  • SSM Manager Self Service (MSS) – Time Management for Managers 9/8/2014


    Logging In

    1. Launch Internet Explorer 2. Locate and click on the MyHR icon:

    If you are accessing MyHR INTERNALLY:

    Click the MyHR icon located on your entity’s home page.

    If you are accessing MyHR EXTERNALLY: Go to and click the MyHR icon. The following Network Log On screen will appear:

    Log on to the network using your Active Directory (Network) ID and password.

    3. The MyHR login screen will appear:

    4. Log in to MyHR using your Active Directory

    (Network) ID and password.

    5. Click LOG ON. Your Manager Self Service home screen will appear.

    Navigating Tips Use single clicks to access all menus and

    commands in MyHR.

    Always use MyHR’s BACK and Refresh buttons

    instead of your web browser’s buttons.

    Click to Display Quick Help including access

    to quick reference cards.

    Click to close any open windows

    Quick Reminders Managers/Timekeepers are expected to

    review/approve time every Friday and always on

    payroll Monday

    The day divide/work week end is 7am on

    Sunday. All time entered prior to 7am Sunday

    must be approved by 10am on Monday in order to

    be paid on the employee’s CURRENT paycheck

    Managers MUST regularly review the Meal Period

    report and follow up with employees who are not

    taking 30 minute uninterrupted meal break

    Getting Started 1. You may wish to change the view of your Home

    page to view your direct reports. The GRID view

    (default) includes employee pictures or silhouettes.

    If you have several direct reports, the LIST view may be


    2. Click the LIST icon

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    The list view will appear and you will click the employee

    menu icon to get started

    3. If you need to search for an employee, you may

    enter their name or employee ID in the attribute field. Click the magnifying glass to start search.

    Time Management “On Behalf of”

    Functionality 1. From MSS Home Page, click the employee menu

    2. Select Time Management on Behalf of

    3. Three options are available: View EMTO/EMB balances, View and employee’s Time Statement, Record Working Time. Select the desired function to continue.

    Note: Exempt (Salaried) employees will have access to enter exception time (absences) and mileage directly onto timecard for your approval. Nonexempt (hourly) employees will not have access to directly edit their timecards.

    Record Working Time 1. Follow steps 1-3 above selecting Record Working

    Time 2. The employee’s timesheet will open in a separate

    window. 3. Click the row to select the appropriate date for

    time entry

    4. Click the selector icon in the Abs/Attd Type

    field. The selector icon will appear once you click in the field.

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    5. Click the line to select the appropriate Attendance / Absence type from the list, it will populate into timecard

    Note: All attendance types for hourly employees should

    be entered with a Start Time and End Time. Time must

    always be entered in pairs. All absence types for hourly

    employees should be entered as total number of hours

    worked. All activities must be entered on separate lines

    on the timesheet.

    6. Enter the time employee started this activity in the Start Time field. Ex: 08:15 am.

    7. Enter the time employee stopped this activity in the End Time field. Ex: 05:30 pm. **You will receive an error message if the time format is entered incorrectly. The format should be HH:MM**

    Remember: If you are entering an Absence, you do not need to enter a start and end time, you will only need to enter a total number of hours in the Content field.

    8. Click to update Actual and Content fields.

    9. Click located at the top of the page to save the entry. This action also sends the entry to the manager dashboard for approval.

    To record more than one absence/attendance type for the same day:

    1. Click the row to highlight where you would like to add another line

    2. Click Insert Row. A new row will appear.

    3. Repeat steps 4-9 above for time entry.

    To leave a note for about the time entry:

    1. Click . The Details pop-up will appear. 2. Type a note in the Note field, click OK.

    To delete data for a row:

    Click in the appropriate row.

    Recording Meal Period Hourly employees will be required to record their meal

    period out and in daily. If an employee misses a meal

    period punch, the manager will need to enter with

    documentation from employee.

    Note: If employee works 2nd or 3rd shift and meal period

    occurs in the next day, you will enter the meal period on

    the next day (not the day shift started)

    Missed punches are visible not only on timecard but

    also on the Time Summary report under the column

    titled Missed Clk

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    Recording On Call On Call will be entered with a Start Time and End Time

    for nonexempt employees. Managers are suggested to

    enter on-call schedule in advance due to pay rule that

    employee must be on call in order to receive call back.

    This will prevent errors from occurring on the timecard

    when employee is called back to work.

    1. On timecard, select the attendance type On-Call

    2. Enter On-Call shift Start Time and End Time

    3. Approve and Send when finished with entry

    Recording On-Call for a 24 Hour Period

    If work shift ends at 3:30pm on Friday and employee is

    on call until next shift begins at 7:00am on Monday

    morning the On-Call would be entered as shown below.

    Note: if shift start time is actually 8:00am you will enter

    8:00am-8:00am on Saturday and Sunday.

    Friday: 3:30pm-07:00am (This is also an example of

    how on-call is entered to cross over a day)

    Saturday: 07:00am-07:00am

    Sunday: 07:00am-07:00am

    Allocating Time to a Different Cost


    1. In the Receiving Cost Center column, click to

    search for a cost center.

    2. Click

    3. Enter either the full 8 digit cost center or 4 digit

    department number with an asterisk (*) and

    then Click Search

    4. Click the line of the correct cost center and it

    will populate in timecard

    5. Proceed to enter time in steps 4-9 above under

    Record Working Time.

    Note: Salaried employees needing to allocate time

    to a different cost center could enter Regular

    Attendance in order to perform transfer of hours on

    the timecard.

    Recording LOA Time for an Employee Listed below are the absence types used for LOA.

    Choose the appropriate type and enter the total

    amount of hours per day in the Content field.

    FMLA- PTO FMLA- EMB/EMTO FMLA- Unpaid Non FMLA- PTO Non FMLA- EMB/EMTO Non FMLA- Unpaid Military LOA - PTO Military LOA - Unpaid

    Recording Occurrences - Unscheduled

    PTO and Tardy

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    If the employee takes PTO that was unscheduled,

    ‘Unscheduled PTO’ should be entered on the timecard

    in order to track this occurrence.

    If the employee is Tardy:

    1. Insert a line on the appropriate day

    2. Select the attendance type Tardy

    3. Indicate the total minutes/hours late into the

    Content field

    Managers will be able to see these occurrences on the

    Time Summary report.

    Quick List of Editor Functions Please note which activities require a time in/out rather

    than total number of hours on timecard:

    Orientation – Classroom

    Hold Over

    Witness/Jury Duty

    On Call (entered as a time in/out)

    Critical Shift (entered as a time in/out)

    Tardy, No Call, No Show, Unscheduled PTO



    Bereavement (specify relationship)

    Unpaid Hours (Sick, Called in, No show)

    Availability (entered as a time in/out)

    Low Census No Pay – Mandatory or Voluntary

    (entered as a time in/out)

    Low Census PTO – Mandatory or Voluntary

    (enter as a time in/out)

    Call Back Off Site

    Modified Work Duty

    Work Comp

    Office Closed

    ECMO (entered as a wage type)

    SANE (Levels 1-3, entered as a wage type)

    Patient Sitter (Regular, Alt Rate 1, Alt Rate 2)

    View PTO/EMTO/EMB Balance 1. From Employee Menu, select View

    PTO/EMTO/EMB Balance 2. A new window will appear to view total balances of

    both accounts 3. Click X to close window

    NOTE: If you want to view all of your employee’s PTO/EMTO you will run a report titled Absence Quoas

    View Time Statement 1. From Employee Menu, select View Time Statement 2. A new window will appear defaulting to the current

    day 3. Enter the desired date range and click Show to


    4. You can save or print this pdf 5. Click X to close window

    Reviewing and Approving Time Managers are encouraged to review and approve time

    on a weekly basis. The default period on your Time

    Recording Dashboard is one week so it is helpful to

    begin this practice of weekly review and approval.

    Time Recording Dashboard Your Time Recording dashboard report appears on your MSS home screen with the status of your employee’s timesheets:

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    Time Approval Before approving time, managers are encouraged to

    utilize the Time Summary report to analyze timesheet


    There are two different ways to get to the Time

    Approval screen. You may either click Details on the

    Time Recording Dashboard or click Time Approval from

    the Home page menu.

    Option 1: Option 2:

    1. Once you reach the Time Approval screen, the default selection is your direct reports for the current week. You may change the period and include indirect reports if needed.

    2. Two tabs for approving time will appear:

    TAB 1- Time Recording Status for My Team

    Displays the status of employees’ timecards.

    Allows you a quick review of recorded hours vs. planned hours

    NOTE: under the Recorded Time column, this is a total of hours that “count towards 40”

    3. Click on the recorded time if you would like to review all time entry detail

    Tab 2 - Collective Approval

    Displays employees’ time by period (week)

    Allows manager to approve or reject ALL time one week at a time for EACH employee

    1. Click the arrow under Approval and select APPROVE or REJECT ALL. If time is rejected a reason must also be selected.

    2. Click SAVE when finished

    3. If manager needs to reject only some entries, click the value under the recorded time column for that period

    4. The employee’s time will appear in a daily view in a section titled Individual Approval

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    5. Click the down arrow in the Approval column to

    Approve or Reject individual entries. 6. Click SAVE when finished

    Reminder: Exempt employees only need to report exception time (PTO/EMTO, Mileage, etc.). They will only appear on the dashboard when time is entered to be approved.

    Reviewing Time

    Employee time may be reviewed in the dashboards as mentioned above; however, there are several reports that may be more efficient.

    Using the Time Summary report

    This report provides a summary of each employees time by attendance/absence code by period (or other selection) similar to KRONOS home page

    1. From Reports tab, click on Time Summary 2. Period will default to current, click to Run report

    Manager can:

    Get a quick glance at total worked hours vs planned hours to identify potential overtime or missing absence entries

    Double click into a cell of a column to see detail by day for that code by employee

    Highlight a row and click Go To Timesheet to review or enter additional time if needed

    Identify salaried employees with this icon

    Other highlights of this report are inclusion of all hours (not just approved), mileage, and exceptions like Unscheduled Absence, Tardy, Meal Periods, etc.

    Status on this report indicates:

    Green – no exceptions and total work hours equal or exceed planned hours

    Yellow – exceptions or total work hours less than planned hours

    Red – missed clock entries

    Using the Time Sheet report

    The timesheet report will give you all of the details of the timecard organized by attendance/absence type.

    1. From Report tab, select Time Sheet report 2. Default is current period but may be changed on

    selection screen prior to launching report

    3. Click to run report

    The default layout shows:

    Time in/Time out

    Attendance/Absence type

    Last changed

    Timecard Comments (under Name column)

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    Receiving Cost Center (if time was distributed)

    Status of time a. Released for approval (to be approved

    by manager) b. Approved for payroll

    NOTE: There are several other layouts of this report that are helpful in labor analysis

    1. To select a different layout, click Choose

    2. Select the layout titled Totals by Attendance/Absence type from list

    3. Click the black box next to the SUM column to expand to see detail

    This report view could help you to see trends over a specified time period such as PTO taken, On-call vs Call Back hours, etc.

    NOTE: there are several other layouts of this report as well as other Time reports. Just click Choose on any report to see what is available!

    Using the Display Working Times Report

    This report will also give you all of the details of the

    timecard however this report is organized by employee

    by day.

    4. From Report tab, select Time Sheet report 5. Default is current period but may be changed on

    selection screen prior to launching report

    6. Click to run report

    SAP Inbox Creating a Substitution – To designate another person to perform your SSM Manager “Time” tasks, you can create a substitution rule.

    NOTE: Your one up supervisor will have the ability to approve your employee’s time in your absence. A substitution rule is only necessary if you want to delegate another manager to approve time in your absence.

    Please see quick reference cards below for step by step instructions on managing substitutions:

    How to create a substitution rule

    How to fill in for another manager

    Team Team Calendar - Displays a calendar of your team or all employees under your subordinates’ availability for a specific time period. You can view by Month, Quarter, and Year. You can select specific team members by clicking Select Team Members and Print Team Calendar.

    Other Helpful Time Reports See reports under Time Management. Please refer to

    the quick help on reporting for detailed instructions:

    How to access reports in MyHR

    Absence Quotas – view one or all employees

    PTO/EMTO balances

    Meal Period – view short meal periods, long

    meal periods, missed meal periods, or missed

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    punch on a meal period to monitor and address

    employee behavior


    Other Helpful Materials

    Frequently Asked Questions on Time Entry

    How to create a personal value list

    How to change default view of timesheet

    List of Attendance and Absence Types

    Manual Timesheet

    Timesheet Edit Request Form


    Need Help with MyHR? Call the Technology Service Center

    (TSC) at 1-866-776-4357.

    In St. Louis, call 314-644-7345.
