
Supp SuppDAPI involv



plementarystained di

ve the 2-2-4

plementarye to Ssedft

ws in a’, b’,nt metaphaciations. (cmosomes e

y Figures

y Figure 1ploid fema4 and 3-3 c

y Figure 2t mitotic ch, c’) chromases (a,b a,c’) Examp

exhibiting te

. Ssedft muale metaphchromosom

. Fluoreschromosomosome end

and c) indicple of a rareelomere fu

utant euplase from Smes. Scale

cent in situmes. Het-Ads. Small lcate chrome Ssedft po

usions with

loid cells eSsedft mutae bar, 5 µm

u hybridizA probe (reetters and

mosomes inolyploid cel

intact HeT

exhibit telant brain shm.

zation withed) labels fr numbers nvolved in l without eT-A signals

lomeric fuhowing DT

h HeT-A teree and fusin DAPI statelomeric ndoredupls. Scale ba


usions. TAs that

elomeric sed ained

icated ar, 5 µm.

Supprepres(magepolymidentifdeletiogenerto thepremareport

plementarysentation oenta), the i

morphisms fied in the on residuerate missen

e Drosophilature stop ted in red.

y Figure 3of Drosophnvariant H(with respeSsedft mut

e at positionnse mutatia Populaticodon pre

. Sequenchila Sse shHistidine anect to the sant during n 266, all sons (blue)on Genomviously ide

ce analysisowing the

nd Cystein standard gthis study

single nucl, that are a

me Project entified in t

s of Ssedf

conservedresidues (

gene seque. With the eotide cha

ascribable (DPGP). Tthe 13m-28

ft mutant lod C50 peptgreen bars

ence reporexception

anges (indito natural

The 4bp de81 Sse mu

ocus. Schtidase doms) and all prted in FlyBof the Glyccated in grvariation a

eletion gentant allele


ematic main putative Base) cine ray) according erating a is


Suppstainecells dendor

plementaryed colchicindisplay endreduplicate

y Figure 4ne-treated doredupliced cells but

. Phenotymetaphasation and Tt not TFs. S

pic analysses from diTFs, whereScale bar,

sis of Sse fferent RNeas pim or5 µm.

RNAi braNAi lines. Nr thr RNAi c

ain cells. DNote that Sscells exhib




SuppImmumatrixby usiperforextrac

SupptelomprecipGST-Note thas bof tota

plementarynoprecipitax. Note thaing an antirmed on excts

plementarymeric protepitate HA-SPim, but nothat GST-Seen used aal protein e

y Figure 5ation from

at HP1-HA Separasextracts from

y Figure 6eins. (a) BSse from laot GST-EffSse precipas a positivextracts.

. HP1 inteHP1-HA eis able to

e antibody.m untransf

. Analysisacterially earval brain f or GST-Pitates HA-Sve control

eracts withexpressing precipitate As a nega

fected S2 c

s of the phexpressed extracts. (

Peo, precipSse, very lfor Sse int

h endogenS2 extract

e the endogative controcells. Lysat

hysical intGST-tagg

(b) Bacteriapitate HA-Slikely throuteraction in

nous Sse. ts with an genous Ssol, immunote =10% of

eractions ed Moi, Veally expres

Sse from laugh its inten both (a) a

anti-HA affe that was

oprecipitatif total prote

between er and HOAssed GST-arval brain ractors. GSand (b). Inp


ffinity s detected ion was ein

Sse and AP HP1 and extract. ST-Pim put= 10%


SuppWeste(WT) DAPI+casesglandexhibrespe(Natioused

plementaryern Blot froand Ssedft/+Sse (red)s to telomes showing it 0, 80% a

ectively. Thonal Instituas wild-typ

y Figure 7om larval b/Df(3L)ZN4). Note thateres (white

the out of and 35% ree signal qute of Ment

pe. Scale b

. Separasebrains, saliv47 mutant t Sse localarrows). (c60 mutant

eduction ofuantificatioal Health,

bar, 20 µm

e localizatvary glandspolytene clizes to mac) Quantifit polytene f Sse stainon has beeBethesda,.

tion on pos and S2 cchromosomany euchrocation of Snuclei 3 (5ing (with re

en performe Maryland

olytene chcell extractmes staineomatic bandSse intensi5%), 39 (65espect to wed using th, USA). Or

hromosoms. (b) Wildd with Sseds and in sty in Ssedft

5%) and 18wild-type, he ImageJ regon R ha


mes. (a) -type

e and with some t mutant 8 (30%)

software as been


Suppmetapchrommergeanti-Hof a wstaininantiboFrequbrain examshowiloadin

plementaryphase stainmosome tee). b) A ma

HA antibodywild-type mng. d) Quaodies useduency of Sscells; the nined. f) Weing a substng control.

y Figure 8ned for HOlomeres (aale metaphy shows anale metap

antification in a-c. Nose stained numbers bestern blot tantial reduScale bar,

. Mitotic loOAP (red) aarrow), whehase from an Sse enrichase that dof Sse telo

ote that Ssetelomeresetween pafrom Ssed

uction of S, 5 µm.

ocalizationand Sse (gere it co-loa HA-Sse echment at does not eomeric signe is enriches in wild typarenthesesdft homozyg

Sse levels i

n of Sse. agreen). Notcalizes witexpressingtelomeres

express HAnals with aed at mitotpe, Sse mus indicate thgous and hn the muta

a) Wild-typte that Sseth HOAP (yg brain imm (arrows).

A-Sse. Noteanti-Sse antic chromoutant, and he numberhemizygouants. Actin

pe female e is enricheyellow spomunostainec) Anti-HAe the absend anti-HA some endsHA-Sse exrs of telom

us brain exthas been


ed at most ots in the ed with an

A staining ence of

s. e) xpressing eres tracts used as a



SuppmetapSse s

plementaryern blot haas a loadin

plementaryphase showstaining in t

y Figure 9as been peng control.

y Figure 1wing a northe right pa

. Reductiorformed fro

0. Sse is nrmal localizanel. Scale

on of HP1 om larval b

not requirezation of tee bar, 5 µm

in Ssedft/Dbrain extrac

ed for HOelomeric HOm.

Df(3L)ZN4cts. Tubuli

AP localizOAP (red).

47 hemizygn (TUB) ha

zation. Sse. Note the


gotes. as been

e mutant lack of


SuppGFP-epolyteexpreWT. S

plementaryexpressingene chromoess Ver-GFScale bar,

y Figure 1g larvae exosome telo

FP display 10 µm

1. Ver locaxhibit six diomeres23. Pa Ver loca

alization iscrete fluoPolytene clization pa

s not affeorescent sichromosomttern which

cted in Ssgnals (whi

mes of Sseh is undisti

se mutantste arrows) mutants thnguishable


s. Ver-on

hat also e from



Supp(insetHP1 abar, 5

plementaryession of Script levelsol.

plementary) and 69B antibody. N5 µm.

y Figure 12Sse, pim, are not af

y Figure 1GAL4>pim

Note that lo

2. RT-PCRthr and Suffected by S

3. Pim is nm RNAi mitoss of Pim

R analysisu(var)205 Sse mutati

not requirtotic chromdoes not a

s of contro(HP1). Noions. Rp49

red for HPmosomes saffect the o

ol and mutote that the9 has been

1 localizatstained withoverall HP1

tant brainse Su(var)20n used as a

tion. Wild h DAPI and1 localizati


s for the 05 a loading

type d anti-on. Scale


Suppbar, 5Ssedft


plementary5 µm) and pt mutant brreduplicatioof chromo

y Figure 14polytene (brains staineon in mitotosomes.

4. Sse-HAb, b' Scale ed with DAic metapha

A rescues bar, 20 µm

API (a, b) aases and t

Ssedft phem) chromond anti-HPhe normal

enotypes. somes from

P1 (a', b'). NHP1 local

Mitotic (a,am Gal4>SsNote the aization on


a' scale se-HA, bsence of both



plementaryngles refer

y Figure 1r to the sec

5. Uncropctions used

pped scan d for panels

of WB shs of Figure

hown in Fige 2b.

gure 2b. R




plementaryngles refer

y Figure 1r to the sec

6. Uncropctions used

pped scan d for panels

of WB shs of Figure

hown in Fige 2e.

gure 2e. R





plementaryngles refer

y Figure 1r to the sec

7. Uncropctions used

pped scan d for panels

of WB shs of Figure

hown in Fige 4i.

gure 4i. R




Supplementary Table

Genotype Total Cells

Chromosome Content DTA/TC (average) 8 16-32 32-64 >64

PL (%)





Ssedft 250 14.0 0.33 50.0 0.43 24.0 0.33 12.0 0.32 0.35 Ssedft/l(3)13m-281 260 4.7 0.30 59.5 0.42 25.0 0.35 13.0 0.31 0.34 Ssedft/Df(3L)ZN47 230 12.0 0.27 54.0 0.51 19.0 0.40 15.9 0.26 0.36 aSsedft 50 10.0 0.28 56.0 0.52 26.0 0.46 8.0 0.35 0.40 [RFP-HP1] Ssedft 80 20.0 0.02 47.0 0.05 25.0 0.06 8.0 0.04 0.04 UAS SseC497S Ssedft 45 24.4 0.31 44.4 0.49 20.0 0.43 11.1 0.37 0.40 UAS Sse RNAi 108 88 0.04 12 0.04 - - - - 0.04

Supplementary Table 1. Frequency of polyploidy (PL) and DTA/TC in different Sse mutant combinations or SseRNAi. Both frequencies are close to 0 in wild-type Oregon R cells (not indicated). a This value refers to Ssedft mutant cells examined for the experiments outlined in Figure 4j and 4k.
