Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16






NUMBEit 10


have its work cut out in the semi­windup. St. John's team will be no "set-up" for it boasts of having fcur members of the last year's Na­tional Catholic High School cham-pions upon its first string team. "Baldy'' Carroll, .who has brought three national basketball titles to

C. Andrews

The Reverend E. V. Cardinal, president of the College announced last Thursday that a physical edu-cation department would be created with the opening of the fall term. The addition of this department is the first of a series of expansions that is planned.

Charles Andrews, wrestling co-captain at the University of illinois, was named by the College Council to head the newly created depart­ment of physical education. Andrews "ill come to St. Viator after his

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16


<irq~ Niatorian Pulollabed bi-weekly throughout the year by the Students of St.

Viator College.


Flame 0' Gael Library Echoes By )iary P. Cruise, '35 By Bro. L. Nolan. C. . Y.

• o\.TLRD.-\1". lL-U«::B 16. 19M

Amedee T. Betourne P harmacy


EDITORIAL STAFF The vision of the Lord came to In Retrospect 119 C<>u.rt t ., Ka.nkak~ . .lU.

I Patrick as he wM tending the flocks No department of SL Viator Col- 1 !.--------------......: &It tor Editor A1l8oct ate Edl tor

Kenneth Cor coran, '35 of the chieftain Milcbu one night lege has endured more changes of Edward Buttgen, ' 37 on the bills of Slemisb. For six fortune than the College Library.

Mary Cruise, '35 ,37 lcng years he had dwelt in slavery To students and faculty-members for

William Schumacher, to his I rish master, since pirates had I I Marguerite Senesac, '3_, carried him off from his home in whom the present well-stocked and

Ath letics Editor Sorority Editor

BUS INESS DEJ>AltTMENT Scotland. But his days lil tb• admirably available shelves are a McLaughlin, '38 Buainess Manager

ABslatant Business Manager Circulation Manager Asslatant Ci rculation Manager

Day Hopping [nle rcoll eg!atc

Ma ry Anthony, '38 Ralph Celetto, '38

Abc, '38




Martin Stephen Gould,

Bernard Benoit, Patrick Hayes,

Lester Soucie, Harold Sellers,

Richard Doyle, Joseph Prokopp,

Ha.rry Hodgins,

Subscription Rate $2.00 per annum.

'36 '37 '38

'36 '36

'35 '38


misty valley of the Braid and his commonplace of everyday academic nights under the st&.rs had drawn life, it is perhaps difficult to realize hlm close to God, and now the that the Hbrary of today rose Phoe­words of the Lord enkindled in him nix-like from lhe great fire of 1906, a loving zeal for the souls of his J th~t .fire which destroyed the m~n captors who were given over to the bUl ldJngs on the campus and w1th ancient superstition of tlle Druids. them, the Library. A few meagre

So it was that when he finally volumes were salvaged. made hi s escape to France, his only With this sadly depleted collec­thought was to come back as soon tion the Library staff undauntedly a.CJ he had equ ipped himself for his began the work of replenishing the great task. For twenty years he shelves. The few books. mostly was associated with the sai ntly Ger- fictio n, which had been saved were main at Auxerre, and all the time moved to a small room on tlle third

Addre.ea aJl correspondence referrtng either to adve rtising o r su bscription to th e Is le of the West was before his floor of Mars ile H a ll m what is now Tb e Viatorlan,, I llinois eyes. He saw the soft-bosomed a part of the Physic Laboratory. At

£ntered u second class matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois, hills of Ireland , and her shimmering this tim e the Library kept open but under the Act of March 3rd , 1879. lakes. He dreamed of conve rting one hour a week, from 11 to 12 on

th e oak of the Druids into a shelter Sunday mornings. .A.CME PRINTING CO. 121 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. for Him who died upon a Tree, and In th e year that followed the Li­

------------------------------- if'. his imagination he su bstituted for brary numbered on its staff, among

r I

the monoliths of the Druids the many o thers, Father Chris topher a lta r-stone of the One True God. Marzano, during whose regime the It was his specia l g ift that he saw Library was moved from the thi rd in everything, eve n the usages of to the first floor and install ed in paganism, and the humblest pebbl es the ,present co-ed' s parlor. H e was and tinies t plants of Ireland , vebic- succeeded by Father Plante who in­les through which he could convey s ta lled the Dewey Decimal Sys tem his message. of Classification which is s ti ll in use

At long last ne returned to the The Library was a lso moved to the land of his capti vity, resolved to second floor where is occupied one­se l it af la m e with his own loving half of its present quarters . When faith. The work was slow, for the Father Edward Cardinal became Li­laborer s were few u..nd the opposi- brarian in 1918 the Library was a­lion of the pagan priests was in- gain moved to the co-ed's parlor and

W e wis h to pay t ribute t o t he St. Vincent d e Pau l soeic t y of' tense, but at las t the victory was a portion of the hall was recquisi-his , and in a manner symbolic of his tioned fo r s tack room and many new

St. Benedict's co lleg e fo r th e great mi ssionary wo rk th ey hav e been own a rdent spirit. On Easter Sun- volumes were added. Once again

doin g for t h e p ast t h r ee year s a m ong the Neg ro p eo ple o[ Atc hiso n , day, 433, S t . P a trick kindled the the Library was moved. This time paschal fire upon the hill of Slane, (i n 1920) is was installed in its pres­

It is in t er est in " to note that t hi s s oc ie ty today spon so r s in defian ce of the orders of Leo- ent quarters. New equipment was K ansas.

S unday services for t hirty.eight c olored co n ve rts, and holds cat e- ghaire, Supreme Monarch of Ire- ins tal led at this time and the Librar y · · · · 1 · d C I land. At the urging of the Druids once more became a source of pride

c l11 s m m s truct iOn for a p pr oxnnate y seven ty m ter este n o n- at 1- . the king commanded his servants to to a ll conce rned.

olios. l'teccntly the o t·gani za ti on purch ased two l 50·p OwlCl h ogs I ex tinguish the fire , but their at- In. 1921 Father Cardinal left the

J'rom Atchison farme r s, but.c h e 1·ed t h e m and d istri buted t h e m to t empt was unsuccessful. Druidism Library to continue his s tudi es, and h . k l . I 1 d l . I d r . I . was doomed. Miss E. M. Roy succeeded him. Miss

t e Sl C anc poor of t Je co ore popu atwn. u a c Jtton to t u s Many a pagan fire has been kind- Roy was succeeded by Miss Lucille

wor t hy work, missionary wo rk carried on by t h e m e m b e rs of t h e led in Ireland s ince, and the winds Putz who had been her assistant

socie ty is b eginning to show r esults [ t is g r atifying to lea rn that have long ago scattered its ashes, Miss Putz remains as assistant under but the little flame of Patrick the Rev. Francis E. Munsch, who

t h ese Catho li c s tuden ts are willing to sacrifice t h eir tim e a nd e n ergy whose purpose was not to destroy was a ppointed Librarian during th e

in coop e r atin g in t hi s trul y g r eat C hrist ian work. but to wann and enliven has never past year. gone out. The associates of Pat- The Library is now entering upon


G ":\ I rick and those who came after t hem a new era. It is marking time 'l'he stud ent 's demonstration a w ee k ago at uadalajara, • e x. nourished the fire during all the with the College in the advance to

ico, whic h r esu lted iu t hr ee p er so u s be ing k illed a nd seven serio u s- da rk years when the Barbarians higher honors in the educationa

ly wound ed , followed close u p on a Ca tholic dem onstration in t.h e f rom the North poured over Europe fi eld. and stabled their horses in the Addi t ions

sa m e city w hi c h was d is p er sed by like v io le n ce, but luc kil y no OU<! churches of Rome. When the fo rce The fo llowing books have been add

was killed. 1\ nothe r instance is r ecord ed o f t h e attitud e of the of the invasion was past, the sons ed to the Library shelves:

Jviex ican gove rnment toward t h e Catholic r e li g ion inasmuch as of St . Patrick carried their g lowing Russ ia's Iron Abe by William words of hope and rebirth to the Henry Chamberlain.

t h ey compc ll th e teac h er s in the fe d eral sch ools to s ign t h e fo llow. desolated countries that had sent Problems of the New Cuba by

iug p l edge: " I h er e by cl erlare myself au irreconcil able en emy of th e them Patrick, and the Faith that Foreign Policy Association.

Cath olic re lirr.i on and clis[)Osed to combat t h e c le re:y wher ever it proAdlul cethdathitms ·mortal of The British · Way to R ecovery by .... .... . St. Patrick Herbert Heaton.

s h a ll be n ecessa r y . l also d eclare myself disposed t o take p art was mingled centuries ago w;th The P ermanent court of Internat

io the cn mpaigu against ismn. 'rh.e t e a ch e r s m u st also the soil of his own beloved Ireland. iona.l Jus tice by Manley 0. H udson But the flame that he lighted in the American Consulation In World

promise to end a ll r e li g ions practices in the ir hom es. 'l'he ad· souls of the I rish burns there to this Affairs by Russell Cooper.

ministration prohibi ts a ll r eligious f or the t each ers. I t is odd day with a pure, still intensity, soft- Arms and Munitions by Baccus ening Celtic fierceness and illumin- and Nichols.

t hat " ·e, supposed to be a highly c i vili zed p eople, can watc h calm. ating Celtic melancholy. Neither The Saar Struggle by Michael T ly a nation , ove r \\-hi c h wre h ave, by our Thf onroe Doctrine, a primacy svvord nor pen nor the specture of Florinsky.

-of w atch fulnes , outr age the most f undamental principles of c ivi- want or the hope of affluence have Acknowledgements

be.en able to withstand the light of The Librarian wishes to acknow li zat ion under our ve ry eyes. Patrick's fire, by which they a re ledge the r eceipt of books f rom the

but shadows tha t will pass, as the following: 'l'h e Ch icago Chapter of t h e Knights of Co lumbus has endorsed dark faith of the Druids passed that Rev. Stephen Moore, Bloomington

the mobli zation for Catholic action campaign. This is a nation- Easter Sunday on the hill of Slane. Ill.

wide affair . and progress is being m a d e in the right direction. Rev. James Lowney, C. S. V.

P ope Pius XI.. in an add r ess before the seminarians of twenty. two OLD STUFF OB WHERE! OH WHERE !

fo1·eign co lleges in R ome, teachers and r epresentatives of Catholic According to Professor Harold F. Action. said: "Cath ol ic Action must be k ept sever ely apart from Bender, bead of the department of Three seniors a t P ennsylvania, parties and politics . If, however, politics must b e understood oriental languages at Piinceton, the members of Beta Gamma Sigma, iu its classical s igni f icance of that which relates to the common origin of the word " jazz", which be- honorary scholastic fraternity, could good of society. then members of Catholic Action caunot r emain fore bad something of an unknown not answer the question, "Who is

history, has been traced to the slav- Vice President ?" One of them mum idle . but m u st p r ocure it in every way". Every Catholic, w h eth er es of the west coast of Africa · who bled a few words, and one of them


or not a member of a specif ic Catholic organization, should join fi r s t used the word in the meaning said that ~t isn' t Roosevelt". The i • this great drive. of "burry up" . thi rd one left the question out.




D. J . O 'LOUGHLJN, M . D.


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Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16


Sunday Snooper As I gaze through the library win­

dow, Spring and nature beckon m e to partake of their wonders. Ah! Sunday aiternoon; warm sunshine, music, song and the campus. Day­dreaming reminds me of a certain village student who spends his even­Ings spying through the windows and watching lovers promenade along College Avenue.

My eyes then saw and my ears then heard Mr. Gaisor memorizing love-lgrica with an intension .of quot­ing them to Miss Mitchell. What will Hebert think ? But all is fair in


carrying it around for a month. )No

wonder I didn't ge t it!) The

spring-bug seems to have bitten mos t

of our he-men, at least so Father

love and war. You k:now, maybe O'Malloney remarked to Claire, Haz­he should have been singing "Louise" el and Evelyn as he discovered the m

It was at this point that I encount- still in the lObby conversing with erect Ken Corcoran telling his woes several of the Roy Hall students to a little robin. He didn't have "Ollie" Lux is now selling s un­any roller-skates so he couldn't join daes . Could it be that the spring Connie · . Visited the gym and Ping- atmosphere des troys his liking for Pong Tournament next. Alex Kralik- what comes in s tiens? Phelan en­lis was there humming to three joyed a Sunday dinner at "The young ladies/ "I'm Just A Gigolo", Green Hut" which reminds me,

A walk is never complete about its lunch time and dinner waits for the campus without being- interview- neither time nor tide at the r e-ed by our publlcity manager. A fectory Be seeing you. prominent member of the faculty describes Bill in these few words: 'Hears all, sees all, knows all and tells all.' Aloysius' new theme song is "Gather Lip Rough While You May'' . ' In fact, someone said he could flag a train with his hand-


North Central College of Naper­ville captured the lion's share of athletics duiing the year 1934 in the Little 19 conference. Besides win-

NOTICE! ln accor4unce with a. long tra illtion, the next Lssue of the VIATORIAN will be edited by the mmnbers of the Freshma n Olass.

The editor and aa:soc-iate ecfi­tors will be selooted this wook by the editors of the VIATOR­IAN, and the three F reshme n appointed will ch oose ovvn staff.


The Frosh edi tion of the pa­per has ahvays aroused the in­te root of the student body, and bas W5ualiy revealed se veral budding j oUTnalist.s. There is e very reason to believe tha.t this year will be no exception.


A ch emls t (a ll¥U') has at las t been a ble to analyze women, and here it ts :

Symbol : W O. A m em ber of the h uman f amlly .

Occurrence: Can be found where.­ever man exists.

P hysical properties: All colol'3 and

sizes. Alw ays a ppears In disguised

condi tiorl&--surface of f ac-e se-ldom

unpro t ect ed by co a ting of paint or

film of powder . Boils at nothing

and may fr eeze a t any momenL

Mel ts wh en properly treated. Very

bitter if not u sed correctly.

Chemical properties : E x tremely ac­

tive. Possess great afflnlty for gold,

Getting back to roy stroll- the first individual whom I met is an Interesting chap, nicknamed "Lord Byron". (What characters we do have!). I marvel at his achieve­ments Debater extraordinary, a singer ( ? ). and also an aspiring tap­dancer. It is rumored that next year he plans upon taking this course in tap-dancing under the new physical educational director. Won't Hazel and he make a cunning pair? "Lord Byron" is always in demand. Last Sunday he acted as a debate tutor in the absence of the coach. He ka.s on his way to Marge's and was whistling, "I'm Always Think­ing Of You, Margie", when I met him.

silver, platinum, and precious ston~

48-1-3 points . Tbe baseball title es of all kinds. Violent reactions was captured with six consecutivE- when left alone by man.. Ability to victories. The outdoor track crown

ies. ning the indoor, outdoor track was won with 38 5-6 points. North absorb all sorts of expensive foods. Seeing a Connecticut Freshman crowns and the baseball title, North Central' s second place in the bas- Turns green when placed next to a

strolling about reminds me of Mary Central teams were second in bas- ketball race was achieved with seven b€'tter a,ppearing specimen. Ages Cruise. She likes them, you know ketball, tied for eighth in football victories and two defeats. very rapidly. Fresh variety has

As I pass the campus mailbox, and were sixth in swimming. / great magnetic attraction. Highly there stand.s Marty, mailing a letter North Central won the indoor Live to leave Mmetbing behind ; explosive and likely to be dangerous for John Hilker, he'd only been track championship with a total of you other than an empty chair. I in inexperienced hands.

. ... remember how I brought you two together

~~F~ .9am~ Swh.e

I give you the mildest, best-tasting smoke-because I am made of center leaves ·only. The top leaves are unripe, bitter, biting. The bottom leaves are coarse, sandy, harsh. The center leaves are the choice leaves.

They are mildest, mellowest, yet richest in fine tobacco flavor. And I offer you the fragrant, expensive center leaves exclu­sively. I do not irritate your throat. That's why I dare to say, "I'm your best friend."


Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16

1.1.1\. cord rna h d In Eighth

nnual j_ eet i.a tor Tankmen r ake T hird Plac


Gr B

en at

on Closed W I:.h 36-14 Vtaory Over AnCJen Foe

3 rtent

y ~,. on Ia.r h .)th & enr.~

a crw E.' 30 to H efeat to th Uhlana. 1

Kankak aptur

P na T

La l l -iator To Play I. Loui' fa I '}Jringjield

Chapl ne, the youthful tht.Q' !'ea,..IIIOn that the Irtsh ba.d met c.hampton had bttle trouble ln rea h· an<! Mfeale<l the Valpo Quiot.e The mE: tbe Cm H efe~t~ ouch

)JHf (.JTi~ T r IJfri Mfl lh~'"' (il'tlH"fJOin

(Jf but yt.Br• wtmml nS( cha.mpt .. .,n "IJUI~ H' • s~..v1mrdn~ m J!e t A

won 8tJ.turdtly nl~ht, Ma.rr h. IIJth, t> y HllnlJI ~t I .. I)Jl..- flP (.Jf .ltV k~nvtll~> Ht VJO.ti.Jr'lll n,.wly f,rg~tni.7;.j t~;.Am

'dll.Tk honv"' "' th,. m, f't , 1n a Ape<.­t.ocuhv mMn~'r C1iJ)tiJr~Y1 lhlrrJ"!.

ore at the hal! ra· ored th \."la· ~~ as Le1berman of tht!' Ste' n,._.., en to th

lri•b 0\o !><'• b Cl b o! Johet a.nd ="' Corm r Re , • wht.l tuto ct.amp1 n or \VUI County bo~ 3 ta.<:<~ a.:<ln Coil• 1<' 36

l'oly T•rh 20 E:'lthlb1Ung a well rounded \Vm. \Vagner ot Joliet, ~ ho h \I the arnm~~nwnt.~

1.? polnh 10 point..

9 ' 'l poln~

~nd a cl,.ely knitle<l defense the defe ted BerwU... Kankakee •tar anJ Grren Wave of Viator were able to Jcnes of Bloorrungton on hts way IH~ \OU-: "\

}1;x(·rpUonJ\._IIy rut Llmf! In Lh,. pre· J1mlnru1M AI f'()Unt.N) !or lhr"'f'C llf'W

~'Oofrr,.nf"l"' rf'r<Jrd3, whtJr: lhc Olh"'r rN"-OrllJt wrn· ,.l In Uti! Clnal~. The


',fr,nmouth Coll,.ge Til · Wes t Tniver 1ly

Allg'USUma Colh•ge Mlll1k1n Vniver:iily

~ points 31"2 p01nU

3 ;>otOL'i DeKaJb t ·niversity, North

Central, ~1onmouth I 00 yard fnf' Mlyl1 ff'I-C(JrrJ WAJI

onJy f·ornJ)('tlllrm which ,. cra~:rl OIU! Io.ught.

Vlai.Qr ~ •trprlhOI'

th , Laing, ~fonmouth time .26.2 ,

record of · 21.2 held by Well•. 1 Wes.t

f:ntcrlng but "''Yen men In the 220 YARD SWIM Won by Juel. J,;lghth AJUlUill J. 1 A C. RWimmlng tnffl, Sl. Vln.t..or Co ll ego wasn't ex· pC<"lcd to bf> v('ry much of a threat tt) Uw letu.lf-rs Bdorc the even· In~ WM over. The Orren Wave t.ank­mN'l. hnd captured two flrsts and u 1 hlr(l for fl ~-:rn.nd total of 15 polnL" n .. nd third plfl<'C.

tv the met tbe yuuth in a

hoUy contested three out of f1ve

~arne ~enes. won th(' tournament cha.mpionshJp 21·ll, ~1

11; 20-21, 21-1

Roy Gumrut·~n. ~tar Ur.\Jif•y \1\:-.;

tan-.:e rtmn r from ~ v "'r)"'ille. uu .. not~ tx:-g'lr.~ nulk d hvt!'ti"' l J ·\ m and work~ until j 3 . a buss ln Av"r-y\illt.• and m \ke~ tU\ s.

The great success of the tourna· o'clock cl ~q m Pt~r\a. No. ht• tloc l

ment is due largely to the ctforL~ not cat breakfast of Emerson Dexter and Wm. Phelan. president and vice-president of the Viator Ping Pong Club.



The date o( the tblrd annual Elm-hurst IntercoUegiate InvitaUonal track and field meet has been set

Harvard Univt'~ity llbn\,ry 3.602,0-10 book' 1 a pnmdlsc

Mal noyl.

the I rish scorers. for Saturday, May 18. This meet fJrsl. preliminary Be· r<~n·nce rt '<."o rd 'i<'t lu pn·Umlnurle" the honor of leading the squad into will be staged on a four lap track lnurnc, Stovr Wenlhc and Basil I by Nh'h o l~on: limf'-- l : ll ; old rcc- action and to a well earned victory with an eight lane 220 yard straight· Nl('bo loon cornblned In lhc 150 yard o rd held by 1\[arshall, IJI.-Wes., at that evening as hono rary captain. away which provides the compeUt· med ley relay race to set Molh r 1:15.2). "Streaky" will be the only letterman on~ every opportunity for fast time new confcrenrc record. 1 100 YAH.D S\VlM- VVon by F ree- lost to the squad by graduation this Team trophies will ~ awarded to

l.J.n to urut' Htn.r~ man. Ill. College; Beardsley, Knox year. the three best teams in the meet H nvtng fnJ icd to qualify In the College, second; CS..''tey, Bradley Poly .:tummary and the first place winner in tbP

FG FT PF 50 ytlrd free slyk although he had Tech, third; Anderson, Augustana St. Viator (SO) relay. Medals for first, scond blld succccdOO in b('lng- one or Lhc slx j College, fourth. Ttme- 1:02.7. Straub, f. third ,place winners in the fourteen 3 0 2

2 4 1 men lo lower Yl'O.r'R record, Don 150 yARD MEDLEY RELAY- B. Burke, f. individual events and all men run-Hctourno rf'lurncd ln lhc 150 yard \\'o n hy ~t. Vlato r (Nicholown, \Ven- Gibbons, f. ning on the first three re lay team~ 0 0 1

3 1 3 medley n.~Jny lo bring- tUlolhcr rirsl t h (• , Bctourue); Illinois College, sec· Betourne, c. will be awarded.

plucc lo Viator In u. ~peclo..t.u l a.r race. ond, Bradley Poly Tech, Lhird; Knox Damler , c. 1'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 0 0 0 0 3 AJ.. LUl('hOr rnlUl on lbc relay team, / College, fourt.n. Time- 1 :36.1. (New Krauklis, g. i

l)()n W l'-8 forced to overcome a two confe rence record: old record by IlL· ! Blazevich, g. yn.rd kRd and to beat Lhc man who Wcs., at 1 :37.3.) Rogers, g.

hnd St..'t n. lll"W r~cord in the 50 I FANCY DIVING--Won b Mor· Walsh, g.

0 -1 1 0 0

ya.rd ttw1m. SpC'rlators report that _ Y .. 0 0 0

Totals 11 12 Be loumc, tr limed just for bls share berg, Ill. ollege; Hallihan, Millikin

I Unl., second· tsunch, Ul. College, of Ute rday would have undoubted~ '

ly brolten ·l;lc n~w record since he third; Dunbar, Knox College, fourth. Valpo Uni. (14) FG FT PF

flni8-bcd two yards In front of Grier, Karr, f. th · new a.nd n.nchor man of NOM DE PLUi\lliS Baran,f. MonmouU1 rclny learn. I Millikin- Big Blue. Sievers, f.

VJl\lOr n•lnv team wa.< presented Charleston- Panthers. Roddel, f. ~... Giessing, c.

wiUl u tx.~autiful trophy for v.inn1ng ~lcKendree-Bearcats. Helwig. c. th~ retny. Indlvldunl awards w~rc ~ Shurtleff Pioneers. Rathburn, g. u l$0 n1a.dt.~ to Betourne. Wcnlhe. anJ State Normal Redbirds. Nlcbolsoo. Ill. Wesleyan- Titans.

i\ U'(_• tf4 Cn rded

Brolhc-r ' 'XiWl\rd nC's.Lauriers. Eureka Red Devils. Bradley Indians. Illmois College- Blueboys. Cnrthage- Redmen or Lutherans. Mac mb Teachers - Leathernecks. DeKalb-Profs. Knox Siwash.

Larkins, g. Koss, g. Krause, g.

Totals Referee--Helvey. Umpire-Kenzel.

1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 3 1

0 0 0 0 0 3 8

33 8 8 t: n.nd Un.rold lA'e Se11l'rs, man­ager, lt.l<>k RLIV:1Ilt~l.! of th~ oppor­tunity prcsent~ to them while- at MonmouU1 tmd have a.rranged tcnta- , Uvt:' swtmm.tns· n"'e<'ls wiU1 Dltnois \Vc.:-sl('ylUl. Bn\U.l('y, Norrnu...l and other

ptlrUclptu"'~ m thc I I. . C. S\\im-

~lon_moulh-Scots. Niagara University, P. 0., New

lnil.l.g lllL"CL Ddi.nite dates arc to j b.:o t\rrtUIJ;t."1..\ Inter. Brother DesL...'\ur­h."rs n..~ur\'s the stud~t body that nt h."'~~t two or mort' Uua.l meets will lX' hcld nt homr


North Central Carclinals. York, on February 13, won its thir-Elmhurst Pirates. ty~seventh consecutive home basket~

Augustana- Vikings and Norse I ball game. arbondale-----Southerners.

SL Yiator. Green \-Yave, Figbtin' Have your Irtsh. and hamrocks.

Clothes Made-ID-Order by

~t)() YARD RELAY \\'on by llli· So me Sorority Houses at the Uni· M. BORN & COMPANY

Chicago's Great Merchant Tailor Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed twis Colle~(' ; ,_radh_'y Poly T~h. St."<'- , · ~rslty o f illinois fines its members

t\Ud: Knox L"Dilt"~l~. thiN ; Dlinois t~-.,~~~c~u~tt~m~g~c~l~asse~~s~.=======~==============~ \\.t'Alt·y~ut. t'l.'lttrth. Time- 1 :-u>.:::: { N~w

'-'.U\fl·~nc(' l'\."<._''tJl'\1 ; olJ. n"("'n1 by Ill \\~c-s. ~'t 1 :49.6.

100 \' ARD BRRAST STROKE Kdlcr. lll.·"~('S .. first : Skr~rt. Brad· l('y Poly 'l'l'\'h, St: ~nct : \\'t•n tb t.'. ... t. \ ' . th lr\1. T'un..._'- 1 :1£'.$, t Nt.~'-'-'

L"\.Ulft:'~Ul.'(" f'\_"1.,'\)r\l (.'\( 1.1$ :3 set by K~lkr ln preliminRrit~~; ld n: ro by Kt.•ll~r s.t 1:~ .. 1).

50 -ARD S\"\'1~ ~·on by Grier. ~ onmvuth: .- di" .:: A\l.e~StRD.s. and _ · onru~),ltth tiN for 3e\."''nd: &.·S-Ns~-. Kn(\.._X. third_ Time-- ::"!t>..b l)'\ ~w n_,x:ord. ~t in prelin.unari~ by


In urance of All Kinds


Phone 191!


P ed ect Preser vation


Emol•llled Asphal t


A perfect protective coating for brushing, spraying or trowell­ing, being a high grade Mexican asphalt dlspersed as mlnule parti­cles in water (or convenient handling. It Is applied cold. As the moisture evaporates, a bla,ck, flexible rubberlike !lim remains which

Is water-proof, acid, alkaline and fire resistant, and shul8 out In· filrations o! air.

Mortex 5 does not crack or peel in coldest weather, nor blister, sag nor run on hottest days and always remalns elastic. It is odor­less, la.9teless and noninflammable and can be safely used In coo­fined, places. It readily bonds to all clean surfaces, and also to danlp surfaces, but should never be applied over rusty, dirty, grea!!y or oily surfaces or an imperfect bond will result. Use only on clean surfaces to obtain perfect satisfaction.

Used for DAMPPROOFDIG WALLS and FLOORS, PAINTING GALVANIZED IRQ:'<', PROTECTING CLEA..."i IRON AND STEEL, ROOF REPAIRING and as an ADHESIVE. It can be mixed with Portland Cement and dries out ,_ soft gray coiDr for patching de­teriorating concrete.

For Sale at LoeaJ Dealer-s

J. W. Mortell Co. Kankakee, IlL

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16


"A" Section of Largest Squad In Viator History L------------------------------------

Starting the season with 60 candidates for the basketball team, CoMb McNamara divided his candidates into three sections. The above pietur e shows what uMac~' called his 'first string' squad. Bottom R<>w (reading left to right): Coach "Johnny McNamara, McGrath, Straub, B lazevich, Marik* Gibbons, Rogers.

Sooond Row : Kalkowski , equipment mgr., McClellan*, B. Burke,Foxen*, Ticulka*, Aiello, Hodgens, trainer. Third Row: Fahey*, Bade, Kelly*, Chartier*, Damler, Krauklls, Wuchner. Top Row: Shea:*, Knox, Larson*, Guy*1 Dexter*, Betourne, Chlcatelli.

* Indicates that these players either dropped out of college or were placed on the reserve squad when the "A" squad was cut.

Irish Pugs Meet Blo~m. YMCA

St. Viator varsity boxers will journey to Bloomington on March 20th to engage in a boxing show with the Bloomington Y. M. C. A. This will be Viator's first fistic en­counters since the squad corn.peted in the Pantagraph's Golden Glove Tournafnent.

Rumor True; Hope High

The appointment of "Chuck' ' An­drews as head of the newly created department of physical education has proved one rumor that appeared in many of the state newspapers to be correct. Students, alumni and friends of St. Viator College, as a result, are in h igh hopes that the

Due to the fact that some of the rumors appearing in newspapers con­Viator maulers are still recuperating cerning the possibility of a 'big-time' from injuries , Brother DesLauriers football coach being appointed may has made arrangements to have materialize.

three of Kankakee's bes t fighter s According to 'news paper talk' fiD out the card. George Melinkovich has the ins ide

Card Announced track with Frank Carideo a close Art Sheldon, chairman of the y , second. North Central illinois pa-

M . C. A , boxing committee, and Bro- pers ap,pear to be backing "John­ther DesLaurie r s , Via tOr boxing nie" McNamara, present . a ssistant coach, announced that seven bouts football coach a n d varsity bask e t­have been scheduled. The card is : ball coach, as the log ical man to

Vearl Davis , Kankakee ( 118) Ray Wheat , B loom. (123) .

Paddy M ullon, Kankak ee (126) Clete Hensley, B loom. (126).

W. Neudecker, Viator (135) Roy J ensen, Bloom. (131 ) .

J. Ka!k owski, Viator (147) Dale Huber. B loom. (143) .

Geo. Dion, Kankakee B ill Foli , B loom. (147).


fill the vacancy. vs.

The College a uthorities r efu s e to divulge w hom they are cons idering .

vs . It is ·a well-known fact though that over three hundred a pplications have

vs. been f iled .

VS . Trainer Reginer Merits Thanks


Little 19 Teams Are Selected For A.P. By Memtors

The "little 19" All Star bas­ketball teams for 1935 as chos­en for the Associated Press by conference coaches:

First :ream Westlake, DeKalb Cox, Millikin, Lass iter, Ill. Col. Winn, Ill. College Laeding , Macomb

Second Team Markel, Carthage Holder, Carbondale Day, Macomb Lewis, Knoz

H . Adams, Normal

F ollowing players

Position Forward Forward

Center Guard Guard

Position Fornrard Fornrard

Center Guard


received one or more coaches ' votes for the :u r s t t eam: Blazine, Dli­nois W esleyan ; W elborn, Mc­Kend r ee; Ba rton , Norrnal; Swanson, A ug us tana; Woods, Ma comb; Skog lund, D eK a lb ; Gr a y , Souther n; Reynolds, Ma­comb ; Miller , A ugustana ; Em­ery, Carbondale; Young Nor th Cen tra l; H ornberger, I llinois Wesleyan.


Gym Classes for NewbergtoPitc:b Village Lads Shot-PutlnMeet

St. Viator gymnasium will be at the disposal of the village children on Saturday mornings from 10:30 o'clock until noon. It is the plan of Brother DesLauriers to supply a recreation program for the young­s ters who live in Bourbonnais.

St. Viator College track candi­tates met last w eek and were ad­dressed by Professor Michael Malon­ey, co-coach, who announced practice_ will begin in earnest as soon as the weather permits . Approximately 50 candidates attended the meeting.

In an effort to keep the boys The material Professor Maloney of grammar school and high school and Bro. DesLauriers will have is age from hanging around the gym- mostly green. Chester N ewberg. nasium during the week days, Bro- Little 19 shot-put record holder, is DesLauriers has secured per- the only veteran to r eport. Newberg mission to organize these lads in to has to date competed in both the a club. He will, wi th the aid of Centra l Athletic A ssociation m eet some of the college _men, teach the held a t Notre Dame and tbe Ar­boys swimming, ping pong, baseball , mour T ech m eet held in Ch icago. etc. College m en inter ested in aid- Manager Marty McLa ughlin an­ing Brother DesLaurier s are reques t - nounced ' that N ew berg would be the ed to report to him this week. onl·_y Viator man to corripe t e in the

1(. C. Features Viator Fighters On M arch 28th two of St. Via ­

tor's outstanding pugilists wi ll see action at the Kankakee Knights of Colum bus boxing show. Joe K alkow­ski, wel terweight champion of the College, and H arry Hodgens, light­weight chatllJlion of St. Viator, have

Little 19 indoor meet Saturday, M ar ch 23 at Naper vi lle . The rest of the squad is being groomed for the coming outdoor season .

Golf and Tennis

J. Masterson, Viator C Payne, B loom (155) .

(160) xs. --- Gambling in the univer sity district both been scheduled for thr ee round

Harold Lee Sellers, manager of the swimming team, has been a p­point ed manager of the tennis and golf t eams by Rev, E. V. Cardinal, it was announced yesterday. The tennis team has several pro:wective matches in view, among them being meetings with Valparaiso, Normal, Illinois Wesleyan, and several Chi­ca.go col leges. Tennis is a minor sport but if the present plans go through it may be made a major sport. The team of last y~ar en­joyed a fair season and it is ex­pected that this year will be a banner year for the racketeers.

"Zev" Regnier, a r esident of Bour- cf Seattle is s aid t o cost s t udents bouts . Be:~~t,M:O:m~iator (175) vs. Joe bonnais and a one-time 'big lea- and "o ther sucker s' nearly $3 each Brother DesLauriers , boxing coach,

(175) . gue' trainer, has been donating his week. s t a t ed that permission had been giv-The best bout of the evening prom- services as a t rainer to the various en to the two fighters to appear

ises to be one in which J oe K alkow- Viator teams t his season. "Zev" has The Viator varsity men wish to on the outside card as a special favor ski ge-ts a chance to prove tho.t also taken it upon himself to teach take this opportunity to thank " ZeV" to the K. C.'s. Brother DesLauriers Dale Huber should never ha\'e had his 'art' to a number of the college for h is wor k , and for the sacrifices further stat ed that in the fu t ur e the Bloomington Golden Glove Cham- men that have been acting as man- he has made in order to keep them Viator varsi ty boxers would not be pionship. agers. in shape. given such permission.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1935-03-16


lj sbe particular ? .. Sports note : A..n-

Day Hopping derson saJd tbat He mi.llard.s would

bas tbe upper band on all klngs . ·I v • t The day is done and so are we and Ia 0 r-­so ts this col~ and so are you. L---------------' trade Bade f.JJ r two broken bats and

an old mllk boUle if tbe new owner promises that be will never be re­turned . . Foruer doesn' t show up In tbe study ball. Why, . . Berns haB been sooo tir ed Hu bert will

S prlng and sprlng fever, tbe one 'Welcomed tever , go band in hand--80 doeo Tlculka and a mysterious blowJe. W e'r e all worulerlng what v;lll happen. In fac t we are 80 In­ter ested that we are offering a prize no t go out for the shot-put

Dramatic-(Continued from Page One )

of one allghtly bent pretzel to tbc "Steamboat Geor ge" is one of tbe Bridge Sharks, w hat wi ll we dn If I tbe las t party wUJ also be able to

one who can give UB the name of he does ever leave school ? . . . a,ppear on the program, but at this that blond In fact, tbe name of any blonde. Smitty tblnks a lot of a certaln writing Miss Colette bas not given

Righ t now tbey are al l ta.lking Miss f or Its a long way f rom Man- her final consen t . abou t the F1ylng Clouds f rom Thorn- teno to Urbana even if love has Don ' t f orget tbe dale, Saturday, ton Hi gh School but tbelr fame will wings . Love m a k es tbe world go Mar ch 23, tbe time and tbe place­Ol e while that of ''H urricane" Miro- r ound, and the r esuJ t is usually the r ef ectory, a t 8 o'clock , and above vcrtz will go on indefinetly. round aft e r r ound a ccording to our all , don' t forget the quarter.

The H onorable M r . Vernon Bade, expert "Teeny" DamJer . . P oor king of Swat and of tb e dlning Marty and hls chemis try manuel 1

hall , has been swamped with fan they say he s leeps with it under h is m al l. Due to tbe Inter es t In tbis plllow · . Bob Mackin is tbe Supt. boy, it Is expected any time tba t over a group of the f airer sex at h e w ill be m eeting c amera tn a his Dad's Shade factory, kind of ten -course m ea l event with no table a shady work, isn ' t it? . Snow manners barred. Do we need to knows t hat the maid's friend carries add that a ll of our money, seven~ a gun. Ah Herman! · Doc Lane

teen cents, w lll g o on Bade. Tbe Schmidt ll ght bUI took a


Ther e is real s tudent power at the Univer sity of Washing ton. Tbe s tu­d ent organization there not only hires, fires. and determines tile pay of the coaches, but runs all student a ctivities , including a mammouth co­operative book stor e.

(Continued from Page One )

Edwerd O'Brien. '37, and Edward Buttg en, ' 37, tbe A.fiirma tive team. defeated DeKalb T eachers' Unlversity on March 7, and los t to Olivet Col­lege on March 1 2. Tbe deba ters have advocated all season the abol~ ishion of all company unions, anr:l

the adoption of a system of f eder­a t ed non-company unions. The deba te wi tb D eKalb was bard-fough t. and botb men exhibited keen under­s tanding of tbe proposi Uon and dynamic s peaking prowess. The Oli­vet defeat was in the nature of an upset to Viator ho pes, but does no t take Viator out of the race for Con­ference honors .

Radio Victor!"" Viator continues to be victorious

in the Saturday afternoon radio de­bates. To date, the debaters have been defeated by only two schools.

bound upward the other evening for tbat day "Little Joe" forgot to brlng hls portabl e to school witb blm and bad to sit up most of the night catcblng up on his de layed corr espondence. Uncle Sam would have to close down his postoffice s ys tem lf Lhe Schmidt letters ever stopped.

A rumor has reached this office tbat Gerrity eliminated Lang in tbelr sensational s tru ggle to be king of North Hobbie Avenue. I s this tru e, King Eddle, or are tbe boys only k idding again?

Do you want to know why folks like 'em

"Dynaml t e" Damler, our up and coming yo ung Bradleyi t e, has s igned t o play f irs t base fo r the Democrats this year. Due to Bade's r elease from the tea m it was made ,possi­ble to get someone who was r eal ly a ball-bawk . And besides, Bade us ed to carry a sandwich in his g love and was alraid he'd damage said loaf.

Crooning Louie, that d emon among the fai r sex, s licks up his hair every night before he goes to bed in case he mee ts H er in his dreams . . . Those three littl e words um-um~um. We're only kidding , Louie, you ' re not a crooner .

Latest s tock r eport . . It is rum­ored tba t Rlpstra is about to tak e a mortgage on the Public Service Company. Jim doesn't seem to ob­j ect, on the other hand though, no­thing bothers his daily routine, H e:c and ther e.

There hasn't been m uch s moking going on around here lately. Do you r eally want to know why ? Well , i t' s because Arrington has given up the fags for Lent.

Marcotte is tblnklng of buying some new tires--or should be--for he and Marty, OUH Marty, bad tbe pleasure of operating on three cases of deflated tires tbe night of the Prom. It's said tbat tbey didn't have a pump and was Marcotte smart . He held the tire up and Marty started one of his debate speeches- Presto the tire was full ol' hot air and tile latest reports from tbe Ford say tbat it Is still boldlng up.

W e hadn't noticed it, but someone said that J ohnson r esembles Col. Charles Lindberg. Could it have been one of the coeds ?

Quite a few of us saw "Dinner at 8" wben it was at the Paramount hut have you noticed the Viator version of the play ? It called "Dinner at 12" and the leads are played by Alex and-(no prize for the answer) And the best part of it is that there is a daily ,perfor­mance.

You don't have to climb

a flagpole as high as Jack's

beanstalk to find out -

. Just walk into any one ,of the 769,340 places in this country where cigarettes are sold and say-

I Each week a di!rerent proposition I i.s discussed. and audience lnt""'-"t

I ~d support has been steadily grow­w,r;.

More tban one-tbl.rd of all tbe stu­

dents at Te:.:as Tech are bearing part

or all of tbelr colleg-e e.'<penses. 687

men and 242 wome.n are regularly

employed. and of tbese. FERA bas

provid ed jobs f o r only &bout 200.



We carry complete line lor The Institution

Yotrr Grocer can sup.ply You


251 E. Grand Ave. - Chi~

It's e but- Milo fell on tbe night of March 2, m ark tbe calen­dar a.nd w e' ll see how long this one lasts . . The razor blade dealers will be glad to know tbat Bud Mac­kin is sha\rjng every day, gee, is ~ 1935, LIGGETT & MYEJ.S ToMCC.O Co.