; 19cm. Bibliogr.-Index p.157-162


122. Kaplan, David Culture Theory / David Kaplan, Manners Robert A. - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. - 212p. : couv. ill. ;23cm. - (Foundations of Modern Anthropology series). Index p. 209-212 ISBN 0-13-195529-2


123. Kolakowski, Leszzk The Alienation of Reason : a History of Positivist Thought / Leszzk Kolakowski; trad.par Norbert Guterman. - NewYork : Anchor Books, 1969. - 222p. ; 19cm. Index p.213-221


124. Kottak, Conard Phillip Anthropology the Exploration of Human Diversity / Conard Phillip Kottak. - 5eme Ed. - New York :McGRAW-HILL, INC, 1991. - 496p. : ill.en coul , couv. ill.en coul. ; 26cm. Bibliogr.p.257-477.-Index p.484-496 ISBN 0-07-035616-5


125. Kottak, Conrad Phillip Anthropology : the Exploration of Human Diversity / Conrad Phillip Kottak. - New York : Random House, 1942. -517p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 26cm. Index p.501-517 ISBN 0-394-31516-2


126. Kovel, Joel Against the State of Nuclear terror / Joel Kovel. - Londres : Sydney : Pan Books, 1983. - 240p. : ill. ; 22cm. Index ISBN 0-330-28111-9


127. Krader, Lawrence Formation of the State / Lawrence Krader. - New Jersy : Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1968. - 118p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. - (Coll. Foundations of Modern Anthropology Series). Index p.116-118


128. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn. - Chicago; London : The Universitu of Chicago Press,1962. - 172p. ; 21cm.


129. L'anthropologie économique : courants et problèmes / Démonio Lucien, Marie Alain, Meunier Roger [et al]; sous la dir. de François Pouillon. - Paris : F. Maspero, 1976. - 158p. : couv. ill. ; 22cm. Bibliogr. p.146-153 ISBN 2-7071-0860-X


130. Lacoste, Yves Géographie du sous-développement : géopolitique d'une crise / Yves Lacoste; Préf. de Pierre George. - Paris :P.U.F., 1965. - 292p. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.285-289


131. Lacoste-Dujardin, Camille Dialogue de femmes en ethnologie / Camille Lacoste-Dujardin. - Paris : F. Maspero, 1977. - 115p. : couv. ill. ;23cm. ISBN 2-7071-0924-X


132. Lambek, Michael A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion / Michael Lambek. - U.S.A. Blackwell Publishers, 2002. - 620p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 25cm. - (Coll. Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology). Bibliogr.p.585-613.- Index p.614-620 ISBN 0-631-22113-1


133. Lancaster, Jan Beckman Primate Behavior and the Emergence of Human culture / Jan Beckman Lancaster. U.S.A..; Montreal; Londres; Sydney : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. - 98p. : couv. ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.91-94


134. Lanternari, Vittorio The Religions of the Oppressed : a Study of Modern Messianic cults / Vittorio Lanternari; Trad. par Lisa Sergio. -U.S.A. : A Mentor Book, c.1963. - 286p. : couv. ill. ; 18cm. Index p.275-286


135. Leach, Edmund R. Critique de l'anthropologie / Edmund R. Leach; trad. par Dan Sperber et Serge Thion. - Paris : P.U.F., 1968. -238p. : couv. ill. ; 18cm. - (Coll. Sup le sociologue, 16). Bibliogr.p.231-238


136. Leakey, Richard E. Origins : What new Discouveries Reveal about the Emergence of our Specie and Itspossible Future / Richard E.Leakey, Lewin Roger. - New York : E.P.Dutton, Inc., 1977. - 255p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 20cm. Index p. 245-255 ISBN 0-525-48013-7


137. Lefebvre, Henri La production de l'espace / Henri Lefebvre. - Paris : Ed. Antropos, 1974. - 485p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm.


138. Lemaine, Gérard Hommes supérieurs, hommes inférieurs ? : la controverse sur l'héridité de l’intelligence / Gérard Lemaine, Matalon Benjamin. - Paris : A.Colin, 1985. - 291p. ; 23cm. - (Coll. U). Bibliogr. p.265-283.- Index p.285-291 ISBN 2-200-31207-5


139. Les domaines de la parenté : filiation, alliance, résidence / Augé Marc, Grandin Nicole [et al.] Aghassian Michel; sous la dir. de Marc Augé. - Paris : F.Maspero, 1975. - 139p. : couv.ill. ; 22cm. - (Coll. Dossier Africains).


140. Lewin, Roger L'évolution humaine / Roger Lewin; Trad. par Marcel Blanc. - Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1991. - 408p. : ill., couv. ill. ;18cm. - (Coll. Points / Sciences, 70). Index p. 403-408 ISBN 2-02-01261-8


141. Lewis, I.M. History and Social Anthropology / I.M. Lewis. - Londres; New York; Sydney; Toronto: Tavistock Publications,1968. - 307p. ; 22cm.- (Coll. A. S. A. Monographs, 7). Index p.297-307


142. Lewis, Mumford Technics and Civilization / Mumford Lewis. - New York : Harcourt, Brace et World, Inc., 1963. - 495p. : ill. ;20cm. Bibliogr.p.447-474.-477-495 ISBN 0-15-688254-X


143. Lewis, Oscar Tepoztlan : Village in mexico / Oscar Lewis. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. - 104p. : ill., couv. ill. ;24cm.


144. Limited Wants, Unlimited Means : a Reader on hunter-Gratherer Economics And the Environment. Index p.329-342


145. Linton, Ralph The Tree of Culture / Ralph Linton. - New York : Vintage Books/Random House, 1958. - 261p. : couv. ill.en coul. ;19cm. Index


146. Lombard, Jacques L'anthropologie britannique contemporaine / Jacques Lombard. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1972. - 260p. : couv.ill. ; 18cm. - (Coll. Sup, 30). Bibliogr.p.245-253.- Index p.255-258


147. Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Society / Robert H. Lowie. - New York : Liverght, 1970. - 463p. : couv. ill. 21cm. Bibliogr.p.443450.- Index p.451-463


148. Lucas, Philippe L'Algérie des anthropologues / Philippe Lucas, Vatin Jean-Claude. - Paris : F. Maspero, 1975. - 292p. ; 22cm. Index p.287-292


149. Mair, Lucy An Introduction to Social Anthropology / Lucy Mair. - 2ème Ed. - New York; Londres : Oxford University Press, 1972. - 317p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p. 311-317 ISBN 0-19-874-011-5

150. Malinowski, Bronislaw A Scientific Theory of culture and Other Essays / Bronislaw Malinowski; Préf. de Huntington Cairns. - London; Oxford; New York : Oxford university Press, 1944. – 228p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Index p.223-228


151. Maquet, Jacques Civilizations of Black Africa / Jacques Maquet, Rayfield Joan. - New York; Londres; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1972. - 207p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.195-207.-Index p. 209-212


152. Marvin, Harris Cultural Materialism : the Struggle for a Science of Culture / Harris Marvin. - New York : Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, 1979. - 381p. ; 20cm.


153. Marx, Karl L'idéologie allemande / Karl Marx, Engels Freidrich. - Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1976. – 621p. ; 22cm. Index p.582-616 ISBN 2-209-02490-0


154. Marx, Karl Critique of the gotha programme / Karl Marx. - New York : International Publishers, 1966. - 116p. : couv. ill. ;21cm.


155. Mattelart, Armand Multinationales et Systèmes de Communication : les appareils Idéologiques de l'impérialisme / Armand Mattelart.- Paris : Ed. Anthropos, 1976. - 391p. ; 19cm.


156. Megarry, Tim Society in Prehistory : the Origins of Human culture / Tim Megarry. - U.S.A. : New York University Press, 1995. 400p. : couv.ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.356-386.-Index p.387-400 ISBN 0-8147-5537-2


157. Meggers, Betty J. Amazonia : Man and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise / Betty J. Meggers. – Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company,1971. - 182p. : ill., fig., couv. ill. ; 22cm. Index p. 179-182 ISBN 202-01016-3


158. Meillassoux, Claude Anthropologie économique : des Gouro de côte d'ivoire de l'économie de subsistance à l'agriculturecommerciale / Claude Meillassoux. - Paris : Mouton, 1964. - 371p. : cartes, couv. ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.355-356.-Index p.357-371


159. Melzer, Arthur M. History and the Idea of Progress / Arthur M. Melzer, Zinman M. Richard Weinberger Jerry. - London : Corne ll University Press, 1995. - 271p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.265-271 ISBN 0-8014-2986-2


160. Merton, Robert K. On Theoretical Sociology / Robert K. Merton. - New York : The Free Press, 1949. 175p. ; 21cm. Index p.173-180


161. Mészaros, Istvan Marx's Theory of Alienation / Istvan Mészaros. - New York; San Francisco. Londres : Harper Torchbooks, 1972. 356p. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.343-350


162. Milisavljevic, Ratko Environnement, idéologie et science / Ratko Milisavljevic. - Paris : Ed. Anthropos, 1978. - 406p. ; 22cm. Bibliogr. p. 403-406 ISBN 2-7157-0313-9


163. Mills, C.Wright The Sociological Imagination / C.Wright Mills. - London; New York : Oxford University Press, 1959. - 234p. ;20cm. Index p.229-234


164. Montagu, Ashley On being humain / Ashley Montagu. - New York : Hawthon Books, Inc, 1966. – 128p. 21cm. Index p.125-128


165. Montagu, Ashley The Human Revolution / Ashley Montagu. - New York/Toronto/London : Bantam Books, 1965. - 180p. : ill. couv.ill.en coul. ; 18cm. Index p.175-180


166. Montagu, M.F.Ashley Man and Aggression / M.F.Ashley Montagu. - London, Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press, 1968. -178p. : couv.ill. ; 21cm.


167. Montagu, M.F.Ashley Cuture and the Evolution of Man / M.F.Ashley Montagu. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1962. - 376p. :couv. ill. ; 20cm.


168. Moore, Barrington JR. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy : Lord and Peasant in the Marking of the Modern world / Barrington JR. Moore. - Boston : Beacon Press, 1966. - 559p. : couv.ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.524-546.- Index p.547-559


169. Murdock, George Peter Social Structure / George Peter Murdock. - New York : The Free Press; London : Collier-Macmillan, 1949. -387p. couv. ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.353-377.- Index p.379-387


170. Narotzky, Susana New Directions in Economic Anthropology / Susana Narotzky. - London, Chicago : Pluto Press, 1997. - 253p. :couv. ill. ; 22cm. Index p.242-253 ISBN 0 7453 0717 5


171. Nincic, Miroslav The arms race : the Political Economy of Military Growth / Miroslav Nincic. - U.S.A. : Praeger, 1982. – 209p. : fig.; 25cm. Index p.201-203 ISBN 0-03-060332-3


172. Novak, George Empiricism and its Evolution : a Marxist View / George Novak. - New York : Merit Publishers, 1968. - 166p. ;22cm. Index p.163-166


173. Olivier, Douglas L. Invitation to Anthropology / Douglas L. Olivier. - U.S.A. : American Museum Science Books, 1964. - 102p. : ill.,couv. ill. ; 18cm. Bibliogr.p.92-95.- Index p.98-102


174. Oswalt, Wendell H. Habitat and Technology : the Evolution of Hunting / Wendell H. Oswalt. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehart and Winsto, Inc.. -191p. : fig., couv. ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr. p. 187-191 ISBN 0-03-003306-3


175. Otterbein, Keith F. Comparative Cultural Analysis : an Introduction to Anthropology / Keith F. Otterbein. - U.S.A. : Holt, Rinehart andWinston, Inc., 1969. - 180p. : couv. ill. ; 23cm. Index p.175-180 ISBN 0-03-084417-7

191 72

176. Pacey, Arnold Technology in World Civilization : a Thousand-year history / Arnold Pacey. – Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1990. - 238 :ill., couv. ill. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.p. 218-225.- 227-238 ISBN 0-631-17755-


177. Park, George The Idea of Social Structure / George Park. - New Yok : Anchor Books, 1974. – 392p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 18cm. Index p. 384-392 ISBN 0-385-01158-X


178. Patai, Raphael Society, Culture, and Change in the Middle east / Raphael Patai. - Philadelphia : University of PennsylvaniaPress, 1969. - 559p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 21cm. Index p.533-560 ISBN 0-8122-1009-3


179. Penniman, T.K. A Hundred Years of Anthropology / T.K. Penniman. - New York : William Morrow et Company, INC., 1974. -397p. ; 21cm. Index p.379-397 ISBN 0-688-05269-X


180. Pierce, Joe E. Life in a Turkish Village / Joe E. Pierce. - U.S.A.; Toronto; Londres, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. - 101p. : ill.,couv. ill. ; 24cm.


181. Planhol, Xavier de Nouveau villages algérois (Atlas blidéen, Chenoua, Mitidja occidentale) / Xavier de Planhol. - Paris : Press Universitaires de France, 1961. - 120p. : ill., cartes, couv. ill ; 25cm. - (Publications de la Faculté des Letttres et Sciences Humaines d'Alger; XXXIX).


182. Plog, Fred Anthropology : Decisions, Adaptation, and Evolution / Fred Plog, Jolly Glifford J., Bates Daniel G. - New York :Alfred A. Knopf, 1976. - 635p. : ill., couv. ill. ; 25cm. Index p.623-635 ISBN 0-394-31893-5


183. Poirier, Frank E. Fossil Man : an Evolutionary Journey / Frank E. Poirier, Brace C.Loring. - Londres The C.V. Mosby Company, 1973. - 225p. : fig., couv. ; 26cm. Index p.221-227


184. Races and peoples Contemporary : Ethnic and racial Problems. - Moscow : Progress Publisher 1974. -340p. ; 21cm. - (Current International Problems).

185. Rappaport, Roy A. Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity / Roy A. Rappaport. - U.S.A. : Cambridge University Press. - 535P.: couv.ill.en coul. ; 23cm. Index p. 519-535 ISBN 0 521 22873 5


186. Reader in Marxist Philosophy from the Writings of Marw, Engels, and Lenin / Selsam Howard, Harry Martel. - New York : International Publishers, 1963. - 384p . : couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p. 367-384


187. Ribeiro, Darcy The Civilizational Process / Darcy Ribeiro; Trad. par J.Meggers. - U.S.A. : Harper Torchbooks, 1968. - 201p. :couv. ill. ; 21cm. Bibliogr.p.153-197.-Index p.199-201


188. Rivlin, Helen Ann B. The Chang Middle Eastern City / Helen Ann B. Rivlin. - New York : Center for Social Analysis Program in Southwest Asian and North African Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1980. - 262p. : couv.ill.; 23cm.


189. Robertson, Roland Sociology of Religion : Selected Readings / Roland Robertson. - U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1969. - 473p. : couv.ill. 18cm. Index p.459-473


190. Rosenau, Pauline Marie Post-Modernism and the social sciences : insights, Inroads, ad Intrusions / Pauline Marie Rosenau. - New Jersy: Princeton University, 1992. - 229p. : couv. ill.en coul. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.p.185-216.-Index p.217-229 ISBN 0-691-08619-2


191. Rostand, Jean Esquisse d'une histoire de la biologie / Jean Rostand. - Paris : Gallimard, 1945. – 247p. : couv. ill. ; 17cm. -(Coll. Idées, 64). Bibliogr. p.239-242.-Index p.243-247


192. Russell, Bertrand Power : a New Social Analysis / Bertrand Russell. - New York/Londres : W.W.Norton et Company, 1938. - 315p. 20cm. Index p.309-315 ISBN 0-393-00479-1


193. Sahlins, Marshall Stone Age Economics / Marshall Sahlins. - Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company, 1972. - 348p. : tabl. couv. ill. ;21cm. Bibliogr. p. 315-336.- Index p.337-348 ISBN 0-202-01098-8


194. Sahlins, Marshall How "natives" think : About Captain Cook for Example / Marshall Sahlins. – Chicago/London : The University of Chicago Press, 1995. - 318p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 24cm. Bibiliogr.287-30.- Index p.303-318 ISBN 0-226-73368-8


195. Sahlins, Marshall Au coeur des sociétés : raison utilitaire et raison culturelle / Marshall Sahlins. – Paris : Gallimard, 1980. - 303p. :couv.ill ; 23cm.. - (Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines). Index p. 295-303


196. Sahlins, Marshall Culture and Practicat Reason / Marshall Sahlins. - Chicago; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1976. -252p. ; 22cm. Index p.241-252 ISBN 0-226-73359-9


197. Sahlins, Marshall The use and Abuse of Biology : an Anthropological Critique of Sociobiology / Marshall Sahlins. - U.S.A : Ann Arbor the University of Michigan Press, 1976. – 120p. : couv.ill. ; 21cm. ISBN 0-472-08777-0


198. Sahlins, Marshall Islands of History / Marshall Sahlins. - Chicago/London : The University of Chicago Press, 1985. - 180p. : couv.ill. en coul. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.157-172.-Index p.173-180 ISBN 0-226-73357-2


199. Sahlins, Marshall Historical Ethnography / Marshall Sahlins, Kirch Patrick V. - Chicago/London : The University of Chicago Press,1992. - 243p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 28cm. - (Anuhulu : the Anthropology History in the Kingdom of Hawaii). Bibliogr. p.225-235.-Index p.237-243 ISBN 0-226-73363-7


200. Sanchez Vazquez, Adolfo The Philosophy of Praxis / Adolfo Sanchez Vazquez; Trad. par Mike Gonzalez. – New Jersy :Humanities Press; London : Merlin Press, 1977. - 387p. ; 22cm. Bibliogr.p.373-380.-Index p.381-387 ISBN 0-391-00650-9


201. Sari, Djilali L'homme et l'érosion dans l’Ouarsenis (Algérie) / Djilali Sari. - Alger : S.N.E.D., 1977. - 623p. : ill., tabl.,cartes ;25cm. Bibliogr.p.589-604


202. Schusky, Ernest L. Manual Dor Kinship Analysis / Ernest L. Schusky. - U.S.A. Toronto; London; Sydney : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. - 99p. : couv. ill. ; 24cm. ISBN 0-03-085610-8


203. Selsam, Howard Dynamics ofSocial Change : a Reader in Marxist Social Science / Howard Selsam, Martel Harry Goldway David. -New York : International Publishers, 1970. - 416p. : couv.ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.401-416


204. Service, Elman R. Origins of the State and Civilization / Elman R. Service. - New York : W.W.Norton Et Company.Inc. , 1975. - 361p.: couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p.353-361 ISBN 0-393-05547-7


205. Sève, Lucien Marxisme et théorie de la personnalité / Lucien Sève. - 5ème Ed. - Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1969. - 598p.: couv. ill.; 22cm.


206. Sève, Lucien Une introduction à la philosophie marxiste suivi d'un vocabulaire philosophique / Lucien Sève. - 2ème Ed. -Paris : Ed. Sociales, 1980. - 717p. ; 22cm. ISBN 2-209-05377-3


207. Simpson, George Gaylord The Meaning of Evolution : a Study of the History of Life and of its Significance for Man / George Gaylord Simpson. - Londres : Yale University Press, 1949. - 368p. : ill., couv. ill. ; 21cm. Index p.351-368


208. Smith, Allan H. Anthropology / Allan H. Smith, Fischer John L. - New Jersy : Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, 1970. - 146p. ; 21cm.


209. Steward, Julian H. Theory of Culture Change : the Methodology of Multilinear Evolution / Julian H. Steward. - U.S.A. : University ofIllinois Presse, 1955. - 244p. ; 23cm. Bibliogr.p.224-236.- Index p.238-2443 ISBN 0-252-00295-4


210. Suret-Canale, Jean La Faim / Jean Suret-Canale, Durand Marie-Françoise. - Paris : Ed. Messidor, 1987. - 150p. : ill., couv. ill. ;18cm. - (Coll. La Farandole). ISBN 2-209-05957-7


211. Svitak, Ivan Man and his world : a Marxian View / Ivan Svitak; Trad. par Jarmila Veltrusky. – New York : A Delta Book, 1968. -177p. : couv. ill. en coul. ; 20cm.


212. Sztompka, Piotr System and Function : Toward aTheory of Society / Piotr Sztompka. - New York/Sans Francisco/ London :Academic Press, 1974. - 213p. ; 24cm. - (Coll. Studies in Anthropology). Bibliogr.p.183-201.-Index p.203-213 ISBN 0-12-681850-9


213. Tawney, R.H. The Acquisitive Society / R.H. Tawney. - New Yok : A Harvest Book, 1948. - 188p.: couv. ill. ; 19cm. Index p.185-188


214. Tawney, R.H. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism / R.H. Tawney. - U.S.A. : Penguin Books, (1961]. - 334p. : couv. ill. ; 18cm. Index p.323-334


215. Terray, Emmanuel Marxism and "Primitive" Societies / Emmanuel Terray; Trad. par Mary Klopper. – New York; Londres : ModernReader, 1972. - 186p. : couv. ill. ; 21cm.


216. The Prehistory.


217. Therborn, G ِ ran The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology / G ِ ran Therborn. - Londres : Verso Ed., 1980. – 133p. ; 21cm. ISBN 0-86091-034-2


218. Thompson, John B. Habermas : Critical Debates / John B. Thompson, Held David. - Londres : The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1982. - 324p.; 24cm. - (Coll. Contemporary Social Theory). Bibliogr.p.318-322 ISBN 0-333-27549-7


219. Toualbi, Noureddine Religion, rites et mutations : psychosociologie du sacré en Algérie / Noureddine Toualbi; Préf. de C. Camilleri. Alger : E.N.L., 1984. - 288p. : ill., tabl.,couv. ill. ; 24cm.


220. Tudge, Colin The Time Before History : 5 million Years of Human Impact / Colin Tudge. - New York : A Touchstone Book, 1997.- 366p : couv ill. en coul. ; 24cm. Index p.355-366 ISBN 0-684-80726-2


221. Turner, Bryan S. Weber and Islam : a Critical Study / Bryan S. Turner. - London; Boston : Routledge et Kegan Paul,1974. - 212p. ;22cm. Index p.205-211 ISBN 0-7100-7848-x


222. Tylor, Sir Edward B. Anthropology / Sir Edward B. Tylor. - [U.S.A.] : Ann Arbor Perbacks, 1960. – 275p. ; 20cm. ISBN 0-472-06044-9


223. United Nations Industrial Development Organization Mineral processing in Developing Countries / United nations Industrial Development Organization. - New York :United Nations, 1980. - 143p. : fig., couv. ill. ; 24cm.


224. Valentine, Charles A. Culture and Poverty : Critique and Counter-Proposals / Charles A. Valentine. – Chicago; Londres : The University of Chicago Press, 1968. - 216p. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.198-208.-Index p.209-216 ISBN 0-226-84545-1


225. Van Gennep, Arnold The Rites of Passage / Arnold Van Gennep; Gabreielle L. Caffee Trad. par Monika B. Vizedom. - Chicago :Phoenix Books, 1960. - 198p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Index p.195-198


226. Vandevelde-Dailliere, Hélène Femmes algériennes à travers la condition féminine dans le constantinois depuis l'indépendance / Hélène Vandevelde-Dailliere; Préf. de Jean Leca et Ahmed Mahiou. - Alger : O.P.U., 1980. - 497p. : tabl., ill. ; 24cm.


227. Venable, Vernon Human nature : the marxian view / Vernon Venable. - New York : Meridian Books, 1966. - 217p. : couv. ill. ;20cm. Bibliogr.p.215-217.-Index


228. Volpe, E.Peter Understanding Evolution / E.Peter Volpe. - U.S.A. : WM.C.Brown Company Publishers, 1967. - 160p. : ill.,couv.ill. ; 23cm. Index p.155-160


229. Wallace, Anthony F.C. Culture and Personality / Anthony F.C. Wallace. - 2eme Ed.. - New York : Random House, 1961. - 270p. ; 21cm. - (Coll. Studies in Anthropology). Index p.265-270


230. Weiner, J.S. The Natural History of Man / J.S. Weiner. - New York; Anchor Books, 1973. – 306p. : ill., couv. ill en coul. ; 18cm. Bibliogr.p.286-295.- Index p.297-306 ISBN 0-385-00585-7


231. White, Leslie A. The Sicence of Culture : a Study of Man and Civiliszation / Leslie A. White. - New York : Grove Press, Inc., 1949.- 444p. : couv. ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.425-435.-Index 436-444


232. White, Leslie A. The Evolution of Culture : the Development of Civilisation the Fall of Rome / Leslie A. White. - New York.


233. Woff, Robert Original Wisdom : Stories of an Ancient way of Knowing / Robert Woff. - Canada : Inner Traditons, 2001. - 197p. :couv.ill. ; 22cm. ISBN 0-89281-866-2


234. Wolf, Eric Europe and the People Without history / Eric Wolf. - Los Angeles, London : University of California Press,1982.- 503p. : ill., carte, couv. ill. ; 24cm. Bibliogr.p.393-472.-Index p.473-503 ISBN 0-520-04898-9


235. Wolf, Eric R. Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century / Eric R. Wolf. - New York : Harper Colophon Books, 1969. - 328p. :couv.ill.en coul. ; 20cm. Bibliogr. p.303-317.-Index p.319-328


236. Wolf, Eric R. Anthropologie / Eric R. Wolf. - New York : W.W.Norton et Comapny, 1974. - 113p. couv.ill. ; 20cm. Bibliogr.p.99-107.- Index p.109-113 ISBN 0-393-09290-9


237. Wolff, Jonathan An Introduction to Political Philosophy / Jonathan Wolff. - Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 1996. -(Coll. Opus). Index p. 233-237 ISBN 0-19-289251-7


238. Worsey, Peter Introducing Sociology / Peter Worsey. - U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1970. - 416p. : couv.ill ; 20cm. Index p.411-416


239. Zeitlin, Irving M. Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory / Irving M. Zeitlin. - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. 326p. ; 24cm.. - (Prentice-Hall Sociology Series). Index p.323-326


240. Etudes sue les cinquante-huit communes et les arrondissements se Collo, El-Milla, et Djidjelli.160p. 241. Quelques données sur les entreprises publiques/Ministère de planification et de l’Aménagement du territoire ; Direction générale des statistiques. -Alger : [s.n],1984.-50p. 242. 0199، :معهد علم االجتماعالجزائر -:ليسانس.موقف الطالبات الجماعيات من الخارجي-بوقيش فريد. 243 . 1988 – 1987، :معهد علم االجتماعالجزائر -:ليسانس.الزواج في بجاية-حاكمي مراد . 244. 1972مصر:الهيئةالمصرية العامة للكتاب، -االنتروبولوجيا الجتماعية .-محمو ءاسالم الغار. 1974االسكندرية:دار الجامعات،-نسان.دراسات تمهيدية في علم اال-محمد علي محمد . .245


The acquisitive society 213 Africa and Africans 30 Against the state of nuclear terror 126 L'Algérie des anthropologues 148 The alienation of reason : a history of positivist thought 123 L'alternative : pour une critique du socialisme existant rééllment 11 Amazonia : man and culture in a counterfeit paradise 157 The anatomy of revolution 38 Anthropological approches to the study of religion 13 Anthropologie 236 L'anthropologie britanique contemporaine 146 Anthropologie de la parenté : une analyse de la consanguinité et de l'alliance 81 Anthropologie économique 71 L'anthropologie économique : courants et problémes 129 Anthropologie économique : des gouro de côte d'ivoire de l'économie de subsistance à l'agriculture 158 commerciale Anthropologie et marxisme 1 Anthropologie politique 12 Anthropologists in cities 80 Anthropologiy, development and the post-modern challenge 92 Anthropology 222 Anthropology 208 Anthropology : decisions, adaptation, and evolution 182 Anthropology : the exploration of human diversity 125 Anthropology and the colonial encounter 10 The anthropology of religion : an introduction 33 Anthropology the exploration of human diversity 124 Applied anthropology 19 The arab economy today : introduction by aidan foster-carter 5 The arms race : the political economy of military growth 171 Au coeur des sociétés : raison utilitaire et raison culturelle 195 Capitalism and modern social theory : an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim, and Maw 99 Weber Capitalism as a system 60

Changer le progrès 102 The Changin middle eastern city 188 The chanllenge of the primitives 49 The civilizational process 187 Civilizations of black africa 151 The class structure of the advanced societies 98 Climates of hunger : mankind and the world changing weather 40 Combattantes de la lutte armée, les femmes aussi écriront l'histoire 55 Common crisis North-South : cooperation for world recevery 56 Companion encyclopedia of anthropology 118 Comparative cultural analysis : an introduction to anthropology 175 Comparing muslim societes : knowledge and the state in a world civilization 54 The consequences of modernity 96 Critique de l'anthropologie 135 Critique de l'idéologie contemporaine : essais de théorie dialectique 89 Critique of the gotha programme 154 Cultural materialism : the struggle for a science of culture 152 Culture and personality 229 Culture and poverty : critique and counter-proposals 224 Culture and practicat reason 196 Culture theory 122 Culture, man, and nature : an introdution to general anthropology 110 Cuture and the evolution of man 167 Darwin 8 Development theory in transition : the dependency debate and beyond : third world 27 Le développement inégal : essai sur les formations sociales du capitalisme périphérique 6 Dialectical anthropology : essays in honor of stanely diamond 88 Dialogue de femmes en ethnologie 131 La division du travail 77 Les domaines de la prenté : filiation, alliance, résidence 139 Dynamics of social change : a reader in marxist social science 203 Elites and society 32 Empiricism and its evolution : a marxist view 172 Environnement, ideologi et science 162 Esquisse d'une histoire de la biologie 191 Essays in the theory of society 61 Ethnic groups and boundaries : the social organization of culture difference 17

Ethnologie et histoire : force productives et problèmes de transition 73 Ethnologie occidentale : essais critiques sur l'idéologie 74 Europe and the people without history 234 Evolution and the myth of creationism : a basic guide to the facts in the evolution debate 22 L'évolution de la famille et du mariage en europe 101 L'évolution humaine 140 The evolution of culture : the development of civilisation ti the fall of Rome 232 The evolution of political society : an essy in political anthrolpology 84 The evolution of technology 18 La faim 210 Femmes algériennes à travers la condition féminine dans le constantinois depuis l'indépendance226 The food crisis in prehistory 51 Formation of the state 127 The fossil evidence for human evolution : an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology 48 Fossil man : an evolutionary journey 183 The future of anthropology : its relevance to the contemporary world 2 The future of intellectuals and the rise of the new class 103 Géographie du sous développement : géopolitique d'une crise 130 Habermas : critical debates 218 Habitat and technology : the evolution of hunting 174 Historical ethnography 199 History and social anthropology 141 History and the idea of progress 159 L'homme et l'ersion dans l'ouarsenis (Algérie) 201 Hommes supérieurs, hommes inférieurs ? : la controverse sur l'héridité de l'intelligence 138 Horizon, trajets marxistes en anthropologie 100 How "natives" think : about captain cook for example 194 Human nature : the marxian view 227 The human revolution 165 The human situation a philosophie anthropology 106 Humanity abd society : a world history 43 A Hundred Years of anthropology 179 The idea of social structure 177 L'idéologie allemande 153 Idéologies II : althussérisme et stalinisme 87 Ideology 111 Ideology and the development of sociological theory 239

Ideology and the ideologists 78 The ideology of power and the power of ideology 217 Introducing sociology 238 Une introduction a la philosophie marxiste suivi d'un vocabulaire philosophique 206 Introduction to critical theory : horkheimer to habermas 112 An introduction to marxism 41 An introduction to political philosophy 237 An introduction to social anthropology 149 Invitation to anthropology 173 Islam observed : religious development in Morrocco and Indonesia 94 Islam, globalization and postmodernity 3 Islands of history 198 The Japanese challenge : the sucess and failure of economic sucess 121 Labor and monopoly capital : the degradation of work in the twentieth century 36 Lancement d'une troisème décennie pour le développement 64 Land reform and economic development 68 Legitimation crisis 105 Life in a turkish village 180 Limited wants, unlimited means : a reader on hunter-gratherer economics and the environment 144 Linguistic anthropology 113 La logique de l'état 25 The magras of banyan hill 114 Man and aggression 166 Man and his world : a marxian view 211 Man in adaptation : the cultural present 53 Man in Africa 69 Man makes himself 47 Mankind evolving : the evolution of the human species 66 Manual dor kinship analysis 202 Maroc : impérialisme et émigration 16 Marx's theory of alienation 161 Marxism and "primitive" societies 215 Marxisme et theorie de la personnalite 205 Marxist analyses and social anthropology 26 Materialism and the dialectical methode 58 The meaning of culture : a reader in cultural anthropology 82 The meaning of evolution : a study of the history of life and of its significance for man 207

The meaning of religious freedom : modern politics and the democratic resolution 91 Les mécanismes du sous-développement : initiation économique 4 Mineral processing in developing countries 223 Modern social theory 52 Multinationales et systemes de communication : les appareils ideologiques de l'imperialisme 155 Muslim society 95 Le mythe du développement économique 86 Le mythe et l'homme 42 The nation-state and violence 2. of contempory critique of historical materialism 97 Nationalism and social communication 65 The natural history of man 230 New directions in economic anthropology 170 Nouveau villages algérois (Atlas blidéen, Chenoua, Mitidja occidentale) 181 Les nouveaux pays industriels 120 On being humain 164 On theoretical sociology 160 L'orient : laculture de l'inde 63 The origin of the family private property and the state 72 Original wisdom : stories of an ancient way of knowing 233 Origins : what new discouveries reveal a bout the emergence of our specie and its possible future

136 Origins of the modern mind : three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition 67 Origins of the state and civilization 204 Other cultures : aims, methods, and achievements in social anthropology 20 Le partage des savoirs : discours historique et discours ethnologique 70 Peasant livelihood : studies in economic anthropology and cultural ecology 107 Peasant wars of the twentieth century 235 Peasants in complex society 90 Peasants in the modern world 29 La pensée chinoise 45 People and races 39 The philosophy of praxis 200 Post-modernism and the social sciences : insights, inroads, ad intrusions 190 Power : a new social analysis 192 Prehistoric men 35 The prehistory 216 Primate behavoir and the emergence of human culture 133 Primitive rebels : studies in archaic forms of social mouvements 115

Primitive society 147 Primitive, archaic and modern economies : essays of Karl Polanyi 62 La production de l'espace 137 Races and peoples contemporary : ethnic and racial problems 184 Reader in marxist philosophy from the writings of Marw, Engels, and Lenin 186 A reader in the anthropology of religion 132 Readings in anthropology 119 Rei venting anthropology 117 The relevance of models for social anthropology 15 Religion and the rise of capitalism 214 Religion, rites et mutations : psychosociologie du sacré en Algérie 219 The religions of the oppressed : a study of modern messianic cults 134 Rice and man : agricultural ecology in southeast asia 108 The rise of anthropological theory 109 The rites of passage 225 Ritual and religion in the making of humanity 185 A scientific theory of culture and other essays 150 The sicence of culture : a study of man and civiliszation 231 Le singe, l'Afrique et l'homme 57 Social anthropology and other essays 75 The social anthropology of complex societies 14 Social evolution 46 The social function of science 21 Social memory 76 Social origins of dictatorship and democracy : lord and peasant in the marking of the modern world

168 Social structure 169 La société contre l'état : recherches d'anthropologie politique 50 Society in prehistory : the origins of human culture 156 Society, culture, and change in the middle east 178 Sociolcultural dimension of language change 28 The sociological imagination 163 Sociological theory 59 Sociology of " developing societies" the middle east 9 Sociology of religion : selected readings 189 The stages of human evolution : human and cultural origins 34 Le statut de la religion chez Marx et Angels 23 Stone age economics 193

The structure of scientific revolutions 128 Sur le marxisme occidental 7 System and function : toward a theory of society 212 Technics and civilization 142 La technique et la sicence comme "idéologie" 104 Technology and man's changing world : some thoughts on understanding the interaction of 116 technology and society Technology in world civilization : a thousand-year history 176 Tepoztlan : village in mexico 143 Themes in economic anthropology 79 Theorectical anthropology 24 Theory of culture change : the methodology of multilinear evolution 209 This view of life : the world of an evolutionist 93 Le tiers monde 31 The time before history : 5 million years of human impact 220 The tree of culture 145 Understanding evolution 228 Urban forms and colonial confrontations : Algiers under french rule 44 The use and abuse of biology : an anthropological critique of sociobiology 197 War : the anthropology of armed conflict and aggression 83 The way of transition : embracing life's most difficult moments 37 Weber and islam : a critical study 221 Women and Men : an anthropologist's view 8


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يسر المركز الوطني للبحوث في عصور ما قبل التاريخ علم االنسان والتاريخ

عنوان كتاب 245بتقديم فهرس لرصيد "محفوظ بنون "الذي يحتوي على

هذا الرصيد الوثائقي تم اهدائه من طرف عائلته. .مقاالت 09دورية و23،

La bibliothèque du Centre National de Recherche Préhistoriques

Anthropologiques et Historiques (CNRPAH) à le plaisir de présenter le

catalogue du « fonds Mahfoud Bennoune».Il comprend 245 ouvrages

,23 périodiques et 09 articles. Ce lot documentaire a fait l’objet d’un

don au CNRPAH par sa famille.