

Rev. Michael J Rieder

[email protected]

Associate Pastor

Rev. Vitus Mbamalu

[email protected]


Dcn. Michael Devenney

Dcn. William Dobbins

Dcn. Edward Grieb

Dcn. Matthew Yellico

Pastoral Associate

Maryanne Trezza

[email protected]

Parish Trustees

Judy Moore & Mark Crean

St. Joseph Rectory Office

45 Church Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

631-588-8456 Fax 631-471-2569

Parish Office Hours

Mon., Wed., 9am-2pm

Tues., Thurs., 12pm-5pm

Fri., Sat., & Sun. Closed

Parish Secretary: Mrs. Patricia Peters

[email protected]

Business Manager: Dcn. Edward Grieb

[email protected]

Music Minister: Mr. Mike Keller

[email protected]

Let us build the City of God!

Our Mission: By our loving service and works of mercy, we invite every person to

know Jesus Christ, present in the Word and the breaking of the Bread, so that all may accept his gift of salvation.

Nuestra Misión: Por nuestro servicio amoroso y las obras de misericordia, invitamos

a cada persona a conocer a Jesucristo, presente en la Palabra y en la

fracción del Pan, para que todos puedan aceptar su don de salvación.


Saturdays: 5 PM

Sundays: 7 AM, 10AM and Noon

Family Mass and Livestreaming—10AM Mass)

Misa en Español 6:30 PM

Weekdays: Mon., Wed., Fri and Sat. 8AM

Tues. & Thurs. 7AM & 9AM


Mon, Wed, Fri. and Sat. after morning masses

and Saturday from 4 - 4:45PM

Faith Formation Offices


[email protected]

Director of Faith Formation

Maryanne Trezza

[email protected]

Director of New Evangelization

Mrs. Michele Nappi

[email protected]

Parish Outreach


Director of Parish Outreach

Mrs. Anne Kelly

[email protected]

Mon., Wed., & Thurs.,


You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or

our website at


September 5, 2021 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Emergency Resources

Response of Suffolk County Crisis Hotline (24/7)

631-751-7620 or 631-751-7500

Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk - VIBS

Domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, elder abuse: www.inforatvibs,org

631-360-3730 or 631-360-3606 24hr for rape &domestic violence

Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Hotline: 631-666-8833

The Retreat (Domestic Violence) Shelter

631-329-2200 (24/7 hotline)

Brighter Tomorrows (Domestic Violence)

Hotline: 631-395-1800

Islip Hotline (Crisis Hotline) 631-277-4700

Runaway Hotline 631-549-8700 1-800-621-4000

American Red Cross (Suffolk County Chapter)


Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720 (24 hour)

HIV and AIDS Teen Hotline

1-800-440-TEEN (Fri/Sat 6:30PM—midnight)

Pregnancy Care

Birthright of Nassau/Suffolk 631-785-4070

Life Center of LI Pregnancy Care 631-243-0066

Family Resources

Child Health Plus Information and Referral

1-800-522-50060(24 hour)

Child Care Council of Suffolk 631-362-0303

Family Services League of Suffolk County


Hope House Ministries 631-928-2377

Islip Town Teen Parent Resource Center


Suffolk County Department of Health Services

Project Hope Mothers’ Group

631-853-3035 (call for locations)

Haven House/Bridges 631-231-3619

Catholic Charities DRVC Talbot House

Chemical Dependency Crisis Center


Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous 631-869-1124

Gamblers Anonymous 631-586-7171

Narcotics Anonymous 631-689-6262

Overeaters Anonymous 631-260-6615

Al-anon Suffolk County 631-669-2827

[email protected]

Community Outreach Resources

Come Pray Anytime During the Day

Our church opens at 6:30 AM. Praying the Rosary follows our Daily Masses. and remains open all day for anyone who wants to make a prayerful visit. Please come and have some quiet time with God in the midst of our busy (and sometimes loud) world.

Exposition and Benediction

Every Monday afternoon and Friday evening, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. Please join us on Mondays from 1:00PM until 4:00PM, ending with Benediction, and Fridays from 5PM until 7PM. Every First Friday of the month we have a Holy Hour before the exposed Blessed Sacrament, running from 7PM until 8PM, closing with Benediction.

St Joseph Men’s Prayer Group

We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30PM in the Church where we pray the Rosary. Circumstances permitting, we move to the main vestibule for coffee, donuts and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to be strengthened in your commitment as a Catholic man!

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion

Our Lady came to Fatima and promised that the whole world would be at peace, and that many souls would go to heaven if her requests were listened to and obeyed.

In response to her requests, the First Saturday of each month is devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. This devotion includes 8:00 AM mass, a novena to Our Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, and the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome.

Prayer and Devotion Opportunities


September 5, 2021 Page 3

Sunday, Sept. 5 (Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)

7:00 Peter Conlon (Loving Family)

10:00 Dorothy Hines (The Riggs Family)

12:00 Richard T. Craig (Joan Duarte), Justin Morris (Elizabeth &

Ernie LaFemina), Lucy Kurtz (Christine Sauber & Family)

6:30 Spanish Mass

Monday, Sept. 6

8:00 Riziero Ferrante (Giulio & Sally)

Tuesday, Sept. 7

7:00 Robert Oleksiak (The Family of James Hallam)

9:00 Rosemary Williams Simes (Clare Larsen)

Wednesday, Sept. 8

8:00 For the People of the Parish

Thursday, Sept. 9

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 Matthew Dale (Loving Wife Jackie)

Friday, Sept. 10

8:00 Aleida Acosta (Loving Family)

Saturday, Sept. 11

8:00 Darlene Thomas (Loving Family) & For the Victims and

Families of 9/11 as they continue to suffer

Anticipated Mass for Sunday

5:00 Tom McManus (Loving Family), Ryan Delaney (Loving

Family), & For the Victims & Families of 9/11 as they

Continue to suffer

Sunday, Sept. 12 (Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

7:00 For the People of the Parish

10:00 Vinny Gessner (Loving Family), Margaret Ann Graham

(Roseann Marinelli), Edward Perretta (Carol & John

Weinisch), Lucy Kurtz (Gloria & Lou Napolitano), Rose

LaFemina (Eileen & Larry Berton), Joseph Lenard

(Loving Family)

12:00 Geraldine Mendola (Pam Volpe)

6:30 Spanish Mass

Serving Your Sacramental Needs

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM and on the first Saturday of each month. Parents, please call the parish office to arrange a meeting with a priest.

The Sacrament of Eucharist

See front cover for mass times. If you are sick for an extended period of time or are homebound, contact the parish office to have someone bring Communion to you.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

School aged children can prepare for this Sacrament by contacting our Faith Formation Office. Adults who have yet to be Confirmed should contact the Parish Office

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

As listed on front cover or call the office to see a priest.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

This Sacrament is for the living. We celebrate this Sacrament each Spring and Fall for those who are chronically ill, advanced in age, or who are about to undergo surgery or hospitalization. We can arrange the Sacrament at other times by calling the Parish Office.

Emergencies: Call the office to speak to a priest.

Nighttime emergencies (631) 538-7219

The Sacrament of Matrimony

Bride or Groom please call the office at least six months before your desired wedding date to begin preparations for marriage. Please make contact with the parish before making other wedding day plans!

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

If you feel called to serve in the church as a priest deacon or in consecrated religious life, call the office to speak to one of the priests or deacons for guidance or interested in possibly becoming Catholic? Contact the rectory to arrange a meeting to discuss your questions. We have classes to help people learn about our faith and decide if becoming Catholic is best for you. This whole process of inquiry and potential conversion is called RCIA—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

We will respect your personal journey with God!


Barbara Scalzo, James Cuccurullo

our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

OUR LITURGY In the first reading, the Lord says that he has come to save his people, including making the deaf hear and the blind see. In the second reading, James tells the Christian community not to show partiality to those who are rich, nor to discriminate against the poor. In the Gospel, Jesus heals a deaf man to the great astonishment of the crowd near the Decapolis.

September 11th

This year marks the 20th anniversary since the horrible attacks that killed so many people that day, and has affected so many lives since. St Joseph parish will remember that day with the most profound prayer we can offer - the sacrifice of the mass. All the victims of the violence of that day will be re-membered in all of our masses that weekend. In the two weeks prior to September 11, we are placing our large Cross (the Cross we use on Good Friday) in the sanctuary and, as we ordinarily do in Lent, we invite everyone to place your burdens on post it notes on the Cross. At all masses on the weekend of September 11, the Paschal Candle will be lit and placed directly behind the Cross (with all your pain on it). This way, as we pray we will see clear-ly that the cross always lead to the resurrection.


Be Opened!

These are the words that Jesus uses in today’s gospel as he heals a deaf man. But these words are a call to each one of us as well - Be open to the Good News! I recently reflected on the picture of Jesus knocking on a door and pointed out that the door in the picture has no handle on the outside - Jesus cannot open it. I have to do it from within. Each one of us has to open our hearts to Jesus from within.

If I may, I would like to reflect a little bit more on rebirth. We have been using that phrase to describe what is happening to our parish since the pandemic. I truly believe that, to some extent, the pandemic is a gift because it gives us an opportunity for rebirth. But each one of us has to make a decision if it is to happen in our hearts.

I had a conversation with a very close friend last week. She has not been back to mass since the lockdown. She watches a simulcast from a parish in New Jersey but her parish is here in our diocese. I know she is not afraid of going to a public mass so I asked why she hasn’t gone to mass in her home parish. She complained about there being nothing there anymore. We have foreign priests who I don’t understand and there is absolutely no life. I asked, “Don’t you miss the Sacraments - Communion?” She said that she really doesn’t. I was very saddened by this and I guess it showed.

Unfortunately this conversation happened at the end of our visit and I went home a little bothered that she may have become uncomfortable because of it. Sunday morning as I was out for a walk my phone rang. It was my friend. She had just come back from mass. She didn’t go out of guilt or a sense of obligation. She just began to think about it after our conversation and decided that she needed to do something for herself this weekend and going to mass to be with Jesus was one of the ways she was going to take care of herself. She thanked me for our conversation and the fact that it nudged her back to mass and Communion.

My friend was open! She made a decision and took a step toward rebirth!

My friend could have continued to say that there is nothing for her at her home parish. She could have continued to complain about what used to be and is no longer. But she did something about it for herself and I am convinced that her presence was an addition to the community she prayed with.

Our rebirth is going more slowly than I would like. I wish we could have more gatherings - we’ll see how our End of Summer Party goes this weekend. But we are taking some steps. Things are different and we can never again say, “But we’ve always done it that way.” We are not really sure what our reborn community will be like but the only way we can get to the new promised land is if each one of us takes whatever step we can on this journey of faith. For some, like my friend, that step is coming back to face to face celebrations. But once we are back, the question is “How am I back?” Am I just going to church because “it is what we do”? Or am I doing my best to enter the celebration? Have I taken some time this past week to even glance at the readings? usccbdailyreadings will get you there. Do I respond to the prayers? Do I praise God at mass by singing Glory to God or Alleluia? Do I bring my joy and pain to God as my gift this week? Or do I sit back and wait for things to be done for me by the ministers? The rebirth I have been speaking about is as the Body of Christ. We are that Body and so each one of us has a responsibility to the rest of the Body.

If you are reading the bulletin on line before going to mass, I invite you to make a decision this weekend to be opened. All we have to do is open the door to our heart a little bit and Jesus can come in and help us to open wide! But the decision is personal.

Here are two simple steps that can help with individual rebirth:

Get here for the beginning of mass. I know that sometimes last minute things get in the way, but if your habit is to arrive ten minutes late every Sunday, maybe it is time to work on that habit. The beginning of mass is part of the process of becoming more opened to the power of God’s love.

Stay until the end. Again, I know that at times there are things that make us have to rush out. But if I never hear the words, “Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life,” I may never answer the call to do that during the week.

Here is something else each one of us can do as a step in communal rebirth:

If you are physically able and have not done so, I encourage you to get a COVID vaccine. At the beginning of every mass we say our mission statement: “By our loving service and works of mercy…” Look at the people who sit in the safety zone at mass. For whatever reason, our brothers and sisters sitting there have ongoing concerns about infection. Maybe they have a loved one at home who is high risk or maybe they work with sick people. Whatever the case, it would seem to me that, for a moment, we can look at our brothers and sisters in the safety zone (and look at all the children who are not yet eligible for a vaccine) and see Jesus. He says, “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers or sisters you do for me.” (Mt 25:40).

My suggestion is that anyone who has not yet gotten vaccinated, please put aside all of the very confusing commentary that comes from many different sources and talk to your primary care physician. Ask him of her, “Have you gotten it?” Then ask why. Listen to the wisdom of a professional you trust. Then please, do this work of mercy for the sake of our vulnerable brothers and sisters and for our rebirth as a society.

-Fr Mike


¡Sea Abierto!

Estas son las palabras que Jesús usa en el evangelio de hoy cuando sana a un sordo. Pero estas palabras también son un llamado para ca-da uno de nosotros - ¡Estén abiertos a las Buenas Nuevas! Recientemente reflexioné sobre la imagen de Jesús tocando una puerta y seña-lé que la puerta en la imagen no tiene manija en el exterior; Jesús no puede abrirla. Tengo que hacerlo desde dentro. Cada uno de noso-tros tiene que abrir su corazón a Jesús desde dentro.

Si se me permite, me gustaría reflexionar un poco más sobre el renacimiento. Hemos estado usando esa frase para describir lo que le está sucediendo a nuestra parroquia desde la pandemia. Realmente creo que, hasta cierto punto, la pandemia es un regalo porque nos da la oportunidad de renacer. Pero cada uno de nosotros tiene que tomar una decisión para que esto suceda en nuestro corazón.

Tuve una conversación con una amiga muy cercana la semana pasada. No ha vuelto a misa desde el encierro. Ella ve una transmisión simultánea desde una parroquia en Nueva Jersey, pero su parroquia está aquí en nuestra diócesis. Sé que no tiene miedo de ir a una misa pública, así que le pregunté por qué no había ido a misa en su parroquia de origen. Ella se quejó de que ya no había nada allí. Tenemos sacerdotes extranjeros que no entiendo y no hay absolutamente ninguna vida. Le pregunté: "¿No extrañas los Sacramentos - La Comu-nión?" Ella dijo que realmente no. Me entristeció mucho esto y supongo que lo demostré.

Desafortunadamente, esta conversación ocurrió al final de nuestra visita y me fui a casa un poco molesto porque ella se había sentido incómoda por eso. El domingo por la mañana, mientras salía a caminar, sonó mi teléfono. Era mi amiga. Ella acababa de regresar de mi-sa. Ella no salió por culpa o por un sentido de obligación. Ella simplemente comenzó a pensar en eso después de nuestra conversación y decidió que necesitaba hacer algo por sí misma este fin de semana e ir a misa para estar con Jesús era una de las formas en que se iba a cuidar. Ella me agradeció por nuestra conversación y el hecho de que le di un empujón de regreso a la misa y a la Comunión.

¡Mi amiga estaba abierta! ¡Ella tomó una decisión y dio un paso hacia el renacimiento!

Mi amiga podría haber seguido diciendo que no hay nada para ella en su parroquia de origen. Podría haber seguido quejándose de lo que solía ser y ya no es. Pero ella hizo algo al respecto por sí misma y estoy convencido de que su presencia fue una adición a la comunidad con la que oró.

Nuestro renacimiento va más lento de lo que me gustaría. Ojalá pudiéramos tener más reuniones; veremos cómo va nuestra fiesta de fin de verano este fin de semana. Pero estamos dando algunos pasos. Las cosas son diferentes y nunca más podremos decir: "Pero siempre lo hemos hecho de esa manera". No estamos realmente seguros de cómo será nuestra comunidad renacida, pero la única forma en que pode-mos llegar a la nueva tierra prometida es si cada uno de nosotros da cualquier paso que podamos en este viaje de fe. Para algunos, como mi amiga, ese paso es volver a las celebraciones cara a cara. Pero una vez que regresamos, la pregunta es "¿Cómo he regresado?" ¿Voy a la iglesia simplemente porque “es lo que hacemos”? ¿O estoy haciendo todo lo posible para participar en la celebración? ¿Me he tomado algún tiempo para siquiera echar un vistazo a las lecturas? www.usccbdailyreadings lo llevará allí. ¿Respondo a las oraciones? ¿Alabo a Dios en la misa cantando el Gloria a Dios o el Aleluya? ¿Le traigo mi gozo y dolor a Dios como mi regalo esta semana? ¿O me siento y espero que los ministros hagan las cosas por mí? El renacimiento del que he estado hablando es como el Cuerpo de Cristo. Nosotros so-mos ese Cuerpo y por eso cada uno de nosotros tiene una responsabilidad con el resto del Cuerpo.

Si estás leyendo el boletín en línea antes de ir a misa, te invito a tomar una decisión este fin de semana para ser abierto. ¡Todo lo que te-nemos que hacer es abrir un poco la puerta de nuestro corazón y Jesús puede entrar y ayudarnos a abrirla de par en par! Pero la decisión es personal.

Aquí hay dos pasos simples que pueden ayudar con el renacimiento individual:

Ven aquí para el comienzo de la misa. Sé que a veces las cosas de última hora se interponen, pero si su hábito es llegar diez minutos tarde todos los domingos, tal vez sea el momento de trabajar en ese hábito. El comienzo de la misa es parte del proceso de abrirse más al poder del amor de Dios.

Quédate hasta el final. Una vez más, sé que a veces hay cosas que nos hacen tener que apresurarnos. Pero si nunca escucho las pala-bras, "Ve en paz glorificando al Señor con tu vida", es posible que nunca responda al llamado para hacer eso durante la semana.

Aquí hay algo más que cada uno de nosotros puede hacer como un paso hacia el renacimiento comunitario:

Si está físicamente capacitado y no lo ha hecho, le animo a que se vacune contra el COVID. Al comienzo de cada misa decimos nuestra declaración de misión: "Por nuestro servicio amoroso y obras de misericordia ..." Mire a la gente que se sienta en la zona de seguridad en la misa. Por la razón que sea, nuestros hermanos y hermanas sentados tienen preocupaciones constantes sobre la infección. Tal vez ten-gan un ser querido en casa que sea de alto riesgo o tal vez trabajen con personas enfermas. Cualquiera que sea el caso, me parecería que, por un momento, podemos mirar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la zona de seguridad (y mirar a todos los niños que aún no son ele-gibles para una vacuna) y ver a Jesús. Él dice: "Todo lo que hagas por el más pequeño de mis hermanos o hermanas, lo harás por mí". (Mt 25:40).

Mi sugerencia es que cualquier persona que aún no se haya vacunado, deje de lado todos los comentarios muy confusos que provienen de muchas fuentes diferentes y hable con su médico de atención primaria. Pregúntale por la vacuna "¿La tienes?" Luego pregunte por qué. Escuche la sabiduría de un profesional en el que confía. Entonces, por favor, hagan esta obra de misericordia por el bien de nuestros her-manos y hermanas vulnerables y por nuestro renacimiento como sociedad.

Padre Michael



To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of your most holy spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also.

Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.

O most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influ-ence; O our most mighty protector, be propitious to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness; and, as once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, so that, sup-ported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die holily, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.


St. Joseph Faith Formation

Registration 2021-2022

We are ready to begin another great year growing in our

relationship with Jesus and

discovering more about our beautiful Catholic faith.

Share and spread your faith …

A message from Pope Francis to parents and grandparents.

Registration for the 2021-22 year is now going on.

You may register at our NEW St. Joseph Parish website.

On the website homepage, click the “Formation” button.

In the drop-down, click “faith formation” for the program

Overview, the registration form, and additional forms.


Cub Scout Pack 272

Scout Troop 272

St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Scout Troop 272 have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys and girls, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).

For more information or to enroll your child, contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 979-0060

or e-mail [email protected].

Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have

a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.

Page 10

CYO Sport Programs


Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16): Gene 588-1879

Travel * (Boys) Vinny 521-5544


Girls ([email protected]) Brittney 445-9099

Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Nick 585-7723

Boys Grades 3-12) Vinny 521-5544

Travel* Vinny 521-5544

Track: ([email protected])

Boys & Girls Grades K-8 Nick 631-585-7723

Soccer :

Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13) Joe 585-0748

[email protected]

Travel (LIJSL): Jason 875-5209

[email protected]

Congratulations to the First Winners of CDA’s

Summer Fundraiser!

Aug. 22: Frances Malone $30

Aug. 23: Dolores Lingner $20

Aug. 24: Lenore Pappas $20

Aug. 25: Laura Jansen $20

Aug. 26: Helma Clavin $20

Aug. 27: Kathy Knott $20

Aug. 28: Robert & Alicia Kroczynski $20

Thank you to all who participated in CDA’s Summer Calendar Raffle!

Our Prayer in Action In Building the City of God

Sun. August 29th Weekly Collections $15,898

2021 Weekly Avg Collections:

Average Year to Date $14,726

Average Since Beginning Appeal $15,738

Average 8 Weeks Prior to Appeal $12,782

(ex Palm & Easter Sunday)

Sun August 29th Mass Attendance 641

2021 Average Attendance (to-date) 606

Weekly Average since Beginning Appeal 664

Livia Cuva

Chris Garcia-Icaza

James Garcia-Icaza

Carter March

Leilani Cali Mora

Ariana Sancharie Ramrattan

Rowan Ace Reilly

Kiera Marie Rodriguez


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