Page 1: St Mark’s@home Newsletter 2 24 · skills in his comprehension task. ... Kevin celebrated Earth day by using natural materials to decorate a flower pot and make his own dinosaur

St Mark’s@home Newsletter 2 – 24th April


EYFS Camber Archie Awarded for writing an amazing and helpful

list of rules for stick play

EYFS Windsor Amelia K Awarded for jumping straight in with her learning at her new school

Year 1 Arundel Ned Awarded for working very hard at home to improve his spelling and handwriting. Keep up the hard work!

Year 1 Bodiam Eddie Awarded for working hard on all the work he has been set

Year 2 Pevensey Kian Awarded for working hard at a range of home learning activities and keeping cheerful and energetic

Year 2 Leeds Sofie Awarded for completing a range of home learning activities and making a beautiful pot

Year 2 Leeds Lois Awarded for completing a wealth of home learning activities and making an amazing bird box.

Year 3 Deal Nyah Awarded for a fantastic presentation on famous scientists William Smith and Joseph Banks

Year 3 Lewes Cas Awarded for a positive attitude to coming into school every day

Year 4 Dover Giacomo Awarded for fabulous handwriting, lots of work and a great survival leaflet!

Year 4 Farnham Christian Awarded for showing great commitment to home learning and making great improvements with his times tables

Year 5 Hever Georgi Awarded for demonstrating excellent retrieval skills in his comprehension task.

Year 5 Lullingstone Luke Awarded for a well written fact file on Queen Victoria

Year 6 Rochester Mia Awarded for producing a very thoughtful piece of RE work considering places that are sacred and why.

Year 6 Oxford Ashton Awarded for excellent, detailed project work relating to WW2

Page 2: St Mark’s@home Newsletter 2 24 · skills in his comprehension task. ... Kevin celebrated Earth day by using natural materials to decorate a flower pot and make his own dinosaur

EYFS – Camber

Camber Class have impressed again with their amazing home learning. Lots of children have taken on the phonics and number challenges and gone the extra mile to produce some brilliant work. This week Camber Class have listened to the story 'Stanley's Stick' and have worked hard on lots of stick-y activities. Hallie made a delicious looking playdough cake with stick candles. Yusuf wrote a fabulous description of his favourite stick. Luke chose a new stick every time he went for a walk and found a different use for each of them. Archie used a stick to stir a particularly disgusting looking potion in his garden but also wrote some rules for safe stick play

that including not hitting his sister - very important Archie! I am so impressed with the creativity, imagination and focus that is going into all the work being shared this week, keep it up its fanta-stick! EYFS –Windsor Dear Windsor class, I think this new email is such a great idea! It has really made me smile seeing how happy and busy you are learning from home! Windsor even has a new member of the class, and now we have two Amelia’s, who have both been sending in lots of learning! Amelia S has been practising her adding at home, and Amelia K has been working her way through all of our activities! Jonas has been giving Blue Peter a run for its money with super Easter baking and crafts, as well as lots of forest fun! Kevin celebrated Earth day by using natural materials to decorate a flower pot and make his own dinosaur world, and Florence and Harper have been consistently practising their Phonics and Maths! Sadly, we cannot meet our new friend in person right now, but I know we will be super excited to introduce ourselves when things return to normal! Welcome Amelia! I hope you are all happy and safe and I look forward to seeing what you get up to next week! Miss Hardwicke x Year 1 – Arundel This week Arundel have been working very hard at home. In Maths we have looked at grouping

objects, making equal groups and started to look at halving. Lots to children have also done the follow up activity on Mathletics, well done. In English we looked at the story of Rapunzel and compared the different versions of the story we knew. Hannah drew a very detailed picture of Rapunzel and wrote two fantastic sentences, with finger spaces! To start our new topic about the seaside Sophie decided to build her own inside seaside. She took her family to her indoor beach while singing our new topic song 'we do like to be by the seaside' where they

spent the whole day playing on the ‘beach’. We also started our new topic of plants in science by planting a seeds so we can watch them grow. Each week we are going to add to our E-Book on Purple Mash to show how our plant has changed and how we have looked after it. Addison has got his 'green fingers' ready and planted and watered his seed to help it grow. Take care Arundel, Miss Hughes

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Year 1 - Bodiam

This week in Bodiam Class we started our new topic forward to starting Term 5 with the theme of 'we do like to be by the seaside'. In English we have been using the story ‘Rapunzel’ by Bethan Woollvin. We have been used an extract of the book and illustrations to think

about the characters and their feelings. We are writing letter like Eliza’s to give some advice to Rapunzel. In maths we have we working on doubling, sharing and grouping objects as well as practising our mental maths skills. Also Valentino has been working with his brother thinking about Earth day and created this collage of Fiji. Year 2 - Pevensey

Year 2 have had a brilliant week and it's been fantastic to see lots of great home learning! There's been some impressive examples of baking, gardening, woodwork, pottery, atlas reading, Joe Wicks-ing, robot building and more alongside English, Maths and Topic learning. We have loved hearing about it and seeing some pictures- keep sending them in! You're doing a

fabulous job, children. Keep up the good work! Year 2 - Leeds

We have seen some fantastic learning across all subjects this week. The children have been working really hard in maths, topic and other areas. We have seen some amazing pieces of art and I think it’s fair to say we are all taking advantage of this super weather. Mrs Kington sent her daughter around the garden on a colour hunt. Take a look at what she found! Can you do the same? It would be great to see some.

Year 3 – Deal It has been fantastic to see some of the children’s work and what they have been up to over the past few weeks. Nyah and Isabella have been practising their story writing skills with some fantastic results. Dylan has been trying his hand at making some delicious chocolate nests in the kitchen. Olivia and Horatio have been working extremely hard on their maths and problem solving. Emilia has been taking part in the Maths Factor 30 Challenge and taking part in ballet, guitar and piano lessons

online. Molly has entered a poetry competition and has been growing caterpillars. Pixie has been presenting her work about Tutankhamun and plants beautifully in posters. Anastasia has been doing lots of reading and practising her comprehension skills. Maisie has been creating collages from materials she has found. Keep up the good work everybody!

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Year 3 - Lewes This week we have been learning about fractions in maths. Keep up the hard work everyone. Thank you for the work from Sophia, Huwie, Morris, Millie and Chloe. In English we started to write a diary. This diary will continue for the next few weeks. We have started our next science topic which is plants. Thanks to Reuben for his work on the structure of a plant. If you are able to grow anything over the next few weeks, we would love to see the photos. We have also started our topic on Extreme Earth. This week we were looking at what is beneath our feet. Some of you have sent some great photos of work you have done for Earth day. Well done to Annabelle and Estefano. We have seen some great independent projects from other children and parents. Great origami zoo from Ellie. Finally, very impressed to hear that some children are developing other skills and helping with cooking and laundry at home. Let us know any new skills you are learning. We look to forward to hearing from you all over the next week. Keep up the hard work parents and children. From Mrs Speight and Mrs Haynes. Year 4 - Dover It has been a real pleasure to receive some photographs and copies of the work that the children

from Dover have been doing. I am very proud of each and every one of you. Keep sending it in. We have been enjoying learning how to survive in extreme weather conditions and working on our decimals. I hope you had fun with your environment projects and that you are doing plenty of art and exercise to keep you happy! Don't forget the BBC bitesize learning and remember it's not just about maths and literacy. Keep reading

lots and use your imaginations. Year 4 – Farnham

Well done to all of the children in Farnham for showing such great commitment to their work at home. Thank you for sending in your work for me to see. It was very enjoyable reading Alec's survival leaflet, Beth's short stories and seeing the creative activities that Elliott, Matteo, Harvey and Lana have been completing. Keep working hard at home but remember to stay safe and save some time to have fun as a family.

Year 5 – Lullingstone Year 5 Lullingstone have been very busy with their learning this week. In Science we have started looking at the life cycles of plants and animals and the children were asked to narrate a wildlife documentary called ‘Life’. Luke A sent through a very impressive script that he had written, which included some of the facts he had learnt - well done! In History we have begun learning about the Victorians and the children were tasked with researching Queen Victoria and creating a fact file on her. Bailey, Luke and Ashton produced very descriptive fact files and Daniel H sent through a picture he drew of Queen Victoria.

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Year 6 - Oxford It has been wonderful to hear from so many of Oxford class over the last few weeks. Receiving their emails and looking at their work always brightens up my day. I have been so impressed with the standard of project work they are producing at home and they should all be very proud of themselves. I look forward receiving their work related to

Cosmic and ratio. Remember to keep reading, stay safe and have fun!

Year 6 – Rochester

This week I have really enjoyed receiving so many emails sharing your brilliant work over the past week. It has certainly kept me entertained and helped me feel a little like I'm back in the classroom. I hope you all managed to enjoy some time outside on Tuesday to celebrate Earth Day. I know Ana and Freya did - planting tomato plants and taking photos of the beautiful plants and wildlife in their gardens.

In Topic work, Charlie has drawn some incredible pictures of WW2 weaponry and Sienna created a superb looking Anderson Shelter from recyclable materials. I'm sure the rest of the class will love to see these when we're all back! These are just a few of the great things you are all doing at home, so keep up the hard work Rochester Class and stay safe. Mrs Bert John Lewis/Waitrose design a bear competition John Lewis and Waitrose are today launching a soft toy design competition for children around the UK to raise critical funds for the NHS.

With home schooling recommencing across the nation, the retailer is inviting children (and adults) to create and share their designs for a “super-bear” cuddly toy that celebrates the spirit and fortitude of the fearless men and women working on the frontline during the Covid-19 crisis.

The winning design will be turned into an exclusive Christmas toy and sold by Waitrose and John Lewis from October, following in the footsteps of a number of beloved characters from the retailer.

This is a great idea from the retailer and it would be great if children at St Mark’s entered. The link is below.

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Rainbows It has been wonderful to see all the beautiful rainbows the children have been creating. Selecting just a few was extremely difficult. Well done to everyone for their rainbows and I look forward to seeing all your flower pictures, models, paintings etc. next week. Take care Mrs Hammond.

Take care everyone Mr Bird
