Page 1: ST MARTIN IN THE FIELDS Services Weekly News...Tuesdays: Daily Office 8.30am & Playgroup 9.30-11.30am. All resume 9 October Thursdays: Knitting Group 10.115am—12.15pm, Daily Office

ST MARTIN IN THE FIELDS Parish Priest The Reverend Canon Joanne Baynes BA , Grad Dip Min, MTheol

Ph 9367 1918 Mob 0401 135 873 [email protected] Priest’s Days off: Wednesday & Friday ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Council Wardens: Vacant Treasurer: Vacant Secretary: Phil Thatcher [email protected] Parish Administrator: Christine Benthien Mondays and Thursday afternoons [email protected] 9367 2798 Hall Hire Christine Benthien [email protected] 9367 2798

Services Sunday 9.00am Eucharist Daily Office—Prayer from APBA Tuesdays 8.30am (weekly during school terms) Thursdays 6.00pm (weekly during school terms Thursday 6.30pm Christian Meditation (weekly during school terms) Saturday @5pm Service (6 Oct cancelled) 1st Saturday in month Godly Play & followed by a shared meal. Sunday 11am Eucharist KPACF 3rd Sunday in the month Aged Care Ministry Regular Activities & Ministries St Martin’s Playgroup Tuesdays 9.30-11.30am (school terms) Contact: Mary Bright [email protected] St Martin’s Knitting Group Thursdays 10.15am in Hall (school terms) Contact : Jackie Thatcher 9452 2406 Sing-along @ St Martins 2nd Sunday in the month at 11am Contact: Ruth Walker 0418 955 630 Prayer-Net Ongoing as people pray….. Contact: Ruth Walker 0418 955 630 St Martin’s House CLOSED until further notice OpShop, Bookshop & Bazaar is closed Parish Council Meetings 20 Nov

Dates to Remember 5-7 Oct—SYNOD 14 Oct—St Francis & Blessing of Animals 15-28 Oct—Rev’d Joanne Baynes annual leave Rev’d Theresa Harvey providing supply 21 & 28 2 Nov—7pm Festival All Souls 4 Nov—Festival All Saints 11 Nov— Festival St Martin (Patronal festival) 25 Nov—Festival Christ the King 2 Dec—First Sunday of Advent 9 Dec—Parish Christmas Lunch 16 Dec—Lessons & Carols KPACH 25 Dec—Christmas Day Service

The Five Marks of Mission Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. Teach, baptize & nurture new believers. Respond to human need by loving service. Seek to transform unjust structures in society. Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and renew the life of the earth.

Donations to St Martin’s Parish We gratefully accept your financial support of parish life. To give via direct debiting- Anglican Parish of Kensington Bank Details General Account: BSB: 706-001 Account: 30003075 Reference: offerings Building Fund: BSB: 706001 Account: 30003066

Thank you for supporting the mission and ministries of St Martin’s!



The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 23 September 2018

Our Mission In all things to be disciples of Christ

Our Vision

As a worshipping community we will grow through word and sacrament, nurturing one another for the ministry of the church and the world.

Corner Dyson & Vista Street Kensington WA Phone: 9367 1918

Postal address: 53 Brandon Street Kensington WA 6151

Prayer of the Week (APBA) O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: mercifully grant us such a measure of your grace that, running in the way of your commandments, we may obtain your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can it be seasoned? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another. Mark 9.50

Page 2: ST MARTIN IN THE FIELDS Services Weekly News...Tuesdays: Daily Office 8.30am & Playgroup 9.30-11.30am. All resume 9 October Thursdays: Knitting Group 10.115am—12.15pm, Daily Office

Welcome to St Martin’s Ngaala kaaditj Nyoongar moort keyen kaadak nidja boodja We acknowledge Nyoongar people as the original custodians of this land.

Please join us for morning tea after the service.

Sunday Liturgy The liturgy is drawn from A Prayer Book for Australia with seasonal variations. We sing the Communion Settings. Please ‘catchup’ with people over morning tea and not whilst people are prayerfully preparing for church or during the “peace”.

Holy Communion This is the Lord’s Table and all who seek God’s love and mercy are welcome to receive communion or a blessing, including children. The long tradition of the church is to drink from a common cup. You may choose to intinct (dip). Gluten free is available. Ministry with the Sick: 1st Sunday in the month ‘Prayers and Anointing of Oil’ are offered after Holy Communion to all who seek this ministry.

The Holy Scriptures Pentecost 19: Esther 7.1-6,9-10, 9.20-22; Ps 124; James 5.12-30; Mark 9.38-50 Pentecost 20: Job 1:1, 2.1-10; Ps 26; Hebrews 1.1-4, 2.5-12; Mark 10.2-16

From the Parish Priest As we continue to serve God and community we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice in many practical ways through serving on parish rosters and in parish ministries. As part of our commitment to live a life of stewardship we offer our time, talent and treasure to further the good news of God’s love, compassion and justice. In this parish we have been intentional for many years by committing ourselves to a stewardship program titled ‘In the Spirit of Generosity’. Through our collective willingness to give sacrificially we have been able to sustain parish life—our financial obligations to maintain property and pay our staff, as well as, offer a range of ministries. I give thanks to God for all who serve at St Martin’s, and in particular, to those who have embraced our stewardship program. Many in the wider community are unaware that it is the responsibility of the local parish to fully fund their own programs, staff and maintenance. It has become clear our current income does not cover our expenses and, due to this reality, Council has requested a meeting with the Diocese to discuss a way forward for St Martin’s. Let us uphold each other in prayer as we work together for God’s glory here in this place. Let us continue to give thanks to God for each act of stewardship offered throughout the week. And let us remain faithful as we gather to worship Jesus our Lord who is present with us in all the seasons of our lives. With my love and prayers, Joanne This week let us give thanks to God for those who have served in the following areas:

• Playgroup—Mary, Valerie and Jennifer who organised Term 4 craft activities

• Weeding—Frank who has begun weeding the parish grounds

• Reticulation—Rob who is checking the system in preparation for October 1

• Knitting Group—Jackie who organised the Knitting Group luncheon at Mt Henry's

St Martin’s is a Fair Trade Faith Community

• Cathedral Food Packs—Jackie & Phil who are purchasing and making Food Packs

• Parish maintenance & Finances—Joanne for liaising with MESH concerning the ivy pruning, plumbing, etc and paying parish accounts and banking monies

• Parish Files—Jennifer who has sorted St Martin’s House files and Council minutes

• Last week’s rosters—Ruth, Alison, Kathleen, Phil, Mary-Anne, Jackie, Frank, Jean

• Parish Council—Joanne, Audrey, Adrian and Phil for their oversight of the parish

• And for all the unseen acts of generosity that are offered

Parish Council Report A few important decisions for your information (Minutes are on the Parish Notice Board) St Martin’s House—the parish does not have the capacity to re-open St Martin’s House. Decisions concerning contents will be made at the next Council meeting. Parish Administrator—reduced to 7 hours per week due to financial constraints— Christine Benthien will be on site on Mondays. Parish Maintenance— coordinated by Rev’d Joanne in lieu of Wardens , supplier is MESH Finances—coordinated by Rev’d Joanne in lieu of Treasurer Feasibility Study for redevelopment—unable to proceed due to lack of Council members Council Vacancies— Parish Council to write to Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy, Bishop Kate Wilmot and Archdeacon Lionel Snell concerning the vacancies of leadership positions on Parish Council requesting guidance and assistance from the Diocese (letter is on the Parish Notice Board). Archdeacon Lionel Snell has since confirmed Bishop Kate and himself will be attending the Council meeting on 20 November to consider the financial viability of the parish. In addition, due to the ongoing financial matters that have arisen this year the Diocese has arranged for Dhanushka Kularathna, Senior Accountant, to come to the parish to assist the parish with finances (reconciliation of accounts, annual financial return, 2018-19 Budget, etc). Joanne will meet Dan on Thursday 4 October to assist with this process. Christmas Services—only 9am Christmas Day service to be offered. Parish Vacancies—wardens, treasurer, lay member of Synod are required to be filled. Parish Council Minutes 4 & 18 September meetings Minutes on Parish Notice Board. Please note required parish maintenance completed.

Saturday @5 Service 6 October Cancelled due to Synod weekend Ministries in recess during School Holidays (24 September -7 October) Tuesdays: Daily Office 8.30am & Playgroup 9.30-11.30am. All resume 9 October Thursdays: Knitting Group 10.115am—12.15pm, Daily Office 6pm & Christian Meditation 6.30pm. All resume 11 October.

Synod 5-7 October All welcome to attend Synod Eucharist 7 pm St George’s Cathedral. Please pray for the Diocese and St Martin’s representatives (Joanne, Phil and Diane) as they gather at Synod.

Festival St Francis & Blessing of the Animals 9am Sunday 14 October All welcome to join us at this service of joy and blessing! For everyone’s safety and comfort, please bring your dogs on a leash and other pets in appropriate restraints.

Parish Maintenance— Annual Tagging of Electrical Appliances The parish is due for the annual certification of all electrical items. Parish Leaders please check you have only the required items you need for your ministry and inform Joanne by September 28 of the items you require to be tested. Thank you.

News & Coming Events
